Tuesday, July 17, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, throughout history you see armies battling for control of certain lands. As you had armies fighting in Israel, even so you are having battles in war still today in the same lands of the Middle East. You have more deadlier weapons with your machine guns, missiles, planes, and tanks. It is the devil who is inspiring evil men to continue fighting, and the selling of weapons to both sides. It is the one world people who are funding these wars. If there were no wars or threats of war, then your defense contractors would be out of a job. This is why the evil ones stir up wars so weapons are needed. Pray for the stoppage of your wars, as you pray for peace. No one really wins these wars, and many innocent people are killed because of your leaders.”
Jesus said: “My son, you were recently given several boxes of special logs for burning in your fireplace. You had a cheap price for the commercial logs, because your neighbor was cleaning out his basement. When you had one of your practice drills overnight with your prayer group, you burned logs in your insert fireplace. This new insert gave you 70% of the heat generated, instead of only 10% of the heat without the insert. You also saw your second set of twelve solar panels and twelve batteries being installed. You now have electrical outlets going to all of your pumps so your new panels could be cleared of snow and generate any needed power in the winter. You still are having a problem installing your solar charge controller, but you will soon have the needed parts to complete the job. Now, you will have a backup system for winter power, when the snow covers your other panels on the second floor. I will see to your needs at your refuge so the people will have some needed electricity to run your sump pumps and water pump.”
Monday, July 16, 2018: (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel)
Jesus said: “My people, there are many parallels between the fall of Israel and the coming fall of America. In today’s first reading (Is 1:10-17) I am calling out Israel for punishment, like I destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. I warned them to change their evil lifestyles, and learn to do good. Instead, they refused to let Me be the center of their lives, so I allowed the Assyrians to defeat the Israelites, and they lived in exile in Babylon. So it will be in America, because your lifestyles are even worse in your abortions, fornications, and homosexual acts. I will allow your enemies in the one world people to take you over, and you will be exiled in your own country. It will be at the time of the Christian persecution, that I will call My people to My refuges of protection. My refuges will be like islands of hope amidst the evil ones who will kill many people. Trust in My angels who will shield you from the evil ones. In the vision you are seeing many souls taken down an elevator into hell. This is the destination for all those souls who refuse to let Me lead their lives, and for those who refuse to take up their crosses to follow Me. Those people, who repent and obey My laws, will have their reward in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more sink holes all over your country, and especially in Florida. As the ground gives way to caves, gas fracking, and hollow spots underground, many sink holes are formed that can ruin homes. This is just one more natural disaster that is afflicting your people. The heat wave all over your country is another trial that could cause fires, power outages, and even a famine. The West is seeing extensive fires due to very little rain and substantial winds. You will be suffering many natural disasters as a punishment for your sins. Turn from your evil ways, and let Me lead your lives, and you will have your heavenly reward.”
Sunday, July 15, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, I gave gifts to My apostles for their mission so they could lay hands on people to cure them. They also could forgive sins in Confession, and they were protected from eating poisoned foods. They all could raise the dead, and exorcise demons out of possessed people. Even today My faithful, who have deep faith, can call on Me to use these same gifts that I gave to My apostles. You see possessed people now, and some demons control people through their addictions, especially alcohol and drug addicts. This is why you need to fight legalizing marijuana. It takes many deliverance prayers, exorcisms, or a miracle to heal possessed people in ridding their demons. You also have masons and demons in My Church that are promoting New Age teachings and idol worship. Pray that My faithful remnant will discern, and leave the coming schismatic church. When you see a division in My Church, it will be the time to come to My refuges for protecting your bodies and your souls.”
Saturday, July 14, 2018: (St. Kateri Tekakwitha)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing how I called My prophets and evangelists, and I prepared them with My angels to help save souls from hell. Then you saw in another vision where there was a huge pit of Gehenna, or hell with steep sides in a huge circle. The sides going down were moving as souls were falling into hell. You could see My servants reaching out to grab as many souls as possible to keep them from falling into hell. All souls, who go to hell, are choosing this destination of their own free will. Pray for all souls so they could be open to My saving grace to love Me. Those souls, who love Me and seek My forgiveness of their sins, will be saved in heaven. Avoid the demons and evil people, who can cause people with soul and body to fall into hell. Reach out to evangelize as many souls as you can, so you can keep them from going to hell. Pray especially for all of your family in persistent prayer, so they could wake up and be saved.”
(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, by your Baptism you are called to be priest, prophet, and king. Because you are My people, and you are united with Me, you have inherited My gifts to share your faith with others. There are some of My special people who are called to be prophets, and they receive visions and messages like the prophet Amos in the first reading. There is a passage in (Amos 3:7) ‘Indeed the Lord God does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets.’ You, My son, have been called to prepare My people for the coming tribulation. You know of the time of the Antichrist that is coming, and it has to happen because it is in the Scriptures. So prepare My people by telling them that it is important to come to frequent Confession, at least once a month. In this sacrament I can forgive your sins and restore your soul to when you were baptized with My grace. Keep your souls clean and ready for your judgment at your Warning and your death. Just as I called My apostles to go out two by two to evangelize the nations, so I am calling all of My baptized faithful to go out and convert souls, so they can receive the faith, and be saved from hell.”
