Tuesday, October 17, 2017: (St. Ignatius of Antioch)
Jesus said: “My people, I love you so much that I died for your souls. You are seeing one of My martyrs in St. Ignatius of Antioch. These beautiful souls loved Me so much, and they were willing to die for My Name’s sake by the beasts who killed them. When a person is martyred, their soul goes straight to heaven in all of My glory. These souls have a high level in heaven because of their great love for Me. In the end times you may see some people martyred also out of love for Me. I tell My faithful, do not fear if you should be called to be a martyr for Me. You may suffer a moment of pain, but you will be with Me for all eternity in heaven. In an instant you will be with Me that day, like I promised the good thief on the cross. Those faithful people, who remain on the earth, will be protected at My refuges, and they will later be brought into My Era of Peace, and finally into heaven. My faithful need to rejoice that you will have your reward in heaven for all that you have done for Me in faith.”
Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you these cots because you will be needing them soon, when events will be bringing people to your refuge. I have been preparing you to have things ready for your refuge. You have seen your angel warning you about being careful to discern if it is safe to go out on more talks after this month. I also told you about a big event to happen this year, and you are running out of months. This event (earthquake, volcano, or North Korean war) could be serious enough to cause a national martial law. This is why you need to check before you leave for any future trip. Until I tell you to stop traveling, you could plan to travel. You need a few more preparations as your water well, so follow up on your original plans. If you cannot finish, My angels will finish your water project. Keep trusting in Me, and be vigilant of your current events, so you will know what to do.”
Monday, October 16, 2017: (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque)
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to continue to pray for all the people affected by the fires of California. Pray also for all the people who you will meet along the way at St. Gabriel Mission, and the community around the Luminous Cross. When you are traveling as a religious group, I want you all to be on your good behavior, and remember you are pilgrims and not tourists. Keep humble and act as Christians all of the time, but especially as you represent Me to other people. I love all of My faithful servants, and you need to be good examples of My love. Enjoy your trip and your experiences, but keep focused on Me in all that you do.”
St. Gabriel said: “I am Gabriel, and I stand before God. You just had my feast day on September 29, when you honored St. Michael, St. Raphael, and myself. I am the guardian of this mission. You know that I was the messenger to ask the Blessed Virgin Mary if she wanted to be the Mother of Jesus. She gave me her fiat to fulfill the plan of God. I also was a messenger to tell St. Zachariah that his wife, St. Elizabeth, would have a son, St John the Baptist. St. Zachariah did not believe me, so I struck him mute for his unbelief. I want to thank you and your prayer group for placing my statue, and all three of us archangels on the altar at your prayer meetings. I confirm the message to Fr. Michel that the day of the Warning is drawing near. Remember to call on us for your protection.”
Note: Fr. Michel said St. Gabriel was awaiting with the others in heaven for the Word of the Father to happen.
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told the people of My day that the only sign that I would give, is the sign of Jonah. To the people of today, I am the greatest sign because you have a greater than Solomon or Jonah here in My Blessed Sacrament. You are privileged to see My Luminous Cross because I am the Light that disperses the darkness. This miracle is a gift of My Spirit of love, and you have seen miracles of healing here. This same image will be present in the sky over My refuges. Only My faithful, who are marked with the angel’s cross on the forehead, will be allowed into My refuges. When you see the cross in the sky, you will be healed of your venial sins. You need Confession to forgive mortal sins. Only if there is no priest available, will you be healed of mortal sins. After healing the soul, I will heal all of your physical problems, and you will have full health. Even those people, who need dialysis, will have new working kidneys. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you with an invisible shield, and I will provide for all of your needs at My refuges.”
