Tuesday, December 26, 2017: (Memorial Mass for Irvin H.)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the feast of St. Stephen, who was one of the first martyrs for his faith in Me after My Crucifixion. He had a strong faith, and he gave testimony to Me, as the others could not out debate him. He was brave to stand up for his faith, even though he was risking his life for Me.”
I could see Irvin come to me in a younger body. Irvin said: “Hello everyone, I am sorry I did not have a chance to say good-bye to my family members in Rochester, N.Y. I love all of you, and I thank you for your many years of friendship, especially on your trips here in North Carolina. I will remember you, and I thank you for this Mass and your prayers. They are helping me in dealing with my suffering in purgatory. I will be watching over Carol, Bruce, and your Uncle Bill, along with the rest of the family. Keep praying for me and keep my picture around you. God bless all of you.”
Jesus said: “My son, I warned you earlier that you are going to see a colder than usual winter (10-15-17 & 12-14-17). I even recommended putting some hay or straw in bags around your house to keep it warm. You have your kerosene and wood burners in working condition, in case you have a power outage. You also may expect to pay a higher heating bill when you have colder weather. Keep praying that you do not have a power outage. You will soon be planning your winter practice run, but you might want to wait until your real cold weather passes. Your people will be truly tested if you need to keep a wood fire going all night. It is also more difficult to keep your kerosene burner going when you need to add kerosene in the dark or in a deep cold. Be grateful if your natural gas heater continues to work properly. I will help you to keep warm no matter what the weather brings.”
Monday, December 25, 2017: (Christmas Day-Nativity of the Lord)
Jesus said: “My people, I thank you for celebrating My birthday as I came into this world incarnated as a God-man with both a Divine and earthly nature. This is more than just a day to share gifts, but it is to rejoice that your Savior is born, as I came to save all of mankind from their sins. I bring peace on earth, if you follow My commands to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. Your world is full of pride and greed for more things than you need. You are fighting over land and possessions, but in the end it is your eternal destination that matters the most. In the vision you are seeing My saints and angels celebrating My birth, and they are looking down on all the people to see who is giving praise and glory to God. It is My prayer that more people would love and thank Me as their Creator. Those people, who do love Me, will have a reward in heaven. Those people, who do not acknowledge Me, will not be acknowledged before My heavenly Father. If those people ignore Me, they better have someone praying for them, or they could be lost in hell. Keep praying for all sinners, especially those souls in your family who do not worship Me on Sunday.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you some fruit trees bearing fruit in one scene. In another scene I could see that the trees had disappeared, and all that was left was the bare soil. This is a sign of the coming world famine, that will make it hard for people to find any food. There will be two events that will cause a scarcity of food. The coming earthquakes will cause the Yellowstone supervolcano to explode, and this will send ash all over America and temperatures will be colder. You will also see mandatory chips in the body, so people without the chip, will not be able to buy food. Both of these events will be reasons to come to My refuges for food and protection. At My refuges you will have food, water, and fuels for heating. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs.”
Sunday, December 24, 2017: (Fourth Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, today is the last day of Advent because tomorrow you are celebrating My feast of Christmas. All of your gifts have been bought and wrapped, as some families exchange gifts on Christmas Eve. Many of your shopkeepers make most of their money on the Christmas Season. I hope everyone would give Me some time in their day for even a small prayer. In the vision you are seeing a pipe shape break up into two pieces. This represents how I pray that people would detach themselves from the love of money and so many unnecessary possessions. I know you need certain things and food to survive, but do not desire more wealth and possessions that you do not need. There is a strong desire to have the latest and most expensive things that people can buy. You even judge people’s success by how much money and possessions they have. Your true goal should be how much spiritual treasure you can store up in heaven from your kindness and good deeds. You cannot buy yourself into heaven, and it does not matter how rich or poor you are, because I love all of you equally. When you look at people, you need to see Me in everyone, because you all are Temples of the Holy Spirit. You also need to pull yourself away from the world, so you can pray to Me in silence, and listen to My voice. I look into your hearts to see your intentions in how much you love Me and your neighbors as yourself. Prepare your hearts and souls to receive Me on this coming Christmas day.”
