Friday, July 11, 2014
Friday, July 11, 2014: (St. Benedict)
Jesus said: “My people, whenever you do good works in My Name and preach My Gospel, there will be people who want to persecute you. I warned My apostles to be prepared to be persecuted and mistreated by rulers and judges for preaching in My Name. In the early years of Christianity, many Christians were martyred for their faith. Even in today’s world, you may be criticized for protesting abortions or homosexual behavior. Some women think that they have the right to kill My babies in the womb, and you are violating their rights when you fight abortions. Others feel it is their right to marry in same-sex marriages, even though their acts are mortal sins, and they are living unnatural lifestyles. Your society is living in evil pleasures and sins, and some people do not want you preaching My Word that they are living in sin. When the evil ones, who are promoting the Antichrist, come into power, they will even seek to kill Christians because they will be led by Satan. This is why I am having My faithful people build refuges of protection that My angels will defend against these evil ones. You will soon be facing persecution and killing in the detention death camps, for not taking the mark of the beast or a chip in the body, and not worshiping the Antichrist during the tribulation. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when your lives and your souls will be threatened by those who want to kill you. Trust in My protection to shield you from harm, but some will be martyred and become instant saints in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, all of you have to carry a cross, for this is your burden in your human condition. I choose the cross that best fits your talents and My graces. Those, who choose to follow Me in My Commandments, will have a lighter cross to carry. Those, who try to refuse this cross, and refuse to have Me lead their lives, will have to carry a cross that is twice as heavy. It is difficult to explain to people how they can best live their lives, and what mission I want them to follow. These questions have to be discerned in front of My Blessed Sacrament in silent contemplative prayer, so you can listen for My words of instruction. I give everyone a mission to accomplish, but until you give your will over to Me, it will be hard for Me to use you for My work. When you follow only your own will, you will only accomplish your work and not Mine. I call all of you to help everyone, both physically with your time and money, and to share your faith in evangelizing souls, so they are saved from hell with My help. Keep a good prayer life every day, and come to Mass and Confession as often as you can. When you come before Me at your judgment, you will be judged on how much you loved Me and how much you loved your neighbors. All of your good works will be used to balance off your sins. Trust in Me that you will be judged fairly, according to the gifts that you have been given. To whom more is given, more will be expected of that person.”