Sunday, October 15, 2017:
Jesus said: “My son, I want you and everyone to make some quiet time for Me every day, either in the morning or at night, but not when you are tired. I want you to learn about contemplative prayer, which is truly a prayer of being quiet, so you can listen to My words of love. Many people allow too many distractions to take up their life, so it is very difficult to listen to My voice. Once you are listening to Me, I want you to consult with Me on everything you do each day. You are My faithful servant, so you need to give your will over to Me, so I can lead you on the right path to heaven. It is only when you let Me run your life, that you will be able to fulfill the mission that I have planned for you. When you do everything out of love for Me and your neighbor, that is when you are learning the ways of heaven. I told My apostles that I wanted them to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. I know that you are human, and you have inherited Adam’s weaknesses, but I still want you to strive for perfection, because only saints can enter heaven. I also want My faithful to trust in Me for all that you need in life. You will have difficulties at times, but when you trust in Me, you can accomplish many things for My greater glory. You join Me in your daily prayer, but you must trust that I will lead you to do the right thing every day.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some farmers put hay around their houses as a means of insulation for the cold of winter. Hay is a good insulator, and even the Holy Family used the hay in the barn to keep them warm in the winter. When you put your own Nativity scene on your porch, you also put hay around the statues to celebrate Christmas. I have shown you to have tape and plastic on your windows during the winter, when you are heating with wood and kerosene to keep the heat in the house. Now, I am showing you about putting hay around your house to save more heat. You need to be prepared for a severe winter, especially if you do not have electricity, or natural gas for your normal heater. By being prepared with alternative heating, then you will be ready to stay warm for this winter. I will multiply your wood and kerosene, if it is needed for your survival. Trust in Me to provide for your necessities.”
Saturday, October 14, 2017:
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is giving you this message. This message is all about how I understand suffering people. You remember when Moses was asking Me about the Hebrews who were suffering the slavery of the Egyptians. I knew their suffering because I know how every person suffers. I sent Moses as the ‘Deliverer’ for his people to be released from the Egyptians. So today, I see the people who are suffering death and the loss of their homes in the fires of California. I want My people to pray your Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the souls who have died in these fires. Also, pray for all the people who have lost their homes, and those who are suffering in breathing the smoke in this area. Have compassion as I do for these suffering people. You have seen one disaster after another in fires, hurricanes, and earthquakes. Your sins have brought many of these disasters upon your country, but you can still help these suffering people with your prayers and your donations. My Son, Jesus, suffered much for all of humanity on the Cross of Crucifixion. So My friends, you all have suffering in your lives, but I want you to realize that you can offer up your suffering to save souls. Do not waste your pain, and see that your suffering can be a blessing to unite your pain with Jesus on the Cross. Your suffering can then be changed into redemptive suffering to help save souls among your relatives and friends. So do not complain about your sufferings, but see them as opportunities of grace to help souls. Now you truly understand why My Son, Jesus, had to suffer on His cross to bring salvation to all the people who accept us into their lives.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you invite someone into your house, you are very careful to dust and polish everything so your house is presentable. When you go out socially, you are careful to groom yourself, and have presentable clothes. You clean the outside of your body, but you need to cleanse the inside of your soul even more. When you come to receive Me in Holy Communion, you are about to invite Me into the home of your soul. I am holy, and I expect My faithful to be holy and cleansed with Confession. So do not have any mortal sin on your soul. Do not receive Me in Holy Communion with mortal sin, or you will commit another mortal sin of sacrilege. In the Gospel you saw how the man, who was not dressed with a proper wedding garment, was tied and cast out into the dark. When you come to My Wedding Banquet at every Mass, you also need to have your soul dressed properly with a pure soul from Confession. Give praise and thanks to Me that you can receive My Real Presence in an intimate union with your soul. As was mentioned earlier, this Prayer house is truly a refuge as I have told you before. At one time you saw a stadium full of people coming to this refuge. Rejoice that the people of this area will be protected at this refuge by the angel’s invisible shield.”
Friday, October 13, 2017: (Our Lady of Fatima)
Our Lady said: “My dear children, I want to thank all of you for celebrating my 100th Anniversary of my messages to the three children at Fatima. You are going to process through the streets to give public witness to your Blessed Mother. I love all of you, and I am happy to be with you and bless you. In the vision you are seeing My Immaculate Heart, and I am joined as one with my Son, Jesus’ Sacred Heart. You have seen us as two hearts in many pictures. We long for all of our children to be joined with our two hearts. When you make your Consecration to me, you are joined with my Immaculate Heart. Today was a beautiful day for your Conference, and you received many graces from Jesus and myself at your Mass. Some people are thinking that something should happen now, but do not be worried about dates, because it is only for your heavenly Father to know the times of coming events. Just trust in Jesus and everything will work out for you. It is your faith and my Son’s sacrifice that will save you. So do not have any fears, worries, or anxieties, because these things come from the evil one.”
