Jesus said: “My people, the people of America are speaking loud and clear to their elected officials through the ballet box that they are opposed to your government’s favoritism in the latest Health bill. Pushing through major Stimulus and Bailout spending has only bailed out the banks and the rich who stole the money from the people in the stock market. These central bankers are not loaning enough money to small businesses, and their low interest rates are hurting your savers. The corporations have sent many jobs overseas that will not return at the expense of your own workers. While the rich are getting huge bonuses for failing, the everyday worker’s wages and benefits are dropping, in addition to high unemployment. It is no wonder that the people are backlashing the overspending and the increasing National Debt which is out of control. One thing is clear that the voice of the people is even making the one world people give pause for their agenda that is ruining your country. If your people do not take back your country from the evils that are going on, then America will fall very quickly into the one world people’s control. Pray for your people in government to change their ways, and pray for the poor and unemployed who are suffering to survive.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, in the early days of your nation’s founding, freedom had a different meaning from today. Most of the people who came to America were fleeing persecution, and they wanted to be free of any English tyranny. Your people here have been free of big government to some extent. Now freedom means more about freedom from the threat of big government and chips controlling your lives. Chips in the body will take away your free will, so your people are fighting to keep your freedoms instead of someone taking them away. Pray for spiritual freedom from the evil ways of your earthly society.”
Jesus said: “My people, some people have had visions of angels and souls traveling up holy stairways to heaven. I have shown you how each day is another step toward heaven as you perfect your spiritual life. This working on your perfection over the course of your life can be a struggle to keep climbing every day to meet your goal to be with Me. But once you reach heaven, you will be thankful that you strived to keep on track to follow Me. Continue on your path, and work to bring souls with you on your way to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, a few weeks ago you were enjoying a time without much testing from world disasters. Now your heart goes out to help the poor and hungry people who are suffering from the earthquakes in Haiti. People in California and elsewhere are suffering from severe flooding and mud slides. When your homes and survival are threatened, you start to realize what is most important in your life, and that is your faith and trust in Me. Call on My help in prayer, and give your donations to help these people through their trials.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you were suffering blizzard snow and some had no power, it was very difficult to manage a normal life. Once the snow has melted, you are getting a respite from your winter weather. No matter where you live, there can always be some kind of trial or disaster that you will have to bear. It is comforting to know that other people will come to your aid when you have to endure hard times. Even some are having bad financial times with high unemployment and a recession. Pray for My help and reach out to help others when you have the opportunity.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is one thing to have your physical life threatened by natural disasters. It is another thing to prepare for a time when your spiritual life will be in danger as well. During the coming tribulation you will experience an evil that you have yet to see. Demons will be testing you all over, and you will need to seek My protection at My refuges where My angels will do battle for you against the evil ones. Be thankful that you will have safe havens to go to as the evil of this world brings about the reign of the Antichrist. Have trust in Me and patience until I will defeat the Antichrist and cast the evil ones into hell. I will prepare a place for you both in My Era of Peace and in heaven for all those who remain faithful to Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you read or see such tribal people offering up their infants as sacrifices, you think that they are very brutal and inhumane to do such things. Yet, when you kill your babies in the womb, you are no better when you offer their lives up to your gods of pleasure, lust, and convenience. Tomorrow is the anniversary of your court decision that legalized abortion in America. I tell you that you may have evil laws as this, but you still are committing a grave sin of murder against My Fifth Commandment for every abortion. It is this blood on your hands that is condemning your country to your coming destruction. Pray to stop abortion both in America and in other countries as well.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some couples, that are childless, and they are praying to have a successful pregnancy. Yet, other mothers are discarding the miracles of conception that some would love to have. Even if these mothers gave up their babies for adoption, it would be far better than taking a life against God’s plan. Encourage mothers to avoid abortion and teach them how valuable every life is and how precious each life is to Me who created that soul and life.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is one thing to complain and sit idly by watching life go by you. It is another thing to stand up to your persecutors and still proclaim the Gospel by fighting in peaceful demonstrations against your abortion court decision. When the people rise up against their evil-minded leaders, you can see how the pro-death candidates can be defeated. This latest Health Plan in all of its backroom deals has infuriated the people, and they are taking action against the current administration’s plans to force a bad bill through the Congress. Even as David defeated Goliath, so the death culture people have lost a crucial Senate seat, halting their 60 vote majority. Now you are seeing that the will of the people can still override the one world people if you take action as a group over their power. Call on My power in prayer and you can even move political mountains.”
