Monday, July 26, 2021: (St. Anne and St. Joachim)
Jesus said: “My people, I am blessing this area with My rain for life, because you cannot survive without water. I thank you My son for finding and praying your prayer after meals. You truly are an obedient servant. In the first reading from Exodus, you read how the people made a golden calf to worship as a god. I condemned this worship of other gods than Me. My people, today you have other gods to worship as money, fame, cell phones, rich homes, and comforts. I must be the center of your lives and you should only worship Me not just on Sunday, but on every day. In the Gospel I gave two examples of the Kingdom of God in the mustard seed that is the smallest of seeds that grows into the largest of plants. I also gave you the yeast that is needed for bread to be leavened and rise. Your priest suggested that patience is needed for plants to grow and for bread to rise. I want all of My people to love Me and your neighbor, for this is the basis for My Ten Commandments. So I am calling on My people to obey My Commandments so you can please Me with your obedience. I am with you always in My consecrated Bread and Wine, so take some time to worship and thank Me in front of My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacle. Today, you need to honor My grandparents of St. Anne and St. Joachim who took care of My Blessed Mother. God bless all of you in all that you do each day.”
Jesus said: “My people, you can trust in Me at the refuge time, to be ready to receive people who are coming to My refuges in various physical and spiritual conditions. My angels will be guarding all of My refuges, and only My believers with a cross on their forehead would be allowed into My refuges. At each refuge you will see a luminous cross in the sky. When the people look upon the luminous cross and have faith that I can heal them, then they will be healed of all their physical, mental, and spiritual wounds. They will be healed of viruses, and the vaccinated people will be healed as well. Some people will be traumatized by the destruction that will be going on in the world, and I will heal these people of all of their fears. As people will see the miracles of My healing power, they will have their faith and trust in Me restored, just as My apostles’ faith was enhanced when they saw My miracles. Once My people are healed, now they will be ready to work with your leaders who will organize the jobs that will be needed for you all to survive. Each day I will multiply what you need to feed your people food and water. You will have enough water, soap, and sponges for washing yourselves and what you will need for hygiene necessities. You will have daily Holy Communion and Perpetual Adoration when you are assigned hours around the clock. Trust in Me for My healing power and for providing all of your needs and protection at My refuges during the tribulation.”
Sunday, July 25, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you know I can multiply your food when it is needed. I only ask that you believe I can do this for you, and it will happen. You remember when I provided the manna for the Israelites, and how they had to go out each day and collect what was needed for that day. So when I will multiply your food at your refuges, I will only multiply what you need for one day. Each day you will have to believe that I can do this for you. You will only have enough food for one day at a time. You need to say your prayers before your meal, and you need to pray prayers of thanksgiving after your meal. Learn these prayers so your meals can be complete. Also when you ask for healing prayers, you need to believe I can heal you, and it will happen. Trust in Me to provide for your physical and spiritual needs every day.”
Note: Prayer after meals:
We give Thee thanks for all of Thy benefits, O almighty God, who livest and reignest world without end. Amen. And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Saturday, July 24, 2021: (St. Sharbel Makhluf)
Jesus said: “My people, I bring you My wonderful creation as you see My glorious sunlight bring My Light into your church. I have given you a parable of the wheat and the tares. Your farmers know how to plant the wheat, but you have Satan as the enemy who plants weeds in your crops. You have organic crops and the artificial food called ‘Genetically Modified Organisms’ or GMO food that Satan enabled the evil ones to change My natural crops. These are your new weeds in your fields. This parable has a deeper spiritual meaning. I allow the faithful people and the evil people to grow up together. I allow this so My faithful will have an opportunity to convert the evil people to believers in My Word. At the judgment time I will have My angels gather all of the evil people, like the weeds, and they will be thrown into the eternal flames of hell. These evil ones refused to give glory to Me and they did not ask for My forgiveness of their sins. The faithful believers, like the wheat, I gathered into My barn of heaven where they will have their reward with Me at My Wedding Banquet. The faithful have suffered through life, and they have followed My Commandments, and by Confession they had their sins confessed and forgiven. They have followed My missions and they have produced fruits of good deeds for thirty, sixty, and one hundred fold. Give praise and thanks to Me for all I have done for you in life. I love My faithful because they have shown their love for Me in their prayers and their actions.”
