Jesus said: “My people, the rich and the powerful of this world are the one world people who desire not just riches but control over everyone in the world. This quest for money and power consumes these people, and they are led by Satan with no interest in loving Me. The material world has blinded them and they are the ones that could not get through the eye of a needle. All things are possible for Me to save everyone, but you have to accept Me as Master over your life and seek My forgiveness to be saved of your own free will. You can pray for the conversion of even these lost souls, but they have to change their ways to be saved. All of this power and wealth disappears when you leave this world, so focus more on being rich in spiritual treasure than on fleeting earthly treasure. This life is passing away, but your soul lives on forever. May you have your rest in heaven, rather than eternal suffering in hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, beware of those who try to deceive the people in promoting abortion, euthanasia, and a total government run health plan that will use a National ID card. Your President has been trying to sell his health plan, but even with his smooth, deceptive tongue, he has had difficulty with talk of end of life options, government paid insurance for everyone, and the cost of such a plan. This computerization of your records is similar to the Eugenics program in Germany where your health would be known to anyone searching the records. As with many other bills, the literal devil is in the details of the bill that the evil ones do not want you to know about. The vague language leaves too much to wrong interpretation which could be used to control people through their health needs. Pray that your legislators will vote properly to protect your rights instead of taking away your freedoms. The death culture people are trying to use this legislation to make you more a part of their new world order. Pray for My protection as the time to go to your refuges draws closer as you lose more and more of your freedoms.”
I could see Obama selling his health plan to the people. Jesus said: “My people, your current leader is trying to claim everyone should have health care in a national program. Your government has done a poor job in even handling Medicare for the elderly, let alone trying to control everyone’s health care. They are attacking the small part that cannot afford health care as an excuse to control everyone. They will use smart cards and eventually chips in the body to control your drugs, doctor choice, and any operations. Foreign countries with national health plans have a hard time scheduling operations because of the bureaucracy. The cost of such a plan is also an added means to bankrupt your country because taxes and fees would be required to pay for a plan that your country cannot afford. Do not take any chips in the body at all costs.”
March 28, 2009:
At St. Theodore’s tabernacle I could see two trains going along the tracks. The one train was carrying dissenters to the detention centers, and the other train carried people who were checked at the station for their smart cards or chips in the body. Jesus said: “My people, a socialistic or even communist government will be coming to America. Your government will soon be controlling every facet of your life through smart cards in your driver’s license, or in your passports. Eventually, they will mandate chips in the body which you are to refuse and run to your refuges. Those, who stay behind, will need chips to buy and sell food and everything else, including house taxes. If you do not use your smart card, you cannot buy food and they will condemn your house and take it away. I have told you that National Health will demand smart cards and again you could not buy your drugs without it. By going to My refuges, you will look on the luminous cross and be healed of all of your medical conditions. Look at what is going on in your government as your politicians cannot bankrupt your country fast enough. Beware of all of this fast spending of trillions of dollars with very little time to read any new legislation. Your new leaders want fiat rule so they can control all of you like robots while trying to lead your soul into the hands of the Antichrist. Be forewarned of these coming events as you are preparing to leave for the safety of My refuges.”
At St. Theodore’s tabernacle I could see some cars and metal machines picked up and thrown about by a tornado or heavy wind storm. Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some increasing activity in the Atlantic Ocean as you are approaching the peak time for hurricanes. You also have had even more activity in the Pacific Ocean along the Asian continent and its islands. Many people have lost their lives and homes in Taiwan. More storms are on the way as people along the ocean front are always at risk. Some are finding it hard to insure their homes from storm damage and flooding. I have warned My faithful to live on high ground and away from rivers and water fronts. Some think it is a luxury to live on the water, but storms have taken their toll over the years. Be prepared for any needed evacuations, and pray for those families that have had major damage to their homes and workplaces.”
Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel is very hard for some to believe that the bread and wine can become My Body and Blood at every Mass. It takes a deep faith in the truth of My very words when I stated ‘This is My Body.’ and ‘This is My Blood.’ Those, who do believe in My Real Presence, seek Me out in My tabernacle for visits and at daily Mass for their daily Bread. Some of My disciples left Me because they thought I was asking them to eat My physical flesh. At every Mass with the priest’s words at the Consecration there is a transubstantiation or a change of the bread and wine into My very Body and Blood. This vision of veins of blood in My Host is to show that My Eucharist is alive and living. This is another example that I am the God of the Living. I died to save all of you from your sins, and this sacrifice is replicated in an unbloody manner at every Mass. For those, who have difficulty in believing My Real Presence, you have been given many Miracles of My Eucharist when spots of blood appear on the Host. Many of these miracles were performed for even priests who did not fully believe. Trust in My words and see that I have left you the greatest gift of Myself in every consecrated Host.”
