Tuesday, May 20, 2014: (St. Bernadine of Siena)
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who have a few drinks, and there are others who drink so much that they are alcoholics. It is excessive drinking that is sinful because you lose your sense of thinking properly. This is why drunk drivers cause accidents, and even kill people or themselves. There are places for rehab for drinkers, but they have to choose to stop. This is an addiction that is hard to break on their own. The first step to a cure is to accept that they have a problem with excessive drinking. Once they see that they are endangering lives, sometimes they desire to stop. Rehab is a long road without taking one drink. Prayers of deliverance are also helpful to get rid of these demons. Relapses are common, but patients need to stop, or they could die of liver problems. Keep praying for these souls to keep them from going to hell.”
(Bishop Matano confirmed Justin, my grandson) Jesus said: “My people, you witnessed how Bishop Matano personally confirmed every candidate for Confirmation. He also had everyone kneel for the Consecration in giving reverence to My Real Presence. In the vision you were at first seeing a large Temple. Then you saw a person who was a small Temple of the Holy Spirit. You receive the Holy Spirit and His gifts in Confirmation. You remember at the first Pentecost, how My disciples witnessed a great wind, and then tongues of fire were present over each of them, as they received the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It was after this indwelling of the Holy Spirit that My apostles spoke out with courage and witnessed My Resurrection to the Jews and the Gentiles. Just as My apostles were now evangelizing people to the faith, so all of My faithful have received these gifts of the Holy Spirit to speak out in My Name to convert souls to the faith. Do not let the evil ones and the atheists keep you silent, but be brave to defend your religious freedoms while you still have them. Remember that your most important job as a Christian, is to save as may souls from hell as you can with My help.”
Monday, May 19, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, when the people in the Acts of the Apostles saw St. Paul heal the crippled man from birth, they wanted to worship St. Paul and Barnabas as gods. My disciples told them that they were only human beings, and to thank God for healing the man. This is a lesson for all of you, so you do not accept praise, or become puffed up by human fame. When you have accomplished some good works, you should give praise to Me and not yourself. This is the Psalm Response: ‘Not to us, but to God give the glory.’ Even when the people wanted to make Me king after feeding the 5,000, I fled into the mountains. Human fame is fleeting, and My people should not seek the praise of others. It is better to praise Me for your gifts and successes, so you are not swelled up with pride.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have your backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, and some food and water ready to place in your van when you leave for My refuge. In the vision I am reminding you to have your bikes ready to use. You need to have a pump, and pump up your tires along with having helmets and windup flashlights. If you have room, you could take your extra containers of gasoline, in case the power is off. Again, if you have room, you could also take your Coleman stove with some propane gas bottles. When you are on the road to your refuge, you need to be independent with all of your needs. Trust in My help that My angel will lead you to a refuge of safety. The more food that you bring, the more help it will be for your refuge when it is multiplied. If you take both vehicles, then you could carry more to your destination. Try to keep your gasoline tanks in the car at half full or more, so you will have enough gas for your trip. You need to be in a ready mode because you may only have a short time to pack up and leave your home for My refuge.”
Sunday, May 18, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, as you watch the young First Communicants receive My Eucharist, it reminds you of your first encounter with Me in My Real Presence. I have told you that he who eats My Body and drinks My Blood, will have life everlasting. It is unfortunate that more Catholics do not accept My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts. Those, who truly believe that I am Present in the Host, have more reverence in genuflecting to My tabernacle, and even come to daily Mass. You have a miracle performed at every Mass when the bread and wine are transubstantiated into My Body and Blood. You have Me Present in every tabernacle, so you can even come before Me to adore Me and listen to My words for you in your life’s decisions. As you see the innocent children receiving Me for the first time, you should also remember that you need to have faith in Me as a little child in order to enter into heaven. My arms are always open to receive every sinner in Confession so you can always be worthy and have a pure soul to receive Me.”
