Tuesday, June 17, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading, Elijah is speaking to Ahab about how the Lord is going to bring justice against him and his wife, Jezebel, for killing Naboth. Then Ahab repented of his sin in sackcloth, and I took back My punishment on him until his son would have to suffer. This mercy of Mine is similar when I pardoned King David when he had Uriah the Hitite killed to have his wife. Nathan the prophet, also was instructed to tell King David that evil will come against him for his crime. King David also repented of his sin, and My mercy spared his punishment until his son would suffer. There are many people who have sinned against Me in different ways, but I am merciful to a repentant sinner. I forgive your sins in Confession, and I ease the burden of My punishment when sinners repent like Ahab and King David. But those sinners, who do not repent, and do not seek My forgiveness, will pay a high price for their sins. I know the weaknesses of man, and I wait patiently for sinners to return to My love, like the father of the Prodigal Son. I love all of you despite your sins, but you need to learn from your mistakes, and change your sinful lives into holy lives by My grace. In the Gospel you need to love Me and your neighbor. This includes loving your enemies or those people who you dislike. In loving everyone, you are on the road to seeking the perfection that all of you need to have in order to come into heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are trying to win another media support for battling the terrorists who are taking over Iraq without much of a fight by the Iraqi government. You are hearing drumbeats for troops on the ground and air attacks from many sources. Your people have a short memory when the same media encouraged war on Iraq some years ago. Do not be taken in by the one world people who are instigating no-win wars that could involve losses of American troops again. If the Iraqi government does not want to fight these terrorists, another war would repeat the same mistakes of the past. Pray for peace in this area.”
Monday, June 16, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, there are evil people in the world like this Jezebel who worshiped Baal. You have read how ruthless she was in having Naboth stoned to death because of false accusations that she inspired, so Ahab could have Naboth’s land. Elijah had a contest with the prophets of Baal, and I helped him win. When these prophets of Baal were slain, then Jezebel tried to kill Elijah. There are many ruthless leaders who also have worshiped Satan, or were into the occult. The one world people are also following Satan’s orders. This is why you see a lot of evil going on in the evil plots of your current leaders. They are still trying to kill My prophets and the Christians. Just as Ahab and Jezebel were punished, so I will bring My justice against the evil ones of your world. Do not be afraid if you are persecuted by these evil ones because I will protect My remnant at My refuges, and the evil ones will meet their fate in hell. In the end, I am the victor over these evil ones, as they will face their judgment for their evil deeds.”
Jesus said: “My people, it was the evil one world people who instigated the terrorist acts that brought you into war in Afghanistan and Iraq. You have spent years fighting Saddam and the terrorists in these countries. This fighting has not gained anything because when you left, another terrorist group will take over. The one world people make money selling weapons to both sides, and they do not care how many people are killed. This is why they are instigating wars for their own gain for blood money. These countries are not an immediate threat to your country, because these terrorists could hide anywhere. It is good to have a good defense, but killing a lot of people has not achieved very much. It is better to strive for peace than for war. You complain how the terrorists are killing their own people, but you also are killing your own babies in abortion, which makes you just as evil. It is not America’s place to tell other nations how they should live. At times when nations try to take over other nations, then some self defense is needed. Trying to control people with your way of life is not the answer for peace. Keep praying for peace in these war-torn countries where some groups are seeking their own domination over others for power and money.”
Sunday, June 15, 2014: (Trinity Sunday, Father’s Day)
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is speaking to you of Us in the Blessed Trinity. We are three Persons in One God, even as St. Patrick tried to portray Us in the three leaves of a shamrock. We are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but this Blessed Trinity is a mystery for man to understand. We are truly joined together in love, even as We want all of you to obey the Commandments of love of God and love of neighbor. We have made all of you in Our Image with free will to choose to love Us without being forced. Those people, who love and accept Us by following our guides for life, will have eternal life with Us in heaven. But those people, who refuse to love Us, and refuse to obey the Commandments, are on the road to hell if they do not change their ways. This is the great choice in love that every soul has to make in life. There are no in-between grey areas for people to hide, but you must say either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to Our love. We invite all souls to join all of creation in paying your respects to your Creator. The animals, plants, and even the stars follow their instincts or orbits according to Our plan. But man has free will to choose to love Us. When you experience Our true love for you, you will be living in peace and complete satisfaction in your soul. Live your life to follow Our ways instead of your ways, and you will find your reward in the eternal joy of Our love in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is not wrong to desire a nice home or a nice car, but do not put such desires ahead of Me. In other words, do not worship or pay more attention to your possessions more than Me. Each of your possessions has a certain hold on you, but do not let those earthly things distract you from your goal of being with Me in heaven. Some people work hard all their lives just to have the finer things in life. It is better to want to follow My plans for your life, than your own plans. In the end, it is not how many possessions you own, or how much money you have that will get you into heaven. It is how much you love Me and your neighbor in good works that will put you on the right path to heaven. Focus more on your prayer life and how to please Me, than seeking the best home and cars that you can buy. Material things will pass away, but your spiritual gifts and your treasure in heaven will not pass away. Choose Me over earthly things because I love you much more than any of your possessions or family.”
