Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, painting a house is similar to how a soul can be converted. At first you clean and scrape the old paint from your house. This is equivalent to ridding your old habits of sin by avoiding occasions of sin and fighting temptations. Once the surface is prepared, then it is time to get out the paint, brushes, and ladders to paint over the old surface. You can see how much better your house looks after it has been painted. So also once a soul has converted, now they are ready for the grace of Confession when all of their sins will be forgiven, and My grace will erase the darkness of sin. Receiving Me in Holy Communion will heal the soul of its sins and that soul will take on a new life in the Spirit that even can be seen in their physical appearance. Heaven rejoices every time that a soul goes through this conversion process. I am like the Prodigal Son’s father waiting for every soul to return to Me for the forgiveness of their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen various terrorist attacks using planes, suicide bombers, and roadside bombs. This vision represents a different kind of spines as on sea mines. Just as mine fields are used in various battlefields, sea mines could be used in straights of water that are narrow as in the Persian Gulf and near the Suez and Panama Canals. This could disrupt much shipping, especially oil tankers. Terrorists could lay these mines at night and ships may be hard to see them, especially if they were partially submerged. Your security people have to be on constant alert for all the different ways that terrorists attack, as on a plane or with a car bomb. Pray that these terrorists can be stopped before they could kill many people.”

Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010: (St. Philip and St. James)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision is giving attention to the importance of honoring My Blessed Sacrament and giving Me reverence because I am the One who makes your churches holy. I am reserved in the tabernacle for all of you to visit, and being in the middle of the altar is My proper place, and not hidden away in some back room. It is unfortunate that more Catholics do not fully recognize My Real Presence in every consecrated Host. It is also important to receive Me in Holy Communion without any mortal sin on your soul. Your priest should encourage their people to go to frequent Confession at least once monthly so you can be prepared for your day of judgment. Your priests also need to encourage people to give Me reverence in genuflecting to My tabernacle and bowing before the priest before receiving My Eucharist. It is more reverent to receive Me in Holy Communion on the tongue than in the hand. I am sharing this idea of reverence for My Blessed Sacrament especially to train the young children, since many are receiving their First Holy Communion at this time of year.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people require glasses either for distance vision or for reading up close. Glasses allow your eyes to have a better focus on what you are reading. In your spiritual life I have asked you to keep your focus on Me and what I want you to do, instead of looking for worldly things. At times you get detoured by your sinful desires, and you need to get your focus back by repenting of your sins in Confession. I know what is best for your soul, so following My ways will lead you on the right path to heaven. If you get taken up with various addictions, it is more difficult to get back to following Me. With addictions you need possible rehabilitation and avoiding the first temptation. Pray much for My grace to keep you on course and focused on Me, and you will have everything provided for you.”

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a heart is all about the unconditional love that I have for all of you, as evidenced when I died for you on the cross. No one can have a greater love for another than when one offers his or her life for that person. This Adoration of Me at Benediction is the love that I receive from you when you give Me praise and glory in My Real Presence. When you come before My tabernacle and genuflect before Me, you are giving reverence to your God and Master. When you pray your rosaries for your intentions, you are speaking your words of love to Me. When you give donations or do good deeds for people, you are saying how much you love Me in your neighbor. You need to tell Me every day how much you love Me, as you know that I always love you, even despite your sinfulness.”

(Christ the King Shrine’s Anniversary) Jesus said: “My people, I gave the keys of My Kingdom to St. Peter as the first Pope of My Church to be its leader. By My power I have guarded My Church from the gates of hell throughout the centuries. I am showing you this vision of My Pope son because I am calling on all of My faithful to pray for Pope Benedict XVI. He and My Church are being persecuted by your media. You need to support all of your Church leaders, but especially with this latest criticism. I also want My faithful here today to pray for the approval of this Shrine as many have worked for this cause and have been dedicated to this Shrine. I thank all of you for faithfully honoring this Shrine on this anniversary and for all of your prayers for your intentions. My Blessed Mother and I are blessing all of you this day. Thank you for all of the honoring of the statues and preparations that have been made here as well. Heaven is very happy with your work here.”