Jesus said: “My people, to create a need for a National Emergency, the one world people could use various terrorist plots to either destroy some major buildings, spread a deadly Swine Flu virus, or poison your water. These attacks on your air, water, or your electric grid are your most vulnerable targets. This is why the elite have their underground bunkers so they can protect themselves from any means of cutting down the population. The death culture people are planning to reduce the population dramatically, and the quickest way is through a highly contagious and deadly pandemic virus. This could be spread by release through chemtrails or spreading the disease by putting live virus in the flu shots. The evil ones already have an antidote vaccine to protect themselves. This is why I have told you, when you see many people dying from a new virus, it is time to go to your refuges by calling on Me to lead you with your guardian angels. You will be healed by looking on My luminous cross at My refuges. Trust in My protection when martial law will be declared.”
Jesus said: “My people, a church will succeed where the priests and the bishops are inspired enough to make it work. You have two major problems in a shortage of priests, and a dropping attendance from the laity. There are plenty of vocations that I send to each diocese. If you are lacking in vocations, then you need to examine those who are operating your priest formation and those who are choosing your candidates. There also needs to be a proper fertile ground of holiness with prayer and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament to encourage vocations. If you can inspire more vocations, then that part of your problem would help keep more lay people coming to church. When you do not have a pastor, then your people will leave to go to a church that has one. General attendance at Sunday Mass has been dropping because of the evil age that you are living in and because of the many distractions that are taking people into other faiths. My people need to be encouraged in their prayer life and their sacramental life. You have Me in Holy Communion and in My forgiveness in Confession. Use My graces and sacramentals to protect yourself from your daily temptations. It is spiritual laziness that is affecting your vocations, and your attendance at Mass. Pray for the lukewarm to be re-converted and for conversions of your young people who are leaving your churches. Pray for your priests and for vocations to stop the shortage of priests.”
Jesus said: “My people, the situation in Haiti seems to be getting worse for the long term. It is difficult to establish order, feed the hungry, rescue those trapped, and remove the dead bodies. This is why your military has established order, and is using the helicopters to ferry in supplies to remote areas where roads are blocked. Long term reconstruction of the damaged buildings may be a problem for a poor country where few nations are willing to put up much money in that effort. Charity from the people of other nations is flowing more than from their governments. Many may leave Haiti as you witnessed in New Orleans. The other symbol of this whirling motion in the vision is how I have related words of the coming Warning experience. Many events are pointing toward an eventual martial law situation in America. Before this comes, it will be necessary for the people to be warned and prepared spiritually for the coming tribulation. This means that My Warning experience is close as well. Trust that you all will be chastised in the Warning for your own preparation.”
Jesus said: “My people, many times I was challenged by the Scribes and Pharisees that I did not strictly follow the Mosaic Law as with today’s fasting. I did not come to change the law but to fulfill it, as well as to fulfill the prophecies of My coming. I also spoke to My critics that they should be obeying the spirit of the law and not just the letter of the law. These leaders spoke of the law of God, but their hearts were far from Me. Remember the words of St. Paul in that there is more to the law than just the motions. You must have love in your heart as well for everyone. (1 Cor 13:1-13) I told them if you only love those who love you, what merit is there in that, since even the pagans love their own. Instead, My faithful must love even your enemies and your persecutors if you want to gain perfection for your sainthood. Work to get your own spiritual house in order before thinking of criticizing others.”
Jesus said: “My people, a small farm would be good for a refuge, but most of the farming of corn and wheat would be more for the people of the refuge than just a few animals. Any food as the eggs and milk will be multiplied, and the deer will be your meat source. Ponds would supply the water and everyone would have to work to provide for the community survival. My angels will protect every refuge from being seen, or detected by the evil ones. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs. Thank Me for watching over My faithful, but you must leave your homes for My refuges when I give you the warning. I also thank those who have said ‘yes’ to providing for a refuge. Many people will help these brave souls when the time comes. Pray for discernment to form refuges, or help those whom you know that have refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the second reading the gifts of the Holy Spirit were enumerated. Every person has been given a particular mission with sufficient graces to carry it out. One of these gifts is ‘prophecy’ which can be about words of faith as well as things to come. This gift has been your mission which you have accepted, and I am thankful that you are doing what I have asked of you. This mission is of warnings and preparations, but it is a difficult message to share because many do not want to hear about the coming tribulation. The important message is that people need to trust in Me for protection and your needs. The coming Warning is My mercy on sinners to wake up and be prepared in their souls by repentance, and to be ready to leave for My refuges when the evil ones start to force a takeover. You will see My angels protect you and provide for your food, water, and shelter at My refuges. Be thankful for this mission, and keep close to Me in you prayer life so you can carry it out.”
