Tuesday, July 11, 2017: (St. Benedict)
Jesus said: “My people, when I cast out a demon from someone, then that person could speak and was no longer mute. The people around Me marveled that I controlled demons, but instead of being grateful, they said it was by Beelzebub that I cast out demons. I quickly told them that Satan’s kingdom would fall from a division from within, if I cast the demons out by Beelzebub. They then realized that it was by the Word of God that I cast demons out of people. They could even hear the demons fearing Me, when I commanded them to leave people. My son, you know that Beelzebub is the ‘Lord of the flies’, and you had such an attack of thousands of flies on your chapel before it was exorcised. Rejoice that you have My priests to exorcise demons, and you have blessed salt and holy water for your defense against the demons. Your relic of the True Cross, your scapular, and your St. Benedictine blessed cross are also useful weapons to fight the demons. This is St. Benedict’s feast day, and you can call on his protection. You can also pray the long form of St. Michael’s prayer for deliverance from demons and addictions. Use your blessed rosary to pray for sinners as well. You have My weapons, so use them to fight the demons.”
Jesus said: “My people, your bodies are vulnerable to many diseases, bone problems, and addictions. You are seeing many cases of cancer at all ages. Some of these problems could be a result from your environment, as pollution, and some could be caused by what you eat, as your modified crops. You have seen people require hip or knee replacements. Others have heart attacks or poor circulation. You can comfort people with your care and your prayers. Some people have financial problems, and you could help your relatives or friends when you can. Those people, who have addictions to alcohol or drugs, are much harder to help. You have clinics to help these people, but they need to have a desire to stop their bad habit and change their lives. Pray your deliverance prayers to help free them from any demons behind these bad habits. By reaching out to help people with your actions, prayers, and donations, you can store up treasure in heaven for your good deeds.”
Monday, July 10, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read about two successful healings because they had faith in My healing power. The one woman had hemorrhages for many years, and she believed if she just touched the tassel on My cloak, then she would be healed. I did heal her both physically, and in her soul. The other man asked Me to bring his daughter back from the dead, and this took an even greater faith in My healing. After I put the non-believers out, then I raised the daughter back to life. I have passed on these healing gifts to My disciples, and they healed people, even raising some people from the dead. Even today, you have witnessed people being healed by miracles of faith. You have even heard about some people being raised from the dead. Some near death people have been given a second chance to return to life, so they could be saved. Even more souls could be saved by My healing power in the coming Warning experience. Remember to have faith in My healing power, and you will see more people healed because of their belief in Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, I look on all of My people as equal. You do not get into heaven by being famous, and you cannot buy yourself into heaven. Those people, who are humble, repent of their sins, and perform good deeds for people, are the ones who will come to heaven. I look into the heart for the intentions of your actions, and you need to do everything out of love for Me. Accumulating wealth and striving to be famous, will not win heaven. You need to store up treasure in heaven with your prayers and good deeds. Seek Me first in your life, and everything else will be given to you. Saving souls from hell should be your primary occupation, because your most prized possession is your soul. Remember that those people, who exult themselves, will be humbled, and those people, who humble themselves, will be exulted.”
Sunday, July 9, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you know how most people, who work, get paid in money and benefits. There are also some people who volunteer their services to help people without getting paid. You also give donations of money to those people in need, or to your relatives and friends. I am making a point of not using people, just for your own gain. Some people abuse their friends for donations, and then use the money for something other than the original request. Some people also use someone’s services for free without thanking them, or they think it is expected. You all have life’s burdens, and you need to help each other. You need to do things out of love and respect for people, and be ready to compensate people for their work, unless they do not want to be paid. By sharing your time and money with people, you are showing Me how much you love Me, and your neighbor.”