Saturday, June 14, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, Joseph’s brothers did not like Joseph because he was favored by his father, and they detested his many colored robe. They decided to place him in a cistern, but later they sold him to a caravan of people headed to Egypt. In many instances, I have changed evil actions into something good. I took this resentment of Joseph’s robe and his dreams by his brothers, and
I used this to provide food for Jacob’s people when there was a famine. I am still changing bad intentions into good things, even today. In the first reading you are seeing Elijah calling on Elisha to take his place as a prophet. In this case as with My apostles, these men left everything behind, and they followed My call. I reach out today to call My prophets, as some follow My call without any reservations. You should be thankful, if you are called to do a mission. I thank all of My prophets for their ‘yes’, and I thank all of My refuge builders for taking on the making of My places of protection. All of My people who are called to My refuges in times of persecution, need to leave their homes and possessions behind, immediately. Come to My refuges when I call on you, so you can be protected from being martyred and controlled by the Antichrist. Trust in My call of protection in these evil times, when I will conquer all evil at the end of the tribulation.”
Friday, June 13, 2014: (St. Anthony of Padua)
Jesus said: “My people, this cave is on Mt. Carmel where Elijah was hiding from those who wanted to kill him. Many of the prophets in the Old Testament were killed because the people did not want to hear My reprimands of their bad behavior. The prophets would speak My Words, so the people thought that by killing the prophets, they would not have to obey My words. All of My prophets throughout the ages are also possible martyrs because some people love their sinful behavior more than obeying My laws. You, My son, are called to share My Word, even if it could endanger your life. Some of the people who hear My words through the messages that I give to you, will be converted and saved from hell. Just as Elijah hid in a cave on Mt. Carmel, so I will lead My faithful to places of hiding from the Antichrist at My refuges. You will be seeing an increase in religious persecution, but never deny your faith in Me, even if people threaten to kill you. I give My servants enough grace to endure all the trials and hardships of life.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some various sized tsunamis result from earthquakes of at least 8.0. These earthquakes usually occur along the Pacific Rim of Fire. As one earthquake of a large magnitude occurs, there is a ripple effect down this Rim of Fire, as stress has to be relieved. Your scientists have studied such wave action in your laboratories. You also have some early warning systems for tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean because the tsunamis travel at very high speeds. Tsunamis can do a lot of damage and drown people when the waves are of significant heights. There could even be more than one wave to be watching for. I have warned My people before of the HAARP machine, which could trigger large earthquakes and subsequent tsunamis. You have seen several large earthquakes that have signs in the clouds and colors before they happen. The one world people are intent on causing a lot of disasters as part of their plan for reducing the world’s population. Do not be afraid of such people because I will protect you at My refuges. My power is greater than the evil ones, and they will be sent to hell at the end of the tribulation, when I will bring My Comet of Chastisement.”
Thursday, June 12, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, at times you do things without thinking of how your words or actions could affect or harm someone else. Do not criticize or gossip against others behind their backs. I am the only judge of your actions. You can help someone or advise them of their sinful actions, but do not condemn them. Pray for such people who may be living in sin, and try to give them good example of how to follow My ways and My Commandments. I call all of you sinners, and you are in need of My forgiveness in Confession. Come to Confession from the priest so that through Me, you can be absolved from your sins, and My graces can be restored to your soul. You need to come to Confession at least monthly, so you can keep a pure soul. At the end of each day, you can make a recollection of your actions to see how you may have offended Me or your neighbor. Pray an Act of Contrition for your sins before you go to bed. If you have committed any mortal sins, you should come to Confession as soon as possible. Learn from your sinful mistakes so you can work to avoid such sins in the future. When you live your lives, work to be a good Christian example to those who are around you. Also, when possible try to encourage people in their faith, and evangelize souls who need conversion to My ways. When you do everything out of love for Me, your reward will be great in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, your priest at Mass in the morning, spoke briefly of a reading about Elijah when he confronted the four hundred prophets of Baal which the northern king of Israel allowed. The two camps each erected an altar for sacrifice, and each of them was to call down fire to consume the offering. The prophets of Baal called on their god, but nothing happened. Then Elijah had the servants flood his altar three times with water. Elijah called on Me to send fire down to consume the offering, and I did. The false prophets were later slain. This was proof to the king that I was the One true God to worship, and he was converted. In your world today, you have seen some miracle pictures and even some miracles of My Eucharist. But not all the people believe in Me or My Real Presence, even when they are shown proof of My miracles. Having a gift of faith is something to be treasured, more than other gifts. Once you believe in Me, and follow My Commandments, you will be promised eternal life in heaven. You need to pray, come to Sunday Mass, and do good works to show your love for Me and your neighbor. I am truly the One true God of all peoples, and I provide everything for you in body and spirit. My Adorers love Me so much that they even come every night to worship Me, and drink in My peace. I am the Creator of the universe, and all of mankind, and I am more than worthy to be worshiped by My people.”
