Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, My love is overflowing as in the vision where you are seeing how I bless you with My Body and Blood. My saving Blood flows over everyone. It is you who need to believe in My Real Presence and receive Me in Holy Communion without mortal sin. My disciples had difficulty in understanding how I could give them My Body to eat and My Blood to drink. When the priest consecrates the bread and wine, I transubstantiate these physical species into My true Body and Blood. The physical appearance remains, but it is My Real Presence just the same. Even though this Real Presence must be believed in faith, it is how I am always present with you in My Blessed Sacrament. Just as it was difficult for My followers to believe in My Real Presence then, even today it is also difficult for some to believe in this truth. But this is why I ask you to visit Me in My tabernacle so you can praise and adore Me as I talk to your heart. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, I come into your heart and soul and you can share a few moments intimately with Me in My love. I am your daily Bread and he who eats My Body under the appearance of bread, and drinks My Blood under the appearance of wine, will receive eternal life. Even angels cannot receive Me, but you are allowed to receive Me in Holy Communion. This gift of Myself to you is the greatest gift that I can share with you. When you receive Me, you also receive God the Father and God the Holy Spirit as well. Rejoice in My Eucharist because you receive My grace which cures all of the damage done by your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see this concrete building cracking and disintegrating, this represents the faith of some people that is becoming lukewarm. Unless you feed and nourish your faith, it will begin withering away without daily prayer. Pray for all sinners so they can stay strong in their faith. If you become spiritually lazy, then you will stop going to Sunday Mass and forget your prayers. Your faith has to be vibrant and spiritually inspired, or the evil one will lead you astray with worldly distractions.”

Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010: (St. George)
Jesus said: “My people, not everyone has a conversion experience as Saul was changed to St. Paul when he was knocked off of his horse and I spoke to him plainly for everyone to hear. This miraculous conversion was complete with a healing of his temporary blindness. To change a vigorous persecutor of the faith into one of My greatest missionaries of the Gentiles is another sign to you that with Me, all things are possible. Be grateful to God if you have received the gift of faith and you are practicing your belief. In essence everyone, who converts to a belief in Me, is receiving a miracle of faith in their gift. Those, who fully believe in Me and repent of their sins, are promised eternal salvation with Me in heaven. Faith needs to be nourished daily with prayer to Me and if possible with your daily bread in daily Mass and Communion. Faith is not static, but it needs to be active and led by the Holy Spirit to grow. Faith is a love for Me so deep that you want to share it with others by your evangelization efforts. By imitating My life and that of St. Paul, you will be inspired to live a fruitful Christian life of love.”

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision I am showing you the power of My Blessed Sacrament when you come to give Me honor and glory in Adoration of My sacramental Presence in My Eucharist. I encourage everyone to come and visit Me whenever you make time for Me in your quiet time of contemplative prayer. You believe in faith that I am truly before you in My Real Presence. When you need to determine My discernment of what you should be doing, make a point to come before My Blessed Sacrament, and I will show you the way that is best for your soul. This is how I lead you by encouraging you to imitate My life of peace and humility. If you have Me with you, then who could be against you? I give you the strength to accomplish your mission in your daily activities. Call on Me in your morning prayers to guide you, and call on Me in your evening prayers to contemplate on what you have done for the day. By meditating on the day’s activities, you can see any errors in your actions and learn from your mistakes. Be willing to accept any correction that you need in your life to perfect your ways which will bring you closer to Me. I love all of you, and I want to keep you on the right path to heaven. By a prayerful life and the use of My sacraments, you can be directed in a holy life to love Me and your neighbor in all of your actions. Go and evangelize souls by sharing your faith and love of Me.”

Regarding if St. Edward’s is a refuge: Jesus said: “My people, I do not force Myself on anyone, so if someone truly discerns in prayer that they wish to have a refuge, then I will accommodate that person in their ‘yes’ to this work. On a church property this land has already been consecrated. All refuges eventually need to have an independent source of water, whether it be a well, a pond, or other body of water. If there is no such source, I will have My angels produce a water flow just as at Lourdes, France. There should be some buildings for shelter that could be multiplied later for people to stay. There also should be some storage of food supplies that could also later be multiplied. I will bring deer to the refuge for meat and My angels will lead people to this refuge. Over all refuges I will place My luminous cross for people to be healed by looking on it. As My chosen ones lead My people, there will be many gifts of healing bestowed on them in the end days. Trust in My angels helping anyone who agrees to have one of My refuges. I thank and bless all of them.”