Our Lady said: “My dear children, I thank all of you for remaining faithful to praying your daily rosaries. Jesus will bless all of you as I give Him your petitions. My Son hears my requests and He will answer them according to His Will. I put my mantle of protection over all of my children, and a special protection for all of Jesus’ little ones in the womb. Heaven is saddened by how little value that you give life in your abortions and any other killings. Wherever you have human life, you have an immortal soul that needs to be saved. All of you should desire to be with your Lord one day in your own glorified bodies. That day, when your soul will be joined by your glorified body, will be the happiest time of your existence. Continue to pray for all sinners and the souls in purgatory.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who love money so much that they will do almost anything to get rich. Some thieves rob banks to get money illegally. Other Wall Street barons have the means to manipulate the markets to steal the people’s money. Others risk losing everything in gambling habits to get rich quick. In many of these cases money is sought and worshiped like an idol for what it can buy. Some people let money and possessions run their lives without any thought of their spiritual life. When you leave this life, you cannot take your wealth with you. Money and possessions will not get you into heaven either. So the point is that the things of this world should not be allowed to control you. Instead of wanting to live a life of luxury, you should seek to live a modest life in order to satisfy your earthly necessities. In this way of life you are not seeking wealth to buy all of the latest things that you could buy. Keeping close to Me in daily prayer will bring you much closer to heaven, than owning the latest entertainment devices. Keep your priorities fixed on how to save your soul and others, rather than on material possessions that will become obsolete and break down. A humble heart is much more pleasing to Me than a heart of greed or anger. Keep calm among your trials, and do not let anything disturb your peace in your soul.”
At St. Theodore’s tabernacle I could see a large denomination bill of money blown up on a large screen. Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who strive all of their lives to make as much money as they can. They let money dictate how they live and in essence they let money and fame control them. These are the same people that measure success in how much money and property they could accumulate. But what good is it to gain the whole world and lose your soul? This wealth is fleeting and it will not help you to gain heaven. Treasure on earth is a whole lot different that heavenly treasure. Earthly treasure can only buy earthly things, but these earthly desires have to be purged from your soul to make you ready for heaven. Heavenly treasure for your good deeds, prayers, and charity cannot be stolen or devalued, and it may help you when you are judged at your judgment. Earthly treasure is valued by man, but heavenly treasure is valued more by Me. Focus more on your heavenly treasure which can help gain you eternity in heaven. Those, who strive for money, become a slave to money and even make money an idol which could endanger their reaching heaven. Money is only a means to provide for your living. It is not an end in itself. Worship Me only over anything of earthly origin. If you worship money, you are violating My First Commandment.”
Jesus said: “My people, this symbol of the pyramid is an indication that masons in the high degrees are part of the one world people who are taking orders from Satan himself. The tornado also represents the killing and damage occurring through those people who are supporting the death culture. These are the people promoting population control by abortions, euthanasia, wars, and deadly man-made diseases. Satan hates man, and he inspires his followers to kill as many people as they can. Those, who desire to control the world, are also thinking that with less people, it will be easier to take control. Many of your new technologies are used by the evil ones to change the way that My creation was made in the plants and animals. Many of the evil things going on in your world has been led by the demons controlling certain people. Pray for My angels to help you in your battle with evil on many fronts. The most important battle is the battle for souls, so pray fervently for the conversion of sinners before their judgment.”
I could see a black hearse taking a dead body to the grave. Jesus said: “My people, as you see people dying of natural causes, there needs to be new life to replace them or your society will be dying as well. When your people refuse to have children for whatever reason, your society will pass away without new life. Some people propose abortion and fewer children in the name of population control. These countries will fade away and another will take their place. Rejoice in new births because life finds a way to carry on despite the death culture teachers.”
