Thursday, June 18, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, there are many foreign troops in your country to implement martial law. This is why you have many made up wars to keep your troops out of your country. Your census will help direct these foreigners to pick up religious and patriotic people. They also will have road signs to direct these trucks where to bring their prisoners. I will warn My faithful when to leave for your refuges before martial law is declared. Be ready to leave with your backpacks ready, and leave quickly when I tell you, or you could be captured and killed. Have no fear of these evil ones because I will protect your souls. They may harm some of your bodies, but never your souls. Pray for the souls of all people so they could be converted before it is too late and the Antichrist will control them. This trial of evil will be brief before I will come in victory over the evil ones.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen problems with the bee populations all over the world, and now even other insects as bumble bees are having similar declining numbers. Most of these problems are a result of man’s interference with nature. Chemtrail viruses, HAARP and cell phone microwaves, along with various pesticides are taking their effect on the very bees needed to pollinate your crops. Reduced harvests can be affected by this reduced bee population and your hybrids for crops. The coming world famine will be a direct result of man’s interference with My balance of nature. This is another need for My refuges where I will multiply your food.”
Jesus said: “My people, as the evil ones take control, they will be searching to kill all those who will be against their new world order. You have seen in the Middle East and Vietnam where various terrorists have hid in caves from America’s bombing. This is why caves are a good place, even for My faithful to hide from the evil ones. There I will provide for your food and water. Be patient since I will soon come in victory over the evil ones.”
Jesus said: “My people, some people, who are building refuges, have built their buildings with camouflage so they cannot be seen well from the air. In addition My angels will place invisible shields over My refuges so they cannot be detected by any of man’s means. Trust in My protection of My refuges with miracles that you cannot imagine by your worldly knowledge.”
Jesus said: “My people, the angels at My refuges will not only make you invisible, but they will protect you from bombs, defoliants, and any pandemic viruses. I know all of man’s ways to attack you, but none of them will harm you, or affect you in any way. These acts will be miracles of My grace that you will not fully understand, but you will witness these miracles during the tribulation. At the proper time I will send My Comet of Chastisement and My angels will bring tormenting plagues against all of the evil ones as they will suffer their hell on earth. Then I will gather up these evil ones and demons and chain them in hell. My faithful will then be rewarded in My Era of Peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, one of your punishments will be a massive volcanic explosion that will spew massive amounts of dust and ash over parts of your country. There has been an increase in earthquakes which will trigger some large volcanic explosions. This is when you should seek cover, wear your masks, and cover any openings in your doors and windows. Some have forecasted these events and they could bring about a famine situation when your crop lands will be destroyed.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know that the flu season starts in October and is usually over in February. This latest outbreak of Swine flu has been designated a pandemic, but it is completely out of season. This flu is not just a mutation, but it has all the signs of a laboratory man-made disease. This first wave has been spread very easily, but it has thus far not killed very many people. This H1N1 virus has similarities to the Spanish flu that killed millions of people. The same evil ones, who developed this disease, could just as easily generate a more virulent form that could attack your population in October with more deaths occurring. This is why you need masks and food storage to weather this coming outbreak. Build up your immune system with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins. As you see larger numbers dying from this new virus, then you are to call on Me to lead you to My refuges. There you will look upon My luminous cross and drink the healing spring waters which will protect you from all diseases and deadly viruses, or bacteria.”
Jesus said: “My people, the next two feast days honor My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart. These feasts are together to indicate that our two hearts are joined as one. When you pray to both of our hearts, your heart will also be joined with our hearts, especially at Holy Communion in the Mass. At some churches you celebrate Mass back to back around midnight to commemorate the joining of our two hearts. We both lived on the earth without sin and we are your examples of perfection to strive to live in My Divine Will. Rejoice in these feasts, even as you try to live your lives as close as possible to our example. We bless all of you for your honoring our two hearts.”

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, many people are clearing their lands and plots to plant their flowers and vegetables. You have been waiting until there is less chance of frost. The act of planting seeds to grow things can also be applied to your spiritual life as well. As you share your faith with others, you are like the Parable of the Sower where the seed represents the Word of God. You remember the various places where the seed fell. On the paths and rocks the seed failed to take root, even as some receive My Word with joy at first, but they do not make My ways a part of their life. Some seed falls among weeds and thorns and when it springs up, it is choked, even as some people are taken up more with the cares of the world. Then some seed falls upon good soil and there is an abundance of grain in thirty, sixty, and one hundredfold. This is when a soul truly repents of their sins, accepts Me as Master and Savior, and follows My Commandments. Those, who follow Me and live their faith in their works and actions, will truly receive eternal life in heaven. It is a joy when you spread My Word and convert souls to the faith.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are various powers controlling the American government that are directing large numbers of black operations or secret operations for certain interest groups. The HAARP Machine and chem trails have devious uses for private needs that are not all known by the public. Controls that check all communications is another violation of people’s privacy. Chips in various products are violating privacy when they are taken home. Searching private records and gathering earth coordinates of every home is another planned operation. Perpetrated wars by design to make money is another abuse of power. Many of these operations would be denied in public, but they are still carried out under the direction of the one world people. The devil and the Antichrist will have a brief reign of evil in using all of these abuses. No matter how controlled these forces will be, My power will overcome their plans when I bring My Great Chastisement and My angels to chain these evil ones in the pits of hell. Trust in My coming victory that will defeat the demons and bring about My Era of Peace.”

