Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is not only a suggestion of a drought time and famine, but it also refers to a time of tribulation spiritually when many will lose their faith in Me. (Luke 23:31) ‘If they treat the Messiah this way when the ‘tree’ is well-watered and green, what will their plight be when He is withdrawn from them and they suffer for their rejection in the dry period?’ This quotation is taken from the account of St. Luke right before My crucifixion. You are still in the green period while you may be lightly persecuted, but I am still with you in My Blessed Sacrament. A time of the dry period will come during the 3½ year reign of the Antichrist when his agents will try to kill you for believing in Me. This time is also known as the end times or the time of the Great Tribulation. At the end of this period, the evil ones will suffer a living hell on earth for rejecting Me, and then they will be cast into hell forever. You are living in the days leading up to this tribulation since I have told you that this would happen in your lifetime. Stay close to Me in faith and obedience, and your reward will be great in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some who like to follow the old traditions of the Church because they are more comfortable with what they know and expect. Others like to be more modern and want to change things just to be different. My laws and Commandments are always the same and cannot be changed. People differ over the Latin Mass and the New Mass. There also may be differences over statues, crucifixes, and the placement of My tabernacle. The main focus should be on the gift of the Mass and having a priest to offer it for you every day when possible. As priests are shared with other parishes and their vacations, it can be difficult to find a Mass every day. Give praise and thanks to Me when you can find a Mass and a place to adore My Blessed Sacrament. Your moments with Me are precious and I reward you with My blessings for all of your efforts to visit Me. Treasure My traditions and keep your focus on Me at all times.”

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I spoke to My apostles about avoiding the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod.(Mark 8:13-21) Reading Scripture is fruitful, but the other words and actions of the Pharisees and Herod were not to be followed because they were misleading the people by preaching mere human precepts as important to follow. I have given you My Word and the new Unleavened Bread of Myself in My Blessed Sacrament. This is what you should follow. There is another time in the coming tribulation when there will be a division in My Church between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. Beware of the schismatic church because they will be teaching a New Age faith that is only a worship of things of the world led by Satan. This schismatic church will also teach that the sexual sins are no longer sins. Follow only My faithful remnant because they will be worshiping only Me and they will teach the Word that I gave My apostles. It is this element of My Church that the gates of hell will not prevail against. This is the meaning of the vision in two paths to follow during the tribulation. Follow only Me and not the New Age teaching.”
Jesus said: “My people, how many times are you going to listen to these deteriorated stock leaders complain that they are too big to fail and need to be bailed out by your taxpayers? It was never the taxpayer’s money that was supposed to support the car makers and the banks who all made their own errors in judgment. Even if there would be some bankruptcies, continued drains of borrowed money will not solve their problems and will only add to a monstrous debt that could bankrupt your country. Those, who made bad choices, should suffer the consequences, and not the frugal taxpayer having their own hard times. Many are doubtful if your stimulus plan and bank mortgage plans are going to solve your recession. The amount of money needed to fix your crisis is too much to try and solve with more taxes or more borrowing. This crisis was purposely created to bankrupt your country, so you will soon reap the consequences of this plan. The solution of martial law, a North American Union, and a new ‘amero’ currency is a solution of the one world people to form a global government. Be prepared to go to My refuges because your imminent takeover is not far off. Global government will not solve your financial problem, but it will make it worse as your rights and your jobs will be taken away and given to other countries. Pray for My protection at My refuges for you will need full trust in My help.”

Monday, February 16, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, the people of My day asked for a sign and they did not even realize that I was the sign of the Messiah in My Word and My miracles. In another account I told them that the only sign, that I would give them, would be the sign of Jonah who condemned Nineveh if they did not repent. So in essence I was asking them to repent as St. John the Baptist told them, and receive the Good News, that I was telling them, that the Kingdom of God was at hand. This people did not accept My words and they killed St. John the Baptist and Me as well. But I used this crucifixion as man’s salvation and I conquered sin and death by My Resurrection. This view of a sign in the coming Warning will be the sign for this age in the mercy of My revelation of what sins that you have committed and how I view them. Everyone will see their mini-judgment and see where their actions are leading them by the consequences of their sins. You will then have a second chance when you are put back into your body to change your way of sin into following My ways to heaven. This vision of the Warning is also another indication that the Warning is coming soon. Take advantage of this time to repent of your sins, or you may not get another chance, and your refusal to obey Me could lead you into hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, the train that you are traveling on in the vision represents your passing through life’s events. The time in the tunnel represents your struggle through the tribulation, and coming out into the Light represents My victory in My Era of Peace. Do not be worried about when these things will happen or how you will face this time, but focus only on trusting in Me to take care of you. Some will be martyred for their faith, but they will become instant saints in heaven. The rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges throughout the whole time of the tribulation. It does not matter when or how you will be brought to My refuges, but when martial law and chips in the body are made mandatory, then call on Me to have your angels lead you to My refuges. I have explained this protection to you in many messages, but soon you will be living through all that I have warned you about. I will give you the grace to endure this time, but be obedient to My laws and My directions. The tribulation has to happen according to the Scriptures, so be prepared with My help to bear with this trial and purgatory on earth.”