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision was a miraculous Baptism for this Ethiopian eunuch. St. Philip explained to him that the passage from Isaiah (Is 53:7) which the eunuch was reading, referred to Me and how I died for everyone’s sins and took away original sin with Baptism. This is why the eunuch requested to be baptized, but after the Baptism, St. Philip disappeared from the eunuch’s eyes. (Acts 8:26-40) The Gospel reading speaks more about Me being the ‘Bread of Life’ in My Eucharist. St. John the Evangelist focuses on My Divinity and on My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. Whoever eats My consecrated Bread will never die spiritually. This is a consolation for My faithful that even if your body dies, your soul lives on forever because it is immortal. Those, who are faithful and repent of their sins, will be with Me forever in heaven.”

Sam’s Mass (a prayer group member): Sam said: “I am thankful that my family and friends were able to be at my Mass intention. I thank those who are praying for me and for your Mass intentions. As a result of this brain cancer experience, I grew closer to God and I thank Jesus for helping me. I am also grateful for inviting me to your prayer group and praying over me. Our Lord is taking care of me without pain, and I am finally at peace.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, I have been telling you about the mandated microchips that will need to be implanted in the body in order for someone to receive any new Health insurance. This chip will become your new National ID that will be needed to fly on planes and eventually for all buying and selling. This chip to be implanted will be a larger GPS chip that will eventually be used to track people by cell towers and by satellite. This is all about controlling your mind and tracking your whereabouts.”

Jesus said: “My people, after your major earthquakes now you are seeing a major volcanic explosion that is still pouring ash into the European airplane routes. For several days planes did not want to risk flying through the ash and small sand particles. The flow into the sky is slowing, but there is still concern that it could trigger a close-by volcano. This is creating a financial loss to the area and it is affecting the farmland. Pray for the people physically and for help to get to their destinations.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is another explosion that has possibly killed some workers and the fire is spreading smoke for miles. As this rig fell into the water, there is a strong chance that oil pollution could present problems to the environment. Pray that this leak could be brought under control. This accident came right as plans were being made for more drilling sites.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you a while back that events would be happening one after another even as you are seeing this prophecy being fulfilled. On top of your natural disasters going on, you are seeing many earth-shaking new legislation coming out of your Congress that continues to strain your National Debt and brings you closer to bankruptcy. Even though some want restraints on spending and taxes, the party in control is pushing for more spending and more taxes. Pray for a compromise so your people can live in peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is some concern that enough weapon’s grade uranium could come into bomb making amounts for terrorist groups. Proliferation of nuclear weapons could intensify strained relations between terrorist groups and the Wester democracies. This could create a potential for a limited nuclear exchange that could threaten the earth’s environment. Pray that such wars could be prevented.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been many financial disasters that were created by greed and fraud in your banking system. Attempts to fix such ‘too big to fail’ firms and a consumer regulating group could cause more problems in trying to correct the unregulated derivatives and hedge funds. Fixing the environment is being based on a global warming plan that is scientifically challenged. Cap and trade taxes again could cause more problems with your factories and it adds more government controls. Pray again for what is best for the people and not just for the rich.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Church has been under considerable attack for allowing priests that committed pedophile acts on young boys to go unpunished. Some of these crimes should have been turned over to the police instead of just moving these priests to another area. Unfortunately, laws and circumstances have changed over the years, that have allowed lawyers to make obscene profits. Even though this is a bad situation, My Church is being singled out for attack worse than any other denomination or religion. Pray that these problems can be worked out in a fair way for all parties involved.”

