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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, this is a good lesson from St. Paul because he was instructing his faithful believers in Me to be more loving. Christians are not like the worldly people in seeking money from each other, but it is better to compromise any differences. You have people today who sue others for revenge or to harass people they do not like. My people need to be more loving as well, even if you must suffer from other believers. You have even seen people sue others unjustly just to gain money, as in cases with some priests. At the judgment I will settle accounts with your faults and abuses, as I know all of the evil intentions in your heart. So pray for people who are abusing others that they will change their evil ways. I love all of you and you should love Me and love your neighbor.”

Monday, September 9, 2024

Monday, September 9, 2024: (St. Peter Claver)
Jesus said: “My son, I know you have been praying for Jocelyn’s recovery for several months, but she needs to follow Fr. Michel’s advice. He told her to take a few grains of exorcism salt every day and to have faith in Me that I can heal her. Give her this bag of exorcism salt and let her take some every day. All of your family members need to pray your 24 Glory Be prayers of St. Therese for her every day, and not just nine days. She needs to have faith in My healing if she wants to be healed.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country is preparing for another hurricane that is headed toward Louisiana. You have had some damaging storms, but not as many as predicted. You also saw a circling cloud that represented the coming Warning. This will come right before some loss of life, so My faithful will have a chance to get to My refuges of safety with My angels protecting you. Your life review will be a spiritual wake-up call to see how you need to change your life to follow Me instead of following the world. After the Warning and the Conversion time, the Antichrist will be allowed his reign over the world for less than 3½ years. Trust in Me to heal My faithful and provide for your needs throughout the tribulation at My refuges.”

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday, September 8, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, two of today’s readings were focused on healing a deaf and mute person. I placed My hands on his ears and his lips, and I said: ‘Be opened’. Then that person could hear again and speak plainly. I told the people to keep this healing quiet, but they spread this healing miracle all over. I have told My faithful that they could also heal people. The one who prays over someone needs to believe I have the power to heal that person, and the one being prayed over also has to believe that I can heal someone. In the second reading from St. James, he talks about not being prejudiced against people by favoring one person over another. An example given was better treatment of a rich person over a poor person. There are many more discriminations that people have over things and people. I want My people to treat everyone with love equally because I created all of you with different gifts.”

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Saturday, September 7, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, in life you struggle with all kinds of adversity in your human condition. You suffer just to provide for the needs of your body. When you believe in Me and follow My ways, you may be criticized, or even persecuted for not following earthly ways. Your spirit is satisfied and fulfilled in My graces when you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. It is better to have an abundance in your spiritual gifts than an abundance in worldly things. Without Me you are nothing, but with Me, you will have all that you need, and eternal life besides.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a great contrast between Trump who is for less government and capitalism vs. Harris who wants more government and control with communism. Harris has supported all of Biden’s failures and the worst issue is the open border that is ruining America. The Democrats left the border open so they could allow the illegal immigrants to vote. The Democrats are giving money to the illegal immigrants so they will vote for Harris. They use lies and cheating at the ballot box to win as they did in 2020. If the Democrats can let illegal immigrants vote, this could turn the election in their favor. The communists are against Me and they persecute Christians in communist countries. If you want freedom of religion without communist control, then you need to vote for the Republican. The Democrats support abortion on demand and this is another reason to vote against them. America truly has a choice between true democracy or a communist state with less freedoms.”

Friday, September 6, 2024

Friday, September 6, 2024: (4:00 a.m. hour)
Jesus said: “My people, you are fortunate to be at one of My refuges that will be protected throughout the tribulation. I am showing you in this vision all of the points of life coming from My refuges. My legions of angels will be protecting My faithful at these refuges. Trust in My Word that I will multiply your food, water, and fuels so you will be able to survive the terror of the Antichrist. You are witnessing this night as an example of My protection at your refuge practice run. I had you do this seventh run to help prepare you to see what My refuge life will be like. Remember that with Me all things are possible, and you can trust Me that I will bring you into My Era of Peace. Rejoice when you will see My final victory over Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet.”