Friday, July 13, 2018: (St. Henry)
Jesus said: “My people, you are in a constant battle between good and evil, as represented in the chess pieces of white against black in the vision. The devil comes after you every day with his temptations to sin. He attacks you with pride so you strike out at people who criticize you, or insult you. He attacks you with gluttony to eat more than you need, or with eating foods that are not good for your health. He attacks you with sexual desires to look with lust on other women or men, than on your spouse. He attacks you with a need for things that are not necessary in the stores. He tempts you to lie about things to save face in front of others. He tempts you to swear in My Name over things you have no control over. By mentioning how the devil works, you can be more on guard to avoid any temptations to sin. Even if you fall into sin, you can come to Me in Confession as a repentant sinner, so I can forgive your sins, and restore My graces to your soul. You are all sinners with an inherited weakness to sin from Adam. This is why you need to confess your sins at least once a month, to bring your soul back to its original state of grace at your Baptism. You want to keep your soul in a state of grace, because you do not know when I will call you home to My judgment.”
Jesus said: “My people, at My refuges My builders need to provide some beds for the people to sleep. It may not be the best beds, but I will provide a place for everyone to sleep. When you have cots, you could use any available space to sleep. Once you wake up and put your cots away, then you could use the same space for serving your meals. You will have people praying your perpetual Adoration around the clock. You may only eat two meals a day, but you will have daily Holy Communion with limited hot water. You will be taking more sponge baths, rather than showers or baths. You will have to learn how to live with many people in a confined space within the borders of your refuge. Pray for My help every day, so I can provide for all of your needs.”
Thursday, July 12, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, in many countries they are making nuclear bombs, ships, tanks, missiles, and planes for possible war. You are becoming armed camps preparing for an eventual war. The world is bringing a message of hate and war, but I am bringing a message of peace and love. This is the age old battle between Satan’s hate for mankind, and My love for all of you. In the Gospel I told My apostles to proclaim: ‘The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ (Matt. 10:7) I told My apostles to cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and cast out devils. These things seem impossible to you, but I give this healing power to all of My followers who have faith that I can heal people. Most of all, I want My people to preach My Gospel of love, so they can evangelize souls to My ways, so they can save their souls from hell. I give all sinners an opportunity to repent of their sins and seek My forgiveness. Give praise and thanks to Me, because I have brought you salvation through My death on the cross.”
(Fr. Ted Metzger’s Funeral Mass) Fr. Ted said: “I want to thank my family, my friends, Bishop Matano, and my fellow priests for taking the time to come to my funeral Mass. It is poetic to have my funeral Mass at the same church as my Baptism. I want to thank all of my care givers in my last days, and for all those people who helped me through the years. I love all of my family and friends, and I will be praying for all of you. I am in heaven now by the grace of God, and I am happy to have served my Lord as a priest for all of these years. Thank you, John, for sharing these words, and I bless you in your mission.”
Prayer Group:
The Holy Spirit said: “I am the Spirit of love and I shine My graces on every soul. The seven doves in the vision represents the seven gifts I give to everyone. The bright Light in the vision represents the graces shining on you. I give you My help to spread the message of the Gospel to all of the nations. This message of My Word is how I inspire My faithful to reach out to convert souls to the Lord. Do not worry how you will preach the Gospel, because I will give you the words necessary to evangelize souls.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are spoiled by having electricity run all of your appliances and your computers. Many of you would be lost without your cell phones, and your electronic banking on the internet. When the evil ones want to take you over, they will shut down your electricity, and this will leave many of you helpless. This is why many of My refuge builders are including solar panels to run their lights and their sump pumps, and water pumps. As you see people surviving in older days, you will have less comforts at your refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are fortunate to have your freedoms in a democratic republic as opposed to a lack of freedoms in communist countries. You have some people who are proposing that you live under socialism, or as they call themselves progressives. This is just another name for communism, which is total control of your freedoms by the government. Do not be tricked because socialism is also a Godless way of life, much like atheistic communism. Socialism will take away your freedom of religion, and they will persecute you for believing in My ways. So avoid socialism, communism, and any such control of your freedoms. Many have died in wars to protect your freedoms. So do not give them away to the socialists who want to take over America.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are being tested with a heat wave that continues to test your patience with heat that is hard to avoid. This heat is being combined with little or no rain, which is drying out your crops and your lawns. Without watering by irrigation, you could lose some of your crops. Pray for enough rain and less heat, or you could see a beginning famine.”
Jesus said: “My son, I want you to remember to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer before your trip and on the way home. You can see how accidents can happen, so pray for your safety. You all rejoice in joining together in prayer for honoring St. Anne. Trust in My protection on your long trips so My faithful can enjoy their meeting.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an ongoing trade war between China and America. China’s industries and their consumers will be suffering from the tariffs, just as America’s businesses and consumers are suffering. You have had cheap products from China for many years, but you did not realize how you are transferring your wealth to China every year that you have over $300 billion in trade deficits. Your country will need new trade agreements to survive cheap labor made goods in China.”