Jesus said: “My people, these doctors are the ones who are developing the next man-made virus that will be the third wave of your pandemic Swine Flu. This slimy looking substance on their gloves is a sign of the new virus that they are making. It also symbolizes the blood on their hands of all the people who will die from this new wave of disease. Again, I am warning My people to build up your immune systems with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins. Also have masks on hand so you can wear them to avoid breathing germs, once this disease spreads. If you see many people dying from this flu at a fast rate, then this will be another sign to leave for My refuges so you can be healed by looking on My luminous cross or by drinking the healing spring water. No matter what evil plans that the evil ones have to try to kill you, My angels and I will protect you. Some may die as martyrs if you stay at your homes, but those, who leave, will be protected.”
Jesus said: “My people, many times I give you unusual signs that appear as miracles, as this rose blooming in the winter. As you see the snow melting, it gives you thoughts of spring, even in the middle of winter. The rose is a sign of life even amidst your death culture. No matter how evil man can get, there are always people of faith that are standing up for the Right to Life. These thoughts of protecting life in the womb against abortion, are preparing you to remember your nation’s anniversary court decision of accepting abortion on demand. I have asked you to struggle in any way that you can to defend life and work to encourage your women not to have any abortions. Your country is on a path to its own destruction because of this decision to accept abortion which is opposed to My Fifth Commandment of ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ See this rose as your sign to remember all of the innocent babies that are being killed.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been praying for the poor people in Haiti who have lost their lives and their homes, and you will be giving donations to help them get food and water. Here in America you complain of the least little pain, and if you lose electricity to an ice storm, it is a catastrophe. After seeing all of this destruction and death, now is a good time for a prayer of thanksgiving for all that you have, along with your health. You have much to be thankful for in your food, water, heat, and communications. Imagine if you lost your home or any of your services. You have seen problems with ice storms and lost homes in New Orleans, so you know how disasters can affect your life. Have mercy on those who are suffering all over the earth because you are sharing in My suffering on the cross.”
Jesus said: “My people, in your Northern states that have received a lot of snow I am warning you of possible flooding from any warming trend that could melt the snow all at once. This normally happens in the spring time, but you can get thaws during the winter. At times this has been compounded by heavy rain storms at the same time. In previous years you have seen some extensive flooding, but you have not built up your levees sufficiently to handle any future flooding. Man should learn from his experiences or find ways to either divert or slow down any flood waters as with dams in appropriate areas. By being prepared for sudden surges of water with either wider river beds or better walls along the rivers, you can stop damage to farms and homes.”