Jesus said: “My people, this refuge will support many people who come at the proper time. I am proud of My servant and her workers for all the work and effort that has gone on to make this refuge. It is her life’s work. You have My archangel St. Uriel who is protecting these grounds. You can call on his help for all that is needed. At the refuge time My angels will protect this place so that no evil people will be allowed in here. Only My believers will be allowed in. When the people come, I told you how to have a core group with leaders for the various jobs that are needed for a refuge. I have blessed this work for all the effort that the people have made for when this refuge will be used. Center your lives around Me, and you will see the fruit of your efforts. Trust in Me for all of your needs, as I will multiply the food, water, and fuels that will be needed.”
Friday, July 23, 2021: (St. Bridget)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a sailboat represents how you travel on the sea of life. When you leave the safety of the harbor, you are subject to all the storms and troubles of life. But when you call on Me, I will calm the storms, and I will bring you into My safe havens at My refuges. In the first reading Moses was given the Ten Commandments by God the Father on Mt. Sinai. These Commandments are My laws of loving Me and loving your neighbor. Those people, who abide by My Commandments, will have their eternal reward with Me in heaven. In the Gospel reading you are familiar with the Parable of the Sower. The seed, that is spread, is My Word of the knowledge of good and evil. The seed that falls on the path or in the briars, does not take root, and it does not bear fruit. But the seed that falls on good soil, bears fruit thirty, sixty, and one hundred fold. My faithful are the seed that falls on good soil, and I will know how sincere your love for Me is by the fruit of your good deeds throughout your life.”
Jesus said: “My son, as you draw closer to My refuge time, you will see the demons trying to interfere with your travel plans and interfering with getting My messages out on your internet site. You will need to call on My help every day in your prayers, and call on Me to send My angels to help you when you are under attack. Trust in Me to protect you and My believers, but there will be some martyrs of My people.”
Thursday, July 22, 2021: (St. Mary Magdalene)
Jesus said: “My people, I appeared first to St. Mary Magdalene after My Resurrection, and she recognized Me when I called her name, ‘Mary’. She went at once to tell the other disciples, but they did not want to believe her. Later, My apostles believed in My Resurrection when I appeared to them in the Upper Room. Blessed are they, who believe in My Resurrection, and they have not seen Me in the flesh. It was hard for My disciples to believe that I resurrected from the dead, because this had not ever happened to anyone. Once they saw My Body, they remembered how I told them that the Son of Man must die and be resurrected on the third day. My people, today you are fortunate that you can receive My Body and Blood in Holy Communion at every daily Mass. Not everyone believes in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, but I am still Present just the same. Treasure the few moments I am with you, because every Holy Communion gives you a small taste of heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, all of My refuges are precious to Me, and I do not want any harm to come to them, because the evil demons hate them. Not only do you have refuge angels protecting My refuges, but I am sending a legion of angels to stand guard over My refuges even now. What you thought were tall buildings surrounding your refuge, are actually tall angels that I am allowing you to see in your vision. So have no fear or worries because My angels are protecting your refuges right now before the Warning and the evil events to come.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been receiving a lot of rain so you no longer have any deficit to your average rainfall. In your area you are fortunate to live close to the Great Lakes that have 21% of the world’s surface fresh water. Out West there are many water shortages and fires in the summer. This area is gradually approaching a water shortage that may cause people to move East for fresh water. The West coast may have to start desalinating the ocean water to provide fresh water for farms and drinking. Be thankful that you will have multiplied water at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are demons coming out onto the surface of the earth through the volcanoes and the portals from hell that you are seeing in your vision. Have no fear of these demons because My angels will protect you. As you approach the tribulation of the Antichrist, more and more demons will be allowed to come up from hell to harass the people. This is why I will be directing My faithful to My refuges, so My angels can protect you from the demons and the evil people. During the tribulation of the Antichrist, the demons and evil people will be tormenting all of the non-believers who are still alive. My faithful will have crosses on their forehead by My angels so you will be allowed to enter My refuges. Trust in Me to protect My believers until I will bring an end to the Antichrist’s reign.”
Jesus said: “My people of this prayer group, many of you have been to the four practice refuge runs where you stayed overnight to see how you would live as a Christian community. You ate the reconstituted dried food. You had water from your water well. You made several loaves of bread to eat with your Camp Chef oven. In the winter you used wood in your fireplace and kerosene in your kerosene burner to keep the house warm. You used cots for the people to sleep, and you had lights at night using rechargeable batteries. You have solar panels, inverters, and solar batteries to power lights and your water well pump. I will provide for your needs by multiplying your food, water, and fuels.”
