Saturday, July 19, 2014
Saturday, July 19, 2014: (Mass for Lydia Remacle)
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing your wife’s parents, Lydia and Camille, as they are watching over you from heaven. They are happy for all that you are doing for the people in My Church. They also are concerned about Carol, Sharon, and Vic as they live out their lives. They thank you for working with the old house in cleaning it up, and planning for its sale. Camille wants you to share his things with the family, and to watch out for those who are too anxious to make money on the house. They want to guide you on the house. They are praying for all of you.”
Note: At Mass they sang ‘I Vow to Thee My Country’ which Carol played for her mother many times in the car. Lydia said Carol played it too loud.
(Funeral Mass for Maffy Camillaci) Maffy said: “I thank Joe and Mary Ann for a beautiful eulogy. I am also happy to see all of my family here for my funeral Mass. Thank you to all of my friends and relatives for coming. When I was around, you always had something to eat. I am grateful for all those people who took care of me in my later years, and for all those who visited me at the nursing homes. I love all of you so much, and I will miss you here, but I will be praying for all of you in heaven. I had a very fruitful life in helping people, and I only wish I could have done more. God bless all of you, and my family needs to remember their spiritual training in prayers and coming to Mass on time.”
(Dr. Garcia’s rosary and Mass) The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I thank all of you for your rosaries both today and over the years at this annual meeting. I send my blessings over all of those who attended today’s service, and over this blessed land. You all are my prayer warriors, and I thank you for your dedication and your devotions. Go out and share my Son’s Word with all of those people who you meet in life.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Russian troops shooting down planes, even a commercial airliner over Eastern Ukraine. Under the guise of protecting Russian leaning people in the Ukraine, Russia is using undercover troops to keep taking over more territory. They are not meeting much resistance, so Russia will continue to take over all of the Ukraine if there is no help from the West. It is Russia’s plan to retake the countries of their old empire because America is not fighting. Another hot spot is where Israeli troops are invading the Gaza Strip where Hamas has used tunnels for attacks on Israel. If other countries come to the aid of Hamas, this could trigger a larger war in the Middle East. Sooner or later, America could get drawn into one of these conflicts. Keep praying for peace, but these wars are a punishment for sins.”