Tuesday, March 20, 2018:
Jesus said: “My son, when you read how the people with Moses complained about the manna, you were thinking about the coming people to your refuge. The people with Moses suffered from seraph serpents that bit them, and some died because of their complaining. This is a lesson to your refuge people, not to complain about the food. Moses asked God to help the people, so Moses was told to mount a bronze serpent on a pole, and hold it up. Those people, who were bit by the snakes, looked on the bronze serpent, and they were healed. At your refuge, you will have a luminous cross in the sky, so when you look upon it, you will be healed of your illnesses. This lifting up of a bronze serpent on a pole, also refers to Me when I was lifted up on the cross, when I died for your sins. When you look on My crucifix with the corpus, you see that I love all of you enough to die for you in saving your souls from sin. This miracle of My death and Resurrection, gives you all hope that you will be resurrected to heaven, if you follow My way. So pick up your own cross, as you will carry it through life to your death. This world will have many trials and sufferings from your human condition, but trust in Me to help you through everything. Offer up all of your sufferings to unite them with Me on My cross, and you could help other souls with redemptive suffering, as I did. I will never test you beyond your endurance, so continue to trust in My help each day with your trials. When you come to the gates of heaven, I will say: ‘Enter’ for you have done everything well My servant for love of Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the darkness of night it is hard to find your way without any light. When you see the light of day come in, you can see clearly what to do, and where to go. I am the Light that you need, especially against the darkness of evil. Your world is becoming more corrupt, and more evil in its lifestyles. You are seeing people living together without marriage in fornication, in homosexual acts, and now even transgender lives. I made them male and female in the Garden of Eden as husband and wife in marriage with Adam and Eve. Now you are living in sexual sins, and there is no shame. Just as I brought the Jews into exile because of their worship of idols and pagan gods, so I will bring America into exile for your evil ways. Killing My little ones in abortion, is the main reason that America will suffer a takeover as your punishment. Pray to stop your abortions, or you will suffer the consequences.”
For Mary Goode: Jesus said: “My people, this mother had to endure some suffering at the end of her life, but she is free from purgatory with this Mass intention. She loves her family very much, and she will be praying for them. She thanks all the care givers and helpers in the latter part of her life.”
Monday, March 19, 2018: (St. Joseph, stepfather of Jesus)
St. Joseph said: “My son, you all have prayed to me at every one of your prayer meetings, but you could pray to me every day as well. You pray to my spouse, Mary, and my foster Son, Jesus, but you could include me in your daily prayers as well. I am a good example for all fathers and husbands to follow. You can call on me for help in all of your refuge projects. You know I am in construction and working with wood, so I could help you in your needs. Call on me for my intercession, and I will be there to help you.”
Jesus said: “My people, just as you see this open basket, you need to be open to My requests to help you through life. You need to listen to My Word, and turn off the noise and distractions of the world. As you come closer to Me, you even need to detach yourself from earthly things, and seek out My spiritual things. This is why it is good to seek out some quiet time with Me, so you can hear My words. This latest Lenten mission has encouraged you to have a dialogue with Me, or a two way conversation to help you with your missions. I have given you some projects to work on for your refuge, and you have been faithful in carrying them out. You can ask Me questions if you do not understand what I am asking. I usually give you explanations that are logical and spiritually motivating. I am always here to lead you and help you in your missions. Continue to trust in Me for all that I am asking of you.”
Sunday, March 18, 2018: (Fifth Sunday of Lent)
Jesus said: “My people, when I talked about the grain of wheat dying, I was referring to how I had to die at the hands of men to make reparation for all souls to be forgiven of their sins. I resurrected from the tomb to bring life to all souls. My faithful will also be resurrected at the last judgment, but during this life you must die to self, and let Me lead your life on a path to heaven. I want My people to be heaven bound and not earth bound. This life is temporary, and you all will face your judgment at the end of your life. If you are too attached to this life, you will not love Me and your neighbor. The devil and the worldly things can only lead you to hell, where there is hate and death to the soul forever. It is better to die to self and follow Me, by loving Me and loving your neighbor. It is by being faithful to Me that you will have My promise of eternal life in heaven. So choose life as heaven bound, and do not let this earthly life lead you astray.”