Jesus said: “My people, you will see the Democrats bringing more laws of control over you. Biden will pass more Executive Orders when Congress does not act fast enough. You could see another shutdown and more control over your food. Biden could even use this shutdown to declare martial law. When your lives will be in danger from this dictator, I will call My believers to the safety of My refuges. Be prepared to leave your homes when I give you My inner locution to come within twenty minutes. Your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. You will have an invisible shield put over you on the way to your refuges by your guardian angel.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you many warning messages to not take the Covid vaccines that could kill you in a few years. I have also been encouraging My faithful to have three months of food on hand during the next shutdown. Before this famine shutdown comes, I will bring My Warning to prepare the people who choose to follow Me, so they will be told to come to My refuges after the six weeks of conversion. I will provide for your needs, so have no fear of these events.”
Jesus said: “My people, this is the year of St. Joseph and he will be helping the refuges in any buildings that will be needed to house My believers. St. Joseph told you how he would be your contractor to provide a high rise in your backyard for all of the people I will send to you. Keep praying your St. Joseph prayer as you did tonight, because he will be an important part of your refuge life. Continue your St. Anne novena leading up to her feast day on July 26th. This is My spiritual grandmother who trained My Blessed Mother in her faith. Be prepared, My faithful, because you are about to see a major battle between the good people and My angels against the bad people and the demons.”
Wednesday, July 21, 2021: (St. Lawrence of Brindisi)
Jesus said: “My people, Moses led his people out into the desert from Egypt. The people complained to Moses that they had no food. Later, God the Father sent manna in the morning, and quail fell into the camp so they had meat at night. This was an example of how God the Father took care of His people. Today, My faithful are preparing for living at My refuges during the tribulation. My people will be depending on Me at that time to multiply your food, water, and fuels for less than 3 ½ years. I will provide daily Holy Communion either from a priest, or My angels. This will be your new manna of My Blessed Sacrament. I will also send deer into your camps, and they will die as you will need to dress them out for meat. My angels will protect you from the evil ones, and My faithful will be living in a faith community where everyone will work together for your survival. Trust in Me to heal you of any sickness, and you will have all of your needs satisfied. Do not complain about the food, but be thankful for all that I am providing for you.”
Jesus said: “My son, I have given you a mission to prepare people for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. You received your first inner locution vision on July 21, 1993, making this your 28th Anniversary of your messages. This happened after you had a conversion of your computer addiction of making programs. After you came home in April, 1993 from Medugorje, you immediately stopped your programming, and this was a miracle so you would have time for My mission. In May, 1993, I asked you if you would do a mission for Me which you said ‘yes’ immediately without knowing what I was asking of you. Your messages are getting stronger as the Warning is at the door to protect My faithful. Your country is facing a communist takeover, and Biden is on the verge of mandatory Covid shots for everyone. You also could see either an electric grid shutdown or the new deadly virus about to be released. I have told you many times that when your lives are in danger, I would lead you to My refuges with an inner locution for everyone. Also when your electric grid will stop, or a new virus comes, I will bring My Warning first. I will give everyone one last chance to save their souls.”
Tuesday, July 20, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, sometimes I enable small miracles for the people to have more faith in Me. You have a short memory of all of the good things that I do for you. You are sometimes more concerned with the next problems, instead of thanking Me for all that I have done for you. You need to have trust that I know what you need, and that I will help you through your daily troubles. If you truly believed in Me, you would not let fears, anxieties, or worries bother your peace. A trusting Christian lives on trust that I will help you. These worries and such are from the devil, who wants to put doubt in your heart. By putting your faith in Me and My mission for you, you will be set free of your worries. It is more important to know, love, and serve Me than it is to follow your agenda. By following Me and obeying My Commandments, you can keep close to Me on your path to eternal life with Me in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, this ‘A’ for abortion is a sign that your abortions are greatly offending Me when you are killing My little ones. This is America’s greatest sin against My Fifth Commandment. It is why you are suffering from your droughts and fires in the West, and your floods in the South. Life is precious and your people are carelessly throwing it away in your blue barrels. The one world people are adding to the deaths of mankind by spreading viruses and vaccines. These evil ones are using Satanic designed vaccines which are purposely made to kill thousands of people. I keep warning people not to take these poisonous vaccines, or they will die in a few years. My faithful can heal themselves with My Good Friday oil, and the exorcism water with the miraculous medal. By trusting in My healing power, even vaccinated people can be healed. Pray to Me for a healing and believe that I will heal you.”