(10:00 p.m. Christmas Eve) Jesus said: “My people, Christmas should be all about mending bridges and friendships out of love, even with your enemies. You see many signs of ‘Peace on Earth’, but peace needs to start with you. Every time you reach out to love people, do not expect people to love you back. At least you made the effort to do your part to bring peace on earth. Look at Me in how I came on the earth to show you how much I love you, as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. But I was persecuted and even crucified because the religious leaders of My time did not want Me to threaten their power. I love all of you so much that I died to save all of you from your sins. So show your love to Me and your neighbors because you are a loving and kind person. I will reward your love by giving you eternal life in heaven.”
Saturday, December 23, 2017: (St. John of Kanty)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are seeing the time of St. John the Baptist’s circumcision. It also was the time to name the child, and his father had to confirm the name ‘John’ as the angel had told him. Since Zachariah was still unable to speak, he had to write it down. After this he was able to speak, and he recited a Canticle that is used every morning in the Liturgy of the hours. St. John the Baptist would become My messenger crying in the desert to tell the people to repent and be baptized. He prepared the way for My coming at Christmas. The people of Israel were waiting thousands of years to receive their Redeemer, but they did not recognize Me, even despite all of My miracles, and Me telling them I am the Son of God.”
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you are seeing many ripples sent out when one stone is thrown into the water. There are times in history when one man had a large effect on many people. In the beginning you saw how one man’s sin in Adam caused original sin on all of humanity. When I came on the earth, I was one man, and by My death on the cross, I was able to offer everyone salvation, if they obeyed My laws. There is another man coming in the Antichrist, and he will try to control everyone’s soul to worship him. But I will allow My faithful to be protected by calling on My help and My angels at My refuges. My faithful need to see how they can send out ripples of love where My grace can help convert souls. It is My love in your hearts that can draw others to love Me. So use your faith influence to touch as many souls as you can.”
Friday, December 22, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is the Magnificat of My Blessed Mother when she went to help her cousin St. Elizabeth who was pregnant with St. John the Baptist. This scene is called the Visitation in the Mysteries of the Rosary, and St. John leaped in his mother’s womb, when My Blessed Mother and I arrived. This was the first announcing of My coming from St. John the Baptist. St. Elizabeth recited part of the Hail Mary prayer on our arrival. My Blessed Mother attended to the needs of her cousin in St. Elizabeth’s late pregnancy that was a miracle birth. My son, you have been to Ein Karem, Israel which is a good distance from My Blessed Mother’s home in Nazareth. You saw the writing of the Magnificat in many languages on the wall opposite the Church of the Visitation. My Blessed Mother went to her cousin, because the angel Gabriel told her that St. Elizabeth was in her sixth month at the Annunciation. This Magnificat prayer is also said in the night prayers of the Liturgy of the Hours, or the Divine Office of the priests. Give praise and thanks that I came to the earth to redeem all mankind from their sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, in all of your discussions about desiring good or evil, it comes down to a persons’s free will decision in how they decide to obey My laws of love or not. If you want to come to heaven, you need to ask My forgiveness for your sins, and be willing to give up your will over to My Diving Will. Many Christians are being persecuted, and this will only get worse. You first choose whether you want to be with Me or not. You then have to decide if you want to stand up for My existence as God in front of your peers. A further question is if you are willing to die for your faith, if you were forced to decide. If you truly love Me as I love you, then you will need to show Me in your prayers and your good deeds.”
