Tuesday, November 22, 2022: (St. Cecelia)
Jesus said: “My people, you are reading in the Book of Revelation about all of the events that are beginning right before you. The Bible speaks of famine, earthquakes, and pestilence like the Covid diseases. I have told you not to take any Covid or flu shots that the media is brainwashing the people to take. These shots will ruin your immune system with each booster. You were alerted recently that the Antichrist was crowned in a secret ceremony by Luciferians at the latest Climate Change meeting in Egypt. The Antichrist is waiting for the West to go down and after World War III before he will declare himself to rule over the earth. Have no fear because I will bring My Warning and Conversion time of six weeks to help convert all sinners who want to repent of their sins and be believers in Me. This will be the time to make believers in your family during the Conversion time with no evil influence. This will be a choice to come to Me in heaven, or go with the devil into the eternal flames of hell. Only believers in Me will be allowed into the safety of My refuges. Once I call you to My refuges after the Warning, My angels will put an invisible shield over you on your way to My refuges. My angels will protect you from the evil ones at My refuges where you will have food, water, and fuels for your survival. You are also seeing your banks preparing to put out the ‘digital dollar’ that will replace your present dollars that will become worthless. This came from Biden’s Executive Order 14067 to change your current dollar. This will also lead to the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body that My faithful should refuse to take. You will need to come to My refuges for your needs because without the mark, you will not be able to buy or sell anything. I have been warning My faithful about the coming tribulation of the Antichrist for many years. You will need to come to My refuges for My angel protection from the evil ones. Rejoice because I will soon bring My victory over the evil ones, and I will bring My faithful into their reward of My Era of Peace, and later into heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, love between a man and a woman takes time to develop so they know each other. Having a marriage in the Church gives the couple the grace of My sacrament of Matrimony to nourish their love. You need a common trust in each other without cheating with others. Having a belief in Me as a part of the marriage gives the couple strength spiritually to cope with all of the trials of this life. When you make Me the center of your lives, I can help you to achieve your spiritual mission as well as your mission as a married couple with your children. I call married couples to bring their children up in the faith, because the parents are responsible for the souls of their children. My son, you and your wife are a good example to other couples when you have stayed together for over 57 years. It is your faith in Me that has kept your love together. Give thanks to Me for your wonderful marriage.”
Monday, November 21, 2022:(Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, this feast of my Presentation is a blessing of My Immaculate Conception when I was born without original sin. This was my Son, Jesus, who prepared me to be without sin, so I was worthy to carry Him in my pregnancy as a pure tabernacle. I love all of my children, as my Son called me a Mother to St. John at the foot of the cross, and a Mother to all of you. A Mass was offered for both John and Carol for all you do to spread my Son’s messages and offer help to people. I call on everyone to pray my daily rosary and to wear my brown scapular. I put my mantle of protection over the parents and the children to direct your souls to Jesus.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard from one of your news sources that with the latest Climate Change meeting in Egypt, the Antichrist was secretly crowned by some high Luciferians. Remember how I was called up from Egypt, and so the Antichrist is also being called up from Egypt. I gave you two messages about how the Antichrist would be anointed by Luciferian priests before he will declare himself.”
Here are the two messages:
Thursday, August 23, 2007:
At Holy Name after Communion I could see a crocodile with its jaws open wide and ready to consume a prey. Jesus said: “My people, this is an ominous sign of the old gods of Egypt that represented the occult worship of the demons. I have given you a word that the Antichrist would go to Egypt to be anointed by the occult priests of these old gods. This ceremony will receive great acclaim among the one world people who are supporting the Antichrist and will bring him into power in the European Union. The open jaws of this crocodile mean that this event could happen soon as the Antichrist is anxious to devour as many souls as he can with his demonic powers through his eyes. I have told you to not look at him because of his powers to mesmerize people to worship him. Do not have fear of this evil one for My power is greater and the Antichrist’s reign will be brief, but this hour of darkness is about to spread all over the earth. This is why My faithful will need to seek out My refuges of protection with My angels so you will not be killed or persecuted by these evil ones. Have patience but awhile and I will soon come in victory to defeat them and bring about My Era of Peace.”
April 24, 2008:
Later, at the prayer group at Holy Name Adoration I could see a very ornate chair with Egyptian markings on it. Jesus said: “My people, this empty chair with Egyptian markings on it represents the chair of power for the Antichrist. He will be going to Egypt to be anointed by the high priest of Satan. He will be put in charge of the European Union and he will have his brief reign before I will bring his power to a close with My Comet of Chastisement. Do not have any fear of the evil ones, for I will protect you from being persecuted when you are made invisible. Trust in Me and you will soon see My victory once you see the Antichrist taking his seat of power.”
