Tuesday, August 28, 2012: (St. Augustine)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read how I criticized the Pharisees for being hypocrites in their religious practices. They washed the outside of their cups and followed giving tithes in their donations, but inside their souls there were many sins. It is important for My faithful to practice what you preach by your actions. Do not just go through the motions of being religious, but you need to cleanse your sins in frequent Confession, and perform true works of charity for your neighbors. Focus on Me in your prayers, and consecrate everything that you do for My sake. People should be able to tell you are a Christian by your humility, faith, and your actions. Guard your tongue from any bad language, and control your behavior from any outbursts of anger. In essence, you need to give a good example to others so they can see that you are not hypocrites like the Pharisees were.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing two weather events that will be testing your people. This latest hurricane is the first to hit your mainland in some time. It is interesting that this storm is coming into Louisiana exactly seven years after Katrina, only this is a smaller storm. There will still be considerable wind and flooding with this storm. You are just approaching the peak of your hurricane season, so you could even see more storms. The other weather event is the hot weather that has brought drought to many of your cornfields. Early forecasts are for a 15% loss in your corn crop, but this could be higher in some areas. Only after the harvest can your farmers see the true reduction in your crops. Without sufficient water throughout the growing season, it is hard to have a good yield in your crops. These are just a few weather signs that can affect your food levels and even your gas prices, if there is a stoppage in your oil production. Have faith that I will provide for your needs, but major events will be testing you.”
Monday, August 27, 2012: (St. Monica)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast day of St. Monica helps people to remind them to keep praying for their own children as she prayed for her son, Augustine, and his conversion. Many mothers can identify with her desires to have her son return to the faith. St. Monica was blessed that her son became a bishop and a doctor of the Church. I can encourage My faithful to keep praying for any relatives or friends who have left their faith. If these souls have died, they need prayers, Masses, and fasting to help them if they are in purgatory. Evangelizing or reconverting souls should be your most important work. So do not give up on any soul, but constantly pray for their conversion. In the vision you look down the road of your life, and you think that you have a long time to convert. Some people do not realize how quickly your time passes away, and you could die at any time. It is better to stay close to Me in daily prayer, and frequent Confession so you can keep a clean soul, and you will always be ready to meet Me on the day of your death. Do not keep putting off your conversion to another day, because you could pass on at any time. Rejoice and give Me praise when a soul is converted, because it is a joy to see the reward of your effort for that soul. All of heaven also rejoices over one soul that repents and is saved.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you look at a dead body in the casket, you start thinking of how some day you will be dead in a casket. It is not easy to face the fact that your body is mortal, and you could die at any time. The important fact is not only that you are going to die, but that you need to have your soul prepared for the death of your body on any day. Once you die, you will have to face your Maker at your first judgment. This is why you want to have a pure soul at all times so you are ready for your judgment. The other reason for this vision is to have mercy on the deceased person’s soul. You do not always know the disposition of that soul in how that person was judged. Assume that the person is in purgatory so you can pray for that soul and offer Masses up for their intention. If that soul is not in purgatory, your prayers and Masses will be applied to your other deceased family members. Rejoice when souls have finished their missions on earth, because now they can pray for souls on earth.”
Sunday, August 26, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have some beautiful messages of life in today’s readings. You have a faith declaration from Joshua when he said: ‘As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.’ This is a faith message for life that his family knows the importance of keeping the tradition of acknowledging Me as Lord and Master of their lives. The message of St. Paul is for married people to not only be submissive to each other, but they need to be submissive to Me in their lives. Just as St. Paul calls husbands to love their wives, I call on all peoples to love Me as I love all of you. When a man and woman marry, they become one flesh as you are one with Me. I call on parents to love their children, and bring them up in the faith. In the Gospel reading you see a continuing account of when people did not understand how I would feed them My Body and Blood under the appearances of bread and wine. Some of My disciples left Me, but My apostles remained faithful because St. Peter said I had the words of eternal life. This understanding of My Real Presence in My Eucharist has to be taken on faith because it is a mystery. This gift of My Presence in My consecrated Host, is a blessing so I can always be with you in My sacraments. You can receive Me in Holy Communion or visit Me in My tabernacle whenever you wish to share your love or your troubles with Me. It is also a time to ask My help in discerning any important decisions that you need to make in life. Rejoice, My people, that I am providing for your daily needs, and I am always listening to your prayer petitions.”