Thursday, December 21, 2017: (St. Peter Canisius)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you see this streak of lightning from the sky to the earth, and it causes light as I disperse the darkness of evil. You are also reminded of My Star of Bethlehem that led the Magi to find Me in a stable. If you pay attention to My voice and the words of the Gospel, I will lead you on the right path to heaven. You are seeing today the longest night, so that from now on, the nights will get shorter with more daylight. My feast of Christmas is a story of My Light, as it grows stronger from now until June 21. I truly am the Light of the World, not only physically, but I enlighten all hearts and souls with My love. Christmas is a sign of My coming as a Redeemer for all of your sins. Call on Me and I will forgive all repentant sinners. Prepare for My feast of Christmas that brings Light and peace to the earth, as heaven rejoices with you.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My people and My refuge builders to have some alternative burners ready with the proper fuels, so you can provide heat in your home in case you experience a power outage. In the vision you are seeing a potbelly wood stove being used to keep a family warm. You could see some power outages with ice storms or accidents to your power lines in the winter. Many people would be without heat if their natural gas burner was without electricity. I told you that your preparations are not done in vain, meaning you will have to use your alternative heating means.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have not seen any new nuclear plants built because of your previous regulations. Now some nuclear plants will be used, as well as some coal plants that were shut down. You need various sources of power, and now there will even be oil drilling in northern Alaska. Your country needs electricity to run your businesses, so now there will be more sources of power.”
Jesus said: “My people, your Republican controlled Congress has finally passed a new tax reform bill that will lower people’s taxes and allow your corporations to compete with a lower tax rate. Congress is also preparing to pass another budget extension to keep the government open until the middle of January. Once your President receives these documents, he intends to sign them into law. It will take some time to see the effects of this legislation. Pray for your people so they will have plenty of jobs to support their families.”
Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray for safe travel for your families who are coming a good distance to be together. Your weather can be a problem with snow and ice on the road. You even saw what happened to the Atlanta, Ga. airport when the power went out due to a fire. Continue to pray also that they may be able to return to their homes safely. You do not see all of your family that often, so enjoy each other’s company for your Christmas and New Year’s feasts.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a lot of respiratory sicknesses among your people in this winter season that just started. Many of you are taking vitamins and other herbs to protect your immune systems. Be thankful that there are medicines available to help heal these symptoms. It is not easy to be patient with illnesses that take weeks to heal. Offer up any suffering to Me to be shared on My cross.”
Jesus said: “My people, many families will be sharing presents with each other on Christmas. As you celebrate My birth, you are happy to give gifts to your relatives and friends. I am happy that you are praying rosaries as spiritual gifts for your families. This was an excellent suggestion to write on your Christmas gift cards. It would be a good gift for future years as well.”
Jesus said: “My son, you were able to see that your new Lithium batteries kept your LED lantern lit for over six days. This is even safer and easier to use for light at night than your oil lamps that had problems with your wicks, and a more dangerous open flame. You are stocked up with many batteries for light at night at your refuge. You also will be having a water well dug in your backyard in the next few weeks. These are needed projects to provide enough water and light at night for your refuge people. Give thanks to Me and your refuge builders for providing what is needed at your refuges.”
Wednesday, December 20, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you know how I allow people to have free will, but I am so hurt by how many people who reject Me, or ignore My love. I still love everyone equally, even if they do not love Me. I am also pleased to enjoy the souls who love Me and follow Me in all that I ask. My faithful are My joy in humanity, and I am relying on you to reach out and pray for souls who would otherwise be lost. I know also how you want to have control over your life, but your soul and spirit are willing to let Me lead your life. My ways are always better than your ways, so when I lead you, it will be for the best direction for your soul’s salvation. During this Christmas Season some of the lukewarm souls find their way into church. Encourage your family to come to Christmas Mass, especially those souls who do not come every Sunday. It is the least that they could do to show Me a little love. I give everyone so many gifts every day, but I do not see much thanks for My love. My faithful need to pray persistently for the fallen away souls, so they are predisposed and open to My love. If they could see My Light of love, maybe they could open their hearts for Me to enter. There are many cold hearts out in the world, and My faithful need to warm up these hearts to My love. Bring them in to the heat of My love from the cold of their indifference, and lack of love for Me and their neighbors.”