Saturday, March 17, 2018: (St. Patrick’s day)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you are seeing how the Jewish religious leaders did not take Me as a serous prophet, because I lived in Galilee in Nazareth. They did not know My parents were from the line of King David, and that I was born in Bethlehem. I did not proclaim My mission to them, nor did I tell them of where I was born. I kept My Messianic mission a secret, and I avoided places where the Pharisees lived. I did speak out in the synagogues, which is why My hometown people wanted to kill Me when I spoke of being God’s Son. As I showed miracles of raising people from the dead, and multiplying the bread and fish for thousands, it was hard to confine the number who believed in Me. You can see when I cured people on the Sabbath, how the Pharisees wanted to kill Me. You can also read in St. John’s Gospel how I claimed to be God’s Son, and the people criticized Me for blasphemy. You will see in the coming readings how the religious leaders did not like their authority threatened by My large crowds. This is why they sought to kill Me. This was My mission to die for all the people, but this only would take place at the proper hour, and not before. You are getting closer to Holy Week when Judas would betray Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you hell, but your people have turned everything upside down where good is bad, and bad is good. You have listened to the lies of Satan, and you are following man’s corrupt laws instead of being obedient to My laws. In man’s eyes you think it is all right to have abortions, and to live together in fornication without marriage. It is difficult for the children who are brought up without loving and worshiping Me. Many of your children are not coming to Mass on Sunday, because they do not think it is necessary for Me to lead their lives. Even some people come to Mass, but they do not show Me love the rest of the week. My faithful need to stand up against the evil ways of your society. Continue to let Me lead your lives, even if your peers have lost their faith, and do not love Me. When you see your young people not coming to church, their parents are not giving them a good example to follow. Despite your prayers for your children, sometimes they will fall away from the faith you taught them. This lack of faith is another sign of the end times. I am asking My faithful remnant to be patient until I will bring My Warning down upon all sinners. This may be the last opportunity to help save the souls in your family, who have turned away from Me. You will have to guide them back to Me, and back to Confession, when they will be more open to your words. Keep praying for your family to return to the faith of their roots in Me.”
Friday, March 16, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, (Jn 8:12) ‘I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me, does not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.’ My Light is how people come to see Me when they die. My Light also shines down on My people who are open to My Word. It is My Light that shows you the right path to heaven. My Light removes the darkness of sin, and you can cleanse your sins in Confession. I give you salvation by My death on the cross, and I give you My sacraments so you can walk in My Light. It is the Light of My graces that will set you free from the bonds of your sin in the darkness. Come into My Light, and follow Me, and you will have eternal life with Me in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, in older times you saw how the Jews stored the Ten Commandments in the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies. This was a sacred place that only the priests were allowed to give the incense. At the Last Supper I instituted the Holy Eucharist at the first Mass. After Holy Communion was given out, the consecrated Host needed to be stored in a tabernacle. I have My Real Presence in every Host, so I am present in all the tabernacles all over the world. This is why you come before Me in My tabernacle to give Me praise in Adoration. Many churches lock their doors after Mass, so it is difficult to have Adoration, except for places that are open. I am alone many hours of the day without anyone visiting Me. This is why I love open churches or tabernacles that are open to the public for Adoration. Give praise and thanks to Me for giving you Myself in My Blessed Sacrament.”
For James: Jesus said: “My people, James is in the bottom of purgatory because it is against My law to take one’s life. But I am merciful for those people who do such things, if there are uncontrollable circumstances that caused such an act. Pray for James’ soul and continue to have Masses said for him.”
Thursday, March 15, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, the Jewish people in the desert waited a long time for Moses to bring down the Ten Commandments. During that time, they worshiped a golden calf, and God the Father was upset by their behavior. Moses stood in the breach to keep God the Father from consuming the depraved people. Moses divided the people between the believers and the non-believers. The evil ones were lost. In the Gospel I was giving testimony to My authority that was witnessed by St. John the Baptist and God the Father. I was telling them that if they could not obey the laws put down by Moses, how could they obey My new way of love? They could not understand that the love of God includes everyone, even their enemies. It is not easy to love everyone, but it is My call to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. Trust in My words, because My words are true, and they will last forever.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are working hard on your penances for Lent, as your fasting between meals, and whatever you are giving up, such as desserts or watching TV. Since you may have some extra time, you could do some spiritual reading, some Bible study, or watching some movies about My life, or the Ten Commandments. Some people prefer reading, while others learn from spiritual movies. This is one more Lenten devotion that you could add to what you are doing during Lent. When you put extra effort into your Lent, you can help your soul throughout the whole year.”
