Jesus said: “My people, I love the little children and I did not want My apostles keeping them from Me. I ask all of My faithful to become like little children in their faith. Trust in Me and be obedient to Me as a child is to their parents. It is not easy to raise children in this sinful society, but the parents are responsible for the souls of their children. Bring them up in the faith so that you give them a good example in using My sacraments. Teach them to have a good prayer life so they can deal with the trials of life. Even once they leave your house, you should encourage their faith and pray for the salvation of their souls. The children are responsible as adults, but you can still give them spiritual guidance. Stay close to Me every day, and do not let the distractions of the world mislead you from Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a warning of a coming devastating storm that people will need to be warned to evacuate to save their lives. Property damage can be cleared and rebuilt, but you cannot bring back the dead in this life. This warning of a disaster should be heeded, or many could lose their lives. In some storms people think that they can ride them out, but severe storms leave only a small window to evacuate, or it could be too late to be saved. Be on the alert for any severe weather, because you may want to have plans on how to quickly evacuate. Pray for these people along the water that are vulnerable to this destruction.”
At Our Lady of Angels, Woodbridge, Va. after Communion I could see children being taught religion in a Bible class. Jesus said: “My people, today’s St. John Bosco took in orphan boys and trained them in the faith and with skills to work in society. Teaching children the faith is a noble job that you could do to try and develop a good prayer life, and teach them to know and love Me. You cannot force someone to learn their faith unless they seriously have a desire to make a commitment to Me. Teaching prayers may require memory work at first, but it also shows your children how to fall back on My help when they especially need My help in their daily troubles. In order to evangelize others in the faith, you need to nurture the gift of faith in each baptized person. By teaching the children the facts of their faith, then they could pass this on to the next generation. Being a devoted Christian comes from the heart and from developing a personal relationship with their Lord. Those, who make the effort to teach the faith to the children, will receive a reward in heaven for helping My little ones. You know how I love the little children, and those, who help them, will receive a special blessing.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision is very appropriate for your time in your society. The ‘X’ over these lounge chairs is referring to your spiritual lives more than your physical comfort. Do not grow lax in your faith, or you could fall victim to Satan’s temptations and you could lose your soul to hell. Instead, you need to be vigilant against every temptation and call on My graces and blessings to strengthen you against these attacks. You will always be subjected to temptations until your dying day, but you always have Me and your angel at your side to defend you. Be persistent in your daily prayers and your devotions to My Blessed Sacrament and My Blessed Mother. Consecrate everything over to Me every day so you can keep your focus on the One who loves you, despite your weaknesses. Encourage your family and friends to be vigilant in their faith as well. Those, who are spiritually lazy, could be sifted by Satan, and could be lost. Encourage them and pray for them in their time of need.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are having very few tropical storms this year due to the weather patterns over the Pacific Ocean. This vision of a large wave coming ashore means that your storms are not over yet. Any time a storm threatens the mainland, you have plenty of time to prepare and evacuate when necessary. Some people who died from your last storm were curious to see the fury of the storm. So do not be curious, but be prepared to stay away from any storms. Pray for those who have to endure any deaths, damage, or power outages.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the reading on married people there is a different culture of attitudes compared to your modern society. At the beginning of creation I made man and woman to be as one flesh with equality between the two. Women have struggled to gain equality in earlier male-dominated years. Husbands and wives need to contribute their talents for the good of the marriage in love and kindness without any self-interest. It is this total gift of yourselves to each other that should be honored with Me as a third partner. By working together and respecting each other’s differences, marriages can last a long time. It is when one spouse makes too many demands in trying to dominate everything that this can endanger the harmony of love in a marriage. Pray for your spouse because you both can be leading each other to your salvation in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, fires in the dry West occur every year and it is the weather patterns that determine how extensive the fires will be. Also out West there are movie makers who make ‘R’ and adult movies. There are many other sinful things going on there as well that call for My justice. Earthquakes, fires, and landslides are the various natural disasters that occur in the West, and some are punishment for the sins that I mentioned. If man continues to defy My laws and spreads his filthy movies all over the world, do you think that I will not take any action? I tell you there will be consequences, and they will be swift and severe. Pray for these people to change their sinful ways, or they will indeed face My wrath.”
