Tuesday, November 27, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages about being ready to come to My refuges when your lives are threatened. I am showing you in the vision how tunnels and caves would be places of refuge. Caves are cold and damp, and you may have to use your tents, sleeping blankets, and some means of heating to keep warm in the winter. You also will need sweaters, winter coats, boots, gloves, and a warm hat for the cold. Whatever food and water that you have could be multiplied. Your angels will bring you daily Communion and deer for meat. These refuges are rustic, but you will only need to suffer this for less than 3½ years. Be thankful that My angels will protect you with an invisible shield from your enemies. I will protect you from any wild animals or snakes at My refuges. You may need to work on preparing meals, and using wood fires to keep warm and for cooking. You will have enough food to eat, and water from springs to drink. Trust in Me to provide for your needs for this living purgatory on earth that My faithful will suffer through the tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, some of your scientists are noticing another alignment of the planets, but there were no effects on earth the last time this occurred. I have mentioned before that the speculation on December 21st of this year will not cause any effect on the earth either. Next year a comet will come around Christmas and an asteroid will come very close in February. The vision of the rover on Mars means that some new discoveries of the rocks could show possible signs of previous water compounds and signs of erosion. The environment on Mars does not appear to have conditions for life, but some crude forms of life could have occurred years ago. Your technology for finding signs of life have greatly improved, so that you could better detect it, or if it was once there.”
Monday, November 26, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My faithful to have some spiritual and physical things packed when you will need to go to My refuges of protection. The reason Christians are the targets of the one world people, is because Satan wants to remove all places with My Name displayed. He does not want the Christians to evangelize his subjects that he controls. This is why those, who believe in God, are considered the enemy in the battle for souls. Because Satan is fighting against you with his people, you understand how valuable you are to Me so you can help others to become Christians. Truly you are in a battle between good and evil, and I need My followers to evangelize and pray for as many souls as possible to save them from hell. Do not be fearful of the evil ones, but call on Me, and I will send angels to help you to win souls for Me, and fight off the devil’s temptations. Put your trust in Me, and I will protect you and your family.”
Jesus said: “My people, your country’s Budget is out of control when you are spending a trillion dollars more than you take in for taxes. You have heard a lot of political talk of letting taxes go back to their original level. Just increasing the taxes on the rich will not balance your budget. If you are making cuts, then even people receiving welfare and Social Security will have to suffer the pain with everyone else. Your politicians have been buying votes with increased handouts. Once you start cutting back on the handouts, you will see the people protesting in the streets just as in Greece and Spain. If taxes are not raised, and cuts are not implemented, then your deficits will continue, your credit rating will fall, and interest rates will be forced to rise. Without attempts to reduce your deficits, you will be on the road to bankruptcy. There simply will not be enough money to pay out to all the benefits of the entitlements. Whether the deficits are reduced or not, there will be pain or a collapse of your government. America needs to print its own debt free money, and do away with the bankers’ debt money from the Federal Reserve. There is not enough money available to pay off your National Debt or to keep it from rising. When you see chaos in the streets under bankruptcy, hyperinflation, or austerity budgets, then My faithful will need to seek the safety of My refuges where My angels will see to your needs and protection.”
Sunday, November 25, 2012: (Christ the King)
Jesus said: “My people, this feast is a joyous conclusion of the Church Year. It is also a preview of how I will return in glory to judge all of mankind. I have told you many times that you will see this fulfilled in your lifetime. Rejoice that you are living in these end times. All of mankind will have to see their life review at My Warning which will be a chance for sinners to repent before the great tribulation begins. When you see a world famine, a division in My Church, and mandatory chips in the body begin, My faithful will need to come to My places of refuge. After the Antichrist’s reign, I will come on the clouds to judge people. Rejoice that I will conquer the evil ones, and I will renew the earth. All of My faithful will then be brought into My Era of Peace. My son, rejoice that you are announcing these events to come, so My people can be prepared in their souls, and in My refuges of protection. Let the people hear My words and rejoice in My victory, as they will see Me as their King and their Creator.”
Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of you for coming to this Shrine that honors My Kingship in memory of Charles’ messages from Me. You prayed a beautiful rosary during a moderate snowstorm, and I thank all of you for enduring the cold and snow for My glory. This is indeed a place of refuge as consecrated land. There is a plan to provide a chapel which will need the support of the people to fund it. Time is getting late to build refuges, and My angels may have to help finish such an effort. The vision of fire represents the purification that all souls will need during the tribulation of the Antichrist. Those, who live during the tribulation, will suffer their purgatory on earth rather than in purgatory itself. Give praise and glory to your King on My feast day.”