Thursday, October 12, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a possible incident that could trigger a war with North Korea. Such a war is one of the possibilities I gave you on September 25, 2017 that would be the big event of this year. North Korea has threatened to shoot down any aircraft that comes close to their country. It is just such a miscalculation on either side that could develop into a major conventional war with South Korea. Many people have been praying that such a war will not start. With all the sanctions being placed on North Korea, they could react in defiance, rather than stop their nuclear plans. They could start a first strike against South Korea, Japan, or the United States. Be careful when you back such a dictator into a corner, because North Korea could react violently, and it could precipitate a world war. Keep praying to stop such a war, but be prepared if a war should come.”
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am happy to greet your little group today, as you prepare to celebrate my 100th Anniversary of Fatima tomorrow on October 13, 2017. I thank Juliet and her helpers for all the efforts she is making for your coming procession. You are all coming together to share the words of your speakers at your Conference. I want you to listen closely, because you are entering the end times, and you all need to be prepared in Confession for the coming Warning and the tribulation. Today, you were shown Alan Robinson’s map of the places that would be annihilated. I have mentioned in my messages at Fatima that because of your sins, certain nations would be annihilated. Please wear your scapulars for your protection from the evil one, and pray your rosaries for the souls who could die suddenly without preparation for their judgment. You will have a beautiful Conference, so share your faith and love with each other. You can also share what you learned with your friends back home. My Son and I will be watching over all of you, and we will lead you to your protection at my Son’s refuges.”
Wednesday, October 11, 2017: (St John XXIII)
Jesus said: “My son, as you are reading the story of Jonah, you can see some of your own problems. Jonah did not want to warn Nineveh to repent, because the people of Nineveh were their enemies. After being stopped from fleeing his mission, he told the people that they would be destroyed in forty days, if they did not repent. The king and the people repented in sackcloth and ashes, and they changed their evil lifestyles. I then relented in My punishment, but Jonah was disappointed. I gave him a gourd plant also for shade, but the next day it died. Jonah wanted to die, but I took care of his needs. So, My son, you are concerned about your illness, and your difficulty in sleeping. Do not be concerned, because I am giving you a blessing so you can offer up your troubles with Me on the cross for the souls in purgatory, and the souls you are praying for at your Conference in California. I will give you the strength in My Eucharist to allow you to get along even without much sleep. So do not complain, but be humble, and see how I am using you as My instrument of grace. You have been persistent in your prayers and carrying out your mission very well. Continue to trust in Me for all that you will need on this trip and others. I give you My angels to protect you and guide you in your travels.”
Tuesday, October 10, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, this is a serious vision because it is showing you very graphically how the churches will be broken when the schism or the division comes in My Church. When they will not be pronouncing the proper words of Consecration, the hosts in those churches will not have My Real Presence. This is why I am showing you a broken altar. The schismatic church will be teaching New Age worship of things, and not Me, the Creator, as in the reading. They will teach that the sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. I have told you when you see heresies, or when the words of Consecration are changed, you will need to leave that church. Eventually, all of these schismatic churches will be controlled by evil teachings. My faithful will have to come to home Masses, and finally to Masses at My refuges with faithful priests. At My refuges I will have My angels bring you daily Holy Communion, if you do not have a priest. It will take discernment from the Holy Spirit for My faithful to understand when it will be necessary to leave these schismatic churches. I have been warning you that this day is coming, because the Antichrist will try to destroy all of the churches. Only My angel protected refuges will go unharmed. Be prepared for My coming Warning experience, and the following tribulation of the Antichrist. Have no fear, because your guardian angels will lead you to My refuges of protection, where I will provide for your protection, and all that you will need to survive. The evil ones will soon be conquered and cast into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, when I made Adam and Eve, they were placed in the Garden of Eden, and there were two trees. The one tree was the ‘Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil’. It was this tree that they were not supposed to eat from, or they would die. The devil tricked Eve into eating from this tree, and she gave it to Adam. For this sin they were cast out of the Garden. There was a second tree called the ‘Tree of Life’, that when they ate from this tree, they could live a long time. Once they were outside the Garden, they did not live long without having the fruit from this tree. After this sin, a promise of a Redeemer was given, and I came on the earth much later. I died on a tree of the cross, and I became a new Tree of Life when I gave you My Eucharist as a new spiritual food for you. At the end of the tribulation I will place all the evil ones in hell, and I will lift up My faithful into the air. Then I will recreate the earth with its perfection as I made it before, without man’s GMOs and his imperfections. You saw Me on the cross as I will lead My faithful down into a new Garden of My Era of Peace. There will be no evil, and there will be many Trees of Life. You will eat from these trees, and you will live a long life. Everyone has to die once, but you will be prepared to be perfected as saints, so when you die, you can go straight to heaven. Rejoice in My Tree of Life both in My Host now, and in My Era of Peace from the Tree of Life.”
