Jesus said: “My people, you know how important it is to have your priests to pray the Mass and administer the sacraments. Some of your people may not fully understand the importance of your priests for your spiritual life. They counsel people in Confession and for marriage. They consecrate My Hosts so you can have Me in Holy Communion and at Adoration. Because they take My place on earth, the demons are constantly tormenting the priests to give up their vocation. This is why they need your constant prayers and support to protect them from the demons and to provide for their needs. A priest’s life today is under constant demand to run their parish, and they may even help other parishes as you share priests in your shortages. Pray also to inspire your faithful to continue coming to Mass and supporting your parish church. You all are like Christian soldiers defending the faith. You need to encourage your family and friends to remain faithful to your own calls, whether in the single life or your married vows. Support your pastors because you can remember how difficult it was to be without a pastor.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed at least three major earthquakes in the last week or so. One was near New Zealand, one off the coast of California, and now a severe one in Haiti. You are entering a time of increased severe earthquake activity which is a warning for California and the middle of your country. When you see considerable activity around Indonesia and New Zealand, then stress is now on the other ends of these plates. Let this disaster in Haiti be a warning for America’s places of vulnerability. Food supplies around the world are at all time lows, and any major disaster will find it hard to get many supplies there, even if the money is available. Pray for those suffering from this earthquake, and provide some donations of what you can to help them. It is difficult for poor countries to respond to such disasters that could quickly lead to chaos and looting of what food can be found.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know that I came from humble beginnings and I was St. Joseph’s son, a carpenter. When it came time to choose My apostles, I also chose simple fishermen instead of people who were rich or part of the religious authorities. I wanted My apostles to be open and to freely choose to follow My new teachings that fulfilled the Law of the Jews. Those in authority would refuse Me, but My words of love touched the hearts of all the apostles that I asked. By the power of the Holy Spirit and My guiding hand, many have come to believe in Me and have converted to follow a Christian way of life. Those, who repent of their sins and accept Me as Master of their lives, will have eternal life with Me in heaven. The reward for following Me, as My apostles did, is worth more than any hardships that you must face in this life. Keep focused on Me and perfecting your spiritual life, and you will find your crown of sainthood in heaven with Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, your country is being wrapped in a tightening vise of socialism that will be controlling your freedoms more and more. You have cameras identifying you in many places. You have microchips in your driver’s licenses, your passports, and soon in your National ID health cards. Your travel in airplanes and other transportation is dictated by these chips. The one world people are not satisfied with overtaxing you and stealing your money from the stock market and the banks, but they want to control you like robots and choose your thoughts with mind control. This is why their next push will be for mandatory chips in the body, and a reduction in the population by diseases and breakdowns in your immune systems. Viruses in flu shots and viruses in the chem trails are adding to your adulterated food that they are going to use to kill people, and sterilize them as well. When mandatory chips in the body are declared, pandemic viruses kill many, or martial law is called, then call on Me and My guardian angels will lead you to the safety of My nearest refuge. Trust in My protection as the tribulation time is about to start.”
Jesus said: “My people, even as you are bringing your Christmas Season to a close, do not cease singing your praises to Me as the angels sing to Me constantly. As you see this vision of a choir getting their places, you all have some small part to play in voicing your faith to others as you sing My praises. By your daily prayers and your actions, you are being a witness to others of your faith in Me. Remember that heaven and the people around you are observing your every move. So always give good example to lift others up in their faith. When you were baptized, I called you to be an evangelist to help save souls. Your faith is a gift of love from Me and you need to share it, and not just keep it to yourself. Witness your love for Me and your neighbor every day.”
Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist was My herald in the desert preparing the way for My coming. He kept asking the people to repent of their sins and be baptized. When I let St. John baptize Me, there was a manifestation of the Blessed Trinity. (Matt. 3:16,17) ‘And when Jesus had been baptized, He immediately came up from the water and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and coming upon Him. And behold, a voice from the heavens said, ‘This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.’ When I died on the cross, I ransomed all souls from their sins, if they would come forth to be baptized. Now, today you bring your children to be baptized in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This sacrament is your entry into the faith, and it forgives your original sin from Adam, and any actual sin up to that time of Baptism. My request continues to call all souls to repentance so you can receive My graces and be saved from hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, many times I invite you to come and make visits to My tabernacle in prayer. When you come before Me with all of your troubles and intentions, you can find peace with Me that only I can give to your soul. You are My children of faith, and I treasure the moments that you come to share with Me. I love My adorers so much and I wish you could crowd every Adoration chapel so there is no place to stand. Yet I am thankful for the few who do come, and I will shine many graces on you for your efforts to be here in taking time out of your busy schedules. Do not forget to make some quiet time for Me every day. This is My time to talk to your heart and encourage everyone in their special mission in life. Walk with Me as I walked with My disciples on the road to Emmaus and I gave them My words of My mission, and how it fulfilled the prophecies of the prophets. Encourage each other in your prayers, and help others to share some quiet moments with Me in My tabernacle.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the Gospel of My healing the leper of his disease, but it was his faith that healed him. This is true of physical healings and spiritual healings. There needs to be a desire to be healed in the body and the soul. Faith in My healing power also is needed in physical healings. Most important in spiritual healings is also a desire to seek My forgiveness in a person. You know that you can come to Me in Confession to have your sins forgiven, but you must make the forward act of making plans to go to Confession. You can have souls praying for you both on earth and in heaven, but each sinner needs the desire on their own to come forward to be cleansed, like this leper. Life is short and you may not always have the opportunity to confess your sins if you should die suddenly. This vision of darkness in a wooden frame represents a soul living in mortal sin. It is your duty as a Christian to warn people who are living in sin to wake up and convert their lives before it may be too late and they may lose their soul in hell. Do not worry if you are offending their emotions, but tell them that you love them and you are concerned about saving their soul.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are about to end the Christmas Season with the celebration of My Baptism in the Jordan River by St. John the Baptist. After this season is over, you will have some ordinary time before you prepare for another Season of Lent, followed by Easter. Every time, that you read My Scripture passages, you can get a new meaning out of the familiar words of a new cycle of readings. As you see this empty casket, you realize that My death on the cross for your sins is the reason for My coming in the first place. My victory over sin and death was completed in My Resurrection. Rejoice because those, who believe in My promises, will one day be united with Me as you are also resurrected with your glorified body. You have no idea of what beauty and glory awaits you when you arrive in heaven. Many of your relatives here are encouraging you and praying for you on your life’s journey through your daily temptations of the devil. I invite you to call on your relatives in heaven in prayer to help you and those who may be away from the faith.”
Camille: He said: “I have been asked why I have been turning on the lights at H.. and Donna’s house, and yes it is to try and help the family stay close to Jesus. I know H.. was disbelieving in my presence at first, but now he knows that it is real. I know H.. has a good heart, but I am sad that he has closed the door to Jesus in trying to use his gifts. Tell him that I am praying for him to return to church and give Jesus a second chance. For V.. I told you that he is in a great need of prayer help which all of you have been doing. I know he has some demons in his drugs and drinking, but if he continues, his life will be shortened. I have given him signs as well in fixing some things, and let me tell him that he can only be saved, if he allows Jesus to come into his life. He is searching for peace, but it can only come by praying to Jesus for help and forgiveness. He is a good hearted kid if he could stay off the drinking. His health and my leaving have been a problem, but he can still get out of his condition if he could look for some help. Keep praying for him and encourage him to change his ways, and his life will get better. I am praying for H.. and V.. to help save their souls because I love them.”
Jesus said: “My people, those, who live near rivers and lakes, are fortunate to have water readily available, even if it has to be purified. This vision of a deep water well is how far you need to drill for water in arid country. In such dry areas water becomes very precious. Without water you could only live a few days, so water is a necessity for your life. In the same way My grace is a necessity for your spiritual life. Your soul is dead to Me if you are living in mortal sin without My grace. My sacraments with the priest are your oasis for grace in the soul. By seeking My forgiveness in Confession, you can restore grace and viability to your spiritual life. Your main goal is to seek to be with Me in eternal life after your death. By keeping in My grace with a pure soul, you will always be ready to meet Me in your judgment. This is why frequent Confession and Holy Communion will keep you alive and vibrant in your faith and your soul.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, all of you, who said your Santo Nino Novena, have received many graces and answers to your prayers. You will soon see a closing of your Christmas Season as you put your decorations away. Remember to keep a little crib scene at your little altar, and remember to pray to Santo Nino all year long. You have been gifted with My first coming, and you will be gifted again when I return.”