Thursday, April 23, 2009: (St. George)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of water flowing out from a church represents how My graces also flow out to all the community around My church. It is My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacles that allows this flow of graces. Those, who hear My call and repent of their sins, can come to Me in conversion to the faith and be saved. Only through Me can anyone enter heaven because I am the Gatekeeper and the Judge. You have witnessed My death and Resurrection during this Easter Season, and now is the time to spread My Good News of salvation to all who want to accept Me as their Savior. My abundant graces lie in wait for all those who answer My call. Come to My Eucharistic Feast so you can receive the spiritual food that your soul desires. All of those, who receive Me in this life, will share in a greater Wedding Feast at My table in heaven. Come and share in My saving graces before it is too late, and you could be lost in the coming tribulation.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, no matter how powerful or rich that you see today’s nations, when the Antichrist takes power, all of these leaders will be removed by fiat rule. Whoever tries to win favor with the Antichrist, will be for nothing, because he will replace every leader with his own evil minions. Pray for My help in this time, but the Antichrist’s reign will be brief before I will cast him into hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen another spring full of lightning and violent wind storms that have caused tornadoes and flooding. Again some areas are getting floods, but other areas are seeing droughts. Pray for those who are suffering deaths or loss of their homes. In all of your moving you learn to cherish your very home. Give thanks for your home to live in, but remember that your most important home is heaven. Everything on this earth is temporary, and only heavenly things will last forever.”
Jesus said: “My people, your home is where your heart is because it is the center of your life in sleeping, eating, and a place to come to after work. Having people watch your every move can be an invasion of your privacy when you are paying your bills and taxes. Many of your freedoms are being lost every day as you are even restricted to what you can do on your own property. Freedom to worship Me will also be controlled in the future, so you will have to have secret meetings for prayer and Mass. Eventually, you will need to make a new home at a refuge where My angels will protect you. Wherever you make your home is a special place for your family.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated another ‘earth day’, but you should be celebrating My creation of the earth and all of its life giving oxygen to breathe, water to drink, and food from the plants and animals. You are at the perfect distance from your sun so you are not too cold or too hot from night to day. Many of your scientists do not want to believe in My creation, but these accounts are in the Bible and these words are true. Cutting back on all kinds of pollution and not just carbon dioxide would really be helpful. Less over fishing and stoppage of your cloning and improper behavior would also help your environment. Give praise to Me for this earth’s creation and not anything of your own making.”
Jesus said: “My people, you do not realize that all of your cell towers and TV stations are polluting your air waves with microwaves that are affecting animal and insect species in ways that you do not understand. HAARP machines manipulate the weather causing floods or droughts and even electric transmission lines pollute the environment and can cause harm to animal and plant life. Improper farming methods are depleting the land of nutrients and can cause erosion and further desert increases. Man needs to work in many ways to stop threatening the very environment that provides life to you.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that many natural resources such as oil, woodlands, and other metals and minerals are not shared with the people of the country that contains these resources. Instead, wealthy people and companies buy the rights to the land for a small price and exploit the resources for their own gain. Some investment is needed to find and develop these resources, but the people should have some benefit as the people in Alaska get some money for the oil deposits there. Again there is some abuse of the land in mining these resources that is not always repaired by the mining companies. There are many ways to conserve and protect your earthly environment.”
Jesus said: “My people, creation of human life has been a sharing between man and woman, and My giving of the soul’s life. The design of your bodies from conception to birth is a miracle unduplicated by man’s science. It is unfortunate that man has chosen to kill life by abortion, euthanasia, homicides, and wars. Man has also violated My perfection by manipulating your DNA in cloning and the making of body parts. Praise and thank Me that you are beautifully and wonderfully made, but avoid all of the ways that your death culture kills and manipulates life.”