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010: (St. Anselm)
Jesus said: “My people, during the Mass you honor My coming down into the bread and wine as it is changed into My Body and Blood by ringing the bells three times. The bells not only alert the people to the Consecration time, but they also celebrate My Real Presence. The same can be said with the bells ringing in the bell tower of the vision. This not only alerts people to the time of Mass, but it is a celebration of My Easter Resurrection and My victory over sin and death. The Resurrection is a key part of your faith in Me because it gives you hope that after this life of sorrows, there is a better life in heaven to be with Me for all eternity. I have shown you before how beautiful and peaceful it is to be in My Presence in heaven. Knowing that this reward awaits you in heaven, this gives you an incentive to do all that you can to know, love, and serve Me on the earth in this life. This means not only following My Commandments out of love, but also doing good deeds for your neighbor whenever I give you the opportunity. You can even seek out ways to help charities with your time and money without being asked. By loving Me and your neighbor, you are preparing to share an eternity of love with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of diesel horns blowing all at once is a sign that something significant is about to happen to your country. It is most likely that it will happen this year. It will be a combination of a bad economy, military problems, and natural disasters. Many of these situations are accidents waiting to happen. Those, who are in control of your country, are misleading you into bad decisions and your sins are getting worse each year. Your sexual sins and abortions are not decreasing, and your punishment for not changing is slowly reaching a point of no return. I have warned you to get stocked up on food, water, and have your backpacks ready to leave for your refuges. This message of refuge readiness will be needed when these coming events will necessitate your leaving so you can be protected at My refuges. You will have to leave in a short time from when I will warn you. Trust in Me to protect you through this time of tribulation.”

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, there is truly a link with the outdoors and the ‘Bread of Life’. It starts with Moses and the Exodus which was outside in the desert. It is on the ground that the Israelites had to collect the manna which was their bread, and they ate the quail at night for meat. Even when I was on the earth, I multiplied the bread and fish outdoors for the 5,000 and the 4,000. It was in the breaking of the bread in Holy Communion that My disciples recognized Me. I am the ‘Bread of Life’ and he who eats My Body and drinks My Blood will have eternal life. At the Last Supper I instituted My Eucharist by changing bread and wine into My Body and Blood. At every Mass you can receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, and this is My gift of Myself to you. In another modern day Exodus at My refuges, you will again receive Me in Holy Communion outside. If you do not have a priest for Mass, My angels will bring you daily Communion so you can be protected and have Me present among you during the tribulation. Rejoice that I will not leave you as orphans.”

Jesus said: “My people, in My Gospels you hear of Me as the ‘Good Shepherd’ who would die for his flock. The hired hand would run off at danger because he did not care for the sheep as I would. Sheep are docile and willing to follow the voice of the shepherd. The goats are more independent and need to be herded more than the sheep. In the Gospel the separation of the sheep from the goats represents the separation of My faithful from the evil ones. (Matt. 25:32-33) When I return to the earth, I will be judging souls based on their actions and how much they loved Me. Keep the faith through all of your trials during the tribulation and you will find your reward in heaven.”

Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this dark cloud in the vision is not only about the current volcano erupting in Iceland, but there are even more events coming. With this cloud and any future volcanic eruptions, they could cause a cooling effect on your weather as it blocks the sunlight. Such a temporary trend could cause ice flows to build up instead of any melting. In the immediate area the dust and ash could ruin farms until vegetation returns. I have given you warnings before for the potential volcanoes along the West coast and even Yellowstone that could be triggered by continuing earthquake activity. Many deadly disasters have occurred in the last year and do not be surprised if this activity continues. In recent years you have seen activity in unpopulated regions, but when this activity increases in populated areas, then more deaths will occur and people will take notice. Pray for the victims of these disasters that they will receive enough aid for food and shelter.”

Jesus said: “My people, the latest investigations of some of your hedge fund investment houses has shown fraud that caused the banking failure in the first place. One group established derivatives based on sub-prime loans that had a good chance to fail, while another group from the same investment house took out insurance hedging against its failure without telling the investors. This is why the one world people supported the AIG bailout with billions of taxpayer dollars because they held the insurance to make the hedge funds billions of dollars as the investors lost nearly everything. This shows you that the manipulators on Wall Street were shorting stocks to steal the investors money. The other manipulation is that your government is run by the one world people, and their intention is to spend your country into so much debt that you will become bankrupt so they can take over America. This is occurring with bailouts of the banks, car makers, house mortgages, and now control of the Health industry. Stimulus spending, future bank controls, cap and trade, and VAT taxes are the next spending plans of America into bankruptcy. Your National Debt cannot afford your entitlements, let alone your new spending plans. When you see the one world people plan for a takeover of America, now you see what these evil ones are planning and why spending is purposely out of control. The only way to try and thwart this bankruptcy is to put hard reins on any spending within the limits of your present income. Budgets for your National Government need to be balanced, no matter how many cuts are needed to make it happen, or the one world people will take you over. Barring some miracle of the people revolting, you are headed to be joined into the North American Union with no individual rights. This takeover of America will be another reason to leave for My refuges for protection from these evil ones.”