Saturday, May 17, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that I am the Light of the world that disperses the darkness of evil. There are two meanings here. My Light of understanding My Word is what I want all of My faithful to follow, and hold your faith close to your heart forever. I also want My faithful to imitate My life, and spread your faith to others so you are like beacons of Light yourselves. This reading from Matt. 5:14-16 is the focus of this vision: ‘You are the Light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. Neither do men light a lamp and put it under the measure, but upon the lamp-stand, so as to give light to all in the house. Even so, let your Light shine before men, in order that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.’ In the first reading you read how St. Paul and Barnabas were preaching to the Jews in Antioch. St. Paul told them of My mission to the people, but the Jews there did not want to accept it. So St. Paul then preached My Word to the Gentiles, and they were happy to receive My Word. The Jews expelled them from their city as St. Paul went on to preach in other cities. My faithful may be persecuted for speaking out and sharing their faith. But it is your duty to try and evangelize souls to My way, so they can be baptized into the Church and be promised eternal life.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen bridges with railings, and even some have safety nets to keep people from jumping. Even some acrobats on the trapeze use a net, if they should fall. In your spiritual life I give you My Commandments and Church laws as a guide for living, much like a handrail on a bridge. I even provide you with a safety net in Confession for when you fall into sin. People, who commit mortal sins, are dead to Me in their souls, but they could be brought back into My good graces by confessing their sins to My priests. The absolution of the priest is the same as My forgiveness of the repentant sinner. It is unfortunate that more Catholics do not come to Confession to confess their sins. Those in mortal sin are in great need of My forgiveness so they can be worthy to receive Me in Holy Communion. There are a lot of sacrilegious Holy Communions being received because these people are in mortal sin. Some do not come to Confession because they are afraid of what the priest will say. Some have a hard time accepting that they are sinners, and others are just lazy and do not want to come. Some priests talk about Confession, but very few talk about sin in their homilies, and the need to confess before receiving Me in Holy Communion. Confession gives you the absolution of your sins, and restores My grace to your soul. My faithful should confess their sins at least once a month, or sooner for mortal sin. By keeping your soul pure, you can be prepared to meet Me whenever I call you home at your death.”
Friday, May 16, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, you should not complain about getting some rain, unless it creates a flood. You need fresh water from rain to water your crops and your grass, especially if you are below your normal rainfall for the year. You have seen some areas in the West that need such rain, and some areas in the South that have too much rain. You are fortunate to have just what is needed. In the Gospel reading you have a beautiful quote when St. Thomas asked where I was going. I told My apostles that ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.’ I was about to die on the cross and be raised up on the third day in My Resurrection. I told My apostles to have faith in Me, and I visited them several times after My Resurrection and before I ascended into heaven. All of this rain is a sign of the water of Baptism. My faithful need to reach out and have people baptized, or re-converted to the faith. You have a limited time in this life, and you do not know when you will die. It is best to bring souls to conversion as soon as possible, before it is too late, and they could be lost in hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in this vision a place of refuge among the chaos of the world during the tribulation of the Antichrist. Do not fear this time of trial because I will be protecting My faithful remnant with My angels and My miracles. At every final refuge you will see a luminous cross where people will be healed by looking on My miraculous cross. My angel will place an invisible shield over all the people so you will be protected from the evil ones. You will be adoring Me around the clock, and you will receive Me in Holy Communion every day. I will be making all of My faithful into saints, as I will be weaning you off of your worldly desires and things. You will leave your home, and you will not return to it. You also will leave most of your worldly possessions behind as well. At My refuges you will have more time for prayer, and to grow more holy in helping each other. Your love for Me and your neighbor will become stronger, and you will focus more on following My ways instead of your ways. Rejoice that you will be suffering with Me, as I will eventually bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”
Thursday, May 15, 2014: (St. Isidore)
Jesus said: “My people, the radiation is still spewing unabated from the nuclear reactors that melted down in Fukushima, Japan. Even to this day, there is no meaningful repair being done to limit the radiation coming into the air and the water of the Pacific Ocean. This radiation is affecting the marine life, and it is threatening the fish population that many people are eating. If the people in Japan eat the radiated fish, they could become sick or die from radiation poisoning. The fish that come out of the Pacific Ocean are suspect, and may have to be checked for acceptable radiation levels. Some radioactive by-products could have long half-lives, meaning that the radiation becomes additive without going away in your body. Your public safety people are not making you aware of the true dangers of this radiation to your health. Pray that there will be a way to minimize any further radiation pollution.” (Look up any current radiation reports on this spread of radiation. Robots are being planned for repairs.)
