Friday, September 5, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, America has had to endure a long process to elect your next President, and this time is finally drawing to a close. Your conventions are over and now your candidates will be vying to get the least little gains in winning states over to their side. Each side claims that they have a better plan, but your country is still plagued with major deficits caused by your wars. Your greed in the mortgage industry has brought your financial system to near ruin, and there is a resulting recession that no one wants to admit that you are in. For those without jobs it is already like a depression, and jobs are getting worse than better. Your country is becoming more vulnerable from your finances, your energy needs, your weakened military, and the damage from your natural disasters. Whoever is elected President will inherit many difficulties to get your country back on track. Pray that the right leaders will be elected for what is best for your country and its people.”
(Divine Mercy Hour) Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you another vision concerning the Warning when everyone at the same time will come out of their bodies and come before Me. I will then show you your life review from both your point of view and from that of others and Myself. At the end of your life review I will give each of you your mini-judgment of where you would be judged if you were to die just then. Wherever you would be judged, you will have a taste of that environment in either heaven, purgatory, or hell. You will then be placed back into your bodies to have a second chance to change your life for the better. Even now the time for this event is growing close which is why I want you to be in the state of grace when this happens. Pray and confess your sins frequently so you can always be in the state of grace. Those, who are not in the state of grace, could see a vision of hell and experience what it is like to be in hell. The Warning is an extension of My Divine Mercy on all sinners, and it will be a grace to know that you can only come into heaven through Me, no matter what faith a person may have. This is an opportunity for even the worst sinners to change their lives by seeing where there present lives are leading them. I do not force My love on anyone, but I seek to save your soul up until your dying breath. Trust in Me and follow My Commandments, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Thursday, September 4, 2008: (Luke 5:1-11)

Jesus said: “My people, you think that you know the world and what to expect from life, but even things happen that surprise you, and even more so when I can change the impossible in your eyes. St. Peter had been fishing all night and they did not catch anything. So in his eyes as a fisherman he was a little reluctant to lower the nets. But he was obedient to My command and then he was amazed at such a catch of fish that nearly filled their boats to sinking. In life today you also have expectations based on your own experiences. Sometimes I also ask you to do things that seem impossible on the surface according to man’s knowledge. You are totally dependent on Me for everything, whether you want to believe it or not. When I give you a mission to accomplish, I will give you the grace to carry it out, even when it looks impossible in your eyes. This is why when you pray to Me for help, life will go much easier for you. I also told St. Peter and the apostles after their catch of fish, that they would now be fishers of men. Saving souls from their sins may also seem impossible to change, but with My grace and your prayers and instruction, you can help souls see the importance of loving Me and their neighbor. Love of Me and understanding the need to have a pure spiritual life, does not come easy for man in his fallen state. This is where your total dependence on Me in faith and trust will put you on the road to heaven. It is loving Me and following My mission that I call all souls to follow Me as My disciples. Once you deny yourself and deny your love of the world, then I can truly use you to be fishers of My people as well.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are strongly advanced into your election campaign for President now that all of your Vice Presidential candidates have been named. I am still asking you to consider voting for those candidates who will stand up against abortion. The number of abortions in America is weighing heavily against you as a nation. As long as you allow abortion by your court decision, you are calling My punishment upon you for all of these killings of My babies.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are still cleaning up the power outages and flood damage from your recent storms. There is no let up as more storms are forecasted to hit America. When this season is over, you will see this as one of the more damaging years in the last few years. Pray for the people that are enduring all of the floods, wind damage, and tornadoes. Pray also for the preparation for any further storms for this season.”
Jesus said: “My people, the planned installation of defensive missiles in Poland has caused Russia to condemn this action and respond by sending missiles to other nations. Russia’s intrusion into Georgia has been a threat to the oil lines to Europe. Getting oil and natural gas to Europe has been a means for Russia to have a hold on the European needs for energy. This transfer of energy products could be a means of blackmail for any future wars.”
Jesus said: “My people, your policies as a country are still following the directives of the one world people that is keeping you at war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The next plans have been to destroy any nuclear bomb making potential in Iran. Diplomacy has not changed Iran’s thinking, even with sanctions against it from the UN. Iran is supported by Russia and China, and any attack by America or Israel could have some risk to causing a wider war.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some one world people in your country that are looking for the most opportune time to declare martial law over any created incident or natural disaster. There will be more made up terrorist incidents that could give them an excuse for martial law, even before your elections. Pray for your country that this planned takeover can be thwarted with enough prayer.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen your airlines cutting flights and personnel. This will be a good time to retire some aging fleets that have cracks and fatigue that could cause some accidents. As long as these older planes stay in service, the higher the potential will be for downed airplanes, as you have seen in some foreign countries. These crashes should be an alert to have closer inspections on your own airplanes.”
Jesus said: “My people, exposure to mortgage loan problems have plagued your stock markets and financial banks all year. Any new threat to prices of homes and increased foreclosures has a ripple effect in your markets, as seen in several down markets. These loans and investments in housing are an unknown that has repressed your markets, and they could be manipulated by the one world people to cause a bank failure. Any major bank failures could endanger your banking system that would make your government vulnerable for a takeover. Pray that these financial instruments can be cleaned up before any crash in your banking system could occur.”