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I was asking everyone to love Me three times and not just St.Peter. These three times were in answer to the three times that St. Peter denied Me, but how many times have all sinners denied Me in their sins? In a way I was hearing St. Peter’s Confession, even as you pray your Act of Contrition for your sins. So when I asked St. Peter to follow Me in love, I am also asking everyone to follow Me in love as well. If you truly love Me, you should be willing to give Me more of your time to do what I want you to do. In the vision I am showing you that you are carrying a lot of baggage in all of the earthly things that you find desirable. But if you spend most of your time on pleasing your senses and doing your things, then you are not leaving much time for My things which are of greater value for your soul. So I am asking you to look at your everyday life’s activities and see which ones that you could eliminate so you would have more time for prayer and to help others. By doing more things out of love for Me and your neighbor, then you will avoid using your time to only please yourself.”

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010:
 Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel from (John 6:16-21) is about My walking on the water to My apostles, but the vision is from (Matt. 14:22-33) which is in more detail of this miracle. There was a storm around My apostles in the boat that made them fearful. When they saw Me walking on the water, they were awed at this sight and even thought that I was a ghost. St. Peter was anxious to greet Me and he also came to Me walking on the water, but when he saw the stormy seas, he became fearful and started sinking into the water. At that point he called on Me to save him and I lifted him into the boat, and I quieted the seas. Once I was in the boat they truly admitted that I was the Son of God, as no mere man could walk on water and calm the seas. This was a faith experience for St. Peter as I asked him why did he falter in his faith because that is when he began sinking. So it is with My faithful when you are amidst troubles that seem impossible to overcome. Call on Me in faith and I will help you to resolve your problems, because nothing is impossible for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you circling things before in your visions to indicate that the message was in reference to the Warning. You were wondering what is different about today’s message. The Warning is a life review that everyone will have outside of time in My normal unchanging time. You will also be outside of your body. You will view all of your life’s actions both good and bad with an emphasis on your unforgiven sins and sins of omission. You can remember back about some of your life’s experiences. The difference in My Warning for you is that you will be viewing every action in a spiritual context of what was right or wrong, and you will have My judgment of it. There will be no doubt that you will know in your mind why any bad action was wrong. Then you will have to accept My judgment of your actions as to where you would go if you were to die just then. Once you realize where your actions are sending you, you could have a new outlook on life when you return to your body. Many will seek to go to Confession and be willing to be converted to faith in Me. My faithful will need to be ready to evangelize as many souls as you can quickly because soon people will forget that this has happened. My Warning is an outreach to all sinners and it is part of My Divine Mercy wish to save every soul possible. I realize some people after the Warning will still refuse to believe in Me, but you must still pray for them and evangelize them the best that you can.”

Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of watering the lawn reminds you of the waters of Baptism which are associated with My Easter message. Many people, that are brought into the Church, are baptized at the Easter Vigil. Adam’s sin caused everyone to inherit original sin as a consequence of his disobedience to God. But it was My death on the cross that now gives you Baptism to take away original sin and your actual sins are forgiven in Confession. I paid the price for your sins, and now heaven is open to those who are purified and believe in Me. In the first reading Gamaliel (Acts 5:34-39) prevailed on the Sanhedrin to not kill St. Peter and St. John, but they were flogged as punishment for speaking in My Name. My disciples were rejoicing that they were worthy to suffer for spreading My Gospel message. Even though they were threatened, they still kept preaching My words to the people. This was the beginning of many who would be persecuted and even martyred for speaking in My Name, and not giving up their faith in Me. My faithful also need to be strong in their faith, and stand up for what I taught, even against public pressure. Throughout history I have stood by My Church and the gates of hell have not prevailed against it.”

Jesus said: “My people, not everyone, that I called to make a refuge, has answered My call, but those, who have, are doing a good job. I thank all of My faithful who have said ‘yes’ and are preparing to house the many that I will send to My refuges. Building refuges, storing food, and getting bedding supplies and fuel are not easy to provide. Once My people come to My refuges, My angels will help build any needed dwellings, and they will provide protection and multiply the food and water. Many miracles of My grace will be needed to provide for the needs of the people at My refuges. The luminous cross in the sky will provide healing by looking upon it. The evil one world people will try to kill My faithful, but those at My refuges will be made invisible to them. You will need to endure the trials of the coming tribulation, but be ready to leave for My refuges once I warn you.”