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to Mass every Sunday, the priest consecrates the host and the wine into My Body and Blood, so I am there before you in My Real Presence. You all bring many petitions in prayer as you have the priest offer them up to Me. I hear your petitions and I am blessing all of you in both your physical and spiritual needs. Many of you need to repent of your sins. It is through Confession that you can be made ‘clean’ again in your soul. So do not be spiritually lazy, but reach out to Me and seek forgiveness of your sins. You would much rather be cleansed of sin, than remain in your sins as the man in the Gospel suffered from his leprosy. When you ask Me to be made clean, I will heal you as I healed the man of his leprosy. Rejoice that you always have Me present to heal you. It is your choice to come forward and seek My healing forgiveness of your sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you this image of the United States as a sinking ship before, but now you are seeing it sink even faster. This faster sinking is an indication that your bankruptcy is proceeding at an ever faster pace, as your country spends money on both an unnecessary war and a spending bill that will not stimulate your economy fast enough to save it. This increased spending is adding trillions of dollars to your national debt, and it is mortgaging your children’s future. Many countries, that could afford to buy this new debt, are baulking at the little backing or collateral for this debt. Once the ratings go down on your bonds, very few will want to buy them. This will cause a devaluing of your currency, and could lead to your bankruptcy, if not enough people want to buy your Treasury notes. The interest rate will be forced higher because of more risk and this will add further chaos to your credit crisis. Continue to prepare yourselves to go to your refuges because the takeover of your country is drawing closer. Pray for My protection as I will have My angels protecting you.”

Saturday, February 14, 2009: (Honorary Funeral Mass: Jerry Hickey)

Jesus said: “My people, sometimes when people pass away, they leave behind shadows of themselves in your memories of them, or certain keepsakes or their accomplishments that they left to you. Jerry was a very loving and faith filled person who left behind many people who loved him. He sends his love to his wife and family, especially on St. Valentine’s Day. He also was happy to see his fellow Carmelites who were praying for him. Jerry loved Me and My Blessed Mother, especially in My Blessed Sacrament as he chose the Gospel reading of having eternal life in eating My Body and drinking My Blood. He will be praying for all of you, and he wants you to always remember him.”

Friday, February 13, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I healed a man of his deafness and I loosed his muted tongue. Many spread news of My healing of the man despite My advice to keep it quiet. Be thankful if you have all of your senses because there are some that do not have them. Each person must make the most of what they are given for My glory and not their own. This is why you are seeing this loud speaker in the vision, because if you know the faith, you are to shout it from the rooftops. You need to share your faith with others so they can hear and be saved. It is one thing to have physical disabilities, but you can have spiritual disabilities as well. In many cases I healed the souls as well as the bodies. So by sharing your faith with others, they too can see My Light and desire to love Me and seek to be with Me in heaven. Open their ears to hear My Word, and encourage them also to speak of My love to others.”