Saturday, July 8, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you My very Self in My Real Presence of My Eucharist. I only ask that you receive Me in Holy Communion without any mortal sin on your soul. I have instituted My sacrament of Reconciliation for confessing your mortal and venial sins. Take advantage of this grace in at least monthly Confession. I call all of My faithful to be with Me at Holy Mass on Sunday or Saturday evening. This is My Third Commandment that you give worship to Me on every Sunday. If you do not come to Mass on Sunday, you need to confess this in Confession. You need to make time for Me for at least one hour a week at Mass. You should pray your prayers each day to show Me how much you love Me for all that I do for you. Doing good deeds for people and praying, is your way of thanking Me for My gifts to you. You should rejoice at every Mass to be with Me when I come into your heart and soul at Holy Communion.”
Jesus said: “My people, North Korea is now showing off its ICBM capability, and it will soon threaten the US mainland with a possible nuclear attack. Your Air Force is showing its anti-missile capability, along with the threat of long range bombers to retaliate any attack on you or your allies. With both North Korea and the United States threatening attacks, it would not take much of an accident to precipitate an all-out war on the Korean peninsula. North Korea has a very large army that would necessitate the possible use of tactical atomic bombs to defend South Korea from the North. Continue to pray for peace in this area, or many lives could be lost.”
Friday, July 7, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, God the Father tested the faith of Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, on an altar. Abraham was obedient, and he was about to kill Isaac with a knife, when an angel of God stopped him. Now, God the Father knew that Abraham was even willing to kill his son at the Father’s request. This is similar to when God the Father wanted to offer Me, His only Begotten Son, as a sacrifice for the reparation of all the sins of mankind. I am your Savior, and I was incarnated as a God-man so I could give up My life for all of you out of My love for you. I am calling on all of My faithful people to give up their will to follow My Divine Will. This is your personal sacrifice that you can share with Me on My cross. It is not easy to live a Christian life, but you can show Me your faith like Abraham, by repenting of your sins and doing good works for your neighbor out of love for Me. By your own suffering, you will gain your eternal salvation in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My son, I am giving you another experience of what your Warning will be like. In this vision you are traveling outside of your body, and you are traveling through time in a black hole. Then you will be witnessing every moment of your life in a life review. You will wonder why you made so many bad decisions in your sins. You will see how these sins offend Me, and you will see all the good and bad deeds of your life. At the end of your life review, you will see the destination of your soul in how I would judge you, as if you died today. Many people will be shocked at where they are going, but I will give all of you a second chance to change your lives, when you are returned into your body. After remembering all of your unforgiven sins, many people will desire to come to Confession, or however they know how to repent of their sins. After this Warning experience, some souls will have better lives, while others will get worse in their sins. Help your family members come back to the sacraments to keep them from going to hell. Those people, who change their lives for the better, will be very thankful that I gave them a second chance to change their lives.”
Thursday, July 6, 2017: (Maria Goretti)
Jesus said: “My son, you were outside in a batting cage, and you were hitting softballs. You were putting pressure on your left knee, and now you are limping when it swelled up from spraining your knee. Sometimes you feel good, and you do not realize that your age is affecting how you are limited in your activities. Your knee has been giving you pain after driving for five hours, so it is not like when you were younger. You are learning how your body is not always as good as you would like it to be. Learn from this experience, and do not strain your knee with certain activities. I have given you good health, but you need to be careful not to injure your limbs that can affect your mobility. You can think of your spiritual limitations in the same way. Do not seek curiosities that could lead you into occasions of sin. Your body has certain cravings, but the soul needs to restrain any desires that could lead to sin. Keep focused on Me to control both your physical and spiritual desires. Listen to the good prompting of your guardian angel to lead you on the right path.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with My parable about the wheat and the tares that an enemy sowed in a farmer’s field. Instead of pulling out the weeds which would pull up the wheat as well, the farmer left the two to grow up together. This is similar among the good and bad people who I allow to grow up together. At the judgment the tares are separated and cast into the fire. The evil people also are separated and they will be cast into the flames of hell. The wheat will be gathered into My barn, much like My faithful people who will be brought into heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how North Korea has gradually perfected an ICBM launch vehicle that could reach the United States mainland. This is a new threat to your country which your President is deciding what action to take against North Korea. China wants you to stop military exercises with Japan, and South Korea before North Korea would stop its nuclear plan. This was not acceptable for your country. Pray that a war does not start between your country and North Korea.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your troops and Iraqi troops who are rooting out ISIS from Mosul and other cities. This has been a long campaign assisted by your planes and troops that have successfully taken these cities. You also are seeing more troops being sent into Afghanistan to fight the Taliban. These areas have been in constant warfare without an end to these wars. Pray that you could have peace in these conflicts.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen riots and street problems in many countries. Now in Chicago you are seeing large numbers of homicides, and even some of your police are being assassinated. Some elements in your society are trying to cause a division in your country between the races. Your troops and police need to keep order to stop any riots from causing a martial law. These one world people want a government takeover, and they will be trying to carry out their plan. Pray that your police and troops will be successful in putting down any uprising.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some complaints to take down a cross that is on public land. Your country has been founded on freedoms for all of your citizens. It is difficult to see how a few atheists can use their influence to remove holy objects as crosses from public lands. My people need to stand up for your faith, even when you are faced with lawsuits over traditional beliefs. It may take private land to put up anything religious, but you need to stand up against these atheists who are trying to control you and your freedoms.”
