Saturday, July 19, 2014: (Mass for Lydia Remacle)
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing your wife’s parents, Lydia and Camille, as they are watching over you from heaven. They are happy for all that you are doing for the people in My Church. They also are concerned about Carol, Sharon, and Vic as they live out their lives. They thank you for working with the old house in cleaning it up, and planning for its sale. Camille wants you to share his things with the family, and to watch out for those who are too anxious to make money on the house. They want to guide you on the house. They are praying for all of you.”
Note: At Mass they sang ‘I Vow to Thee My Country’ which Carol played for her mother many times in the car. Lydia said Carol played it too loud.
(Funeral Mass for Maffy Camillaci) Maffy said: “I thank Joe and Mary Ann for a beautiful eulogy. I am also happy to see all of my family here for my funeral Mass. Thank you to all of my friends and relatives for coming. When I was around, you always had something to eat. I am grateful for all those people who took care of me in my later years, and for all those who visited me at the nursing homes. I love all of you so much, and I will miss you here, but I will be praying for all of you in heaven. I had a very fruitful life in helping people, and I only wish I could have done more. God bless all of you, and my family needs to remember their spiritual training in prayers and coming to Mass on time.”
(Dr. Garcia’s rosary and Mass) The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I thank all of you for your rosaries both today and over the years at this annual meeting. I send my blessings over all of those who attended today’s service, and over this blessed land. You all are my prayer warriors, and I thank you for your dedication and your devotions. Go out and share my Son’s Word with all of those people who you meet in life.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Russian troops shooting down planes, even a commercial airliner over Eastern Ukraine. Under the guise of protecting Russian leaning people in the Ukraine, Russia is using undercover troops to keep taking over more territory. They are not meeting much resistance, so Russia will continue to take over all of the Ukraine if there is no help from the West. It is Russia’s plan to retake the countries of their old empire because America is not fighting. Another hot spot is where Israeli troops are invading the Gaza Strip where Hamas has used tunnels for attacks on Israel. If other countries come to the aid of Hamas, this could trigger a larger war in the Middle East. Sooner or later, America could get drawn into one of these conflicts. Keep praying for peace, but these wars are a punishment for sins.”
Friday, July 18, 2014: (St. Camillus de Lellis)
Jesus said: “My people, you know how I had compassion on many sick people, and I healed them in both body and soul, for those who had faith in My healing. I have given many gifts of healing to those who are close to Me, and those who desire to help people. Faith healing requires a true belief that I can heal people’s health problems. As much as I wanted to heal the sick people, I was even more concerned about healing souls from sin. Your bodies will pass away, but your souls live on forever. If you can help the sick, then do what you can to help them. You can pray for sick people to be healed, and you can pray over people by calling down the power of the Holy Spirit to heal them. You know what it is like to live in pain, so pray for the sick to get better, so they can have My peace in their heart and soul.”
Thursday, July 17, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, the time for the Warning is ticking down because it is close, even in your time. I do not give dates, but by the events going on, you can have a sense of this timing. You have been given a grace of more time to repent, but the people are growing worse in their sins with very little sign of repentance. America has been given many messages from My prophets to wake up and repent, but your people are not listening to My Word. Because of your sins, I have been giving more messages about your disasters, and a time when America will be taken over by the one world people. It will take My Warning to get your people’s attention, but even then, the majority of the people will still desire the pleasures of their sins rather than coming to Me for the forgiveness of their sins.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember how St. Peter and St. Paul were put in prison for preaching My Word. Later, they were martyred to try and stop the spread of Christianity. I told My apostles that I would not let the gates of hell prevail over My Church. This vision of a prison is how My faithful will be persecuted for their faith. Many prisoners are starved with only a little bread to eat. I will warn My faithful when they will have to leave their homes for My refuges when their lives are in danger. Trust in My help to protect you from the evil ones.”
