Tuesday, September 11, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen droughts, fires, and storm damage from your last hurricane. In the vision I am showing you more storms and natural disasters that are going to continue to punish America for your sins and laws against My Commandments. If your people do not repent and change their sinful ways, you will see more disasters coming upon your country. Many signs have been given to you in storms and man-made events, but still you refuse to stop your sins. You have recovered from some mild events, but even greater disruptions to your lives will befall you. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your freedoms are taken away, and your lives will be threatened. Pray for My help when evil men will be trying to control you in every facet of your lives.”
Jesus said: “My people, traveling through life is similar to praying your rosary. A reverent rosary is said slowly so you can keep focused on the meaning of the mystery that you are praying. If you pray fast, then you are focused more on just repeating words without thinking of the meaning of your prayers. This is true also in how you live your life. If you speed through your life just to try and do a lot of things, then you will not have enough time to dwell on what and why you are doing things. You may be able to visit many places, but your memory of things will be just a blur. If you travel through life at a slower pace as on a bicycle, you may do fewer things, but you will do each thing better and more completely. If you take your time, you can plan things better, and have more time to learn from your mistakes. Just as praying your rosary at a slower pace is more pleasing to Me, so living your life at a slower pace is also more pleasing to Me. Satan knows this as well, so he is always urging you to rush through things so you lose the value of learning from your mistakes. Let Me lead you through life at a slower pace, so you have time for prayer, and you will be following My Divine Will instead of your own will.”
Monday, September 10, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, right now there is a veil of secrecy over your earthly events because your eyes have been blinded by your earthly weaknesses to truly understand your sins and the sins of others. You will all soon experience My Warning when your conscience will be illuminated to understand the severity of your sins and how you have offended Me. Your spiritual eyes will be opened, and you will then be more responsible for your sinful actions because I will have shown you what you were doing wrong. You will also be able to understand the evil of the sins of others. It will be revealed more about the evil one world people so you will clearly know their intentions and how the Antichrist will come to power. You will see and understand the evil of the Masons in My Church as you will see the division occurring between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. My faithful will be persecuted, and you will need to attend Mass secretly in the homes. Not long after the Warning, it will be apparent to you how the two beasts of the Antichrist and the false prophet will be working together to take over the world. I will warn My faithful when it will be time to come to the safety of My refuges. Some will be martyred and become instant saints, and some will be fighting at the Battle of Armageddon. Have no fear, because My angels will protect you from the evil people and the demons.”
Sunday, September 9, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, once you heard the Gospel of My healing of the deaf and dumb man, you can be thankful for having all of your senses that are working. Remember that to those, who are given more, more will be expected of them. This is true of the vision where you cannot just sit on a log, but you need to get up and help people without being lazy. Even as you are called to help your neighbor, I am also calling out to your heart in love. As I called the deaf man to open his mouth to speak, so I am calling My faithful to open their hearts to let Me in. My Heart of love is always open to you, but your heart is like a door that you need to open from the inside to accept Me into your heart. Once I can enter your heart, we can be one in love, and I can share My Divine Will with your will. By knowing My plan for your life, you can fulfill the purpose I have for your life. If you do only your own will, you are not allowing Me to be active in your life. So be open in your heart to know and love Me, then you can serve Me in the use of your God-given talents that use all of your senses.”
Saturday, September 8, 2012: (Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you this vision because coming to adore Me in My Host or in My tabernacle is the back door to My Heart. Whenever you receive Me in Holy Communion, you are one with Me as I come into your soul. This is why I want you to receive Me only in the state of grace without any mortal sin on your soul. Also, whenever you come in front of Me in My Blessed Sacrament, you again are one with Me in your soul. This is why I have even a deeper love for My adorers, because you truly understand, as much as humans can, about My Real Presence in My Host. I know you love Me so much when you share your tears of love for Me. I rejoice in your tears, and I store them in your treasure box in heaven. I invite all of My faithful to be daily Adoration members, because I want all of you to share in My love, and have a deeper commitment to serve Me. It is one thing for My people to call Me, Lord, Lord, but it is more meaningful to act out your faith in your daily life. This means helping your neighbors both in their physical needs and their spiritual needs. This is why it is important to share your money, time, and talent with people. It is even more important to share your love for Me with others in your evangelization efforts. Pray every day in your consecration to Me and My Blessed Mother so you can offer up all of your prayers and actions for My greater glory.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of your people do not fully appreciate all the freedoms that you have, compared to other countries. The one world people are slowly closing a vise on your freedoms as they try to remove them one by one. They have two immediate goals of taking away your religious freedom, and controlling your guns. You will see your religious hospitals and related nursing homes forced to remove religion from public buildings. They will even try to take away any church tax exemption. Slowly any public worship will become a crime. After many gun incidents that have been staged, your authorities will first outlaw automatic guns and then all guns. They will send out armed troops to go house to house in order to confiscate all weapons. Lastly, your Executive Branch will declare your country as a part of the North American Union, and all of your rights will be lost as you saw the Statue of Liberty carried away. Along the way you could see chaos and even a revolution against this takeover. Once your freedoms are taken over, you will need to come to My refuges for protection from the evil ones who want to take over America. These events will be happening in a short time so My faithful need to be prepared to leave for My refuges. Trust in Me to have your guardian angels lead you safely to My refuges.”