Question on leaving for refuges: Jesus said: “My people, My angels will make My faithful invisible as you are walking or driving down the road. When you leave your houses, it should be at night in dark clothing so people would have difficulty seeing you leave. The invisible shield of the angels occurs away from your home. Even though you will be made invisible to the evil ones, you will still be able to see each other. The angels will lead you down back roads on your way to My refuges. Have faith and trust in Me that you will be protected on the way to My refuges and once you arrive there as well.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have read of My many healings and how crowds of people were always seeking to find Me so they could be healed and listen to My sermons. Because of My notoriety I had to seek places in the mountains and outside of town for rest, prayer, and quiet time with My Father. This need for rest was My human side, and all of you need rest at times as well. Even more than physical rest, you also need to be fed spiritually when you receive Me in Holy Communion and when you come to Me in your daily prayer time. It is difficult to keep busy all of the time, so it is important that you make some quiet time for Me every day. This is when I can console you in any of your troubles, and give you encouragement to carry on with your mission. Just as your body needs sleep to get your strength back, so even your soul needs to rest in My peace so you are ready for your next battle against the evil one’s temptations. It is by My grace from My sacraments that you will have the spiritual stamina to remain faithful to My mission and My Commandments.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your modern technology from the satellites can show exactly the status of the destruction in Haiti. You could even see the military’s presence that was working to bring aid and clear the roads for distribution of food and water. Many are working to free as many as possible from the concrete rubble that has buried and killed thousands. Pray for these people and help them with your donations. You will gain treasure in heaven for all of your charity.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you look on all of the death and destruction from the earthquake in Haiti, you should wonder why man would cause even more destruction with your constant wars. Not only is property damaged in war, it is also the senseless killing that goes on, even when civilians are being killed. Pray for peace to stop your killings and your hostilities in these wars.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a lot of bank bailouts and stimulus spending, but you still have 10% unemployment and the banks are still reluctant to loan money to small businesses that create the most jobs. Your foreclosures and job losses continue because the government has difficulty in creating jobs. Pray for your economy to turn around so employment can be restored to many of the unemployed.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is still not clear what parts of your House and Senate Health bills that will come forth out of a Conference bill. Many interest groups are lobbying for their supporters in trying to gain some benefits. With the Democrats in control, they will put forth their own agenda without any input from other parties. It will only be once the bill is forced through that you will find out its details.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people trying to predict when My Warning would occur, but these dates, that are spoken of, are fruitless because I told you that no one would know the actual date of the Warning. The Warning will be My mercy on sinners to prepare them for the tribulation. Therefore it needs to come before My call to go to the refuges, and definitely before the Antichrist comes to power. Call on My help so you can go to frequent Confession and have pure souls before the Warning. With pure souls you will not experience what hell would be like after receiving your judgment in the Warning experience.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am directing certain souls to set up final and interim refuges where My people can be protected throughout the tribulation. When I warn you to leave your homes for My refuges, call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you with a physical flame to your nearest refuge. These places will be at My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, places of holy ground where Adoration of My Host has been going on for many years, monasteries that are faithful to Me, and caves. Have no fear because My angels will protect you and provide for your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many pulled to safety, even as others were saved from other disasters. It is one thing to have your physical life saved, but it is another thing to be pulled to spiritual safety in saving your soul from hell because of sin. Even though you may be living a sinful life, it is not too late to send out a distress signal to Me to bring you back into My good graces. Desiring to be saved is your first step, and acting on this desire could indeed save your spiritual life. My faithful need to be looking constantly for lost souls who need to be invited to conversion or re-conversion to a Christian way of life. Some are lukewarm and need encouragement to get back to Sunday Mass and repentance for their sins. When you reach out to these souls, think of pulling them out from the rubble of sin as people are saved physically.”
Jesus said: “My people, today you will see more pictures of death and destruction in Haiti as many countries will be sending them help. As I mentioned in a previous message, there are some good charity organizations that send aid to this country that you could send donations to them, as well as your prayers. Some people without much understanding even blame Me for all of these natural disasters. In some cases there is destruction because of evil and sin in areas, but earthquakes are of their own course. There are known faults on this island that were dormant for many years, but much of this damage is because it is a poor country with little if any control over home construction. Where there are well known earthquake areas or regular hurricanes, I have advised people to avoid living in these areas. Wherever you build houses or buildings, you always are taking some risk of natural disasters. Sudden massive destruction is hard to prepare for, but it is part of life’s struggles. Reach out to help these people in their trials, as My heart goes out to all of the poor in their needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been hearing a lot of talk about the Mayan Calendar ending in 2012 with a possible threatening event at that time. You know from the historian of this civilization that this is only the end of a 5,000 year cycle that will start over again. I alone in the Father know the true time of the end of the world, and it will not come at a predictable time of man. You were told that 2000 would bring dire consequences, but it proved to be only man’s hype. Now you are getting the same signals of 2012. There is some changing, or shifting of the magnetic North Pole, and sun spot activity does increase and ebb with an 11 year cycle. There are people preparing caves that go back to previous messages (9-21-04 and 2-15-05) where the one world people are building underground cities with tunnels connecting other areas. This could be protection for the elite during a pandemic virus or riots over food and water. I did show you a comet coming that would strike the earth and be My triumph over Satan. The comet will trigger volcanic fire and three days of darkness will cover the earth. My people will be protected from the comet in caves or when I protect you at My refuges. Fear not any fire, comet, or earthquakes because My angels will protect you. Rejoice on the day of My victory when all the evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will bring you into My Era of Peace.”
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