At Holy Name after Communion I could see flood waters running high under a bridge. Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some serious flooding in the Mid-West of your country from heavy rain and snow melting. Some people are seeing too much water, while others are witnessing droughts as in Texas. This high water level is also a reflection of your high sin level. If evil could be measured in water terms, then you are also witnessing a flood of evil as well. Your abortions and wars continue, as well as your drug traffic and killings associated with drugs. Euthanasia, sexual sins, and embryonic stem cell research continues to raise the evil level in America. The death culture is running rampant with your latest administration, so expect the worst as a consequence of your misdeeds. More natural disasters, and more financial problems will be the harvest when you offend Me with these killings. Not only will your economy falter, but your whole government will be taken over by the one world people as evil will reign for a short time. Pray that this time of evil will be shortened for the sake of My faithful.”
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading I wanted to show the Israelites that I would protect them in this new land after Moses died, so I had the waters of the Jordan River held back when the Ark of the Covenant was there. The people then crossed on dry land just as they crossed on dry land across the Red Sea. They knew then that the Ark would be their protection against the peoples in this Promised Land. This vision of a shield is also a sign to My faithful that I will also protect you against your enemies. This trust in Me will extend throughout the entire time of the tribulation. I will defend you from the evil ones at My refuges, as My angels will make you invisible to the evil ones. Trust in Me to provide your food, water, and shelter. I will perform many miracles for you just as I provided for the Israelites in the desert. This will be a modern day Exodus with My shield of protection always by your side, so have no fear of this time.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many are drawn to watch or participate in various sports. In moderation this activity is acceptable in itself, but when people are so involved with sports to the extreme, it does not leave time for much else. Even some of My saints have instructed you not to watch too many sports events. My faithful need to make enough time for Me in prayer and evangelization. Your time is precious and remember that you are here to know, love, and serve Me. Keep focused on your prayer life and do not let the world’s distractions lead you astray.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to encourage all of your family members to make it a priority to get to Sunday Mass. I know that you are praying for the souls of your family, but you need to work on reminding them so they do not fall away in spiritual laziness. Souls that are really close to Me even make an extra effort to attend daily Mass and Adoration visits. Your love of Me in My Eucharist shows Me your sincerity in wanting to follow My Will. My prayer warriors are the spiritual support base for your family to look up to.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you look at this long stairway to heaven, it looks almost impossible to climb. Think of each day in your life as another step on your journey to heaven. I ask you to pick up your cross and bear life’s difficulties for love of Me. This life is not easy, but every day offers you opportunities for prayer, Mass, and good deeds. Sharing your time and money to help people will always have its rewards. Focus most on advancing in your spiritual life as you consecrate everything over to Me. All that you do to help people in their faith and prayer life, My Father sees, and He will reward you. Heaven rejoices when even one sinner converts and changes their ways to follow Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, I know that man is curious and is fascinated in what scientists can do with your technology. Unfortunately, man is delving in various areas of science that he thinks he can do more than I can. Your modified crop hybrids, stem cell research using embryos, and your mind control activities are all led by Satan to violate My creation and control of people’s free will. I created everything perfectly and man’s changes will violate My balance of nature because your creations are not natural. Do not let people control your minds in any way with chips and various mind control methods. Follow My ways and not man’s ways of curiosity.”
Jesus said: “My people, everything that you build needs a proper plan, no short cuts, and proper materials. This failed bridge is an example when your guidelines are not followed. Your economic system has also failed because of people’s greed and taking unnecessary risks. You have manipulated derivatives and various financial methods very much like you have manipulated the DNA of things. All of your finances are as fragile as a house of cards that is waiting to fall apart. The one world people have control of your money, your taxes, and your government. By allowing this control to take away the power of the people in your republic, this is why you are facing bankruptcy, even though your media is claiming an end to your recession. Your banking system is about to be crashed again, stealing the people’s money, and they will set up a new currency in the amero. This change of world control will be when you will need to come to My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a gradual destruction of your local banks as they are being absorbed into the larger banks. The too big to fail banks and industries are being bailed out by your taxpayers. Then these same leaders of Wall Street are controlling your government and taking advantage of stealing the people’s wealth. I will repay this evil lot in the end as they will face My justice, but follow My laws and how I plan to protect you.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are about to see the Antichrist and his cohorts begin an evil takeover that will reign throughout the tribulation. In order to defend My faithful from this coming evil, I am sending My angels down to earth to help you in this battle. My angels will be at your disposal to call on them in helping you battle the evil ones. Angels are helping My refuge builders, and they will help you getting to your refuges as well. My angels also are preparing for the Battle of Armageddon in helping the good against the evil ones. Remember to call on My angel power as you are facing the most evil time of all of history.”