Jesus said: “My people, as the people who closed your church get their way, you will not be able to enter because they will change the locks. You have paid your contributions to keep this church open, but now your way into this church will be blocked. Eventually, you may have to return to your home to have your prayer group. You are seeing the signs of the decay in My Church when your churches are gradually closed. This is why you need to pray for your priests and pray for your churches to remain open. I told you that My faithful will have to stay in their homes for Mass and prayers. This is just another sign of the end times.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that 298 people had to lose their lives because Russian surface to air missiles were used to shoot down the Malaysian 777 airplane. The Russian separatists mistook it for a Ukrainian plane. This will be a lesson for all commercial planes that they should avoid flying over known war zones, especially where missiles are shooting down planes. Compensation will be worked out between the two parties.”
Jesus said: “My people, Israel is fighting for its very life, as they are fighting to stop Hamas from firing rockets into Israel. Hamas weapons are going deeper into Israel’s territory. It appears some ground attacks are starting in Gaza to try and prevent more rocket attacks. This war could easily expand, if other nations become involved. It is even questionable if your leaders would defend Israel.”
Jesus said: “My people, your Federal Reserve is continuing to help your banks and the stock market with their bond purchases and low interest rates that are providing easy and free money. This is why your banks and stocks are thriving at record levels. This easy money is the reason for your last crash in 2008. Those, who are saving money, are being punished with such low interest rates for CDs. The banks and stocks are making huge profits with this free money, but this could precipitate a destruction of your banking system by the one world people.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the past you were used to seeing Catholic schools as a part of your parish churches. Now, because you need lay teachers, it is becoming expensive to send your children to Catholic schools, when you can find them. You personally were brought up in Catholic schools, so you know how important it is to be taught the faith in addition to other courses. Because so many schools have been closed, it is not surprising that you are seeing fewer young people coming to Mass. Your infrequent CCD classes are not providing enough good teaching of the faith. If your children are not taught the faith, then very few youth will come to Mass.”
Jesus said: “My people, more people are falling away from their first fervor of faith in their younger years. You have many lukewarm Catholics, because your priests are afraid to talk about sin and coming to Confession out of fear of a loss in their collections. These priests will have less collections anyway when the people stop coming to church because the people are not being fed by the truth of the Gospels that should be explained better than your homilies of today. The people also are weak when they complain that the homilies are too long and lacking in serious content. In order to inspire people to continue coming to Mass, the priests need to encourage Bible study after Mass. Without encouraging prayer groups, Adoration, and Bible study, your churches will not be spiritually strong.”
Wednesday, July 16, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, you may be familiar with the history of Israel when the Assyrians first conquered the Northern Kingdom that was worshiping Baal instead of worshiping Me. This was the first defeat for Israel because they did not repent of their sins, and they continued to worship false gods in place of Me. Later on, the Southern Kingdom of Israel would also be defeated, and the people were exiled into Babylon. This followed the pattern of the Harbingers that are happening in America where you have been attacked by terrorists that have the same ancestry as the Assyrians. America has also suffered a bank collapse in 2008 that was precipitated by easy money for housing loans that got caught up in a moment of greed with derivatives. These derivatives or bets are still active, and it is just a matter of time until these bets will go bad, and the whole economic system will fail as the dollar fails. This is part of a planned martial law so the one world people could take over America, and form their own North American Union with a new currency. Before this collapse occurs, I will bring My Warning to save souls. Before martial law is declared, I will warn My faithful to leave for My refuges, and they will not return to their homes. Trust in My help when you will be seeing a great religious persecution of Christians. Some people will be martyred, but the rest of My faithful will be safe at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, on the Shroud of Turin you can see all the scourging marks of the whip that tore out parts of My flesh. You can see the wounds from My crown of thorns. You can also see the nail marks in My hands and feet. You can see the wound in My side from the lance that was thrust into Me. I suffered much because the Jews convicted Me of blasphemy, but they did not believe that I was truly God’s only Begotten Son. I am showing you My suffering because My followers will also have to suffer persecution for believing in My Name. Some people will be martyred, but the rest will be protected at My refuges. Many do not believe that the tribulation is coming, which will threaten the lives of My followers. You are already seeing the atheists trying to remove My Name wherever it is found. Your government will be punishing all those people who will not take a chip in the body, nor worship the Antichrist. All Christians will be persecuted for their belief in Me. This is why I will warn My faithful to come to My refuges before they could be captured and killed in the detention death camps. Trust in My protection, but you surely will be persecuted as I was.”