Saturday, November 24, 2012: (St. Andrew & companions)
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of a circling green cloud, you are seeing another representation of My coming Warning. You are living in the end times and you are reading about the Book of Revelation where the two prophets were ruling over the world. Moses and Elijah were present at My Transfiguration which was a preview of My Resurrection. Now, the two prophets in Revelation are returning in the end times. You will be experiencing My Warning which will be a preview of your final judgment. You will see your life reviewed with an emphasis on your unforgiven sins. After this life review, you will see a judgment to heaven, hell, or purgatory. You will experience your destination briefly, and if you do not improve your spiritual life, this will be where your life is leading you. You will be returned to your body to improve your life. Now, your eyes will see clearly as to how you are offending Me with your sins, and you will be held more accountable for your sins because of your increased knowledge. The Warning will be a blessing for most sinners to repent and change their lives, but some will still reject Me. This will be the time to evangelize your family members to return to their original faith, or they could be lost if they do not change. Keep praying for these souls that they could be saved from hell.”
(Christ the King) Jesus said: “My people, this is the last Sunday of the Church Year, and you are celebrating My Kingship in heaven. The Bible describes how I will come on the clouds to bring judgment on the people of the earth. There will be false christs that will try to deceive the people, but do not follow them. There will also be an Antichrist dressed as an Arab who will claim to be the Man of Peace. Be careful not to look at his eyes because he could cause people to worship him with his demonic powers. This is why I told you after the Warning to get rid of your TVs and your computers so you do not look at his face. I will come in glory on the clouds with love, but the Antichrist comes with hate and demanding obedience to worship him. Do not be deceived by the false christs. I love you all, and this is how you will recognize Me because of My manner of love.”
Friday, November 23, 2012: (St. Clement I)
Jesus said: “My people, there are two representations of this vision of gates opening to a castle. A castle represents a place of safety as a fortress. So opening the gates to a place of safety is how I am providing people to prepare refuges, and My angels will defend you with their invisible shields. At the tribulation time, My faithful will be directed by their guardian angels to the nearest refuge where I will provide the necessities of life. The second meaning of this vision is how I have opened the gates of heaven with My sacrificial death on the cross. This is the ultimate place of safety, since all the evil ones will be cast into hell. In heaven you will experience My beatific vision, My peace, and My love. Heaven will be the fulfillment of your soul’s desire to be One with your Creator. Rejoice that you will find My protection on earth and in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, the prince, who fell off the chariot and was injured, represents America as it will fall from the grace of God because of its sins. America will not only be injured by disasters, but it will be taken over by the one world people in the central bankers of the Federal Reserve. You have a bad economy when the bankers restrict the money supply in circulation. These bankers in the past choked the people without money, and they were able to buy up the failed buildings for pennies on the dollar in their forced depressions. Now, the Federal Reserve prints as many Treasury Bonds as it wants out of thin air, and it makes this debt money a part of the National Debt on the books of the Federal Reserve. The central bankers are taking nearly $80 billion a month to buy up all of the bad debts that own all the mortgages from the banks. There is no new money going into circulation, and the bankers are stealing your homes for free. By keeping interest rates low on savings accounts, they are again stealing the money from the older people and poor savers as they make profits on 6% loans. When America goes bankrupt, these bankers will own everything, and they will take over the government. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when martial law is declared to stop the chaos and revolution. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones who will want to try and kill My faithful people.”
Thursday, November 22, 2012: (Thanksgiving Day)
Jesus said: “My people, all of you are born with original sin on your souls from Adam, and you are as one in shackles to sin. Since I died on the cross for all souls, you now have Baptism to be freed of the bonds of your sins, just as the ten lepers were healed of their leprosy. You come to Mass to give thanksgiving for the blessings of a free country, but you also can give Me thanks for your salvation by My death on the cross. At Mass I give you My Eucharist which is My very Body and Blood. This is a sacrament of thanksgiving in the consecrated Bread. When you are eating your Thanksgiving meal, pray and give thanks to Me for all that I have given you in life.”
Wednesday, November 21, 2012: (Presentation of Blessed Virgin Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, I had prepared My Blessed Mother for this moment of her coming to the earth without original sin. She was consecrated to God in the Temple because she was a gift to her parents. My Blessed Mother was living in the Divine Will without sin during her whole life. She is truly a Divine tabernacle to carry Me in her womb for nine months. As the Mother of God she is highly to be honored among all the people on earth. She is also a true model to follow in her holiness. She was an inspiration to My apostles while she was on earth. Now, she is crowned Queen of heaven, and she is placing her mantle of protection over her children on earth. I gave her to St. John as the Mother of My people at the foot of the cross. This is a fitting feast to My Blessed Mother as she started her work on earth.”
Jesus said: “My people, when I mentioned caves for refuges, you could also see underground dwellings built into the side of a hill. The vision that I showed you, could be such a dwelling in a hill that had supports, and it was lined to keep out the bugs and water. There was an air vent, and a smokestack for a wood burner for warmth and cooking. The door allowed some light to come in, and it had a screened vent for air. The hill was pitched so the water would run away from the entrance. In Northern climates such a home in the hill would be warmer with less effects from the weather. Many refuges will have a rustic appearance, but you will have protection with My angels defending you from the evil ones. I will provide My people with food and water as I will multiply what you have. This is why My refuge leaders need to have some food stored that could be multiplied. During the coming famine, the people, who criticized your food storage, will understand too late. You may have to share your food with many faithful who did not believe in making any preparations.”