At St. John the Evangelist after Communion I could see a forest on fire from heat lightning in a dry or drought condition. Jesus said: “My people, every year in the summer time you face the potential problem of forest fires. Brush growth from the spring dries out from less rainfall giving fuel for any fires that could be started with dry lightning, or man-made fires. This condition has been most prevalent in the West, but it has occurred also in Florida. These areas could pray for moist, cooler conditions to minimize these fire conditions. When you see such fires, you could pray for the safety of the fire fighters and less damage and danger to the people living near these fires. At times such natural disasters can serve as a punishment for the sins of the people. People, who build houses next to these possible forest fires, should know the risks they take, and be ready to evacuate when warned of coming fires. I love My people and I want to protect you from harm, but you need to be prudent in where to build your houses and in avoiding sin.”
Jesus said: “My people, at the one world people’s meetings they are planning how to quickly take over the United States because you are blocking their plans for a world government. Your people have known freedom for so long that it is hard to take it away without causing a revolution. The first plan was to try and crash your economic system and precipitate a martial law. Another part of this plan is to spend more money than America can afford and then cause a bankruptcy. This would bring about a new amero currency and the need for a one world government to force the North American Union on the people. Your new health plan could be the last expense that could bring about your bankruptcy. Do not allow the evil ones to force the North American Union upon you without a fight. Protest this control that the one world people are trying to force on you, and only follow My ways which do not include greed and control through chips. By rejecting the North American Union, My people could thwart their plans for world control.”
At St. Theodore’s tabernacle I could see a library of tax books which meant that the lawyers, who run our government, are going to spend us into bankruptcy. Jesus said: “My people, you have seen your Congress and President spend trillions of dollars for various bank bailouts, stimulus plans, and increased budget spending. Soon further bailouts will be requested for your government mortgage companies and the ongoing billions to pay for your wars. Add this to your current promises in Medicare and Social Security, and you can see your obligations are way beyond your ability to finance with taxpayer dollars. Your representatives have voted for large budgets, but now it is time to appropriate the actual funds or find the means to borrow the actual money needed to pay your deficits. This means selling Treasury bonds, or printing more currency to fund these debts. This financing will put a strain against your artificially low interest rates which will rise as the dollar’s value is further diluted. This stress of financing large sums of money along with your recession and high employment, are a recipe for financial disaster and bankruptcy for your government. All of the good news supposedly from your Wall Street people are quite premature and unrealistic for the current situation. Be prepared to go to your refuges when bankruptcy and martial law will test your people.”
April 20, 2009:
Later, at St. Theodore’s tabernacle I could see a toilet and then some large scale digging of holes in the dark. Jesus said: “My people, evil dealings are usually carried out in the dark, or in secret, so no one knows what is being done. Many Wall Street derivatives were sold with extreme leveraging to maximize profits and commissions, but also took on more risk than could be covered by capital to back them up. You have heard numbers as quadrillions of dollars transacted in dark deals that had no oversight. Now the large banks have been combined and their non-performing assets are so tied up that there is not enough money to unwind these deals. On the surface these banks are claiming profits, but they are not revealing all that they know about their toxic assets. Why are these banks setting aside hundreds of billions of dollars for bad loans, unless they know their losses are beyond their operating capital. If all of these toxic assets were revealed, it would bankrupt all of these large banks. This is a planned destruction of your banking system, and it cannot be kept a secret much longer. When investigation shows the money involved, you will see a bankruptcy of America that will bring about martial law and a takeover by the central bankers. Be prepared to go to your refuges when all of this evil plan is found out. America’s bankruptcy will be the precursor for the North American Union and the new ‘amero’ currency. Trust in My protection for now, as soon I will throw all of these evil ones into hell, when I will establish My Era of Peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been honoring many founders of monastic life in the last week or so. As in the vision, the monks live a very hard life with very little comforts. Prayer, silence, and physical labor is their life, and it is very focused on My life on earth in a very simple lifestyle. I have talked about contemplative prayer and the simple life before, but the hard physical labor and few comforts is another dimension of monastic life. When My faithful come to My refuges, you will be living this same life of physical labor and crude living conditions. Many of you have been spoiled with the comforts of modern living and you have forgotten how much your previous generations had to toil with the basic necessities. By living an old agricultural life without electricity, the distractions of the earth become less important, and your slower paced living will give you more time for prayer. See how to order your spiritual priorities before your earthly desires, and your life around Me will keep you on the right path to heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the sanctuary light in every church is to remind you of My Real Presence in the consecrated Hosts in My tabernacle. My Body and Blood are truly present in My Host and you should genuflect toward Me every time that you come into My presence. You need to give Me reverence in My Host by bowing or genuflecting to receive Me in Holy Communion as you receive Me on your tongue. I am the Bread of Life and you receive My Host as your spiritual food, even as I gave this same food to My apostles. Give thanks and praise to Me for giving Myself to you.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you see My Sacred Heart statue and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart statue both bleeding blood profusely, this represents how heavy our hearts are to see the rivers of blood flowing from all of your abortions. Anyone that has seen an abortion with all the blood and bone fragments cannot help but be in horror to see this ghastly killing that goes on every day at your abortion clinics. Your people have this blood of these abortions on your hands because of your laws. Pray for the stoppage of abortion, or America will suffer the consequences.”