Friday, September 7, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the time of King David and King Solomon a great Temple was erected to house the Holy of Holies with the Ark of the Covenant. This temple was to honor Me and My Father, and give a place of worship. This Shrine also was built as a place to house My Blessed Sacrament in perpetual Adoration. Some may think too much money was spent on this Shrine, but it was made beautiful to give honor and glory to Me. You have a beautiful place here also to give Me worship before My Blessed Sacrament. The nuns here also pray in contemplative prayer as I have asked My people to spend some time in the quiet of their hearts. It is when you spend time to visit Me in Adoration that you can have discernment to direct your earthly decisions how to best serve Me. I thank all of the benefactors who contribute to help Mother Angelica in carrying out her mission. They will receive their reward in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are witnessing a decline in church attendance of My Roman Catholic Church in America and other countries. Some areas are more faithful than others, but your people are becoming more lax in their prayers and their attendance at Sunday Mass. This decline in your numbers is another sign that you are living in the end times. I mentioned in the Bible if there will be many faithful left when I return to the earth? Satan is attacking your modern society with many addictions and distractions so he can mislead My faithful members. He takes advantage of man’s weaknesses in man’s spiritual life with Me. Every day is a spiritual battle to maintain your faith, and even work to improve your closeness to Me. This is why your daily prayer life and your frequent reception of My sacraments are the best way to keep your focus on Me as you struggle through life for your goal of being with Me in heaven. If you keep close to Me, and you keep strong in your faith, then you will be able to battle the devil who is trying to cause souls to get spiritually lazy. Keep calling on My help and that of your guardian angel so you can keep a pure soul. Those, who are faithful to Me even to the end of their lives, will receive My glorious reward in heaven. Strive to save your own soul, and evangelize weak souls so they can be saved from hell.”
Thursday, September 6, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in Luke’s Gospel you read how I enabled My future apostles to catch a large number of fish, even though they caught nothing during the night. They were amazed at the miraculous catch, and once they landed, they left their boats to follow Me. I told them that they would be catching people for the Gospel instead of fish. I call on all of My faithful by their Baptism and Confirmation to be evangelists of My Word. You, My son, are ever ready to go out and preach My Word to all the people who you meet in your travels. You have been given a special message of preparing the people for the end times. Remember to strengthen your faith with your prayers, Mass, and My sacraments. It is not easy to preach a hard message, but you have been willing to share My message all over your country, and other parts of the world. Call on My angels for your protection as the evil ones will be making their move for a world takeover. Trust in My doing the impossible so you can be an instrument to bring souls to Me to be saved from hell.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, it was a bit of an embarrassment for the Democrats when they had to restore ‘God-given’ and ‘Jerusalem’ back into their platform. It is also unfortunate that their platform still supports abortion and same sex marriage. These two sins are the most responsible for any punishment that will come upon America. I have been sending many signs for America to repent of its sins. Since you are not obeying My laws, you will continue to be tested by events as Hurricane Isaac. Wake up America, and see how your sins are bringing you down in your lack of morals.”
Jesus said: “My people, your election polls are very close for each of your candidates. I continue to tell you to vote for the most God-fearing man for President. If a person does not follow My Commandments, then it tells you more about a person’s moral character. You have a clear choice of what values each candidate stands for. It also is a choice for those who keep their word, and not just a lot of empty words that are not carried out. However America votes, it will decide your fate.”
Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are not always able to carry out their plans according to their time line. They have a desire to crash your stock market and end the dollar as your currency. They may not be able to cause a war or a bankruptcy before the election, but it will not be because they are not trying. If anything serious happens to cause martial law, it will create a major disruption in your country that could precipitate a takeover by the military. Pray that your people could have their say at the election. I have mentioned before that it is possible that you will never see another election. Many people will be ready for a revolution if their right to vote is taken away. Pray for peace and that you do not see a revolution.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you many times that your current government is stripping away your freedoms one by one, especially through your President’s Executive Orders. Your Congress is not fighting for the freedoms being lost because they cannot find any compromise to pass any meaningful legislation. You are seeing both your executive and judicial branches making their own laws without any approval of the people. This also could cause an uprising if nothing is done to protect your freedoms. Continue to pray for your leaders to make the right decisions for your country.”
Jesus said: “My people, your students are having a hard time to see good jobs available once they graduate from high school and college. Many of your good paying jobs are no longer available because your corporations are seeking low wages with very few benefits to be competitive. Pray that your economy will improve to provide decent jobs for your children when they graduate.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a church and state division being used to rid all mention of Me in your lives. By removing Christian principles from your society, you are following the atheists who want to rid Me out of your public life. It is better to stand up against abortion, and seek prayer in public places. If My people do not voice their opinion in defense of your religious freedoms, then soon you will see open persecution of those who believe in Me. Pray for your protection and be ready to leave for My refuges once you lose your freedoms.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more incidents of people being killed at church and the burning of churches and mosques. Your religious persecution is becoming more physical as vandals are venting their anger at My places of worship. The next attacks will come from your authorities when they try to restrict religious worship, and you will be forced to pray in the homes or in underground meetings. When you see evil controlling the churches, it will not be long until you will be seeking protection at My refuges.”
Wednesday, September 5, 2012: (Mario Sorge, funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, pray for the mourners of Mario as they give their respects for him. You are seeing Me in My resurrected Body to give everyone of My faithful hope that one day all of you will be resurrected as well. I am the Resurrection and the life, and with My sacrificial death I have ransomed all souls who accept Me, so they can now enter heaven’s gates. Until My death and resurrection, heaven’s gates were closed, and souls could only go to a place of suffering because of Adam’s sin. Now, at your death you can come to your judgment, and I will judge you based on your actions in life. The more gifts that a soul has been given, the more will be expected of that soul. After a soul has passed and is separated from the body, you need to pray for that soul, and offer Masses to help them out of purgatory, if they were judged there. Once souls are purified, they can now come to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have now recorded seven or more incidents of gunmen killing people, and most of them killed themselves later. These events are not just by chance, but it is part of a plan to cause an excuse to try and take away people’s weapons. Many of these attacks used automatic weapons which is one of the targets for your authorities to remove. I have told you before that you can place chips in people, and with voices, you can cause those people to kill people without remembering their crime. These events are more than arbitrary killings because these gunmen are well armed, and they even have body armor. The one world people know that it is difficult to take over a country with well armed citizens and militias. So their intent is to use any excuse to try and disarm your citizens. This is why you will have chaos and a revolution because many people will not give up their arms. My faithful will have to go to My refuges because I do not want My people killing others. On your way to My refuges and at them, My angels will make you invisible, and the angels will not allow the evil ones to harm you. Trust in My protection and My angels so you do not need guns to defend yourselves.”