Prayer group messages continued:
Jesus said: “My people, you are in the pre-tribulation before the Antichrist will declare himself as ruler of the world. The United States has to be brought down because you are standing in the way of the Antichrist’s takeover. This is why Biden was brought in by massive cheating because Biden’s mission is to take down America so the Antichrist can take over. Once your country goes down, you will be a part of the North American Union with Canada and Mexico. All of the power of the continental unions all over the earth will be given over to the Antichrist in the European Union, and he will declare himself as ruler of the world. Be prepared for the coming Warning, Conversion time, and the tribulation that will begin when I will call My people to the safety of My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, prepare yourselves for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist by coming to Confession and prepare your backpacks for coming to My refuges. You will soon see the one world people take your dollars out of circulation, and they will establish a digital dollar along with the mark of the beast. Do not take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in your body, and do not worship the Antichrist. Those people, who take the mark of the beast and worship the Antichrist, will be condemned to hell. If you do not take this chip in the body, you will not be able to buy or sell anything. Your present dollars will become worthless, and if you do not follow the way of the Antichrist, the evil ones will zero your bank account of the new money. Have no fear because after the six weeks of Conversion time, I will call My believers to My refuges with My inner locution. My angels will protect you with an invisible shield, but you must leave your house within 20 minutes of when I will call you, or you will risk being martyred. You will follow a flame with your guardian angel to the nearest refuge. You have waited a long time for these events to begin, so now they are at the door. Have no fear because I will protect My believers from the evil ones.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you about Biden’s Executive Order 14067 which will bring about a new ‘digital dollar’ that will replace your current dollars and make them worthless. Already your bankers and the one world people are having a twelve week pilot program to start implementing the new ‘digital dollar’. Once this ‘digital dollar’ is installed, you will soon be forced to take a computer chip in your body which will be the mark of the beast. Do not take this chip in the body which would be needed to buy and sell everything. The evil ones will send UN troops door to door to try and force this chip on everyone. Before they try to force this chip on you, I will warn My faithful when to leave for My refuges so you are not captured and killed. You will call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge of protection. I have given this message many times, but now you will see this event happening before you in real life.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to trust in My Word about how I am having My refuge builders set up refuges where My angels will protect you during the whole tribulation from the evil ones. You will be brought to My refuges where My angels will protect you and provide for your needs. You will have a luminous cross in the sky at every refuge, and you will be healed of all of your infirmities by looking on this cross in the sky. Only My believers will be allowed into My refuges with your cross on your forehead. The angel at each refuge will not allow non-believers to enter My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, have no fear of the Antichrist and the demons because My power is greater than all of them. I will only allow the evil ones to go so far, and I will protect My followers from harm. You will be safe at My refuges throughout the whole tribulation. At the end of the less than 3½ years of the tribulation, I will bring My victory over the evil ones with My Comet of Chastisement that will kill the evil ones and cast them into hell. My believers will be shielded from the Comet of Chastisement by My angels, and My believers will not be harmed.”
Jesus said: “My people, after I cleanse the earth of all of the evil ones, I will renew the earth as in the Garden of Eden. You will be brought down into My Era of Peace and you will have younger bodies, as you will be eating from the Trees of Life that will allow you to have children and live a long time. You will only eat fruits and vegetables with no meat. There will no longer be the survival of the fittest. You will be made saints on earth with no evil influence, and you will come to heaven when you die in the Era of Peace. Rejoice when you will be with Me in love in heaven for all eternity.”
Sunday, November 20, 2022: (Christ the King, King of the Universe)
Jesus said: “My people, I came on the earth as a God-man so I could sacrifice My Body and Blood for all the sins of mankind. This was not a defeat but a manifestation of My victory over sin and death. This was also My victory over Satan who is only a creature whom I created. In the second vision you are seeing My Resurrection which is a preview of how all of My faithful will one day be resurrected with a glorified body. I love the human race, who I created, and I offer your reward in heaven for loving Me of your own free will, and for obeying My Commandments. When you come to heaven, you will be perfected of all earthly attachments because you will detach yourself from them. You will love Me as perfectly as possible after any needed purgatory time. Then you will have the joy of eternal happiness with Me in heaven. You will be awed at being in the splendor of My Kingdom.”
Saturday, November 19, 2022:
Jesus said: “My people, next week will be the last readings from the Book of Revelation which is showing you images of heaven when I will bring My punishment on the evil ones. My faithful will suffer through the tribulation at the safety of My refuges. This will be less than 3½ years of the reign of the Antichrist. Have no fear because My angels will protect you from the evil ones. At the end of the tribulation, I will bring My victory over the evil ones with My Comet of Chastisement. The evil ones will be killed and they will be sent to hell. I will renew the earth and cleanse it of all of the evil demons. Then I will bring My faithful into their reward in My Era of Peace. Rejoice when all the evil influences will be gone.”