Jesus said: “My people, I know that you spend the most money in your national budget on your Defense Budget that helps support your industrial defense complex. The one world people see to it that you have constant wars to justify your Defense establishment’s existence. You are the world’s largest arms dealer and you spend the most on making new and deadlier weapons. It is hard to stop this war machine which has been a part of your Defense contractors for many years. Even over these great obstacles, My faithful need to pray for world peace and a cessation of hostilities.”
Jesus said: “My people, many are questioning that the end of your recession has come about. People are still losing their jobs, governments are taking in less revenue, and the foreclosures on all mortgages are still increasing. This picture of a large bank means that they are taking over smaller banks at an increasing rate because of so many small bank failures. You are repeating what happened in Canada where only a few large banks are left. This puts too much wealth in the hands of a few which is one of the one world people’s goals.”
Jesus said: “My people, many are starting to see that your country cannot afford your spending on Stimulus packages, bank and corporate bailouts, and the current Health Reform. It is one thing to try and get your economy going again, but it is another to mortgage your children’s future with unaffordable deficits making it hard to pay off these debts. All of your government entitlement programs are in danger of going unfunded. The Health Plan would put you over the edge into bankruptcy if it is enacted. America needs to balance its checkbook, or your money will be worthless.”
Jesus said: “My people, your President campaigned against the North American Union, but yet he is still meeting with the Presidents of Mexico and Canada to bring about this union. This is a major part of the one world takeover of America, so beware of these meetings that are forming a union never voted for by the American people.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned America to stop its abortions and sexual sins, or you would see more devastating natural disasters. Your lifestyles grow more evil each day, so how can I hold back My hand of justice when you are not repenting of your sins? When your finances crash and the damage of disasters overwhelms you, it will be too late to save your country from a takeover. Just as Israel went into exile, and Rome decayed, so your country is headed for the same end.”
Jesus said: “My people, My abundant graces are always available to cleanse your sins and to focus you more on following My ways than man’s ways. Man’s ways of justice can lead you to revenge and anger as in today’s Gospel when each person received the same pay for varying hours of work. I used this parable to show how generous I am that I will accept people into heaven no matter which hour of life they make their conversion. I ask you to love everyone equally without any discrimination, even your enemies. I ask you to go beyond what is expected of you to be as generous as I am. By sharing your time and money with others, you will store up treasure in heaven for your judgment. By evangelizing souls in the faith, you can help save souls from hell. By your kindness and charity, you will even be joyful in your contribution to help someone. Try to think and reason as I do, more than how man thinks, and you will be perfecting your soul.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the future missions for the circling space station, man will be using this for a fueling station for missions to the moon and Mars. These extra fuel tanks of hydrogen and oxygen can be used to move the station out of the path of large objects. It can also be used as a fuel cell for electricity to produce water as a by-product. Space science research has uncovered many uses for everyday earth life. Be grateful that you are able to learn more about your solar system and the stars through all of your research with space satellites. When you are not focused on wars to make new weapons, you can use your space science to extend your knowledge of My creations. Your scientists should focus more on practical uses of space than trying to change the DNA of plants and animals. Accept My creation as perfect and stop trying to change it.”