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010: (Justin’s First Holy Communion-grandson)
Jesus said: “My people, as you look upon these First Communicants in their white dresses, veils, and suits, you can see the sweet innocence of My little children. They are so anxious to receive Me for the first time, and some even go to daily Mass for a while because they are now a part of the whole Mass as they receive Communion with everyone. I have told you that you need to be humble and innocent as these small children if you want to enter into heaven. These children have blind faith in their parents and in Me, and that is why your faith should be as strong as well, without any reservations. The beautiful gift, that you have in receiving Me in Holy Communion, is that each time you receive Me, you have a new and different experience of My love. No matter how many times that you receive Me in Holy Communion, you will always be learning something new about Me. My Real Presence in My Hosts is difficult to understand, but believe this in faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, many think if they have enough money and places to live, that they are secure. Money can be stolen or devalued, and it is gone tomorrow. Some think they need to have a lot of gold and silver, or diamonds. These things keep their value, but they may be hard to barter with and again they are subject to theft. If you want to have something of value, it would be better to stock at least one year’s supply of food in dried foods, meals ready to eat, or rotated canned foods. If necessary, I will multiply your food and extra fuel. You are most secure in trusting in Me to provide for your needs and your protection. Your money will soon become worthless in the next financial disaster that will change your dollar over to the North American Union’s amero. When this happens, you will need to call on Me and I will have your angels lead you to the nearest refuge. Do not rely on your own security, but trust in Me always for everything.”

Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010: (St. Pius V)
 Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel of St. John I told My apostles that I was going to prepare a place for them. In My house in heaven there are many mansions for every soul that comes to heaven. When people die, many souls come to Me in judgment through this same tunnel. The vision of many lights means that a large number of souls will be coming to Me all at once when the great Warning experience comes to everyone on earth. This will be like a near death experience because you will come to Me out of your body, outside of time. There will be no waiting, but you will see how your actions will be judged as if you died just then. Once you have your life review and mini-judgment, you will have My grace and My mercy to return to your bodies, and you will have an opportunity to repent and change your lives. Once you have this knowledge of your sins, you will be held more accountable for the rest of your life. This Warning will be a preparation for your final judgment and the tribulation. There will be a great need for priests for Confessions as you evangelize souls, and these souls will be more open to repentance. Then there will be no more questions of where they will be going.”

(Camille’s Mass) Camille said: “I was happy to see that you found out about my Mass today. You may have to check when these Mass intentions are being said. As you saw in the vision about the car, it was good that you got it fixed for inspection in order to sell it. I always had a problem with that engine light going on. I have been turning lights on and off, but that engine light was one to keep off. I am still changing lights to let you know that I am watching over all of you. Take good care of your mother, and tell her how I am looking out for her out of love.”

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010: (St. Catherine of Sienna)
Jesus said: “My people, in the spring you see many beautiful flowers and these flowers perform a beautiful function in nature. They are a pleasure for viewing, but they also provide a means for developing your crops. The bees, that you are also seeing in the vision, not only are making honey, but they also fertilize nearly one-third of all of your crops that have flowers. This is why shortages of bee colonies have become a serious problem for your farmers and those with orchards. When man changes your plants by hybrids, you are interfering with nature in not making good seeds and upsetting this fertilization process. This changes your food and can cause more cancer and other diseases. It is better to use organic and non-hybrid crops to keep My balance of nature. In the spiritual world it is My grace that fertilizes your souls so you can be fruitful in your good deeds. Even when I directed man to be fruitful and multiply with future generations, I also want you to multiply your good deeds so others can see and imitate your good works. Strive to work in harmony with My Will both in your physical world and in your spiritual lives.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, when Rome was attacked, the Holy Father had to flee. Then there were three claims to be Pope, and it was St. Catherine the Great who brought the true Pope to be established in Rome. The other antipopes had to leave. St. Catherine helped guide the Church with her writings and she became one of the few women doctors of the Church. Give thanks for her life and her contributions to the Church.”

