Monday, February 9, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, today you are receiving a blessing of some rain on your parched earth. You will be receiving even more blessings in the future. Several people that you were praying for to have children will also be blessed with their babies. That is why you are seeing this green land with swings in the vision. At times you may think rain is an inconvenience when you have outdoor events, but after experiencing your droughts, now you see that all rain is a blessing that you should thank Me for bringing. Continue to pray for rain where it is needed for your crops and animals. Have faith that I will send you what you need, but most of all give Me praise and thanks when your prayers are answered.”

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, when you converted over from the Latin Mass to the new Mass, you have lost some reverent traditions. In the Latin Mass that you are revisiting today, you attended this Mass for many years. All the vestments, words, and even the Sundays that were celebrated before Lent are very familiar to you. The empty choir seats in the vision represented all the lost singing of the Gregorian Chant hymns. The facing of the priest to the congregation is different from the priest facing more to Me in heaven. The hardest part of the funeral scene is that many of the old priests who sacrificed the Mass in Latin are dying and these traditions will be difficult to pass on to your future generations. There are some places that have preserved the Latin Mass, and they are to be commended for carrying on the Church’s old traditions. The new Mass is acceptable to Me, but the Latin Mass has more feelings of reverence and the sacred to Me. Give praise and glory to Me that you have My gift of the Mass and My gift of Myself to you in Holy Communion.”

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I know how much you love Me and My Blessed Mother, and we are happy to see you honoring our First Saturday devotions with the rosary. I want you to guard your daily prayer time as your special encounter with your Lord. Even though you have busy schedules, they all start with prayer and trust in Me to follow My Will in all that you do. I would also like to encourage you to pray together as a family, even if it is only one decade of the rosary. Family prayer is very powerful in protecting the family from the devil’s temptations to drugs, bad movies, and any other sinful behavior. I am love itself, and the family is also a place of love that needs to be nurtured with My grace to hold the family together without divorce or separation. See the need for prayer in your life so I can help lead you in all of your plans, and reach out to souls where they need conversion and encouragement in their faith. Pray to Me so you can discern the mission and plan that I have for your life. By letting go of your life so I can mold you, you can open your heart so I can use you more to accomplish your mission for My greater glory. Give all credit and glory to Me for all of your works that you perform.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many places of refuge where the Dozule crosses are erected. These are places of prayer where you should have the Dozule prayers posted for people to read when they come to My cross. There is a history of protection for those who say these prayers faithfully. This is added protection to the angels that will protect My refuges. Whatever food and water that you have will be multiplied for those who come to My refuges. The deer and wild animals for food will come into your camps and drop dead just as the quail dropped dead in the camps of the Israelites during the Exodus. You will not need guns to kill these animals. Give praise and glory to Me for providing for your needs at My refuges. Everyone will have to work to help each other’s needs. You will be living in faith communities trusting in Me for everything.”

Thursday, February 5, 2009: (St. Agatha)