Jesus said: “My people, the liberal teachers in your colleges are brainwashing your children against anything that mentions My Name, and they are teaching atheistic socialism unless your children are strong in their Christian beliefs. It will be hard to continue their faith in coming to church on Sunday. You need to pray for your schools and colleges to allow prayers and conservative speakers to speak, or the students will all follow the Godless ways of evil in your country.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading how I brought fire and brimstone down upon Sodom and Gomorrah because of their homosexual sins. Even in your country, you have legalized homosexual marriage in your Supreme Court decision. These same sex marriages are an abomination in My eyes, and it is not beyond My power to bring punishment down upon your country for these sins. You have even seen an article about French fries with rainbow colors on the holder to promote the gay parades. America needs to repent of its sins, or you could see fire come down on your cities for your abominable sins of the flesh.”
Wednesday, July 5, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, when Sarah was barren, Abraham was given the Egyptian slave, Hagar so there could be descendants. Hagar had a son, Ishmael, who was blessed by God. Later, when Sarah had a miraculous birth of Isaac, there was a concern by Sarah that she did not want Ishmael to have any inheritance. She had Abraham exile Hagar and Ishmael. God the Father came to the rescue of Ishmael and He made Ishmael into a great nation of Arabs. Today this is why there is still a struggle over the land of Israel between the Jews and the Arabs. In the Gospel I cast the demons out of the demoniac into the pigs for their number was Legion. The demons drove the pigs off the cliff into the sea, so the townspeople asked Me to leave their area. They did not appreciate My healing of the demoniac at the cost of losing their pigs. This casting out of demons by My power was passed on to My disciples. A few times My disciples had difficulty in casting out more powerful demons. I told them that this kind of demon required prayer and fasting. In all healing and deliverance, you need to have faith in the power of My healing to be successful. Give praise and thanks to Me for giving this gift to My chosen ones.”
Jesus said: “My people, many people watch sports games, or they play in the games themselves. Playing games is good exercise, and watching games is entertaining. A problem comes when you spend too much time playing or watching games, and this becomes an addiction at the expense of other things in your lives, like prayer time. You know how I dislike games played on Sunday morning when people should be coming to Sunday Mass. I have mentioned before to be aware of anything that controls your time, because this could become an addiction. Addictions have demons attached to them, and this is why they are hard to break. You need to guard your prayer time from any earthly distractions or addictions. If you have an addiction, you need to pray your St. Michael long form prayer for deliverance. You can also pray this prayer for others who may be addicted to drugs, alcohol, or even sports. Your time is a precious gift, and you need to use it wisely so you are making the best use of it, especially for praying for people. Keep close to Me in your prayers, so you can evangelize souls for Me.”
