Videos & Books
Books & DVDs
John and his wife Carol are humble people who derive no profit from the publication and distribution of the paperback volumes of his messages, titled, PREPARE FOR THE GREAT TRIBULATION AND ERA OF PEACE as well as DVDs titled (PREPARE FOR THE GREAT TRIBULATION AND ERA OF PEACE and Adoration: An Invitation from Jesus), sold at very minimal cost.
Some people that only read the messages on the internet are not aware that each message is preceded by a vision. The vision is about the subject of the message and sometimes it is even humorous in its creativity. We would encourage you to purchase the books so you can read the visions as well as the messages. The vision helps to understand the context of the message. If your local bookstore does not carry “Prepare for the Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace”, you can order the books directly from Queenship Publishing at 1-800-647-9882.
John and his wife Carol are humble people who derive no profit from the publication and distribution of the video(s) below.
Ft. Myers January 6, 2002 (New Video for 2002)
In this latest video, you will hear the messages Jesus gave John which clearly explain how existing and developing technology is in place that will identify, track and control everyone. You will get to actually see a variety of photos of “SMART CARDS” that are currently being offered which Jesus warns us not to take, and also photos of the “microchip” that has already been developed for human implantation which Jesus condemns as well. You’ll find out what “SMART” is an acronym for. You will see numerous other overhead displays John shows throughout his powerful and moving presentation. See actual photographs of several of the entrances of some of our national forests and state parks which have been taken over and now regulated by the U.N. John relays the messages from Jesus that preceded the attack of the U.S. on 9/11/01 that chillingly pointed to this event and also Jesus’ sombering messages afterwards for a wake up call to the world. Learn about the refuges that Jesus has planned to be in place for the remnant in these end times, and get a clearer understanding of them as John explains these messages. This may be one of the most important videos you will see and have to share with your family and friends to help them understand what lies ahead for all mankind. Recently added at end of video, see actual CBS News Broadcast of the implanting of the first microchips in humans on 5/9/02 in Florida.
To receive a copy of this video within the US only, send a donation of $20.00 USD Check or Money Order (No Cash) per video payable to:
C. Bohan
6900-29 Daniels Pkwy. #331
Ft. Myers, FL 33912
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