Wednesday, June 11, 2014: (St. Barnabas)
Jesus said: “My son, you have read about how St. Paul and St. Barnabas were My great missionaries who went out to bring in converts to Christianity from many cities. My son, I want you to see that St. Paul and St. Barnabas should be your role models as you go out on your mission in your talks. It is not easy to travel around your country and some other countries. You need to reach out to all the people who want to be saved, and teach them My Word, and bring them to worship Me. The Holy Spirit is guiding you what to say at your talks, and He helps you to write down My messages. Give thanks to all of Us as We help you in your mission. I thank you for your ‘yes’ to My mission, even if you may suffer persecution for speaking out a message that is not always popular to your evil world. In your prayers you can call on St. Paul and St. Barnabas to help you in your mission through their intercession. Trust in My help to lead you and protect you in all that you do for Me.”
Tuesday, June 10, 2014:
Jesus said: “My son, you have given My messages to the people about how I will multiply your food when it is needed both at your home and at My refuges. You quote Scripture passages of this multiplication as in today’s reading of Elijah, where I did not let the flour go empty nor the jar of oil run dry for one year. You also quote My two multiplications of the bread and fish for the 5,000 and the 4,000. There are even modern day multiplications of food that you cite as well. So when it is time to come to My refuges, you will see My angels bring you Holy Communion every day for bread, and the deer will come into your camps for meat. You will be experiencing a modern day Exodus where I will provide for your food, water, and lodging with My angels protecting you with an invisible shield. My faithful need to trust in Me for everything, and evangelize as many souls as you can.”
Monday, June 9, 2014: (St. Ephrem)
Jesus said: “My people, in your own diocese you see very few young priest, but you have older and retired priests. You need to pray for your priests, and for new vocations to the priesthood. When you have people praying for vocations, and you have places of Adoration, you will see more vocations. This is the fertile ground for young men to hear My call to the priesthood. When you see young men considering the priesthood, give them encouragement and help them in their calling. Your new priests will be needed, even in the coming tribulation. In the Bible you have seen how many of the prophets were persecuted and even killed. All of My people from Baptism are called to be priests, prophets, and kings. My prophets help to lead My people to Me throughout the ages. So pray for your prophets also who have a heavy responsibility to carry on the faith. You will see more and more persecution coming for those who believe in Me, and those who stand up for right morals in a society of immorality. You will see criticism from the schismatic church and from your government officials. Eventually, this persecution will endanger your lives and souls, so you will need to come to the safety of My refuges. Trust in My help to provide for your needs and your protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you see the daylight turn slowly to darkness, this is a sign of the coming darkness of evil in the tribulation. You can see the increase of evil go from killing babies in abortion to allowing homosexual marriages, and now transgender people want their rights, as well as non-medical marijuana being accepted. Each succeeding evil will tear down the morals of your people. The demons are being allowed to tempt man into more unusual things that were not acceptable, even several years ago. The faith of the people is slowly falling away from Me because many are not keeping up a good prayer life. If you do not make some time for Me each day, then it is hard to know if you truly love Me. Even if you come to Mass on Sunday, this is only one hour a week. If you truly love someone, then you would tell that person of your love more than once a week. I should be the first love of your life, even before your spouse and your family. Every day tell Me of your troubles and prayer intentions, and I will guide you to any solution of your problems. Ask Me in prayer, and I will answer your request in whatever way is best for your soul and others around you.”
Sunday, June 8, 2014: (Pentecost Sunday)
The Holy Spirit said: “Behold, the Spirit and I are One with the Father.’ These are the words of Jesus, and He tells you how you receive the Blessed Trinity at Holy Communion. You are seeing Us right now at Adoration in the monstrance with the Host. At the First Pentecost you are reading about some of the gifts that I bestowed upon the apostles. They were given gifts of speaking in different languages, gifts of healing, gifts of prophecy, protection from poison, and the courage to evangelize souls to believe in the Gospel. These same gifts I bestow on all the faithful people. This gift of prophecy, that you have received, is how I help you to write down the words of Jesus, and to proclaim His Word at your talks. You call on My help in healing and speaking the Word of faith to the people. Even as you give thanks to Jesus for the messages, you can also give thanks to Me for conveying these messages. Call on Me to help heal the people that you are praying over, both in their bodies and their souls. Remember Me in your ‘Sign of the Cross’ and the ‘Glory Be’ prayers. I love all of the people of God, and I shower you with My graces.”