Jesus said: “My people, those of you, who live in the Northern states, are receiving more cold and snow than usual. You especially are waiting for the snow to melt, and warmer temperatures of spring. As you pass March 20, you will soon see new life in your spring flowers. This is a pretty time in nature to hear the birds singing, and the beautiful spring flowers breaking through the soil. Enjoy every season, but it is time to say good-bye to the snow.”
Jesus said: “My refuge builders, I want you to use your alternative heaters when you will not have natural gas to heat your refuge. Your people will need warm clothes because the heat may not be coming evenly to all parts of your house. You will be using your kerosene heater and your fire place with an efficient insert in the chimney. You may need an electric heater in your basement where it would be harder to heat. Plan your meals and have a sign up sheet for your all night prayers.” Note: plan for the night of Mar 23 at 7:00 p.m to the next day.
Jesus said: “My people, Lent is a time to repent of your sins, and coming to Confession for My forgiveness, is a great time to have your souls cleansed of your sins. Take advantage of the extra Confession time to have your sins absolved by the priest. Make a good preparation before you enter the confessional. Be sure to pray your penance from the priest, and even do some extra prayers to help take away any bad habits. Work on avoiding occasions of sin for you. By coming close to Me in My sacraments, you can enrich your souls with My love and My graces.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of your school shootings are tragic when young lives are taken by mentally ill gunmen. It is not just the weapons that are causing the killings, but it is the mentally ill people who are killing your children. There are many suggestions being made to help prevent these shootings. Pray for the deceased, and for the grieving families, as well as the fellow student survivors.”
Jesus said: “My people, Holy Week is a special time of Lent that leads up to Easter Sunday. My faithful should attend the Holy Week services, even if they take some time to be there. I died on the cross for your salvation, so walk with Me through the Stations and the Triduum services. Once Lent comes to an end, then you will be celebrating My Easter Sundays up until Pentecost. You also will have an opportunity for a plenary indulgence for making your Divine Mercy Novena that lasts from Good Friday until Mercy Sunday.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are approaching March 17 for St. Patrick’s day feast when people celebrate the wearing of the green. St. Patrick’s shamrock is a good reminder to honor the Blessed Trinity of Three Persons in one God. This feast is followed by St. Joseph’s feast on March 19. Many churches celebrate a St. Joseph’s table with all kinds of loaves of bread. These are two great saints to remember in this coming week. This also adds some special services for your Lenten weeks. I love when you honor My saints, and when you praise Me at Adoration.”
Wednesday, March 14, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, in St. John’s Gospel, you see how he speaks of My Divinity in many passages. When I was questioned about how I spoke of God as My Father, I explained that He sent Me to the earth, and I followed all that He showed Me. I even gave life to several people who died. I told them that those people, who follow the Son of God, will have eternal life. I also talked of the Resurrection of those who died. (Jn 5:28, 29) ‘Do not wonder at this, for the hour is coming in which all who are in the tombs, shall hear the voice of the Son of God. And they who have done good, shall come forth unto Resurrection of life; but, they who have done evil, unto the resurrection of judgment.’ The good will be with Me in heaven, but the evil ones will be cast into the eternal flames of hell. You all have free will which I cannot violate, but you will choose to be with Me or not. It is by your own actions that you will be judged. So those people, who desire heaven, must show Me their love in their good deeds for love of Me, and love of their neighbor.”
Jesus said: “My people, at times you are driving at night while it is snowing. It is difficult to drive safely under these conditions as tonight. When you face such a danger, remember to pray your St. Michael prayer for your safety. If you have the long form, it would give you even more protection. There is also a danger that the evil one could cause an accident against you. Trust in your guardian angel and St. Michael to protect you from any evil or bad weather. You also remember to do your long form prayer of St. Michael when you are going out to give talks. I am helping you in your health, and protecting you from harm at all times. Be more attentive in these situations, so you can be protected from any accidents. It is also wise to clear off any snow, so you have good visibility. Think about your own safety, and the safety of your passengers. Thank Me and My angels for looking out for you.”