Monday, October 9, 2017: (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the feast day of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, who was known to have a great devotion to My Sacred Heart. In the vision I am showing you My Sacred Heart of burning love, just as you see Me in the picture on your wall in the room that you are writing this message. I want you to focus on this picture as you see an eternal flame of love, a crown of thorns around My Heart, and Blood flowing out from My Heart, as when the soldier pierced My side with a lance. In the vision you are seeing Me crying over all of the people who are rejecting My love. I respect everyone’s free will choice to accept Me or reject Me. When you come to Me, you need to count the cost, because those people who want to be with Me, must give their will over to My Divine Will. You must follow My laws and seek My forgiveness of your sins. Those people, who choose to love Me, will have their reward in heaven. I call My faithful to love Me and your neighbors as yourselves. Those people, who reject Me, are on a path to hell, and I am crying for the potential loss of their souls. I am like the father of the Prodigal Son, waiting for repentant sinners to come to Me for forgiveness. I pray for all souls to seek out My love, because their souls are seeking peace, and they will only find peace in Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, I gave you a message before that when I warn everyone to leave for a safe place, this will come as an inner locution to everyone when you will hear My voice. I will warn you when your lives will be in danger. Once you hear My inner locution warning, I want you to call on Me, and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a small flame to the nearest refuge. You need to leave in your vehicle within twenty minutes. If you hesitate a while, you will see the men in black coming house to house to try and force the mark of the beast or a microchip on everyone. Do not take this chip, or it will control your free will. If you are captured and you refuse to take this chip, they will take you to the death camps to be martyred. When you see these men in black coming, then go quickly out the back door, as these people in the vision, and call on your guardian angel to lead you to the nearest refuge. Your angels will put an invisible shield around you to protect you from any harm. This vision of people running in the street, are the people who are leaving too late for My refuges. I am giving this message again, because you are approaching the time that will lead up to the tribulation. I want you to be prepared with frequent Confession for the Warning, and have your backpacks ready to leave for your refuges. You are doing practice runs at your refuges, so you will be prepared for a refuge lifestyle. This is also why I said that you will be fortunate to have time to do a winter practice run with your refuge, when you will be using your wood and kerosene burners. Pray for your protection, as I will be protecting you from the evil ones with My angels at My refuges.”
Sunday, October 8, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much, and as this search light shows you, I am like the hound of heaven ever searching to save every soul. You are seeing in the Gospel, how I started My Church with St. Peter as the rock, and now I am preparing you for the great harvest of souls. I call on all of My faithful that I am asking all souls to produce a great fruit of your labors from My vineyard. It is by your fruits that I will know if you are a good servant, or an evil one who rejects Me. In the Warning you will have a life review that will reveal all the fruits of your life’s work. I will weigh your sins against your fruits of good deeds. After your life review, you will see My mini-judgment for your destination of heaven, hell, or purgatory. If you do not change your life, then this judgment will be your final judgment as well. You will be placed back into your body, and you will be given a second chance to improve on your life’s destination. Come close to Me now while you are still living, and do not wait until tomorrow, because you may die today.”