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing the black eyes of the Antichrist, and you could sense how evil he is, because he is a demon incarnate. I have warned you in many messages not to look at his eyes, because he could hypnotize you into worshiping him. Do not worship him, and do not take the mark of the beast, which is a computer chip in your body. At the end of six weeks after the Warning, I advised you to get rid of your cell phones, your TVs, and your computers and monitors, so you do not look at the Antichrist’ eyes nor listen to his voice. When it is time, I will call My faithful to My refuges, so My angels can protect you from the Antichrist and his demon angels. This is a real danger to your life and soul, so follow My advice for your protection. As the Antichrist starts to gain power, warn others around you when it is time to come to My refuges. People, who believe in Me, will receive an invisible cross on their foreheads from My angels, so they can enter My refuges. Trust in Me to protect My faithful from the Antichrist. Those people, who come through this tribulation, will receive their reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”
Tuesday, December 19, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, today I am showing you a vision of the many fires in California that have killed some people, and have destroyed many homes and businesses. They have fires there, but these fires are setting records for damage, length of time, and acres burned. Just as I talked of earthquakes, so these fires are also a punishment for all the sexual sins going on in California. You have a homosexual problem, and your movie makers are spreading their ‘R’ movies all over the world. You also have pornographic movies made there as well. When you see the extent of sin in California, now they are feeling the consequences of their sins. Pray for these sinners, but they are experiencing a hell on earth.”
Jesus said: “My people, do not focus your attention on money, possessions, fame, or status in your society. You should instead focus your attention on Me as the center of your lives. Those people, who are rich and famous, are more focused on themselves than on Me. Do not worry if you are poor without many possessions. The things of this world are passing away. I will bring down the rich and the famous, and I will lift up the lowly to high places in heaven. You remember the story of the beggar Lazarus and the rich man, Divies. In life the rich man had everything, but he did not help Lazarus. Lazarus had little to eat, and the dogs licked his sores. At the judgment, Lazarus was welcomed into heaven next to Abraham, but the rich man was judged into the flames of hell. The real riches in this life are My spiritual gifts, and My Eucharist that you receive in Holy Communion. These spiritual things and My words last forever, but the physical things of this life will rot away into nothing. So choose to focus on Me in love, and you will receive your eternal reward with Me in heaven.”
Monday, December 18, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, St. Joseph was tested when he saw that My Blessed Mother was pregnant before their marriage. He was about to divorce her quietly, when an angel from God told him to accept My Blessed Mother into his house, because she conceived Me by the power of the Holy Spirit. Later on, the Roman Emperor demanded a census for all the people to be registered from the House to which they belonged. Since St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother were from the House of King David, they had to travel to Bethlehem, which was a difficult journey for a pregnant woman about to give birth. This was all part of My Messianic plan that I would be born of a Virgin in Bethlehem to fulfill all the foretelling of the prophets. (Is 7:14) ‘Therefore the Lord Himself will give you this sign, the Virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and shall name Him Emmanuel.’ Once My parents were in Bethlehem, you saw another miracle after My birth, when a Star led the Magi to visit Me with royal gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Rejoice in this Christmas scene of My birth, as you see Me bring My spiritual Peace on earth.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a large tsunami wave coming into San Francisco is a sign of a major earthquake alone the San Andreas Fault. Many people could be killed with such a disaster. I have given you so many messages about strong, severe earthquakes in California. I have also said that it is just a matter of time until this earthquake happens. This could also affect Yellowstone super volcano as I have mentioned before. Such a catastrophic disaster would call for a martial law, and time to come to the protection of My refuges. Keep praying your Reparation Masses to help save the souls who will die suddenly. Trust Me to protect you during these coming trials of the tribulation.”
Sunday, December 17, 2017: (Third Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to travel on foot in Israel, especially when someone is pregnant. It was the decree of the Emperor of the Romans that called St. Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary to Bethlehem. This was to fulfill the prophecy of Micah 5:1 ‘But you, Bethlehem-Ephratha too small to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for Me One who is be ruler in Israel; whose origin is from of old, from ancient times’. Give thanks to St. Joseph for taking care of My Blessed Mother in finding a place to stay.”