Tuesday, March 13, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, I took compassion on a man who was lame for thirty-eight years. There was a tradition when the waters of the Pool of Bethesda were stirred, people could have a healing for the first one to enter. Since the man could not enter the pool that well, others would enter before him. So I asked him if he wanted to be healed. When he agreed, I told him to pick up his mat and go home, and he was healed. Because he was healed on the Sabbath, he was criticized for carrying his mat. When the Pharisees found out I had healed him on the Sabbath, they wanted to get rid of Me for such healings on the Sabbath. Instead of rejoicing over a wonderful healing of a man who was lame for so long, these people had little faith in My mission. Even today, when you do good deeds for someone, there is little thanks, and others may not even acknowledge your good intentions. Even if people do not appreciate you are doing things out of love for Me, I see them, and I will store your treasure in heaven. Be willing to help people in need, even if they do not ask you. In all that you are doing, do things out of love for Me and love for your neighbor.”
Jesus said: “My people, the bread and wine are common foods, and they have been adopted in the Mass from its roots in the Passover Meal. You eat your three meals a day to nourish your body, but My consecrated Bread and Wine are given to you as My very Presence in Holy Communion. This is your spiritual food that nourishes your soul. It is My Body and Blood that I offer up on My cross at every Mass. My suffering on the cross has brought all of you salvation from your sins. This is why it is important to have a pure soul to receive Me without any mortal sins on your souls. If necessary, come to Confession to cleanse any mortal sin, so you can receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. The daily Mass provides your daily Bread with My Real Presence. I have told you before that the Latin Mass is My Mass of desire. You have participated in many Latin Masses before the vernacular Mass was given. Whichever Mass you attend, you have My same Body and Blood. Give glory and thanks to Me for giving you the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.”
For Betty T.: Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult to lose a mother, as when you lost your mother, My son. Pray for Betty’s soul with this Mass and your prayers. You all have to make amends for your souls when you die, and it is not uncommon for souls to spend some time in purgatory to be purified. You all are mourning for her loss, but she will be watching over her family. She sends her love for the family.”
Monday, March 12, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you are reading a description of the new heavens and new earth of the Era of Peace. Because you will be eating from the Tree of Life, you will be living a long time in the Era of Peace. This is why it says in Isaiah that one, who dies at 100 years old, will be considered a mere youth. In the Gospel I cured an official’s son of a fever without being at his home, because the official had faith in My Word. His faith was vindicated when he received word later on the way home, that the fever left his son at 1:00 p.m. This was the time I said he would be healed. The official’s whole family believed in Me because of this miracle. This is why all of My people should have faith in My healing power when someone invokes My Name for a healing.”
Jesus said: “My people, My refuge builders have been doing many projects to get their buildings ready to receive the people, who will be sent to My refuges. You may have to use more wood, kerosene, and propane, if you cannot use your natural gas burners. You may not be able to get natural gas when your sources are cut off. With alternative heaters, they may not be as efficient at getting enough heat to all the rooms of your buildings. This is why I am showing you My refuge builders who are adding extra insulation to their existing homes. The best place to add insulation would be in your attic and any crawl space over your ceilings. This would not be that expensive, and you could preserve some of your heating. All of My refuge builders might look into trying to improve their insulation. I am giving you more projects to help your people. Trust in My help for all that you will need.”
Sunday, March 11, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, I am the potter and you are the clay that I fashion into a living person, once I place the spirit and soul into that body. You were all fashioned into an infant in the womb, but it was I who placed the spark of light into the body that gave life to the fertilized egg. It is just as you started in Lent, when you were dust and unto dust you shall return. But your soul and spirit live on forever, even once your physical body dies. It is the destination of your soul that is so important. By your life’s actions for good, you can put yourself on a path to heaven by loving Me and loving your neighbor. If you love Me in your neighbor, then you will help them with your time, money, and prayers. Do not be selfish with your gifts, but share your time and money with others. You can also share your faith in your attempts to evangelize souls to the faith. Trust in Me to help all of you on your path in life to heaven.”