Tuesday, September 4, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read how there were people that were possessed by demons in My day. These demons recognized that I was the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, and called out My Name. I rebuked the demon and I ordered the demon to come out of the man. Those, who were around Me, marveled at the authority of My Word to command the demon to come out, and the demon obeyed. You know My power is greater than the demons, and they fear even when you invoke My Name. The demons are more powerful than man, so do not do anything that would invite them to possess you. Avoid any Satanic worship, Ouija boards, curses, tarot cards, evil potions, or fortune tellers. Instead, you should wear blessed sacramentals as a scapular, a rosary, blessed salt, holy water, and a St. Benedict cross with the exorcism medal on it. In the vision you saw how anxious these demons are to bring souls to hell, and they are constantly attacking you with their evil temptations. Do not allow your earthly appetites to control your soul in sinful pleasures. Control your tongue in your language, and do not gossip about others. By knowing your weaknesses, you can be ready to call on Me and your guardian angel to fend off the attacks of the devil. By your daily prayers and staying close to Me in My sacraments, you can avoid falling into occasions of sin. Even if you fall victim to sin, you can come to Me in Confession to free you from the bonds of your sins. I am always ready to forgive even the worst sinner. Be humble in admitting the guilt of your sins, and make an amendment to avoid that sin in the future. With My grace and My sacraments, I will lead you on a path to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, the roots of Masonry go back many years. You were sensing a connection of these one world people to some of the communist organizations in America. In the early days of Lenin, it was the one world rich people that made large donations of money to get communism started in Russia. These same sponsors have been providing the needed funds to keep the progressive movements going to break down America. The breakdown of America is coming from within your government, where worship of Me is against the work of the one world people who take their orders from Satan. At times the liberals or progressives have the same agenda as the communists who are struggling for a takeover of America. It is the top people in the one world people’s inner circle that are actually behind forming the continental unions that will be joined with the Antichrist for his takeover of the world. The evil ones will appear to be controlling the world, but I will allow My faithful to be protected by My angels at My refuges. Once the evil ones come to full power, I will unleash My Comet of Chastisement that will destroy two-thirds of humanity. I will have My angels protect My faithful by lifting them up into the air. After the three days of darkness, I will renew the earth and bring My faithful back down into My Era of Peace. The evil ones will be cast into hell, and they will no longer have influence over My faithful. Rejoice when I bring My victory over evil, and My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”
Monday, September 3, 2012: (Labor Day, St. Gregory the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, you may be familiar with the communist celebration of May 1st every year, but Labor Day is also another reason for them to celebrate. You have been seeing movies and literature that are explaining a progressive or socialist movement in your country that is using these words to hide their communist goals of controlling America. The liberals or progressives have taken over your media and your schools to brainwash your children and the adults to follow their Marxist agenda. Atheism and the ridding of religion from your society is part of their plan, and this is the battle of those who believe in Me against those who do not. Satan is ultimately behind these evil plans, and he is directing the one world people to gain control of all nations under the Antichrist. The tribulation is the reign of this evil, but it will last less than 3 ½ years. The communists hide their true identity as progressives, but their goals are from Karl Marx. Socialism has communism as its goal. You can see signs of this grab for power in your President’s czars and Executive Orders. The liberal judges are defying the people’s laws to force voter identification so the socialists can illegally pad the vote for socialist candidates with people voting multiple times for dead people and people without proper identification. I have warned you that the central bankers can cause a bank holiday with a bankruptcy of your government. This could throw your country into chaos, and martial law could be declared that would negate your election and make your President into a dictator. This could trigger a revolution that your government has been preparing for by ordering massive amounts of ammunition. If you see such a bank holiday followed by chaos, then you will need to come to My refuges of protection from the evil ones. Trust in My angels who will make you invisible to your enemies.”
Jesus said: “My people, you saw a recent earthquake of about 7.6 off the coast of the Phillippines that caused a small tsunami. These large underwater earthquakes can cause tsunamis of a good size. In the Pacific Ocean there are many warning systems to alert people of any tsunami. Be alert that these events could happen at any time. After the devastation in Japan, many are concerned if another event could affect other nuclear reactors along the Pacific coast. Remember that I warned people to not live on the coastline to the oceans. The people in New Orleans are still suffering from Hurricane Isaac. Pray for your storm victims and be prepared for any more major disasters.”
Sunday, September 2, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel reading is about how My apostles were criticized for eating without washing their hands. The Pharisees were citing the rules of the elders, but I could see the hypocrisy of caring for human traditions while they disobeyed My Commandments. This is why I want My faithful to give a good example by living their faith in their actions. You should have your own soul cleansed of the sins that you are preaching against. In the vision of the rainbow, there is a representation of people who appreciate the preciousness of life in protecting babies from being killed in abortion. Your deacon’s homily touched on the fight against abortion in reference to the upcoming Presidential election, and electing Congress people and Senators. Christians and Catholics should be voting for those candidates who vote against abortion and against same sex marriage. This election is clear how your candidates stand, so it is your spiritual and civic duty to vote for the most God-fearing candidates. You cannot vote just for human reasons, but you must vote for people who uphold My Commandments in their votes. Abortion is killing babies, and it is against My Fifth Commandment of thou shalt not kill. So stand up against abortion publicly in your voting, so God-fearing candidates can be elected.”