Tuesday, February 3, 2009: (St. Blaise)

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Great Healer. All healings come through Me and the Holy Spirit. Even those, who are blessed with the grace of being a healing instrument, know that the healing power comes through ‘My Name’. Even My apostles healed people in My Name. Today’s Gospel relates the healing of the woman’s bleeding problem and how I raised the little girl from the dead. Through this miracle and others, you know that I have power over life and death. There are many instruments through which you will see more healings in the end times. My healing will be even more apparent to those at My refuges when you look upon My luminous cross or drink from the miraculous springs, and you will be healed of all sicknesses. Rejoice in the gift of My healing power and have trust in My help and healing both physically and spiritually.”
Jesus said: “My people, America will continually be tested by an ongoing number of natural disasters. In this winter you are seeing much damage and loss of power from repetitive ice storms and heavier than normal snowfalls. As the spring weather comes, there will be a worsening level of tornadoes and hurricanes in the fall. Part of the bad weather is a punishment for your abortions and sexual sins, but the added violence is coming from the use of the HAARP machine which is making your storms more destructive. The destruction and losses from this damage will compound your financial problems from your recession. Your tornadoes were twice the normal level last year, and the violence of this vision of a tornado is emphasizing that this year will be similar. As the weather gets more violent, it may be advisable to make some more secure safe rooms in a basement for your protection. Placing scapulars and blessed medals around your house could also help, as well as your prayers to protect your lives from bad storms. You have seen in the past when you pray for My protection that you have been spared damage and power outages.”

Wednesday, January 28, 2009: (St. Thomas Aquinas)

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen plenty of snow every winter, but now you are starting to see four or more ice storms before the winter is even over. Ice storms take a long time to form and the weather has to remain the same over an area. Such storms of long duration are the symptoms of the HAARP machine in Alaska that is being used to cause repetitive ice storms. Ice storms cause many power failures and destruction of trees and whatever they fall on. Some areas can take weeks to restore power and cost many dollars in repairs to remove debris and fix what was destroyed. A continuation of such natural disasters will just add to the grief that people are suffering from the recession. Pray for these people that are suffering from ice storms because there have been some deaths from falling icy tree limbs. The one world people will use whatever means they can to bring about the takeover of America. Causing power outages is just one of their tactics as well as bankruptcies.”

Friday, December 12, 2008: (Our Lady of Guadeloupe)

Jesus said: “My people, the bishop in Guadeloupe was asking My Blessed Mother for a sign that the messages to Juan Diego were real when she asked for a basilica to be built on those grounds. When Juan Diego showed him roses in the winter and especially the miraculous image of My Blessed Mother of Guadeloupe on the tilma, there was great joy in that town. Soon after in Mexico City they did finally erect a church where pilgrims have viewed the tilma constantly for many years. Many conversions have resulted from this miracle, and this shrine in Guadeloupe has become My Blessed Mother’s Shrine for all the Americas. Rejoice in heaven’s sharing of graces from My Blessed Mother and I over all of our children.”
Jesus said: “My people, you continue to be tested by natural disasters, even as I just warned you about power outages and having enough food and fuel on hand. Now you just had another ice storm that has left 1.5 million homes without power. Your weather continues to be manipulated by the HAARP machine as you saw an unusually deep jet stream carry cold weather from the North all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico giving snow in Texas and New Orleans, which is very rare. This same weather storm then picked up the Gulf water in the air and this gave moisture to form the ice storm across the Mid Atlantic states and the New England states. You have had ice storms in the past, but because of this manipulation, you are seeing more ice storms and power outages becoming more frequent than normal. Look for more of these disasters to be occurring as you have seen higher numbers of tornadoes and floods than usual in this year. Again these are more signs that you are in the end times, and you need to call on My help to provide for your daily needs.”

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how man can manipulate the weather with the use of high energy microwaves from the HAARP machine. You have also seen a higher activity in the amount of earthquakes going on around the Pacific Ring of Fire. Some people are noticing more unusual Northern Lights in areas where they normally do not occur. Right after these lights, there are earthquakes of varying proportions. Such earthquakes associated with lights are evidence that the HAARP machine is being used to generate earthquakes. This is another means to try and create chaos for establishing martial law for the one world people’s one world government. With enough prayer you can counter the technology being used by the evil ones to make yourself invisible to them during the tribulation.”

Friday, June 13, 2008: (St. Anthony of Padua)

Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading about My prophet Elijah and how he had to hide in caves to be safe from his persecutors. I tell you, My people, that you too will have to leave the comfort of your homes and be led by My angels to refuges of My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, places of holy ground, and caves. You will be protected and fed just as I provided for Elijah in his needs. My messengers and prophets of today will be persecuted the most, since the evil ones know who you are, and they will try to keep you from spreading My messages. Your messages are a warning and an encouragement for souls to come to Me to be saved before it may be too late, and souls could be lost to the evil ones. See to it that every day, you have been graced with, is another opportunity to save souls in your prayers, speaking, and getting out My Word to everyone.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing unusually heavy rainfalls over the same area in the Midwest along with many tornadoes. Because of this heavy continuous rain, there have been numerous floods along the Mississippi River. Some people have noted that these levels are setting records since this has not happened in many years. I have told you before when you see weather patterns come over the same area repeatedly, that this is a sign that the HAARP weather making machine is at work. When your tornadoes are more frequent and more violent, this is another sign that the HAARP machine is being used to enhance these storms. The HAARP machine uses high powered microwave beams from multiple antennae to direct the jet streams and control the weather. These machines are part of the one world people’s plans to cause emergency situations that could be used to establish martial law. Pray for My protection from these evil ones who will use any excuse to cause martial law and a takeover of America. Should martial law be declared, call on Me and My angels will lead you to the nearest refuge of protection.”

Friday, June 6, 2008: (St. Norbert)

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many unsuspecting souls leaving their dead bodies as they were being called home to Me. These souls were from those who died in your violent tornadoes. There also were other souls being taken up from the deaths of the unborn babies in abortion. These two streams of souls that were mingling is a sign to you America, that some of these tornadoes are being sent as a punishment for your ongoing killing of babies in your abortions. Your death culture people are enhancing these storms with the HAARP machine and they are indirectly killing people. They have promoted abortions through your trumped up court decisions. Now you are seeing in your news how your leaders trumped up lies about your intelligence to start this five year old war in Iraq. Even with this evidence, why are your people still listening to the same lies to continue this war? It is time to end these useless wars. You are an occupation army that needs to leave these people to form their own government without your influence. Reject the lies of this death culture, and maybe you could stop this endless stream of souls leaving their bodies prematurely.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been witnessing an unusual amount of tornadoes this year and higher death levels as well. The size and intensity of these tornadoes have also been quite violent. I am showing you a very vivid picture of a home destroyed, and the problems that family would go through to get back on their feet. Some families may have insurance to rebuild, but others may not have coverage for full replacement. There are many disasters that occur in America, but help from your government and other countries is very sparse. America helps other countries, but other countries do not help you in your disasters. It is still good to help others, even when you know you may not receive anything in return. Pray for your families who are facing these disasters and contribute to aid groups that may help them.”

I asked Jesus if there was a message for our coming trip to Betania in August, 2008. Jesus said: “My dear pilgrims, your Betania IV group has been very faithful in your prayers, and very loving in your friendship with the Bianchini Family. This time that you are traveling could see some difficulties in your travel because of the strained airlines in their expenses and cutbacks in flights and employees. You will also have to deal with strained relationships between America and Venezuela. Be comforted that My Blessed Mother always watches over her little pilgrims. You should pray for a safe trip, and many graces will be given to those who make the effort to come to the Shrine of My Blessed Mother in Betanina.”

Wednesday, May 14, 2008: (St. Matthias)

Jesus said: “My people, all of you are sinners because you inherited your weakness to sin from Adam. But I have paid the price for your sins by My death on the cross. All that I ask of My faithful is that you acknowledge your sinfulness, and come to Me for the forgiveness of your sins in Confession. It is an act of humility to admit that you have sinned and need to come to Confession. You should come to Confession at least monthly, whether you have committed any mortal sins or not. You definitely need to confess your mortal sins before you can be worthy to receive Me in Holy Communion. I ask you to show Me your love by following My Commandments, but if you falter, I have given you My sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation to purify your soul. By keeping your soul pure, you will also be ready for your judgment on any day that I come to take you home. I keep encouraging people to come to Confession because the devil is constantly giving you excuses not to come. So do not be spiritually lazy or lukewarm in seeking My forgiveness, but be strong in coming to Me faithfully every month.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an unusual year of many natural disasters both in your country and around the world. Your attention has been focused on the thousands killed by the cyclone in Myanmar, and the thousands killed by a 7.9 earthquake in China. In your own country you have witnessed more tornadoes and deaths than has been seen in decades. Earlier in the year you witnessed some massive rains that caused severe flooding. You also have seen fires in the West and in Florida. Earthquakes have been strong along the West Coast and in the middle of your country. Now you are seeing severe earthquakes in Japan and heavy volcanic activity in Chile and Indonesia. Many people and economies are being shaken by these disasters all over the world. Because of your fast news reports, you know instantly about any disasters that are occurring anywhere on the earth. In addition to these natural disasters, you are also seeing man-made disasters in wars, terrorism, and the use of weapons of mass destruction that add to the killing of people. Even your government is adding to your woes with enhanced storms by the HAARP machine, and diseases from the chem trails. By these weather disasters you could see them utilized by the one world people for declaring martial law for their takeover of your country. This is their plan to control you, and they will use any means to bring control into the hands of the Antichrist. Fear not all of these events because I will send My angels to protect My little ones at My refuges.”