Jesus said: “My people, you read in a previous Gospel that you can only have one Master in your life. You can make Me the center of your life, or you can make money your master to follow. You also have only two eternal destinations. You can follow the narrow road to heaven, or you can follow the wide road to hell. For those people, who desire heaven, you need to follow My Commandments and let Me direct your life to give up some of your creature comforts and work to save souls. Souls are your most important treasure, and the more souls you can convert and lead to Me, the more treasure you will store up in heaven for your judgment. Show Me your love and your love to help people with your physical treasure, your works, and your sharing of your faith. You show Me your love in your prayers, your Masses, and your Adoration hours. I love all of My faithful so much, and I desire to save as many souls as possible with your help.”
Friday, November 18, 2022: (St. Peter & St. Paul Basilicas)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Peter and St. Paul are the pillars of My Church and you are fortunate to have their relics. St. Peter was given the keys to My Church and he led the Church as the first Pope. St. Paul was an apostle to the Gentiles, whom he evangelized as members of My Church. You have read many epistles of St. Paul in all of his travels. This week you are reading from the Book of Revelation by St. John about the end times. You are also preparing for the feast of ‘Christ the King’ that ends the Church Year before Advent begins. Next week you will be celebrating Thanksgiving Day when you have families get together for a meal as you travel to see each other. Give praise and thanks to Me for all I do for you.”
Jesus said: “My people, your Almanac has told you how you could see a severe winter this season. Already the Buffalo, New York area has received over three feet of snow and there are several thousand customers without electricity. It is hard to deal with over three feet of snow, but without electricity it makes it difficult to keep warm. Have your wood burner and your kerosene burner ready in case your natural gas heater is not working in a blackout. Your refuge people are ready for such power outages, but not everyone has such preparations. You have seen power outages before, so keep your lights and alternative heaters ready for your harsh winter. Pray that your people can afford any increased cost to fuel your heaters.”
Thursday, November 17, 2022:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing signs of the end times that will eventually bring My Comet of Chastisement that will be My victory over all of the evil people. After the Warning you will have six weeks of a Conversion time to come to Confession and try to get your family to Confession and converted to being believers in Me. If your family does not want to repent of their sins, they could be lost forever in hell. Only believers will be allowed to enter My refuges because the refuge angel will not permit unbelievers to enter. When I bring My Comet of Chastisement on the earth, all of the evil ones will die outside of My refuges. My refuges will have a shield of the angels to protect My faithful from any harm from the comet. Some believers may die as martyrs if they do not come to My refuges. Keep praying that your family’s souls may be converted after the Warning so their souls can be saved from going to hell.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, it is not even officially winter and yet you are seeing some huge lake effect snow storms coming against New York State. You remember how your New York politicians passed some strong laws to allow abortion up to the birth time. You are now seeing some punishment with these snow storms. With such a start to winter, you could have even more lake effect storms while the lakes are not that cold. Pray to stop abortions, or you will see more punishments.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have enabled your Republicans to take control of the House of Representatives with a small majority, even despite all of the cheating elections. This will enable a small control only if the Republicans are not divided over their votes. Pray that your government will not be so radical in your voting.”
Jesus said: “My people, every year your people make an attempt to get together for a turkey meal for Thanksgiving. You all need to give thanks to Me for all of your blessings, and you can start by coming to Holy Mass on Thanksgiving Day. Even though you are having inflation to buy your food for dinner, be thankful that you are living in a free country. You have many things to be thankful for. Trust in Me to provide you with the food and protection you will need from the Antichrist. Come to My refuges quickly when I will call you to be protected. Pray for safe travel for those people who are visiting relatives.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are rich people behind your Great Reset movement who are trying to force a digital dollar on the world. The evil ones want to use the digital dollar to control your lives and this will move on to the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in your body. Once the digital dollar is in place, the evil ones will try and force their plan on everyone, or they will zero your bank account. When your jobs and money are taken from you, you will need to come to My refuges for your food and protection from the evil ones. Trust in Me to have My angels provide for your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, expect the Democrats to abuse these last days of the current Congress where they will push for all of their radical legislation while they still control both the Senate and the House. Pray that they cannot get enough votes to pass any more huge spending bills that are running up your National Debt and it is causing your inflation rate to increase.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some earthquakes that are getting stronger along the West coast, and even some in Texas that could be a result of your fracking to get gas and oil. There is a possible tsunami that could come from the underwater earthquakes off the coast of Oregon. Be ready for more serious natural disasters that will have more financial problems for your country. Pray that your people will see the need to stop your abortions and understand My punishments are directly related to your abortions.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the damage being done with your open Southern border. Criminals and drug lords are bringing fentanyl drugs into America that are killing many of your young people. These illegal immigrants are being bussed to all parts of your country at night, and they are a burden to support by your local governments. Your abortions are the main reason you are being punished for killing My babies. If you do not stop your abortions, you will see your country taken down by the weight of your sins.”