Tuesday, November 20, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned America to repent of its sins, but your people are not listening to My messages, nor are your people following My Commandments. Not only will you be punished with disasters, but in this vision the America that you know, will be taken over, and the documents of your freedoms will be cremated in this urn. This means after martial law is established, your Declaration of Independence and your Constitution will no longer be valid. America will become a part of the North American Union without any rights for its people, and you will soon come under the control of the Antichrist. Once martial law begins, I will have already warned My faithful to leave for My refuges. The evil ones will be looking to kill Christians and patriots, so you will need the protection of My angels at My refuges. Trust in My help and protection, and you will have nothing to fear.”
Jesus said: “My people, this is a joyful message to show My faithful how many people are hearing My call to set up refuges, and a good amount of them are saying yes. A good share of these refuge leaders are also receiving messages, and they are writing their messages in a journal to help them set up their refuges. I have been helping many refuge leaders with people’s donations when they do not have much money. Events are getting close to the time when My faithful will have to come to these refuges. Some people are starting their refuges late, and they may need My angels to finish them. Each refuge should be consecrated to Me by a priest*, and have an independent source of water. Refuge leaders should start stocking food, fuel, and places to bed down with blankets and sleeping blankets. They could buy some cheap cots or inexpensive beds. I will multiply the food, water, and bedding. My angels will bring daily Communion to the people, and they will even help build more dormitories as more people come. Rejoice that there will be many places of refuges to offset all the detention center death camps being built by the evil ones.”
*Exorcism Prayer Over Property; Consecration of Property
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our help is in the Name of the Lord:
Who made Heaven and earth.
Father in Heaven, You are the Creator of the earth and of all that fills it; You are the Source of all life and of all goodness, and You constantly bestow Your blessings upon those who place their trust in You. In Your Name, and in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and through the spiritual authority granted to the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, I exorcize this property and these buildings of every evil power and influence, and command in the Name of the Most Holy Trinity that every evil spirit be put to flight and be forever barred from returning here; that every hex, conjuring, spell, curse, or form of deception or oppression be shattered; and that every evil scheme or temptation be exposed, unmasked, and broken–for the Glory of the Most Holy Trinity and the salvation of the entire people of God, particularly those who live or visit here.
In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, I consecrate this property to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Mother of God, and in Their Name, I summon all holy angels and archangels, from this time forward, to guard this property and all who live here or come here, from all evil and all harm. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, and the ministry of the angels assigned here, may anyone not called to this place of refuge be blinded to all the traffic that comes here; may anyone seeking to infiltrate this refuge for any purpose contrary to the Will of Almighty God be rendered incapable of any unholy act, and be convicted of the need for heartfelt repentance; and may all who come here in response to the call of Our Lord and Our Lady be kept safe from every physical and spiritual harm, and be truly open to the words of truth proclaimed here, and the blessings of God bestowed here. May all of us fulfill the mission assigned to us in a spirit of gratitude, trust, and humility, and may we be filled with a spirit of wisdom, courage, and fortitude. We ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.
Monday, November 19, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, as you approach the end of the Church Year, you start having thoughts of your own death that could be approaching. The first reading was pointing out to the Church of Ephesus that they needed to repent of their sins. In America also your people are falling away from their religious traditions of coming to Sunday Mass and celebrating Christmas with Nativity scenes. It is the atheists that are attacking your traditions, and My people need to stand up for their religious freedoms. You need to speak out My Name in defiance of the atheists and those who are politically correct. The people of America need to repent of their sins just as the Church of Ephesus was called to do. If people do not repent of their sins now, they will surely do so when they face My Warning experience. Prepare your souls now with frequent Confession so you are ready to meet Me at your judgment, when I call you home when you die, or when you will have your life review at My Warning.”
Jesus said: “My people, this current firing of rockets from Hamas in the Gaza Strip is being backed by Iran and Egypt. If Israel starts killing very many Palestinians, Egypt has threatened to help their fellow Arabs. Israel is using aircraft attacks, and it has its army moving into position for a possible frontal attack. If this war widens to include other nations, America could get involved as well. Pray that this threatened war does not get wider because it could involve nuclear weapons if Israel feels threatened. If the violence gets worse, there could also be a threat to oil supplies which could raise your gasoline prices.”
Sunday, November 18, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, as you come closer to the end times, you will see a happening in the sky on the day of the Warning that will frighten many people. Everyone will have their life review at the same time. Then you will see where you will be judged. You will have a small taste of your judgment’s destination before you will be brought back into your body. After you come back, you will have a strong feeling to repent of your sins, or a need to come to Confession for Catholics. This will begin the events that will lead up to the Antichrist’s coming into power. At the end of the tribulation, you will see Me on the clouds coming to judge the people. My Comet of Chastisement will cause the three days of darkness. The evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will renew the earth. Then I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven. Be on the watch for My coming, so your soul is ready to meet Me at its judgment.”