Tuesday, July 15, 2014: (St. Bonaventure)
Jesus said: “My people, the demons are always taunting you to get rid of My churches, because they hate My Presence in the tabernacle. These demons are also trying to attack My priests and spread errors in various heresies. Pray for My priests and to keep your churches open. I have My angels protecting My Hosts in My tabernacles, and I raise up great saints to fight heresies and instruct the people, like St. Bonaventure. In the Gospel you see Me foretelling the destruction of some of the cities of Israel that prospered in My day. I have sent My prophets to warn the people of the similar destruction of America’s cities of today, because of your people’s many abortions and sexual sins. I send punishments among the sinners of great cities. It may not happen on the day of a prophecy, but if the people do not repent with this warning, these cities will eventually fall, even as My prophecies came true. Keep praying for the people of America, and for your clergy and churches to remain faithful to Me.”
Jesus said: “My son, every time you travel to give talks, whether by plane or car, you have to bear a lot of driving or waiting in airports. Many people would find it difficult to do all of the traveling that you do, let alone give talks and pray over people. You have willingly accepted your mission without complaint, and you have been faithful in your prayers, Masses, and daily Adoration for over twenty years. I thank you for carrying out your mission, but you will be suffering more persecution in the future by those in My Church, and by your government people. You are proclaiming My messages that are difficult for some to hear and understand. The evil ones want to keep you from sharing My words, which is why you will suffer much for My Name’s sake. Continue your work with My help and protection.”
Monday, July 14, 2014: (St. Kateri Tekakwitha)
Jesus said: “My people, when you are raising up your children, you teach them what they need to survive in this world. More importantly, you also teach them faith in Me and how to follow My Commandments. In the vision you see how the mother and father are united in their belief in Me, and they bring their young children to Sunday Mass. This passing on the faith to your children is very important for their souls as they go through life. You train them in the faith and you give good example to them of how important it is to worship Me on Sunday, My day of rest. It is actually a mortal sin to miss Mass on Sunday according to the Third Commandment of worshiping Me on that day. Some parents love Me so much that they even come to Mass every day to receive My daily Bread in My Eucharist. With today’s many worldly distractions, some children have strayed away from their early training. Keep praying for these souls who know better, but they are not obeying My Third Commandment of worshiping Me on Sunday. I only request one hour a week to give Me praise and worship on Sunday, but some of My people have become too lazy in their spiritual lives. I should be at the center of your life every day. Try to encourage your children to come to Sunday Mass, but they should desire to choose Me of their own free will. Do not give up on your children who do not come, but keep praying for their souls. It is this unity of the family in prayer and Sunday Mass that is so important for their souls. Parents are responsible for the souls of their children, so keep them under your spiritual protection. Even as a grandparent you can pray and watch out for the spiritual lives of your grandchildren. By your constant prayers, you can lead your children and grandchildren to heaven, so their souls are saved from hell for all eternity.”
Jesus said: “My people, you should know that the devil exists, and he is attacking you constantly to win souls over to his side. If the devil can get you to believe that he does not exist, then he will sift your soul like wheat. The more you commit sins, the weaker you will be in fighting off the devil’s temptations. This is how the devil is able to draw people into sinful addictions that have a demon connected to each addiction. In order to protect yourself from the devil’s temptations, you need to build yourself up in My graces from Holy Communion and Confession. When you are attacked by the demons, call on My Name and call on Me to send angels to defend you. Wear blessed sacramentals as the scapular, the Benedictine Cross, and My Blessed Mother’s rosary in order to protect yourself from evil attacks. You can also pray the long form of the St. Michael prayer as an exorcism prayer against the demons, to help get rid of a person’s addictions. The devil uses your earthly desires to tempt you into sin, so be on guard for attacks on your earthly pleasures. By being strong in your graces, using frequent Confession, and wearing your blessed sacramentals, you will be well prepared to fight the devil’s temptations. You should also be ready to help others in their fights with the devil. By replacing evil with good, you can be a blessing in the world to help more souls come to heaven.”