Monday, July 19, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, many times you did not know how I would get you through difficult situations. When you prayed to Me for help, I was there to solve your problems. You are so valuable to Me, and I will not leave you orphans. I will defend you from the evil ones and their plans to kill you. Just as the people with Moses did not have faith in him, so My people need to have more faith in Me to help you. I can do the impossible in your eyes, and you will see My miracles in these end times to protect My people. This is why I have had My refuge builders provide refuges where I will have My angels protect you with My miracles of invisible shields. So have trust in My Word to protect you from the evil ones and their poisonous vaccines. I will provide miracles of healing of the vaccinated people by using the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water, or pure faith in My healing wherever you are. Just have faith that I will heal you, and it will happen. Many people will die from these vaccines and the coming worse virus, so have faith in My healing power.”
Jesus said: “My people, absolutely refuse to take any Covid vaccine shots because they will kill you in a few years. The more shots and boosters that people take, the quicker they will die. 98% of the people have not died from the Covid virus, so there is no reason to take these deadly Covid shots. More people are dying from the Covid shots than are dying from the Covid virus. The Covid variants are not much different from the original Covid virus, and they are less deadly. People are seeing magnets stick to their arms because the evil ones are adding iron oxide nano particles to spread the spike protein manufacturing quicker to all parts of your body. The evil ones behind these vaccines are purposely trying to reduce the population, and these poisonous shots are irreversible. Vaccinated people can be healed with the Good Friday oil, or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal. If you believe in My healing power, I can heal those people who want to be healed. My healing is heaven’s answer to this evil plot of Satan that is trying to kill people. I will bring My Warning before the next deadly virus is released. I will give everyone one last chance to save your soul. After the six weeks of conversion following the Warning, I will call My faithful to My refuges, where you will be healed of all of your sicknesses by looking on My luminous cross. My angels will protect you throughout the tribulation of the Antichrist, and I will provide for your needs.”
Sunday, July 18, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, your readings are all about shepherds that could be the bishops, but they are not always feeding My faithful as much as they should be. Because of this weakness in My church leaders, fewer and fewer people are coming to Sunday Mass. In the Gospel I was calling My disciples to a quiet place as they could rest from the crowds, and pray. You need to come close to Me in your quiet moments to restore your prayer life, and build up your strength to fight off the temptations of the demons. I want My faithful to go out and share their faith with others, and even evangelize souls to convert their lives to Me. The more effort you make to pray for and convert souls, the higher the level of heaven will be given to you as your reward. Strive for the higher levels of heaven by your prayers and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. The more you love Me and your neighbors in your actions, the higher the level of heaven will be granted to you.”
Saturday, July 17, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you are reading about Moses as he led his people out from the bondage of the Egyptian task masters. When the Israelites traveled through the desert for forty years, I provided them with manna and the meat from quail that fell dead into their camp every day. Have faith, My children, for I will provide you the Holy Bread of Holy Communion daily at My refuges during the tribulation of the Antichrist. I will also provide deer that will fall dead in your camps for daily meat. You will have other sources of food, water, and fuels at My refuges. Trust in Me for your protection by My angels, and I will provide for all of your needs.”
Jesus said: “My son, you remember well the visions of hell that I showed you when you saw the soul bodies looking like black molten embers suffering from the flames, but they were not being consumed by the fire. The demons were constantly tormenting the souls. There was no love there, but only hate, and these souls would never see Me again after their eternal judgment to hell. My faithful need to pray for the souls on earth, especially for all of your family members who I will have mercy on their souls. Pray also for the souls in purgatory, who could be released into heaven. I love all of you, and every soul desiring heaven must seek My forgiveness of each soul’s sins, and show Me your love and love of your neighbors. I will forgive all sins, if you seek My forgiveness and My mercy.”
Jesus said: “My people, every day the demons are feasting on souls with little faith in Me. Every person is tempted daily with temptations from the demons, so you need to keep your spiritual guard up against these attacks. The weak souls can be those who are in bad habits with drugs, alcohol, or sex. Many of these sinful habits have demons associated with them. Even good spiritual people also must fight off the demons’ daily attacks, and the demons are always active. Your best defense from the demons is your daily prayer life, frequent Confession, and daily Mass with worthy Holy Communion. Be careful with your idle time when you could be reading the Bible or some spiritual books. Start your day with your morning offering and consecrate all of your actions of the day to Me. By prayer and fasting you can keep your soul pure. You can also pray for the weak and lukewarm souls to protect them from demon attacks. By keeping a strong faith in Me, you can call on Me whenever you sense an evil attack, and I will send My angels to defend you. You do not want yourself or any soul lost in hell, so keep close to Me in all of your daily actions. Have no fear of hell when you keep your soul clean, and away from near occasions of sin. I do not want to lose even one soul to hell, but you must keep your free will decisions around holy intentions. It is the intentions of the heart that I watch in your actions.”