Wednesday, November 16, 2022: (St. Margaret, St. Gertrude)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a glimpse of heaven with Me and the saints and angels in your vision. There were beautiful descriptions of the gleaming thrones by St. John in the Book of Revelation. You also have a taste of heaven when you receive Me in Holy Communion at your Mass. In the Gospel you have a king who gave ten gold coins to one servant, five gold coins to another servant, and one gold coin to a third servant. On the king’s return the first two servants doubled their money, but the third servant only kept the coin in a handkerchief without doing any work. The king called the third servant lazy, and the king took the coin and gave it to one of the other servants who had ten coins. I do not want My people to be lazy either, so work to help people and remember your daily prayers, so you are a worthy servant to come to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, your voting has enabled a small Republican control in the House of Representatives thanks to your prayers. Any bill passed in the House has to go through the Democrat controlled Senate and Biden. This mixed power could cause gridlock in the Congress over important bills. There needs to be some control on the overspending of the Democrats that has caused your inflation in the food and gas prices. There will be many investigations on Hunter Biden’s dealings with China that is risking a National Security problem. There may also be a division over Defense spending on wars that last a long time as in the Ukraine. Pray that the new majority will be responsible in dealing with the Democrat agenda to stop their radical bills. The Democrats will try to pass more bills during the session before the new Congress people are seated. Pray that your country can change the radical agenda.”
Tuesday, November 15, 2022:
Jesus said: “My people, I am always here with you to give you hope and My love to get you through each day. Knock on this door in your vision, and I will open you to My graces and My Real Presence in the consecrated Host at Mass. You are continuing to read from the Book of Revelation and you are prepared for My coming, when I will bring My victory over the evil ones. In your elections, the Democrats have retained control of your Senate. The Republicans are one seat away from taking back the House of Representatives. Keep praying that they can have some control of your government that is out of control with the Democrats’ overspending. It will be hard for the Republicans to pass much legislation, but they have an opportunity to block more unneeded spending. Pray for America to turn around your support for abortion in your states. If there is no change, then expect more punishments.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have one last chance to have one Republican candidate to win the decisive 218 majority in the House of Representatives. Keep praying your 24 Glory Be prayers to call on Me to have My angels change the cheating ballots for the House of Representatives to go to the Republican control. If you do not control the House, there will be two more years to destroy your country. Get as many people as you can to pray for this intention. You need enough prayers to overcome all of this cheating that you know is going on.”
N.B. The House of Representatives did go to the Republicans, but only after a long time of counting ballots.
Monday, November 14, 2022:
Jesus said: “My people, this week you will be reading the words of St. John in the Book of Revelation. You are seeing the Holy Trinity in all of Our splendor in your vision. Be patient about your controlled government because when their evil plans begin to force the mark of the beast on you, I will protect you and I will call you to My refuges. You will suffer through the tribulation at My refuges, and I will provide for your needs. At the end of the shortened tribulation, I will cleanse the earth of all of the evil ones. I will raise you up into the air, and I will renew the earth with a new heavens and a new earth. I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace where you will eat from the Tree of Life, as it was in the Garden of Eden. You will eat from this Tree of Life, and you will live a long time until you die. Everyone has to die in this life. This Tree of Life that will be feeding you, is confirmed in your Responsorial Reading of Psalm 1: ‘Those who are victorious, I will feed from the Tree of Life.’”
Sunday, November 13, 2022:
Jesus said: “My people, you are entering the end times, and you are already in the pre-tribulation time. Prepare your souls with Confession of your sins. I have had My refuge builders prepare refuges for My faithful believers so you will have a place of protection for enduring the tribulation of the Antichrist. People have asked when this time will come, and it will follow the Warning and the Conversion time. Read Luke 21:5-19 ‘Nations will rise against nations, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be powerful earthquakes, famines, and plagues from place to place, and awesome sights and mighty signs will come from the sky.’ Before the tribulation starts, I will call My people to My refuges using an inner locution that only My believers will hear. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. Your angel will put an invisible shield over you. You need to leave your house within 20 minutes of when I call you. Trust in My protection, but leave quickly, or you could be martyred.”