Jesus said: “My people, I spoke about fasting and prayer in the Gospel. You sometimes need both when you are praying to remove demons from people and with a priest’s exorcism. Deliverance prayers are powerful because you need to remove the demons in order to help heal addictions. During Lent you fast more from food to have self-denial so you can control the body’s desires. It is good to give your body a rest from food at times. In the Gospel I was telling My apostles not to fast while the bridegroom was with them, but they will fast when I left them. The new wine needs new wineskins, or the new wine would burst the old wineskin. I was bringing a fulfillment to the law in My new ways so I would be changing the old ways. I have given you My Mass which started with the Passover, but at each Mass I transubstantiate the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. With My perfect sacrifice on the cross, there was no longer any need to sacrifice animals. I love you all so much, and I thank those people who participated in your refuge practice run. You will appreciate My protection when the tribulation comes. Be ready to come to My refuges when I will call you with My inner locution.”

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thursday, September 5, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel St. Peter had tried all night to catch some fish, but he caught nothing. I came to use his boat to give a sermon to the people on the shore. Then I told St. Peter to put out into deep water for a catch, even though St. Peter did not think this was possible. But with Me, all things are possible. St. Peter followed My directions and they caught many fish, and they filled two boats until they were almost sinking. In life you meet many problems that seem impossible to solve. When I give you My directions, you need to do like St. Peter and follow Me. My son, I have asked people to store three months of food because you may see another time when your store shelves will be empty. I asked you to set up refuges for the coming tribulation, and I gave you directions to follow which you have done with your water well, your solar equipment, and your new shed. Now I directed you to have another refuge practice run which you are doing today for the seventh time. You are doing this to be ready for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. This will be a battle of good vs. evil. Be patient because these events will be starting this year.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you are having your prayer group meeting using your Lithium batteries to run your lights and your fan. I have asked you to have this seventh refuge practice run because you will be seeing events lead up to your refuge time. I thank all of you who are participating in this exercise. You need to realize how refuge living will be your purgatory on earth. My angels will protect My refuges, and I will multiply your needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, this well gives you water without your town water for drinking, cooking, and your latrines. I asked you to have this water well put in because you cannot exist without water. You did not think this was possible, but you just had to install a backflow so the two water sources did not mix. You were given the funds to do this refuge from an inheritance.”

Jesus said: “My son, now you are using an internet Adoration, but during the refuge time you will have a consecrated Host for your monstrance from either a priest or My angels who will bring Me to you. This Perpetual Adoration means you need to have people sign up for a particular hour around the clock, even for this practice run. By your faith in My Real Presence in My Host, I will be able to heal you with My luminous cross, and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels so you can survive the whole tribulation time.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am sending a legion of angels to guard each of My refuges. They will put an invisible shield over your refuge. You saw such a picture from a GPS locator that blocked your house. The angel shields will also protect you from bombs, viruses, and even a comet. Each refuge will also have a luminous cross in the sky over your refuge. When you look on this cross with faith, you will be healed of any illness by My power.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will bring My Warning before any threat to your lives happens. You will have a life review of all of your good and bad actions. You will understand how I want you to live, and you will receive a mini-judgment based on your actions to that time. You will have a short taste of your judged destination of heaven, purgatory, or hell. Keep your soul clean with frequent Confession to avoid any judgment to hell. You will then come back into your body, and you will have six weeks of Conversion with no evil, so you can convert your family to faith in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, after the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion you will be called to My refuges with My inner locution. At that time you are to pick up your backpack or roller bag and call on your guardian angel to lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. You need to leave your home within twenty minutes. Your angel will place an invisible shield over you. Those faithful, who do not come to My refuge, will be martyred by the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see My Comet of Chastisement come at the end of the tribulation, and it will cause the three days of darkness. Your blessed candle will give you light. At that time I want you to place your black plastic over your windows so you do not look at My justice. The evil ones will be killed and they will be cleansed from the earth into hell. My faithful will be shielded from the comet’s destruction. Then I will raise My believers into the air so you can still breathe. I will then renew the earth into another Garden of Eden with many Trees of Life. I will then bring you down into My Era of Peace and you will live a long time until you die and are brought into heaven at your assigned level of heaven.”