Jesus said: “My people, life is like this school house where you are constantly learning things of the world, and growing in your faith experience with Me. You are not born with a full knowledge of anything. Everything you do has to be a learned experience, and some skills need constant practice. The same happens in your faith walk as well. This is why I am constantly asking you to check each year if you are growing in your faith, or falling back into your old sinful habits. To be a saint you must grow in your faith each year, ever striving for perfection in sainthood. So as you graduate from one decade to another, you have different experiences which you can share with younger people in helping them to improve their faith. Do not be critical of anyone in their faith progress because some are slower, or have not received the same training as you have. Learn to truly love Me and others, and that will take a lifetime to perfect yourself.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the Federal Reserve was set up to be a private lending source to the U.S. government. This symbol of the pyramid is a masonic symbol and the masons are involved with the Federal Reserve. The National Debt is coming close to $11 trillion dollars and more will be added with the latest banking and stimulus plans. Many are quick to ask the government to spend borrowed money to get the economy going again. This is really a risk that taking on more debt will solve the recession problem. If it is not successful, you are putting your country at risk of bankruptcy with no one to bail out your government. Pray for My guidance for your leaders to make the right decisions for what is best for your country.”
Jesus said: “My people, this Statue of Liberty is a sign of your liberties and freedoms for America that were first claimed in your Declaration of Independence. I am showing you this symbol because your freedoms are being taken away little by little in the name of security and antiterrorism. You are seeing proposals to make detention centers in case of emergency as in riots and chaos. These centers will be places to store those who will not go along with the new world order and those refusing to take chips in the body. The one world people are already planning for your takeover when your country goes bankrupt. Trust in Me to lead you to My refuges for your protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, your President was quick to give aid for abortions abroad and in your military. He is also pressuring your Congress to pass a large spending plan as soon as possible before judging it on its merits. Proposing limits on salaries for company leaders who get U.S. funding is stepping more beyond what is in his normal powers. Pray for guidance in your country’s decisions before rushing into things that may not be helpful in your recession.”
Jesus said: “My people, many different businesses and even government jobs are facing budget restraints because of less income or less revenue from taxes. These deficits are causing further layoffs which is a challenge for people to pay their bills and find food. Pray for those losing their jobs that they could find some kind of employment. Your recession is getting deeper without signs of improvement. Pray for My help in these hard times because you are seeing the beginning of the end of your country’s freedoms before your fall.”
Jesus said: “My people, after 9-11 you could see more people coming to church out of fear of terrorism. Now and further in the future more people will see the need to get on their knees and pray for My help in your jobs and finding ways to pay your bills. You are always dependent on Me, but in hard times you see more of an immediate need for My help.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is a good thought to dwell on how your country got into your present crisis. You have the desire of everyone to have their own homes, but some were allowed loans that they could never repay. You have the greed in your housing sales and commissions that did not care if loans could be repaid. You had the greed of Wall Street selling over leveraged derivatives. You also have the sins of abortion and sexual sins. All of this blame can be spread around to many people and this is why your country is failing and could cause a lot of disruption in peoples’ lives. Pray to atone for the sins of your country because you are harvesting the consequences of your sins. Be also prepared to go to your refuges when martial law is declared.”
Jesus said: “My people, I mentioned to you before that you may have to help your families in their bills if they get laid off from their jobs. You also may have to reach out and feed your neighbors at soup supper places as food is harder to find and buy. Pray for all peoples that are suffering financially, and from natural disasters as your recent ice storms. Charity and government aid is not reaching many in need. Trust in Me when things seem impossible to handle by your means.”

Wednesday, February 4, 2009:

Jesus said: “My people, the people of My native place only knew Me as a carpenter, and they did not know of My Incarnation as a man. When I later read the Scripture of Isaiah, that talked of healings, and I told them that I was fulfilling this prophesy, they even tried to kill Me. I could not even heal people there because of their lack of faith in My power to heal. I reminded them that a prophet is not accepted in his native place. Even in today’s time, people find it hard to believe in end time prophets, and also in healing, even if healings do occur. I give messages to My faithful in every age because I do not want to leave you as orphans, but I prepare you for the end time events. The prophecies of the takeover of America are true, and it is just a matter of time before My punishment will fall on America for its sins and disbelief in My laws.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a representation of your fragile economy. There is pressure to try and get banks to lend mortgage money, but there are too many bad loans on their books. Normally once a bank’s assets are less than their liabilities, that bank is declared bankrupt. Your helping to capitalize the banks with borrowed money is just prolonging the time when certain banks will have to fold anyway. It is this stress in your banking system that has slowed down credit for loans and it has made it hard for people to buy cars and homes. This slow credit has slowed down your economy and it is putting many people out of work. Spending billions or trillions of dollars of borrowed money to try and start up your economy will not work, but it will instead cause your government to go down in bankruptcy like this elevator in the vision. This event will create chaos and riots in the streets as everyone will be seeking food and a warm shelter. This will be so dangerous, that it will be your time to seek out My refuges for protection. The evil ones will use this breakdown in America to form a North American Union with Canada and Mexico. Then they will try to force chips in the body on everyone as well as a new currency called the ‘amero’. Those, in their homes, could be captured and killed if they do not take chips in the body. I have warned My people not to take chips in the body, even if they threaten to kill you because these chips will control your mind as a robot. Trust in Me to protect you from these evil ones as you will be safe at My refuges.”