Sunday, July 13, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much, and I want to share My love in My words of My Gospels with everyone. Different people receive My Word with various responses. Some do not want to listen, and they refuse to follow My Commandments. Others receive My Word with joy for a while, but their roots do not sustain them. Others receive My Word, but the pleasures and distractions of the world choke off their faith. My joy is the souls who receive My Word, and act on it by living My Commandments. These are the ones who bear much fruit, thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold. This is My call to everyone to hear My Word, and give your will over to My Divine Will. Then I can use My faithful in their missions to help support and care for their families in their worldly and spiritual needs. When you are true believers, your love for your neighbors will be seen in your acts of charity. Share your goods and your faith with all of those in need of your help. Be loving and gracious in all that you do with all the people around you. When you bear such good fruit in your actions, I will reward you in heaven for following My Word.”
Saturday, July 12, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given every soul a free will to choose to love Me or not. I do not force My love on anyone. When you make your choice, there are consequences for everyone. My Commandments are all about loving Me and loving your neighbors. I am all love and I am merciful, but I am also just. Most people have heard about heaven, hell, and purgatory, but some do not believe that they exist. Trust in Me, they are very real because some people have seen them that are still alive to witness this truth, as in near death experiences. I want My people to live their lives in following My plan for their lives. There are people who do evil things, and even some worship the world and Satan. When you come to Me in judgment, you will see a review of your life’s actions as in the Warning experience. But at death I will give every soul one last chance. I will show people heaven for those who love Me. I will show those, who refuse to love Me, the hell fire, mentioned in the Gospel. Also, there is purgatory for purifying souls. At that moment, the soul chooses its own destination. I do not send people to hell because they choose it by their own free will. I do everything in My Divine Mercy to save all souls from hell. I even accept prayers for people that would otherwise be lost in hell. Pray for all the souls who have yet to be judged, because there is no coming back from hell. Pray also for all the souls in purgatory.”
Jesus said: “My people, families today are being attacked and torn apart with many problems as jobs, providing a home, and providing for any children. Even keeping a car to go to work, can be another problem to finance and keep running. Family prayer is important to hold the family together, and to train the children to rely on a good prayer life to deal with life’s problems. When I am at the center of your lives, I will take care of all of your necessities. During your working years, you were bringing up your family with Sunday Mass, and even your daily Mass, along with your rosaries. Your good example to your children has given them a true faith that they are close to Me as well. Parents need to keep praying for their children, even after the young adults leave their parents’ home. Parents need to offer their help to their children,both financially and helping them in their faith. By keeping your focus on Me, and helping your children to keep focusing on Me, you can all be on the right road to heaven. It is your spiritual destination that is most important for everyone, and heaven should be your goal.”
Friday, July 11, 2014: (St. Benedict)
Jesus said: “My people, whenever you do good works in My Name and preach My Gospel, there will be people who want to persecute you. I warned My apostles to be prepared to be persecuted and mistreated by rulers and judges for preaching in My Name. In the early years of Christianity, many Christians were martyred for their faith. Even in today’s world, you may be criticized for protesting abortions or homosexual behavior. Some women think that they have the right to kill My babies in the womb, and you are violating their rights when you fight abortions. Others feel it is their right to marry in same-sex marriages, even though their acts are mortal sins, and they are living unnatural lifestyles. Your society is living in evil pleasures and sins, and some people do not want you preaching My Word that they are living in sin. When the evil ones, who are promoting the Antichrist, come into power, they will even seek to kill Christians because they will be led by Satan. This is why I am having My faithful people build refuges of protection that My angels will defend against these evil ones. You will soon be facing persecution and killing in the detention death camps, for not taking the mark of the beast or a chip in the body, and not worshiping the Antichrist during the tribulation. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when your lives and your souls will be threatened by those who want to kill you. Trust in My protection to shield you from harm, but some will be martyred and become instant saints in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, all of you have to carry a cross, for this is your burden in your human condition. I choose the cross that best fits your talents and My graces. Those, who choose to follow Me in My Commandments, will have a lighter cross to carry. Those, who try to refuse this cross, and refuse to have Me lead their lives, will have to carry a cross that is twice as heavy. It is difficult to explain to people how they can best live their lives, and what mission I want them to follow. These questions have to be discerned in front of My Blessed Sacrament in silent contemplative prayer, so you can listen for My words of instruction. I give everyone a mission to accomplish, but until you give your will over to Me, it will be hard for Me to use you for My work. When you follow only your own will, you will only accomplish your work and not Mine. I call all of you to help everyone, both physically with your time and money, and to share your faith in evangelizing souls, so they are saved from hell with My help. Keep a good prayer life every day, and come to Mass and Confession as often as you can. When you come before Me at your judgment, you will be judged on how much you loved Me and how much you loved your neighbors. All of your good works will be used to balance off your sins. Trust in Me that you will be judged fairly, according to the gifts that you have been given. To whom more is given, more will be expected of that person.”