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, I told you recently that the strongest attack of the devil was against My Eucharist because he knows the power of My grace in My Real Presence to strengthen My faithful against him. The next most important target of attacks is against My priests and clergy. It is the priest who consecrates My Hosts at the Mass. He is the only one with consecrated hands that is allowed to offer the Mass, which is the greatest of all prayers. This is why you are seeing problems in the seminaries, and scandals among the priesthood. These attacks even are keeping vocations down as there are not enough people praying for vocations and protection for your priests. Now in the summer time when the priests are taking their vacations, you are seeing problems even to find a daily Mass. You see the importance of a priest more when you are not able to have a Mass or even a pastor. Truly you need to have the harvest Master send more priests into the vineyard for the harvest of souls. You also need to pray for and encourage new vocations. My faithful also need to evangelize souls all around you. Be grateful for your priests and encourage them with your support of the parish in work and your donations.”
Jesus said: “My people, Iran and Israel have been making threats on each other by their words and military exercises. This is becoming a strong potential for war that could involve America in another war. Even some groups are proposing a War Powers Act by Congress to limit America’s involvement in wars initiated by your president. Congress has the right to declare war by your Constitution, but your president has been starting wars by his own discretion without provocation. America has lost trillions of dollars and thousands of soldiers in the Iraq war that you should never have started. It is time that the people had a say in these serious commitments. Do not let the one world people lead you into war after war. Pray for peace, and voice your opinion against this unprovoked war that has no apparent end, and should be brought to an end after so many years.”

Friday, July 4, 2008: (Independence Day)

Jesus said: “My people, as you celebrate the founding of your country with all of its freedoms, remember that your founders were also God-fearing men in what they wrote. In this beginning there was a balance of power between your legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government. Now when certain elements of your society cannot get laws through Congress, they go through your court system to make laws by the decision of only nine judges. This now forces the people to get 2/3rds of Congress to pass amendments to overrule the authority of the courts. It is by this means that abortion and now gay marriage have warped your rule of law in favor of the death culture against My Commandments. It is the immorality of your society that is bringing My judgment against your country’s sins. Rejoice in a free country, but your freedoms are slowly being removed. If you truly love your country, then you can speak up to your representatives in banning any North American Union that your president is proposing. Through trade treaties the one world people want to take away all of your sovereignty rights and eliminate the United States as a nation. On this celebration of your independence, do not let these evil men usurp your very freedoms that you have fought for in all of your wars. Pray for your country and its leaders to support your freedoms, and not to give them away to the central bankers.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of someone being shot in a black car is how a dignitary could be killed. The crowd around this car were running away in fear of their lives. Such machine gun killings are the tactics of terrorists on an unsuspecting public. In this evil time your dignitaries should be wary of a sudden attack without warning. There will be a steady movement by the one world people to cause an unrest that will cause a major emergency to be declared. This will be their opportunity to declare martial law for the nation, and seize control of your government. Once martial law is declared, this will be your sign to call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge where you will be protected from those evil ones trying to kill you. These events will happen quickly, so be prepared to leave at a moment’s notice. This is another reason to keep gas in your car to travel as far as you can. You will need bikes and your backpacks as well. Pray for My help for when you will have to leave your homes. Trust in My word of preparation and My protection by My angels.”