Saturday, August 25, 2012: (St. Louis)
Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful that you are giving devotion to My Blessed Mother of Fatima. Heaven knows that you are battling the evils of this day, and the many apparitions of the last hundred years are helping you to bear your trials. Some people have been impatient with heaven that We have not ended this evil. You will be seeing a culmination of evil’s last throes when you are faced with the tribulation of the Antichrist. Before you will see the Era of Peace that was spoken of by My Blessed Mother, My faithful will be tested dearly. When you see the coming into power of the Antichrist, you will know My victory is not far off. In My messages I am giving you hope of My protection at My refuges. I will be with you in My Blessed Sacrament to feed you My graces and strength to endure this time of evil that will grow worse. Trust in My Blessed Mother’s weapon of the rosary, and My angels who will protect you. If you are facing evil times, call on Me and My angels to help you. I have asked you to be prepared both physically and spiritually for the major events that are coming soon. I will notify My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges, so you will be protected from the enemy’s viruses and death threats.”
Friday, August 24, 2012: (St. Bartholomew, former name Nathaniel)
Jesus said: “My people, be careful that you do not let pride run your life. Pride is the sin that led the devil’s fall from grace in heaven. When Nathaniel heard that I was from the town of Nazareth, he wondered if the Messiah could come from there. This vision of a walking peacock with all of its beautiful feathers, is a symbol of how some people think that they are more important than they are. Do not look down on others if they are poorer than you are, because you are all equal in My eyes. There are some people with different gifts than yours, but you are all responsible for the gifts that you have been given. So treat everyone as your equal without discriminating with any source of pride. Keep your focus on serving Me, and put any pride aside like you would any other temptation of the devil.”
Thursday, August 23, 2012: (St. Rose of Lima)
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you volcanoes before in how the demons come out of them. This show of fire is what hell is all about where souls suffer. In the Gospel (Matt. 22:1-14) I told of how a king had a wedding feast for his son, and he sent out messengers to invite people to the feast. Some people killed his servants, but later the king sent his army to destroy those murderers, and the army burnt their city. Then the king called in people off the road to fill his banquet house. A man came in without a wedding garment, so he was bound and cast outside where there was weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then I said: ‘For many are called, but few are chosen.’ Even now I am inviting all peoples to share in My Wedding Banquet in heaven. But in order to come into heaven, each soul must be purified by repenting of their sins. Once a soul repents, that person will be given a white wedding garment of grace that will allow the person to enter heaven. Those, who do not repent, and do not have a proper wedding garment, will be thrown into the fire of hell where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. This is My justice, for the faithful have been chosen to enter heaven, but the evil ones will be cast into hell.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your weather forecasters are projecting this latest storm to pass into the Gulf of Mexico. Every time that storms enter the Gulf, there is a fear that your oil and gas rigs could be damaged. This also adds to oil speculation and a rise in gasoline prices. Between food prices rising because of your drought, and the potential storms raising gas prices, you could see a considerable increase in inflation. People are already strained because of your high unemployment rate. Pray that your people can find enough food to eat and gas to drive your vehicles.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of the negative ads have not really changed the minds of your voters. In recent weeks attention is coming back to the issues of budgets, the economy, and jobs. These are the real concerns of your people despite the attempts by your reporters to dwell on any news of various distractions. It is discouraging that your politicians are spending unlimited amounts of money on TV ads for President, and seats in your House and Senate. Your country’s future will be determined by how your people vote this November.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing continuous shootings of civilians in Syria, and some countries are supplying weapons to the rebels that are fighting the government. In other news Iran and Israel are threatening attacks against each other. Much unrest in this area is threatening war, and a possible disruption of oil moving through the Persian Gulf. It is this instability that has contributed to rising oil prices. Keep praying for peace, especially in this area of the world.”
Jesus said: “My people, your most recent concern has been over the rapid spread of West Nile virus by mosquitos in Texas. Other concerns are about a new flu virus in America that could be more deadly than the seasonal flu. In Africa there is a continuing concern about ebola and a new virus that has similar symptoms to HIV. Pray for a control of these diseases which will be healed at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how many good factory jobs have been exported to countries like China that have cheap slave labor. As a result many American factories have closed, and your workers have had to take two low paying jobs to try and pay their bills. These disruptions have lowered the average family income so that the middle class income has actually decreased in the last decade after inflation. Most families know this fact because they are living it. Pray for your families in securing enough work to keep their homes and cars.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a current struggle between those who are seeking fossil fuels and those who are seeking green sources. Your new fracking methods are finding new oil and gas supplies with some environmental concerns. Your coal plants that generate electricity still are needed for now. The green sources are not supplying enough energy to replace the oil, gas, and coal that you are using. A new energy policy needs to be formed so your old grid infrastructure can be maintained. The cost of fuels and their sources of availability are becoming a large problem for your manufacturing.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you think of students going back to school, you are seeing various problems of lower enrollments in some areas and rising costs of college. Another concern has been a large amount of school loans that are becoming a major burden when graduates have difficulty finding good jobs to pay back the loans. Pray for your children to be able to afford an adequate education, and that they could obtain good jobs.”