Tuesday, February 3, 2009: (St. Blaise)

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Great Healer. All healings come through Me and the Holy Spirit. Even those, who are blessed with the grace of being a healing instrument, know that the healing power comes through ‘My Name’. Even My apostles healed people in My Name. Today’s Gospel relates the healing of the woman’s bleeding problem and how I raised the little girl from the dead. Through this miracle and others, you know that I have power over life and death. There are many instruments through which you will see more healings in the end times. My healing will be even more apparent to those at My refuges when you look upon My luminous cross or drink from the miraculous springs, and you will be healed of all sicknesses. Rejoice in the gift of My healing power and have trust in My help and healing both physically and spiritually.”
Jesus said: “My people, America will continually be tested by an ongoing number of natural disasters. In this winter you are seeing much damage and loss of power from repetitive ice storms and heavier than normal snowfalls. As the spring weather comes, there will be a worsening level of tornadoes and hurricanes in the fall. Part of the bad weather is a punishment for your abortions and sexual sins, but the added violence is coming from the use of the HAARP machine which is making your storms more destructive. The destruction and losses from this damage will compound your financial problems from your recession. Your tornadoes were twice the normal level last year, and the violence of this vision of a tornado is emphasizing that this year will be similar. As the weather gets more violent, it may be advisable to make some more secure safe rooms in a basement for your protection. Placing scapulars and blessed medals around your house could also help, as well as your prayers to protect your lives from bad storms. You have seen in the past when you pray for My protection that you have been spared damage and power outages.”

Monday, February 2, 2009: (Presentation of the Lord in the Temple)

Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrated My Presentation in the Temple when My Blessed Mother and St. Joseph fulfilled the Jewish customs for the firstborn male. Your readings also mentioned the prayers of Simeon and Anna that they were privileged to see their Savior. In My Church you also have Baptism of infants as in the vision. This sacrament is the initiation of converts into the faith, and it was My death on the cross that has paid your ransom in the forgiveness of original sin from Adam. I am the new Adam and everyone who believes in Me, and follows My Commandments will have eternal life. The gates of heaven are now open because of My sacrifice and all of those, who have died and are purified, can enter into heaven. Give praise and glory to your Lord to allow every soul this opportunity to be saved and live with Me for all eternity in heaven. One of your baptismal gifts is the desire to bring as many souls to Me in conversion as you can do in your lifetime. You do not want to see souls go to hell because they were not taught about Me. So reach out in kindness and love to share My love with everyone.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you earlier about the waters of Baptism that is your entrance into the faith. This vision of a stream of water flowing from this Basilica out to the neighboring roads represents the work that Mother Seton did to help teach children and convert souls to the faith. This saint’s work touched many lives in bringing them closer to Me. Her order of nuns have served many people with her ideals and training. Give thanks and praise to Me for accomplishing so many works of charity through her life and those people that followed in her footsteps.”
(1809-2009 Bicentenial of her order being started.)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you know that I am a God-man when I was on the earth in visible human form. Because of My power as God, I truly spoke with authority and the people realized this when I cast the demon out of the person in the Gospel. Later, people would hear of many other healings, raising people from the dead, walking on water, and calming the stormy seas. Even with all of My demonstrated authority, I was still obedient to My Father’s Will in dying for all of mankind on the cross. I did this because of My love for all of you. The demons knew of My authority as they proclaimed that I was the ‘Holy One of God’. Then when I commanded them, they left the man. I gave this power over demons in ‘My Name’ to My apostles. This is why an exorcist priest has authority to also remove demons. The demons do not have power over your free will as I do not use this authority. Some people have multiple demons or more powerful demons, and these will require prayer and fasting because the price of that soul is higher. My faithful as a group can also say prayers of deliverance to exorcize demons out of people. Many of your bad habits have demons attached to them that could possess someone. Prayer and fasting, holy water, blessed salt, scapulars, and blessed Benedictine crosses are also helpful in fighting and removing demons. Especially pray the St. Michael prayer for deliverance. I still have authority over all demons and when I return, you will see all of the demons chained in hell.”