Jesus said: “My people, every time you have seen recessions, the money people raised interest rates too high to discourage too much buying. You are seeing another series of interest rate increases, as well as a selling off of government securities. If this happens too quickly, your buying of goods could decrease with a loss of jobs. Pray for a continuing good economy, but beware of the manipulation of your interest rates and Federal balance sheets. I am watching over your people, and I will guide you to My refuges when your lives are in danger.”
Wednesday, July 11, 2018: (St. Benedict)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you all the empty seats at your Sunday Mass. In earlier days you had standing room only on Sunday Mass. Today, only about 20 to 25% of your parish attends Sunday Mass. You have many distractions with your cell phones, computers, and TVs that occupy a lot of your time. Every person needs to set aside some quiet time for Me in your prayers. Once you have shut off the noise of the world, only then can you meditate on your spiritual life, so you can avoid your habitual sins. Your prayers can help you slow down to appreciate My love for you. I need to be the center of your life so you are always focused on your final destination with Me in heaven. If you allow the devil to take up all of your time with frivolous activities, then you will not have time for Me in your daily lives. Make quiet time for Me every day, so you are focused on My ways and laws, than on the world’s ways.”
Jesus said: “My people, this news story of the 12 boys and their soccer coach being rescued from a cave with water, was a miracle operation. Only one rescue person drowned in this Thailand cave. The rescue people had to move quickly because more rain was about to flood the cave. I heard the many prayers, and My angels guided the boys out to safety. This is another example of a miracle rescue that is always possible with My help. No matter how impossible a job may seem, you can pray to Me in confidence that I can answer what seems impossible for your human expectations. Set aside some quiet time each day, so you can ask Me for My help in solving your problems.”
Tuesday, July 10, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, when I healed the man with a mute spirit, the people were amazed that I could demand evil spirits to leave, and they obeyed Me. One person even claimed that it was by Beelzebub that I could command spirits to leave. I told them that Satan’s kingdom would be divided, if I cast demons out by Beelzebub. Instead, it is by the power of God in My Name that I cast out demons. You had thousands of flies in your chapel that required a St. Michael prayer and blessed salt to remove the ‘Lord of the flies’ in Beelzebub. You have some exorcist priests who can cast out demons in My Name when they pray over possessed people. It takes a strong faithful priest to rid demons. People, who are addicted to alcohol and drugs, have demons attached to these addictions. You need deliverance prayers and faith in My power to rid people of their demons and addictions. If people continue their bad habits of these addictions, they are re-opening portals for the bad spirits to re-enter. This is why it may take several exorcisms to convert someone of an addiction to alcohol. Keep praying for the souls of your family, and you could help save their souls.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are beginning to see an increase in the amount of imports that are having more tariffs put on them. Both America and China are increasing their tariffs as you are seeing a trade war getting worse. Your President’s attempt at getting a more fair trading field, could cost your farmers, manufacturers, and your consumers. At first you were seeing modest increases, but as your trade war continues, you could see higher prices for everyone. It would be best to make better trade agreements, than keep increasing your tariffs. Pray for your country to make better trade agreements with your allies, instead of punishing their economies with tariffs.”
Monday, July 9, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many people over the centuries who have worshiped other gods than Me out of their ignorance of My creation. In today’s first reading the Israelites worshiped Baal, but I sent My prophets to warn them to return to Me, or they would face My punishment. Many times the Israelites did not want to hear My prophets, and they even killed them. I protected some prophets for a while, until the Israelites heard My message. When the Israelites did not change, I would allow their enemies to overtake them. When you look up into the stars and study the heavens, you realize that you are just a dot in My infinite universe. There is a first cause of all of My creation, and I am the only true Creator of everything, including everyone’s soul and body. Do not worship anyone else than Me, because I am more powerful and loving than the demons or anything else. Give praise and glory to Me for creating all of you, and dying for your sins on the cross, so you could be saved.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a respected judge in Bret Kavenaugh being nominated by your President for the Supreme Court. Your President is replacing Justice Kennedy who is retiring. This is a young judge, who could be on the court for some years, if he is confirmed. It will be decided if this confirmation will require 51 votes. This nominee will need to be questioned on his views, and he will need to talk to the Senators to win their vote. There will be a battle to block this confirmation, so you will see possible lies and obstructions to this vote. Pray that a good judge will be confirmed to your Supreme Court.”
Sunday, July 8, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a huge number of children who were aborted, is just a small portion of the million babies killed per year in America alone. Your abortions, that are legal in America, are one of the main reasons I am bringing My punishments upon your nation. I am sending out My prophets to not only prepare you for the end days of the tribulation, but also to draw your attention to your sins of abortion, fornication, adultery, and homosexual acts. The sinners, who commit these sins, do not want to hear My prophets telling them of their sins, and they strike out against My prophets. These are the people who promote abortion, and make laws against speaking out against fornication and homosexual acts. My son, you and all of My prophets of today will be persecuted for your mission against these sins and evils of your society. You may even have to hide from those evil ones who want to kill My prophets. Continue to be faithful to your missions in your talks and in setting up your refuge. My angels will be protecting you from all of the evil ones’ attempts to harm you.”