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, you are all My little ones and I love you dearly. All of you want to have peace and love in your heart as the flowers in this vision, but there are situations that can test you and that is driving situations and answering phone calls. The proper loving response should be to be courteous and helpful as much as possible. In driving you may be annoyed by slow drivers or those that cut you off or make dangerous movements around you. Some may even hit your car driving or dent your car with their doors. It is difficult to be loving in these situations, but do not let road anger make any event worse that it is. Drive defensively and allow others to go ahead without being selfish. On the phone you deal with people selling things or campaigning that can be annoying when you did not ask for these things. When you answer the phone, you need to be more charitable in your response, and understand the person on the line may be just doing their difficult job. Being understanding may be a challenge when you may be interrupted in your work, but think first of the other person’s need than just your own selfish use of your time. By being more loving in interacting with people, you will be sharing your Christian love, and be a positive witness than one who may be disturbed by the behavior of others. This may go against your earthly desires, but each of these situations are an opportunity for grace, a sin of omission, or unintended anger. Be careful of how you react to life’s challenges so you may not regret a hasty response later.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a crucifix against a blue sky is indicating how many in the Midwest need some prayers for the rains and tornadoes to stop so they can deal with the flooding and the destruction. Many farmers are seeing their livelihoods threatened by floods which are killing their crops and are leaving their fields too wet to work with their tractors. With a fair percentage of crop failure, food and grain prices will continue rising with possible shortages. Farming is at the mercy of the weather, which is why they need prayers for good weather.”
Jesus said: “My people, with higher grain prices and corn being scarce, it would be better to use the corn for food, and use alternate organic waste products for the ethanol feedstock. By using discarded organic waste products, the feedstock would be cheaper and it would not consume usable food for ethanol. You will have more threats of famine coming, so you need food more than ethanol. It would take some retooling of the proposed ethanol plants, but saving fuel could still be helped by using cellulose adaptations without affecting food demands. Pray for your scientists to make cheaper and less energy consuming fuels.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have had cheap fuels for a number of years and your demand for fuels and electricity have been increasing without much concern about conservation or more fuel efficient vehicles and motors in industry. Now with increasing demand from China and India to power their new economies, the available amounts of fuel are not able to keep up with this demand. If your world nations do not want to cut back on their demands, then your prices will rise too fast, shortages may occur, and possible wars could start over these natural resources. Pray that your nations work out some compromise for apportioning oil supplies fairly, or your oil supplies could be threatened.”
Jesus said: “My people, America does not have a real energy plan to provide more oil or fuels for electricity. There is not an endless supply of fuels that would allow more demands of energy to be increased. America needs to quickly think more about conservation in using less fuels together with gaining fast access to new oil supplies from oil shale or other drilling areas. America, China, and India are too dependent on fuels to run their economies, and fast solutions need to be put in place immediately. Pray for a peaceful solution to your energy crisis, or you could be facing wars for oil.”
Jesus said: “My people, the one world people know full well how vulnerable America is in requiring fuels for your vehicles and electricity to run your homes and factories. They will use these weapons against you to control you in requiring chips to buy and sell fuels. Without fuels and electricity they could bring your economy to a standstill with no travel. This is what they will use when they declare martial law for their takeover. This is why you will need some alternative fuels and bicycles for travel and energy needs in your homes. Be prepared with some food supplies, and be ready to leave for My refuges when martial law comes.”
Jesus said: “My people, you may be aware of various annual meetings of the one world people as they influence many governments around the world. Their plans are moving ahead quickly to form continental unions as the North American Union. They are controlling your candidates for president and your Congress people, so they could implement martial law by creating a deadly set of incidents for an excuse for an emergency takeover. This is why I have warned My people to be ready to leave for your refuges at any moment because the one world people are close to their time of takeover. Pray much for everyone in whatever crisis they will cause.”
Jesus said: “My people, starting a world war over Iran could be one option in the options of the one world people to bring a man of peace into the world. This Antichrist could claim to be a savior of the world to bring peace, but he will become a tyrant ruler which will make things even worse than before. Trust in My protection with My angels and have no worries because I am stronger than all of these evil ones.”