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I told you that you would see continuous disasters in America. Earlier, you have seen severe droughts in California due to a lack of rain. Now, because of the dry brush, you are seeing several major fires that are consuming many acres and a few houses. At the other end of too much rain, you are seeing severe flooding where the rainfall has been the heaviest. Florida has experienced the worst flooding. Pray for your fellow Americans who are losing their homes also to severe tornadoes. They need your prayers and donations for their survival.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen complete leveling of various towns and trailer parks by severe tornadoes. One of the blessings of these damaged scenes, is that some people have set up safe rooms underground that have saved many lives. For trailer parks and home owners in tornado alley, it should be mandatory to have concrete safe rooms so people could be protected, especially below ground.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is bad enough to suffer severe damage to your homes, but being left in the dark at night, is even harder to bear. This is why it would be good to have some emergency light sources as windup flashlights that are not reliant on batteries. Pray that these people could find some shelter until they could get another home. In disasters it is hard to find food and fresh water. Be thankful that aid groups can provide needed assistance for the disaster victims. Once people have been displaced by tornadoes, they may plan to live in an area with less chance of a tornado.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is one thing to suffer weather disasters, but it is worse when man-made wars are destroying peoples’ homes. In Syria, Iraq, and other places of war as Afghanistan, you are seeing the innocent citizens trying to find safe places to live. Many people are setting up tents and makeshift homes in order to be protected from the weather. They suffer more when it rains and floods their temporary homes. Pray that these refugees of war could find shelter and enough food to eat.”
Jesus said: “My people, you remember how hard it was to get started in building your first home. It took years of saving for a down payment, and much work to establish a lawn with some shrubs. These people who had to start all over, may be older, and it is hard to do such work when you are older. Pray for such people who are finding it hard to get a loan for a house, and possibly another place to work.”
Jesus said: “My people, individual families may be able to restore what was lost, but it is much harder for cities and towns to rebuild their infrastructures. Even now there is a push to restore many aging bridges and power lines, when it is hard to find the funding for such large facilities. These things keep getting put off because it is hard to find the financing of such public needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, you may be able to build physical buildings, but it is harder to build up My Church. In many areas you are seeing a steady decline in church attendance as well as the numbers of priests. I have told you before that saving souls from hell should be your first priority. It is difficult to convert souls to Christianity, and even harder to keep people coming to church. You are dealing with free will, and the people need to want to be with Me in love by their own decision. Keep encouraging your fallen away Catholics to return to church, and keep praying for the salvation of their souls. You could be the instrument to save the souls of your family.”
Wednesday, May 14, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you signs in previous messages of the possibility of a big war with Russia when the asteroid exploded over Russia. The Russian leader has tried to set up another cause for invading the Eastern Ukraine by inspiring voting of Russian citizens to choose Russia to protect them. Because this leader was able to invade and take over the Crimea without much foreign resistance, he is now positioning his troops to further exploit the weakness of the West. He may keep testing further takeovers, until there could even be a war to protect the Ukraine government or other countries. There are also signs in Israel that its leader may take action against Iran, who is threatening to bomb Israel, once it acquires nuclear weapons. The Tetrad blood moons are a sign that a world war could involve Israel in a battle against its Arab neighbors. I am still protecting My chosen people in Israel. You are seeing other news events trying to distract you from these two looming possibilities for a war that could involve many nations. If such a world war breaks out, you may have to come to My refuges of protection for your personal safety. The one world people are behind these war efforts, so be prepared if such a war develops.”