Thursday, July 10, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, when I first sent out My apostles, I wanted them to preach that ‘the Kingdom of God is at hand’ to the lost sheep of Israel. Later, St. Paul became a missionary to the Gentiles, so everyone could come to Me in the Good News of the Gospel. St. Peter was the leader of My Church, as the Popes throughout the years have carried out his authority from My words. Today, you have priests and deacons preaching My Word at your Masses, as you receive My sacraments of My Eucharist, Confession, Baptism, Matrimony, and the Anointing of the Sick. Your bishops anoint young adults with Confirmation, and those training for the priesthood with Holy Orders. Just as I called on prophets and messengers to give My Word to the people in the Old Testament, so I have also sent out prophets throughout the years after I left the earth in My Body. Even now in these end times, you are hearing My prophets speak to you of how to prepare for My coming again. You will soon be receiving My Warning experience followed by the tribulation of the Antichrist. These words of My present day prophets are a blessing to you, because I always send My Word to instruct the people of what I am about to accomplish. Trust in My Word that will set you free of your bonds of sin.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you had an opportunity to see how Amish farms are run with horses and propane gas for some appliances. These people will be better prepared to deal without having electricity than your people of today. At My refuges, only a few may have solar cells for electricity on a small scale. You are so used to having electricity, that many of you would suffer without your appliances and comforts. People lived without electricity for many years, so you can survive without it. Be prepared to suffer a more rustic life at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, you just witnessed a tornado in a local town in New York state where four people were killed. Many trees were blown over and thousands of people were without power. It is difficult to clean up the storm damage and try to return things to normal. I told you before that when the one world people can takeover, they will turn off your electricity so they could control you more easily. Be prepared in your homes for alternate heating fuels in the winter, and lamp oil lamps for your light at night. Having extra food and fuel could get you through any times without electricity. Trust in Me to provide for your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to put aside some water and extra food to deal with the coming water and food shortages. In some cases you have had to use your emergency water when there were broken water mains or when your well water is poisoned or dry. Out West the people are rationing water because it is in short supply. Some areas in California could not grow their normal amount of food because of their droughts. Having an emergency supply of food will be needed when you will see a world famine. Fear not any starving, because I will multiply your food and water for your survival.”
Jesus said: “My people, those people who are like the wise virgins, are the ones who are storing food for the end times. Those, who do not have extra food, could go starving as the foolish virgins. You are to share your food with others because it was not meant for hoarding. I will multiply what you have to help yourselves and your neighbors survive. Be thankful that I am warning you to prepare for the coming world famine and tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before how I will make My remnant faithful into saints, because I will take away their possessions, and I will test them with a more rustic living. When you lose your warm showers, electronic entertainment, and your rich foods, you will be suffering harder lives, but you can endure it. You may not have working cell phones or your electric appliances, but you can get by without them. During this tribulation, you will understand how you can live without all of your electronic helps. Give thanks to Me for helping to make saints out of you.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are fortunate to have a country with many natural resources so you could produce cheap fuels for your cars, vans, and recreation vehicles. During the summer, many take long trips for camping or sight seeing, and your cheap fuels enable these long trips. This easy transportation also enables you to travel to places so you could give talks to the people about what I have given you in My messages. Teach the people how to live good Christian lives with a good prayer life, and sharing their time, money,and their faith.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is harder for people to make a good living out of multiple low paying jobs, which is about all that is available. This is why there is no extra money for luxuries when there is just enough to survive. Even older people on fixed incomes are finding it hard to manage a living on pensions, Social Security, and a few investments. No matter how difficult it may be to earn a living, you can trust in Me for all of your basic necessities. I take care of all the animals, so I will take care of you also, because you are more valuable to Me in your souls.”