Tuesday, June 3, 2008: (St. Charles Lwanga & companions)

Jesus said: “My people, even since My day people have been loath to paying excessive taxes. Tax collectors cheated the people by adding on taxes to give themselves more income. The fact that tax collectors were rich tells you of their devious means of making money off the people. In your society of today you also are paying heavy taxes, especially land taxes that are hurting people with low incomes. Aside from your government demands, I also stressed to the people to give back to God at the synagogues or churches what belongs to God. The one who preaches and evangelizes My Word is worthy of being supported in their work for Me in saving souls. Supporting My Church is one of your Christian responsibilities and a part of the laws of My Church. Contributing to My Church is one way of thanking Me for all that I have given you. My Third Commandment calls you to worship Me on Sunday at Mass, and to have Mass it is necessary to support a church financially so you have a place to go. You pay your taxes because of man’s law, but support your churches because of My laws.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a message of warning to your President that an attempt will be made on his life because of some coming decisions on a possible war with Iran. Arab nations, Russia, and China are very aware of a possible United States strike against Iran because of Iran’s making enriched uranium for potential bomb making. Some Arab terrorists will be planning this attack in secret because of their hate for America. Other terrorist plans are also in motion to try and bring down some of your city infrastructures in multiple cities at once. Many could die from such attacks. Your government will have to be on a full scale alert to prevent these attacks which could still take place. Before the elections you could see both man-made and natural disasters occur which could postpone your elections. Pray in earnest that these events could be mitigated or prevented. Pray also that war does not come in Iran which could lead to World War III.”

Monday, June 2, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, many of you come to Mass on Sunday, but how many live My Gospel message all of the other days of the week? It is one thing to hear and read the words of Scripture, but it is another to put these words to work in your actions. You say one thing with your lips, but your actions may be saying something else. This vision of the places where you shop asks the question if people can identify you in the world as acting with Christian values and virtues. You need to be consistently faithful and do not act like a hypocrite who says one thing, but does another. By your good deeds and actions you can evangelize more souls than just by your words alone. Your good example to others is your best witness or testimony to My words of the Gospel. You are tempted by the evil one to sin every day, so it takes spiritual strength and endurance to keep faithful. You may not see much reward for your good actions in this life, but you surely will see your reward in the next life. So be strong in your daily life by a good prayer life and you will remain united with Me in your heart which directs all of your actions.”
Jesus said: “My people, this large sand box represents a situation in the Middle East where there is a threat of nuclear weapons being used or manufactured. The large clear plastic enclosure means that this is being viewed by the whole world. The threats by the Iranian president to annihilate Israel have Israel’s leaders thinking of a pre-emptive strike on Iran. Israel in the past has attacked Arab countries when they threatened to make nuclear weapons. It is the United States that is holding Israel back, but this will not go on for long if Iran develops nuclear bombs. With China and Russia backing Iran, any pre-emptive attacks could involve wider complications in a possible war. Any war in this area could cause oil prices to increase as supplies of oil could be threatened. Pray, My people, that peace will be maintained in this region, or a worse war could result. See the need for praying more rosaries for peace.”

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, this symbol of the pyramid on the one dollar bill represents a masonic symbol, and it is linked with the formation of the Federal Reserve banking system of the central bankers in the United States. Most all of your presidents have been masons, so the one world people manage to control whoever gets elected. These same central bankers control your money and hold the debts against your Treasury Department. They can influence your markets and they instigate wars to make profits on weapons sales and war debts. These are the same one world people who are looking to take over your country and make you a part of their North American Union. They are not satisfied to control your money, but they want to control all of you like robots with microchips in your body. Once they form unions on all the continents, they will give all of the unions over to the Antichrist to start his brief reign. Fear not these evil ones, for I will soon vanquish this whole lot into hell, and I will renew the earth to bring about My Era of Peace.”

Thursday, May 15, 2008: (St. Isidore, the farmer)