Wednesday, August 22, 2012: (Queenship of Mary)
Mary said: “My dear children, today’s feast of my Queenship is an appropriate time that follows my feast of my Assumption into heaven body and soul. In the vision you are seeing my coronation as Queen that you honor in the Fifth Glorious Mystery of the rosary that you pray every day. My Son, Jesus, has blessed me with this honor for being his mother and being faithful to Him with a sinless life. He is the One who prepared me for this time in history that would allow Him to be incarnated as a God-man. Jesus is the fulfillment of all the promises of a Redeemer who would save His people. Give praise and glory to my Son who offers eternal salvation to every soul who accepts Him and repents of his or her sins. I also want to thank your publisher, Queenship Publishing, for adopting this feast of mine in their name, and I thank them for all their work that they do in bringing souls to my Son.”
Jesus said: “My people, I told parables to the people, but many times I would explain the hidden meaning to My apostles. In the parable the owner of the vineyard sent workers out to work at all hours of the day. The surprise in this story was that the owner gave each worker the same wage no matter how many hours they worked. In a financial sense the workers did not understand the difference between generosity and a fair wage by the hour. The hidden meaning in this story is more about saving your soul than about money received for work. The generosity of My justice is that if a soul repents of their sins even on their death bed at the last hour, they can still be saved from hell. I would just encourage people to come to Me now, because you could die suddenly without a chance to repent.”
Tuesday, August 21, 2012: (St. Pius X)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading of Ezechiel (Ez 28:1-10), the king of Tyre was content with his wealth for himself without worshiping Me. He became lazy in worshiping himself as a god. As a result, I allowed foreigners to kill him and his people with the sword, even as Ezekiel was given this in prophesy. This is a lesson for all the people who allow themselves to be the center of their lives without worshiping Me. The easy chair in the vision is all about how some people are lazy instead of working when they are able-bodied. Your country has too many people who receive entitlement payments from your government for not working. Many of your people, who are young and not retired, could find jobs if they tried harder. Many of your corporations are sending jobs overseas, which is why you have so many people who are unemployed. Laziness is really a sin of sloth if jobs are available. The incentives to work are not encouraging people when their wages after taxes may be less than what is given freely on welfare. There is also a spiritual laziness in people who do not come to church on Sunday to give Me worship. You are dependent on Me for everything, whether you want to accept it or not. So do not allow yourself to be lazy in the body or the spirit.”
Monday, August 20, 2012: (St. Bernard)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been to a monastery, so you know a little about their lifestyle of prayer and silence. Many of the monks have made vows of poverty, and they live a life of silent contemplative prayer. In the Gospel I told the rich man to give away all of his money to the poor, and to follow Me if he wanted to live a holy life. He went away sad because very few people can live a vow of poverty. Those, who give everything up to follow a monastic life, will have their reward in heaven. I know it is difficult for everyone to live this way of life, but you could still make room for Me in your daily prayer time. You can still strive for perfection when you reach out to do some good deeds for people, and when you evangelize souls to save them from hell. You may not live a monastic life as in a monastery, but you can still lead a holy life at Mass, Adoration, and in your prayers. Consecrate all of your day to Me, and you will be offering up all of your actions to Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have two kinds of viruses to deal with. I have warned My people not to take any flu shots because they can cause more harm to your immune system than they can help. They are placing coded viruses in these shots which will make people vulnerable to the coming pandemic virus. This virus will have a high per cent of fatalities for people who are sick with this flu. Also avoid using nasal applied vaccines that will cause harm to your immune system. Have some masks, and take Hawthorn pills, herbs, and vitamins to build up your immune system. Come to My refuges to be healed of any viruses. There are computer viruses as well that can be targeted at large banks to cause shutdowns and bank holidays. Viruses can also be used to damage the internet, and affect computers that control your electrical grids. If major hacking occurs all at once, you could see another excuse to cause martial law. If you see a major bank holiday or a national martial law about to be declared, then you will have to come to the safety of My refuges. Trust in Me that I will warn you when it is time to leave for My refuges.”
Sunday, August 19, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, when you come to Confession, you are being forgiven by Me through your priest. When your priest consecrates the Host, it is I that is coming down on your altar in the bread and wine. That is why you see Me in the pulpit in the vision because I act through My priests. In today’s reading I told people that they had to eat My Body and drink My Blood to have eternal life. I am asking people to believe on faith that I am truly Present in the consecrated bread and wine. Some disciples thought that I was calling them to cannibalism, so they left My company. My apostle stayed because St. Peter said that I had the words of everlasting life. It is difficult to believe in My Real Presence because it is a mystery that My people have to take on faith. In the second vision you actually saw a miracle of My Eucharist when a bleeding Host appeared on someone’s tongue right before your eyes. I have allowed some bleeding Hosts to be seen as a proof of My Real Presence, especially for those people who do not believe in My Real Presence. Once people see and witness these miracles, then it helps their faith to accept My words in St. John’s Gospel. Rejoice that you have Me with you always in My Hosts until the end of this age.”