Jesus said: “My people, no matter how many spring seasons that you experience, the beauty of My flowers of creation are still breath-taking. Even as a photographer, you are awed by this beauty every year. Continue to give Me praise and glory in every part of My creation that you admire. By sharing your pictures and movies, others can appreciate what you see each year.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are never lacking in prayer petitions because you are seeing many people die from various causes, and others are sick and in need of operations. Pray for these people who are having a hard time to bear with this life. I never test you beyond what you can endure, because I give you enough grace to get through each trial.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who are sleep deprived because they went to bed too late, will have to pay for this the next day when it is difficult to do everything with strength. Sometimes people also get lazy or sleepy in their spiritual lives as well. You can get repetitious even in your prayer life. But when you skip your prayers and stop going to Sunday Mass, you can grow weak in standing up to temptations to sin. This is why you need retreats or new experiences to invigorate your faith. Pray for My help that you do not fall lax in your religious fervor.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you struggle to evangelize souls, you need to be well read in your Scriptures and be ready to answer people’s questions. As you teach your faith to others, you are learning as well how much I love you and those that you are trying to convert. It takes courage in your faith to go out and preach My Word to the people. One thing, that you need to watch, is that you practice what you preach, and let others see that you are living your faith in your actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people have well manicured lawns, gardens, and their houses are immaculately clean. These people are very conscious of their outward appearances in dress and their cars. My question is how clean is their inside life in their souls? I criticized the Pharisees for having good outward appearances, but inside they were like dead men’s bones. I make the outside as well as the inside, so be careful to go to frequent Confession so your souls are as pleasing to look at as the outside of your body.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your businesses are doing much better with their earnings because they have stripped themselves lean of some workers. Once they are doing better, it would help if they stopped being greedy for more profits and shared this money by hiring unemployed workers. Many corporations are benefitting from low interest loans and less taxes, yet they do not seem to want to share their earnings with the unemployed in their contributions to this worker insurance plan for the unemployed. Pray that as your economy picks up, that more people will find it easier to secure a job.”

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing all of the beautiful spring flowers blooming in your gardens. You also are celebrating the Easter Season and you are My Easter people. This vision of blooming flowers in the pews represents My faithful in the pews when you shine forth with your spiritual works of mercy. You all have the gifts of faith from the Holy Spirit, and you all are called forth to bear fruit in your actions. A flower blooms and it is fulfilling what it is created to do. My people also have a mission to save souls and help people. Doing these good works is what you were created to do as well. You see all of creation and how everything obeys My Will in their purpose of why things and animals were made. See also that My people also need to give their wills over to Me so they can conform to My plan for their lives. This time of Easter is a joyous celebration and you all are giving Me praise and glory for My gift in My death and Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you are troubled in your thoughts about what to expect in life. Even some people allow difficulties in life to draw them into states of depression. Yet when you pray to Me for help and when you come before Me in My tabernacle, I can comfort you in My arms, and you feel loved in My Presence. You have times of joy and times of sorrow when people die or have life threatening diseases or cancer. You need to rely on your daily prayers to lift you out of any depression, and seek My love to comfort you. You always have a friend in Me at your side when you need Me. Those, who are faithful to Me in this life, have My promise of eternal life in heaven. So do not have any fear of things in the future because I always give you enough grace to overcome any of your difficulties. When you are next to a warm fire in your house, or a warm heater in your car, you enjoy the comfort of that warmth. When you are close to Me, you have a spiritual warmth in your heart that gives you comfort to endure anything. Trust in Me that I will take care of you in all of your needs.”