Jesus said: “My people, in addition to your higher gasoline prices, you are seeing higher costs for energy in heating and cooling your houses. One way to save money has been to conserve your fuel uses by minimizing your traveling, heating to a lower temperature, and not cooling as much in the summer. In conserving fuels, you are actually cutting down on your pollution as well. America has been consuming 25% of the world’s energy supplies and you should look to reduce your energy needs instead of increasing the drain on your fossil fuels. The vision of bringing in fresh air can also be applied to bringing in a fresh spiritual air of the Holy Spirit into your spiritual lives. You are focused on your daily financial problems, but you also need to be looking to help others that are having even worse problems just trying to survive. Reach out to do what you can do to help those suffering from earthquakes and cyclones. Even in your own country, your people are stressed with foreclosures and trouble affording food. Your economic slowdown has stressed more people on food stamps, and the neighborhood food shelves are nearly bare because of demand and lower donations. There are plenty of places that could use your time and money to help people to find enough to eat.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said:
“My people, it is dangerous for your president and your candidates for president to talk against other countries, as Iran, that could stir up hatred for America for defending Israel. You have already seen a pre-emptive war started against Iraq, and you do not want to see another such mistake with Iran. It is one thing to try diplomacy, but it is foolish to continue issuing threats of war. The one world people want more wars, so you must work against these wars that are only destroying your military and your economy.”
Jesus said: “My people, many people have died recently from the cyclone in Myanmar and the earthquake in China. The workers are now trying to recover the bodies so they could have a proper burial for the families. Life is precious and death is not just another statistic, but these souls need respect and need to be prayed for. This is also true for those who have died in your many tornadoes. Pray for My protection in any future disasters for the victims who are losing their homes.”
Jesus said: “My people, there have been many obstacles to getting help and food to the victims of these latest disasters. In some of these countries abortion has been rampant and this is related to the red rose on the table. All life needs to be protected, even the unborn. If life is so precious, then holding up aid for political purposes shows you how these governments have a different agenda for their people.”
Jesus said: “My people, the people of California have voted against gay marriage, but the people on the State Supreme Court have stated their singular vote for gay marriage and against the people’s will. This tactic of making law by liberal judges is the same way that your country had abortion forced on you without a vote from the people. This is the second state to adopt such abominations of allowing this marriage of same sexes. I have told you before that San Francisco would be punished by a massive earthquake that would let that city be thrown into the ocean for its homosexual lifestyles. Now all of California is testing My wrath against such abominable relationships that violate My establishment of marriage only between a man and a woman.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have tried to protect land preserves and parks from further building development. Even man’s building is taking away precious farmland that is needed to grow your crops. Many efforts to protect your environment have been small or just lip service to your real intentions. Financial gain and business profits appear to be more important than controlling your pollution. Pray that your people will truly try to preserve your environment for the right reasons and not just political reasons.”
Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are in control of your election process, so it is no surprise that the presidential candidates are still supporting the death culture. Some are still advocating support for endless wars that only result in killing more innocent lives. Others continue to support abortion saying it is their right to kill their own unborn infants in the womb. You must fight against this death culture and fight against the one world people who are sending your country down the road to total destruction. If America does not repent of its sins and change its sinful ways, then you will see My punishment in more natural disasters on a scale that you have never seen before.”
Jesus said: “My people, pray for the conversion of poor sinners, especially after the Warning. You will need My angels of protection to fight the battle against the evil ones in the coming tribulation. My angels will make you invisible from the evil ones at My refuges. Call on My help and trust in My protection when you face this battle of evil that you have never seen before.”

Monday, May 5, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel (John 16:29-33) I was speaking plainly to My apostles without parables, and I explained to them that the Son of Man must die and be taken away from them so that sinners would be saved by My death. I also had to leave them so the Holy Spirit could come upon them. The apostles thought that they knew all about Me, but I always surprised them with deeper insights of what was happening. I told them that they will scatter and desert Me when it came time for the Pharisees to kill Me. The apostles could not imagine them leaving Me, but I told St. Peter that before the cock crowed twice, he would deny Me three times. At another time I told My apostles plainly that if they eat My Body and drink My Blood they would have life everlasting. (John 6:54-65) Many of My followers left Me when I said this. So I asked My apostles if this shaked their faith? But St. Peter said: ‘To whom would we go, for you have the words of everlasting life.’ There were many such sayings as when I said love your enemies, and that it would be very difficult for the rich man to be saved. Without faith in Me and My Word, it would be difficult to believe all that I have said. So My apostles and My faithful believe in Me because I give you the grace to understand how I am calling all of you to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. Continue to teach My Word, even if the world rejects Me, because it is a gift of faith to believe.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this voting booth because several of your states are going to have problems verifying the truth of the output of their new election voting methods. I also told you before that you would be fortunate to have another presidential election. This event is conditional on whether terrorism or natural disasters could be severe enough to postpone this election. With enough prayer, these things could be mitigated, but unless more prayer is multiplied, they will occur causing great damage and loss of life. You already are seeing many earthquakes all over your country, and they will continue. I call you to do some extra prayers and ask to have them multiplied so these events do not stop your election. Be prepared also to send donations of money and time to help those who face losses from natural disasters.”