Tuesday, May 13, 2014: (Our Lady of Fatima)
Jesus said: “My people, some people may have forgotten the words of My Blessed Mother at Fatima to the three children. She said if the world does not change its ways, then Russia will spread its errors throughout the world. After 1917, you saw the birth of communism that was financed by the one world people. As you saw in the ‘Agenda’ movie, these evil ones have accomplished a lot of their plans to bring America down. They are destroying the family, and introducing drugs and homosexuality to destroy your society. They have taken prayer out of the public places, and atheists are attacking Christianity in your schools and colleges. Your government leaders are focused on disarmament with zero nuclear arms as their goal. You have socialists and communists imbedded in many high places in your government and world organizations. Even now, Russia is trying to restore its old empire because it senses weakness in Western leadership. You are seeing a decay in your morality and the continued abortions in America. Your younger people are falling away from their faith, which is why you have an older population at church, but they are dying off. The rosary and consecrating Russia were part of the messages given at Fatima. In older days you used to pray for the conversion of Russia, but fewer people are praying for this cause. You are reaping the consequences of not following My Blessed Mother’s messages at Fatima. You have seen World War II, and a possible World War III is on the horizon. Wars are a result of not enough prayers being said for peace in the world. Keep praying My Blessed Mother’s rosary for peace and the stoppage of abortion.”
Monday, May 12, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, when even My apostles had visions, do not be quick to dismiss people who have visions and messages to teach My faithful. St. Peter by these visions, was led to accept the Gentiles into the Church. When I died for all of mankind, I want to accept everyone into My Church who will accept Me. I do not want My evangelists to discriminate between people who may be different by race, religion, or ethnic background. Go out to all the nations, and preach My Good News. In the Gospel I taught you about Myself as the Good Shepherd, and I received many different folds into My one flock in My Church. Just as St. Peter and St. Paul preached to the Gentiles, and brought them into the faith, so My people of today should accept different groups into My Church as well. I love all of you equally, and I want to see all of you saved. So beg the harvest Master of souls to send more laborers into the vineyard to gather My sheep. The more souls you can save from hell, the more heaven will rejoice for My greater glory.”
Jesus said: “My people, some of you believe in My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts. Those, who believe, love Me and give reverence to Me by genuflecting to My Presence in the tabernacle. There are also people who recognize My Presence, but who are evil by desecrating My Host in a black mass. It is those who love and worship Satan who want to desecrate Me. You were fortunate that the one black mass in the media, was cancelled. It was the protests that stopped this from happening. So if you truly love Me, you will stand up for Me and protect My Hosts from being desecrated. You remember how a priest and nun died trying to retrieve My Hosts from a burning church. This means My people have to take some security measures in protecting My Hosts from being stolen for black masses. Even at Mass you may have to watch people who receive Holy Communion in the hand, but they do not consume Me as they should. Satanic masses are going on in many places, and these evil people are always seeking My Hosts to desecrate. Pray for the protection of My consecrated Hosts that are not guarded very closely.”
Sunday, May 11, 2014: (Mother’s Day)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you are all joyful on a sunny and warm Mother’s day. You all are remembering your mothers, even those who are deceased. From the foot of the cross, my Son gave me to all of you to be your heavenly Mother. You know how much I love my rosary, and I encourage all of you to pray the rosary every day. I am grateful to my prayer warriors who pray three or more rosaries every day for my intentions. I want my children to pray slowly, and from the heart as you focus on each Mystery of the rosary that you are praying. Do not just say words as a duty, but put some meaning and joy into your prayers because they are needed to offset all the evil in your world. I know that you honor me in the month of May, and it is a good time to celebrate my Son’s Resurrection in your Easter Season. Rejoice with us in heaven, as you see your weather coming out of your winter hibernation. I want all of you to be kind to each other with love and not criticism.”