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, you have an expression of ‘walk a mile in my shoes’ in order to really know a person. Truly I have revealed Myself to you in Holy Communion and in My Word of My Scriptures that was directed by the Holy Spirit. Once you intimately experience My love, you cannot contain My love only in yourself, but you feel that you have to share My love with others. I sent My apostles out two by two to evangelize the people with My message. You have been reading all the accounts in the ‘Acts of the Apostles’ of the many converts to the faith. I am sending all of My faithful out into your own surrounds so you can share My message of faith and love with new converts. You know how much you love Me and how I love you so much unconditionally. This gift of faith is why you want other souls to experience My love and understand My Word. Call on My Holy Spirit to give you the courage and strength to evangelize as many souls as you can to bring them to Me and help in saving them from hell and the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware that you are in the middle of a spiritual battle between good and evil. In every place that you travel, you should carry your spiritual weapons to fight off the demons. You should wear your brown scapular and follow the promises of My Blessed Mother to protect you from hell. Also carry your rosary and your Benedictine blessed crucifix with the exorcism medal of St. Benedict on the back of the cross. Also, blessed medals of St. Michael, St. Benedict, and the Miraculous Medal could be placed in the rooms of your house for demon protection. Some people sprinkle blessed salt or holy water where they live or where their loved ones live. You can also use these weapons in places where you speak or where religious classes are given. You have various exorcism prayers and your St. Michael prayer to help you if you are being attacked by demons. Call on Me and My angels to protect you in these attacks and especially invoke My Name ‘Jesus’ against them.”

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, I am a God of love and mercy as you know, but I am also a God of justice. You know how much I want you to love Me and love your neighbor as yourself. I also desire you to obey My Commandments of love as a direction for your life. You are all My creations as you all have a mission that I give to each of you. You cannot accomplish your mission unless you give your complete will over to My Will. You are placed here on earth to know, love, and serve Me. You see all the plants and animals that are in obedience to My ways. I have made man into My own Image in that I have given you free will to choose to love Me or not. I know you are weak by Adam’s sin, but I give you My sacraments to give you strength against committing sin that offends Me. At the end of this life, you will face My judgment of your actions. Those, who are faithful to Me, have nothing to fear. You may suffer some purification with fire in purgatory, but one day you will be with Me in the glory of heaven. Those, who refuse to love Me and refuse to obey My Commandments, are calling on My justice and these souls could suffer the flames of hell for all eternity. These souls will never see My face again, and their torments will never end. As you see these souls suffering in the flames of hell, let this be a lesson to you so you will be led to save as many souls as possible from this fate. Pray for all sinners and all the souls suffering in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can ask any of My saintly people to be an intercessor for your family’s intentions. I hear all of your prayers through any intercessor that you choose. Many times there are serious sicknesses in your family, and you can turn to Me and My intercessors for healing. You could even pray for your own discomforts to be healed. Some healings require more prayers than others. When you pray for a healing, pray for both a spiritual conversion and a physical healing. Where there is a spiritual conversion required, it is more difficult to change someone’s free will. You know that I do not force anything on your free will. In order for people to be converted, it must be their own choice to truly love Me. This is why you need to keep praying for your relatives that My Most Precious Blood can be poured over them to change their hearts so they can be predisposed to My love. By your persistent prayer, your family can be saved.”

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks of Me as the Good Shepherd and every time you visit My Blessed Sacrament or receive Me in Holy Communion, you are having My graces rain down on you, as you see in the vision and as the rain falls on you today outside. You have been reading many passages from St. John that explains the gift of My Real Presence in My Eucharist. This belief of faith, that I am truly with you in Holy Communion, is a sharing of My Communion of Saints and it is your closest taste of heaven on earth. During this time after Communion you are intimately united with Me in your heart and soul. This is when I comfort you in your troubles and I give you direction for how you can serve Me. The most beautiful way of serving Me is sharing your love for Me with others in your evangelization efforts. Bringing My Word of faith to others is a deep desire in your soul to try and save as many souls for Me as you can. Satan is always in a battle with Me for souls and saving souls from hell should be everyone’s work that believes in Me. Pray for conversions, for sinners, for priests, and for priestly vocations. You all need religious leaders and you need to help them in their work in your parishes and in your dioceses.”