David said: “My family, thank you for visiting my grave recently and remember to pray to me for your intentions. I have seen Camille, Carol’s father, and he is also trying to help your family in your day to day struggles. He is trying to leave some indications of his presence at your daughter, Donna’s house. There may be some subtle hints there to encourage everyone to go to Sunday Mass. I also am giving a message for Catherine to try more to consistently go to Sunday Mass without trying to make excuses. It is important for everyone’s faith to have a deep love for Jesus in His sacraments.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is interesting how the Democrats worked hard to ensure 60 votes to pass your Health Plan in the Senate. Once they have done their dirty work, now several Democrats are not running for re-election because they do not want to face your people’s backlash on election day. When your people wanted a change from the war in Iraq, they did not realize that they are giving up their freedoms under the Democrats. The one world people control both parties, but there are more death culture proponents on the left. These proponents of big government are taking away your freedoms, and they will control you more under this new Health Plan when it is put through with more secret meetings. Pray for a return to a republic government than your present leaning to socialism.”
Jesus said: “My people, your central bankers are exploiting the people with your taxes and low interest rates to bail out the banks and Wall Street Corporations. Bailout and stimulus money has helped the rich and not the poor. Low interest rates are hurting all savers who are getting practically no return for their money in the bank. Here the rich are getting richer and the taxpayer suffers little employment and little credit to buy things. You may not see justice now, but at the judgment these evil ones will pay for their greed and injustice to the poor.”
Jesus said: “My people, these latest terrorist attacks could give your Homeland Security and FEMA more power to restrict your movements on various means of transportation. In an attempt to protect your people, they will implement more chips in your license and health cards with GPS capability so they can track you better. Eventually, they will try to force chips in the body for better control, but this will lead to controlling people like robots. Refuse any mandatory chips in the body and leave for your refuges when this happens. This socialistic control is what you invited into your government with your current leaders. The time to leave for your refuges grows closer with every lost freedom.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you see the prices of your commodities increase, it will be more the decrease in the value of the dollar than an increase in demand for oil, gold, and others. Your government leaders are spending you into bankruptcy as your National Debt is growing beyond your ability to support it. Foreigners are not buying more of your debt, and your Federal Reserve cannot rely on monetizing your debts into hyperinflation. When you cannot pay your bills, you will see your government lead you into financial chaos. This destruction of your economy has been planned for years so the one world people could take over your country. This disaster and chaos will be another reason to leave for My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several messages of a coming deadly pandemic virus. Your flu viruses to date have not been that deadly. You will see a more deadly virus start happening when the evil one world people will infect your people with another man-made virus that will kill a larger percentage of those who get sick. Again when you see many dying, use your masks, build up your immune system with Hawthorn, and move quickly to My refuges where you will be healed by looking on My luminous crosses or drinking the healing spring water.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you someone in chains in a prison because torture, prisons, and martyrdom for the faith will become more widespread as you approach the time of tribulation. This is all the more reason that you should be prepared to go to My refuges with your backpacks, blankets, and tents. Any food and water would be multiplied later. You may be traveling a few days which is why you need a tent, a windup flashlight, warm clothes, food, and water. Those, who do not go to My refuges when I warn you, will be risking capture, torture, slave labor, or death. Even before the Antichrist comes to power, I have asked you to store one year’s supply of food, water barrels, and extra fuel sources. If you have power outages, viruses, or any riots, you may need this food and water to survive. Pray for My help whenever you are tested.”