Tuesday July 4, 2017: (Independence day)
Jesus said: “My people, there are occult meetings going on where humans and animals are sacrificed to Satan in a black mass. You may not see this evil going on, and it is causing bad things to happen from their curses and hexes that they place on people. People are drinking evil potions, and they are causing demons to possess them. I know there is a lot of sin going on, but the evil sacrifices and curses are spreading worse evil among your people. I will be bringing down punishment on America for its sins, but I could destroy these covens with fire before I bring a general disaster on all the people. If you start seeing fires burn up places of black masses, do not be surprised. You will see My wrath pour out on the evil ones because I have limits where evil can only go so far. Trust in My protection from the worst evil among you.”
Jesus said: “My people, many lives were lost in the Revolutionary War that freed you from the oppression of England’s unfair taxes. You had another battle in your Civil War over the right to own slaves as property. There were other wars as well when Americans had to die to stop Hitler and similar dictators. You have a Democratic Republic which was formed by your forefathers, and it has stood the test of time because My blessings are upon your country. You have My Name in your documents and in your National Anthem. Do not allow Godless socialism or communism to ruin the plan of your forefathers, and My plan for your country. Encourage your people to pray for your country to maintain its freedom of speech and its freedom of religion.”
Monday, July 3, 2017: (St. Thomas, 52nd Wedding Anniversary)
St. Thomas said: “My son and daughter, I am delighted to wish the both of you a happy 52nd Wedding Anniversary. You have both been dedicated to doing the Lord’s work in your mission. Many people call Me the ‘doubting Thomas’, but you know I was not the only one who found it difficult to believe in Our Savior’s Resurrection. St. Mary Magdalen, the two apostles at the tomb, and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus witnessed Jesus and the empty tomb, but the other apostles did not believe either. It was only when Jesus appeared to us in the upper room that we truly believed in His Resurrection. I was not there at the first appearance, but on the second appearance I felt Jesus’ wounds and I believed. I said: ‘My Lord, and My God’, and I am happy John, that you recite these words at the Consecration of every Mass. You remember reading this in your old Mass missal. I also asked Jesus how we were to know the way to follow Him to heaven. Jesus said: (Jn 14:6) ‘I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through Me.’ These mysteries had to be taken on faith, but I wondered how they would physically take place. Many of you have had similar questions, but I just voiced them.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a railroad track going around a corner in the vision. My people want to stay on the right track without any detours, or falling off the track. In life you have many distractions, and you could easily get misled if you are not careful. Trust in Me with your prayers, and focus on loving Me and your neighbor. Start with your morning offering, and consecrate everything over to Me. When you are faithful to Me, you will have My protection from any temptations. When you are curious with your own desires, then you are allowing the evil one to lead you astray. I love all of you, and you need to keep on the right track to heaven.”
Sunday, July 2, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, every time your relatives get together at Mass, or to celebrate a party or cookout, you should be reminded to pray for all of their souls to be saved from hell. I have told you many times of how your souls are your most important possession, and you need to guard them from the devil. The readings talk of a reward in heaven for following a good life on earth. To gain heaven, you need to repent of your sins, and love Me and your neighbor with good deeds. You may have family members who do not pray, or do not worship Me on Sundays. These are the souls who need your prayers to be saved. You do not want to see any of your family members languishing in the flames of hell. This is why I am depending on the prayer warriors of each family to pray for saving the souls of your family from hell. At the judgment every soul has to accept loving Me, or the other option is to be lost in hell. Keep praying persistently every day to save your relatives’ souls from hell. By your prayers you will all find your reward in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have called you to follow the narrow straight road to My Kingdom of heaven. This road is long, meaning there is a lot of time for you to get tested in this life with all kinds of disasters. As you look back on your life, no one escapes suffering some trials. You could see sickness and death among your family and friends. You could suffer some personal financial losses, or some personal health problems. Whenever you are doing good things for Me, you could see the devil attack you, or those people who help you. This is all part of your life, but you need to keep focused on following the narrow road, even if you have detours or bumps in the road. I love all of My people, and I will have My angels guard you from any distractions of the evil ones. Keep loving Me in your good deeds and your prayers, and you will have My heavenly reward.”