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, as spring sends forth new life in all of the beautiful flowers, so there is also new life coming to you in the glory of My Easter celebration. In the spring you are happy to see the warmer temperatures to replace the cold, and the blossoming trees and flowers to replace the dull look of dormant vegetation. There is a beauty in the spiritual world as well, as you see My sun shining down My heavenly graces on everyone. In the Gospel it speaks of how I do not ration My blessings, but I give them freely because of My unconditional love for all souls. This is why I want all souls to open their hearts to Me, so I can enter and share My love with you. In the first reading St. Peter is brave in speaking out to his persecutors in the Sanhedrin because they were trying to prevent him from speaking out in My Name. St. Peter said he would rather obey God in witnessing to My Resurrection than obey these men in keeping quiet. So it is with My faithful of today that you would rather obey God in evangelizing souls than listen to all of the political correctness of those led by Satan. Keep your faith alive and vibrant, and do not fall victim to becoming lukewarm in your love for Me.”

Prayer group:

Jesus said: “My people, just as you use handrails to guide you safely down the stairs, so My angels will lead you with a flame of fire to the nearest refuge. On the way to My refuge the angels will also make you invisible to those who will be searching for you. Your guardian angels have charge over watching out for your soul, and they will be leading you to a safe haven during the tribulation time. When I warn you that it is time to leave, pack up your short list of things to carry, and be prepared to leave your homes. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you.”

Jesus said: “My people, as I told you before, events will be occurring one after another even as I speak. Major earthquakes are occurring in Haiti, Chile, Indonesia, Baja, Mexico, and now in China with many deaths from these disasters. Two volcanic eruptions have occurred in Iceland and the volcanic particles are causing many airports to close, since the planes would be risking jet engine damage. This closure could last for weeks. See these incidents as continuing signs of the end times.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your people are concerned about the new changes that will be implemented in this new Health Law. The reading of the law is showing up problems that were not made clear before the final vote was taken. Politicians are very quiet, but the opposition is growing daily. Implementing a chip in the body for having the public option Health Plan is the beginning move to control people’s minds without them knowing the dangers. I have given many messages warning everyone not to take chips in the body, even if they threaten to kill you if you refuse. Even if you have to go without Health care or you cannot buy and sell, do not take this chip in the body because this will be your time to leave for My refuge where you will be healed by looking on My luminous cross or drinking from the healing spring water.”

Jesus said: “My people, this new ID Health chip will be used to buy and sell later, making it required to board planes and other means of travel just as you use your driver’s license today. Chips are not needed for buying and selling, or acquiring Health care, but this is the one world people’s plan to control your minds like robots so you can become their slaves. Mandatory chips in the body are the next logical step after the authorities have demanded chips in your driver’s license and chips in your passport. I told you before when chips in the body become mandatory, this is one of the conditions that you will then need to leave your homes and follow My angels to the nearest refuge. Do not fear because I will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, many groups are starting to complain that current spending plans are creating more debt than your people can afford. Once people realize that high debt levels threaten your currency and possible bankruptcy, then there will be an outcry to balance the budget with controls on spending and reasonable tax levels. More taxes are not the answer, but your government needs to live within its means as your states are forced to do. When the viability of entitlement funding is threatened, then cutbacks will be necessary across all spending. This could create riots and physical protests that could threaten a military takeover. Pray for some proper compromises that will stop your bankruptcy.”

Jesus said: “My people, many are hurting from unemployment and the possibility that these funds will not last much longer. It is impossible to keep mounting more debts so people can get paid for not working. Many states are going bankrupt because employers are not supporting unemployment insurance. The economy is improving, but jobs are still a problem. Employers would be better off hiring more workers to do actual work than paying people not to work. When states run out of money, you will see cuts especially in the schools and other payments. Pray for a solution to your current financial dilemma.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard for people to find a compromise solution for all of your problems. This is why you need to call on My help to find the best use of what finances are available. It is hard for some to shoulder all the hardships of living while others are living an expensive lifestyle. Pray that clear heads will prevail over special interests so the general people can make a living. I feel the pain of those who are hurting, and those who are well off could help the people in hard times.”