Jesus said: “My people, man is using up many natural resources as metal ores, coal, oil, and uranium that are not endless sources for the future. You are also using up potash and various fertilizer components that are being used by your farmers. Recycling metals as scrap steel, copper, glass, and aluminum can minimize finding more resources. There are limits to the amount of food and things that you can manufacture. This is why conservation of energy and alternative energy sources are being looked at. Your desire for fossil fuels and more energy sources will have its limits, and your expanding population will create even more demands. This is why the one world people want to reduce the population because of your limited resources. Beware of the viruses, bad foods, and medicines that are slowly controlling your immune systems and could sterilize parts of your society. Trust in Me at My refuges where you will be healthy and fed with My food and water.”
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fish for the 5,000 people was more than just out of necessity. This was also a test of the belief of My apostles in My power as the Son of God. I am the same God who created all the earth and the universe. Multiplying the food was a simple act of My Will in asking My Father’s blessing. The multiplication of bread is also a symbol of My consecration of bread as Holy Communion because I am the ‘Bread of Life’. Whoever eats My Body and drinks My Blood will have eternal life in heaven. I am love and My death on the cross for your sins is the greatest act of love that I could show you. I gave up My life for you and I suffered an ignominious death in My crucifixion. This love of Mine is given to you freely and I ask you to love Me also of your own free will. Call on Me at any time in prayer because I am always at your side willing to answer your prayer, and accept you in the forgiveness of your sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, these footprints in the snow are a reminder how your storms have been snowy and cold. I have mentioned about following Me in My footprints several times, and I invite you to imitate My example of love for God and your neighbor. Keeping the faith takes work and stamina to avoid sin and keep your spiritual life alive with a pure soul. It is your spiritual survival that is even more important than your physical survival. You work to keep your body alive with food and water. You also should keep your soul alive in My grace by feeding on Holy Communion and frequent Confession. Just as you follow Me, you can also help others by your good example so they can follow in your footprints. You are My prayer warriors who can help convert souls and be a beacon of hope for your families and friends. Keep your light of faith burning as you disperse evil and spread good will where you go in My Name.”
Jesus said: “My people, when My public ministry began, it was too difficult for the people of My day to comprehend the possibility of God becoming a man. They listened to My words and they sought to be healed by My healing power. But when I talked of My Divinity and two natures, they wanted to stone Me as a blasphemer. Throughout history there have been various heresies that denied My Divinity. My becoming a man is a mystery for man to understand, but it is true that I took on two natures-human and the Divine. Understanding the Blessed Trinity of Three Persons in One God is also a mystery of faith. At all times whenever you see Me, you also see God the Father and God the Holy Spirit because We are always One and inseparable. Another mystery of faith is accepting My Real Presence in every consecrated Host and the consecrated Wine. This mystery is shared every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion since you receive God the Father and God the Holy Spirit all at the same time. Give praise and glory to all Three Persons of God that We are joined intimately with you in spirit and in the physical substance of bread and wine.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been saying your Santo Nino Novena for your conference funding, and now you have seen an answer to your prayer. You knew that this was a powerful prayer, so now you have another confirmation. As with all answered prayers, it is only fitting that you continue with your thanksgiving Novena of Santo Nino. You gave Me, as an Infant King, all of your prayers and petitions, and now your conference is ready. Continue your prayers in faith and persistence for all of your other intentions. You know when it is according to My Will that I will answer those prayers where many souls will be helped. This is another reason to see the importance of gathering all of your Betania groups together in spreading the message of repentance with My Blessed Mother. Repentance is the theme of St. John the Baptist, and this Christmas Season fits the message of your conference. Give praise and glory to God for answering your intention.”
Jesus said: “My people, today the Wise Men honored Me as the Infant King as they brought Me gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, fit for royal people. Even though I was born into humble beginnings, I have a royal heritage from the line of King David. You know that I am the Second Person of God, but I lowered Myself to be incarnated as a man so I could die for your sins. I had powers to heal and cast out demons, but I did not seek glory for Myself. I humbled Myself to be obedient to My parents and to God the Father. Later, I even allowed Myself to be humbled by an agonizing crucifixion. I came to the earth as a servant and Savior, and not as a ruler. My public ministry was to teach the people and My apostles about the Kingdom of God, and how to save souls from going to hell so they could come to heaven. Rejoice on this feast of the Epiphany as you honor My Kingship with your praise and worship.”
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