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, be ready to notice any increase in serious upper respiratory diseases that could result from a new virus attack from the chemtrails. I have talked to you in messages concerning a new pandemic virus that will be spread unannounced with an intention to lower the population. Wear your face masks and build up your immune system with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins. You will be healed of diseases when you look on My luminous cross at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, I told you that you would be experiencing many natural disasters that would cause power outages. Now you are seeing high winds as a new means for causing power outages. Fast melting snow and heavy rains are also causing floods in the Mid-West. Be aware that many of these natural disasters can be made worse with man’s weather making machines by microwaves. Pray for My protection to endure your power outages.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are suffering from your poor economy with fewer jobs, as well as from more natural disasters. You may have to open your home to friends and relatives who have lost their homes and have no money to live. Feed those that you can using your excess wealth and your stored up food. You are seeing a worsening economy where money and food may be hard to obtain. Pray for all those who are experiencing hard times.”
Jesus said: “My people, your fresh water supplies could be endangered with flood waters that could contaminate your water with diseases. I have asked you to keep aside some fresh water for emergencies, as well as some filters that could be used to purify the water. You use a lot of water for various reasons, but water borne diseases could be spread quickly without sufficient fresh water. Pray that I will help supply your food and water during the tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you were asked to store food and water for those who will come to your door, you also should be storing extra bedding, blankets, and pillows where people could sleep in your house. Living expenses will be difficult to finance with lost jobs and control being taken over the food. You may have to leave soon for interim or final refuges because I will multiply all that you will need.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many people seeing the need to pray on their knees to help them endure this current economic crisis. Some keep looking for things to improve, but most attempts thus far have not stopped the current downturn. Many people are giving up their rich living as they have less to live on. This decreased spending is just precipitating more company cutbacks and layoffs. Being more frugal with what little you have, will become a new way of life for many people. Pray for everyone to have a place to stay and enough food to survive.”
Jesus said: “My people, now more than ever you will becoming more dependent on Me for your daily needs. Have hope that you will not be tested beyond your endurance. As you enter the beginnings of the coming tribulation, you will need to call on Me and My angels to lead you to safety at My refuges. Have confidence that I will perform miracles in multiplying food, water, and shelter for all of My faithful. You will need full trust in Me to leave your homes to come to My refuges. Trust in My angels to protect you and provide daily Holy Communion. This trial will be brief before you will soon be sharing in My Era of Peace.”

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in older times getting water from the public well was part of everyone’s daily tasks. In today’s world most countries have running water or their own well for water. Water is still a necessity of life, and you are blessed with every rainstorm that brings up the water tables for your wells. Water becomes even more precious where it is arid, or there is a drought. Water also has a spiritual meaning as in the waters of Baptism. I have given you this sacrament to cleanse away original sin and actual sin if an older person than an infant is being baptized. You also were given the sacrament of Reconciliation to cleanse away your sins and restore sanctifying grace to your souls. I pray that more souls would see the need for frequent Confession in their lives. Repenting of your sins is even more necessary for your soul than water is for your body.”

Wednesday, February 11, 2009: (Our Lady of Lourdes)

Jesus said: “My people, your housing foreclosures were one of the problems coming from your credit crisis. Many of these ‘toxic’ assets are still being held by the banks and they do not know how to get them off of their books without going insolvent. They have no one to buy or sell them, and it has been hard to put a value on them. Once they are marked down to sell, many banks could go bankrupt. By keeping insolvent banks alive by capital infusions from the government, you are postponing the inevitable failures. The unwinding of your Wall Street derivatives using these loans as collateral is the real problem of who owns the loans. This planned bankruptcy of your banking system is one of the means that the one world people will use to take over America. The one world people are trying to make it appear that borrowing more money will solve your recession. They do not want to fix it, but they want to bankrupt your country instead so they can move ahead with their plans for a North American Union with a new currency in the ‘amero’. Pray for My help at My refuges when national martial law will be declared.”

Tuesday, February 10, 2009: (St. Scholastica)

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to have your Lenten devotions of fasting and prayer to improve your spiritual life. You know how My disciples and I had to suffer for the Gospel because the people liked My words, but the Pharisees and the religious rulers did not want to follow My ways. Just as I had to suffer, My faithful will also have to suffer persecution in the coming tribulation. Remember when I told St. Peter that another would hold him fast and he would be in prison. So in the future some of My faithful will be held by handcuffs and suffer a crown of thorns as in the vision. Some will be martyred for their faith, while others will be led to the safety of My refuges. Be open in your hearts if you have to suffer physically for your belief in Me. No matter how much torture or persecution that you will receive, never deny your love for Me. I will give all of you the grace to endure any suffering. Never allow the evil ones to control you with their microchips in your body.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a brief overall view of the path of your life that goes down in a valley and then up a hill towards My Light. You know that everyone has to die one day, but striving to be in heaven with Me should be your goal. As you focus on My Light over this hill, this is an incentive to follow My ways instead of your ways. Those, who follow My Commandments, and give their will over to My Divine Will, are assured of one day meeting Me in heaven for all eternity. At times you may wander away from My path to heaven, but you can repent of your sins and call on My grace to restore you to your original oversight path to My Light. Once you are in heaven, you will have My reward which will be beyond your expectations. As you work on your own path to heaven, work also on bringing as many souls to heaven as you can. Trust in My promise of salvation and have hope and faith that you will one day be in heaven.”