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wednesday, September 4, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, having good health is a blessing at any time. When you are sick or in need, you need a physician. I am the great Healer and I healed many people when I was on the earth. In today’s Gospel I healed St. Peter’s mother-in-law from a fever. In order for Me to heal people, they need to have faith that I can heal them. You recall in My own hometown of Nazareth, I could not heal people there because they knew where I came from, and they did not have faith that I could heal them. This faith in My healing is necessary for My miracles of healing. So when you pray over someone, you must believe in My healing power, and the sick person also has to have faith in My healing. Then it is possible for a healing. I give the power to heal in My Name to all of My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a one world people like the Masons who control who is to be your President. Most of your Presidents were Masons, and Lincoln and Kennedy were assassinated. Even Reagan and Trump have been shot. The evil ones behind the scenes want total control over your government. The time of the evil ones is coming to a close so the Masons will do anything to take over America to allow the Antichrist to take over the world for a time. Events are going to move quickly to keep Trump from winning the Presidency. Trump is still in danger of assassination, so you need to pray for his safety. You know America will fall as a punishment for your abortions. You also know from the Bible that the Antichrist will have his reign for less than 3½ years. Have no fear because I will bring My Warning before the tribulation, and My faithful will be protected at My refuges. Trust in Me that you are having a practice run to prepare you for the coming tribulation.”

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Tuesday, September 3, 2024: (St. Gregory the Great)
Jesus said: “My son, you have seen some experiences with the demons. One time you had thousands of flies in your chapel and kitchen as Beelzebub the lord of the flies attacked your refuge. But you had people pray the long form of the St. Michael prayer with holy water to cleanse the flies. Your builder killed them with spray and vacuumed them up. Later your priest exorcized your Chapel and property from any demons. You also prayed over some people who were possessed and one returned with burn marks on her hands. My son, it is by My power and My angels that you are protected from the demons. I also give healing power to My faithful so you can heal people who believe that I can heal them. Keep praying your prayers and cleanse your soul in Confession to keep strong against the demons. I love all of My people, and I put angel protection over all of My refuges. You will need this protection from the Antichrist and the demons during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is true that the Democrats speak with a forked tongue like a snake with all of their lies to gain votes. They are the party supporting the death culture, especially their stand in supporting abortion. Biden and Harris are responsible for their open border and all those Americans who have been harmed by illegal immigrants. The Democrats lie about the border, and their overspending that has caused your inflation. They also lie about their war on fossil fuels. When you can win elections by cheating with illegal ballots, lying is just a cover up for how evil they are. If the Republicans refuse to call for fair elections in voting, then they are complicit with the cheating, as in the 2020 election. If the Democrats cheat again to win in 2024, you could see riots of protests in the streets. Pray for a fair election, but watch out for the cheating Democrats.”

Monday, September 2, 2024

Monday, September 2, 2024: (Labor Day)
Jesus said: “My people, most of your people have to work for a living to support their families. Some families need to have two jobs to pay for all of their needs. Having a job gives you a dignity to provide for people’s needs. I have given everyone skills to be able to find a job you are good at. You all have earthly and spiritual responsibilities to use your time wisely. Even retired people need to work around your house for your necessities. Do not let earthly work take up your whole focus, because I call you to do heavenly work of evangelizing and doing everything for My greater glory. By loving Me and your neighbor with good deeds, you feel accomplished in doing your work each day. Be thankful that you have good health to do your work.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have suggested that you have one more refuge practice run because your refuge time is drawing close. You can now use your new shed and your new Lithium batteries for lights at night. You will be using your water well for your water source, and your CampChef for baking bread and your tuna dish. You will have pails for sponge baths, and have Bibles available. You will have Adoration prayers around the clock. Be ready to make your breakfast and dinner using your dried foods for only two meals. This is just a brief preview of what your refuge life will be like.”

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sunday, September 1, 2024: (Bernadene Luck intention)
Jesus said: “My people, you have many different traditions in all of your customs in life. I was criticizing the Pharisees because they were more focused on outward appearances with all the Mosaic laws, when they should have been taking care of their inside souls as well. It is your soul that will face Me in your judgment, because the body and this world will pass away. Your Sacred traditions are more important to follow, because they come directly from Me. So guard your soul from sin the best you can with your daily prayer life and daily Mass if possible. Even your evening Adoration gives you time to honor Me in all that you do. In life you love Me, and you are trying to please Me in your good deeds and sharing the faith with others. By following My Commandments and repenting of your sins, I will welcome you into heaven as your reward.”