Monday, July 29, 2013: (St. Martha)
Jesus said: “My people, Martha, Mary, and Lazarus were good friends of Mine on earth, and now in heaven. St. Martha was known for her hospitality and her concern for her brother, Lazarus. She had sent word to Me to come and heal her sick brother. I purposely delayed as I had a greater intention to raise him from the dead. At Lazarus’s death I returned to their house, and I wept at his tomb. When St. Martha greeted Me, I told her that I was the ‘Resurrection and the Life’. She believed that her brother would be raised up in his body on the last day of judgment, and she believed that I was the Christ, the Son of God. She had great faith in Me and My mission to save the world from its sins. Later, I brought Lazarus forth from the tomb, and I raised him from the dead. This was a great miracle to many Jews who were converting to My way. The Jewish leaders were threatened by My healings and the raising of Lazarus from the dead, so they even wanted to kill both of us. St. Martha is a great saint of faith to imitate with her hospitality of helping people.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of both the Vatican and the White House means there is going to be a clash of the Church with your government. One of the disagreements is over the mandate of forcing Christian organizations to hand out pills or other means to prevent conception. Forcing people to do things against their religious practices, is the test of your country’s freedom of religion. There are other places where people can buy these things without this mandate on everyone. Hospitals have already had to choose between closing or allowing abortions. Your hate crimes also are restricting free speech to speak about sexual sins. You have many ways that the Ten Commandments and prayer have been forbidden in public buildings. Your implementation of your Health Care Law will present more conflicts between the Church and your government. One strong concern is forcing people to take chips in the body, when they could control your mind and free will. When chips in the body become mandatory, I have warned My faithful that it will be time to go to My refuges. Those people, who refuse chips in the body, could face martyrdom if they are captured. This is why I am providing safe havens to protect My people from the evil one world murderers. America is on the verge of a Godless government that is trying to remove all roots of worshiping Me. This take over of your government is another time to leave for My refuges. The atheists and the New Age people will usher in the Antichrist, but this reign will be brief before they will all be cast into hell. Have patience at My refuges before I will bring My people into My Era of Peace.”
Sunday, July 28, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I taught My disciples how to pray with the ‘Our Father’ prayer. It has different words in the different Gospel writers. You have various intentions for your prayers, but many of them are prayer requests for your needs, or for the souls of your relatives and friends. In the first reading from Exodus, you have Abraham pleading with Me persistently for saving the city of Sodom. He started with fifty just men, and worked down to ten just men that could spare the city from destruction. You know that the family of Lot added up to only eight just people, so the city was destroyed for their sins after Lot and his family were removed. There are some souls who are saved by the prayers of their relatives. In the case of St. Monica, she prayed for St. Augustine’s conversion for over thirty years. Even your wife prayed for her father for over forty years, and he was saved on his death bed. These are examples of persistent prayer which can save souls. Each person has to make a free will choice to love Me to be saved, but your prayers can keep a soul open or predisposed to My love, even if they are not coming to church on Sunday. When you come to Mass, you are praying to Me in Adoration because the Mass is the greatest prayer of all. This is why Masses are powerful in helping souls to get out of purgatory. In the Gospel, the man was persistent with his neighbor in asking for some bread for his guests. So My people need to be persistent in their prayers to save souls. When you are close to Me in daily prayer and Sunday Mass, you can keep focused on Me on your path to heaven. I need to hear how much you love Me every day and not just once on Sunday, because I showed My love for all of you by dying on the cross for your sins.”
Saturday, July 27, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, this picture of the Divine Mercy shows how I am constantly showering you with My mercy and My graces. I am always here for each of you to support you in your battle with the evil one’s temptations. The devil is the enemy who is constantly planting his seeds of evil in your souls. In the vision you are seeing a glorious shield with rays of power coming out. This represents My protection that I offer all souls who have trust in My help. Welcome Me into your heart and soul, so I can defend you from the devil’s temptations. You have a society that praises sinful lifestyles, and the people of the world are praising worldly things, instead of Me. Those, who are following Christian principles of their faith, will be persecuted because of their purity of soul, and their goals are not worldly. You feel more comfortable with friends of your prayer group, who think alike in your morals. Keep praying for the wayward souls, but you do not have to befriend the worldly ways to have friends. The Christian friends that you have, will be with you at My refuges. Rejoice that you will have My protection from the Antichrist at My refuges. I will put up a shield of invisibility around you so that your enemies cannot see you.”
Jesus said: “My people, when your people allow the bankers in the Federal Reserve to control the money printing presses, and the interest rates, you are setting yourselves up for crashes and thievery. The bankers lower the interest rates to zero and the stock market sets record highs. Then they contract the money supply and raise rates to create a market crash. Right now savers are getting very little interest while the Federal Reserve is stealing your mortgages with Federal Notes made out of thin air without any true value. They are getting ready to crash the market again to steal the people’s money invested in stocks. The greed of the bankers drives them to desire total control over the people and their money. If you had debt free money, you would not have the major National Debt that you have of over $17 trillion. These same greedy bankers could crash your currency just as easy as they could crash the stock market. When they want to take over America, they could put you in bankruptcy for not being able to pay your debt or the interest. They will then make a new currency, and all of your dollars would become worthless. The one world people have most of their wealth in tangible assets as gold, silver, and real estate. They own very little in paper stocks or paper money. When markets go bankrupt, they do not lose anything. When prices are low, they buy everything very cheaply. These evil ones will pay dearly for stealing the people’s money. The rich are getting richer, while most people’s income is decreasing. At the judgment, I will settle accounts with them, and many will suffer either in hell or in deep purgatory.”
Friday, July 26, 2013: (St. Joachim & St. Ann-parents of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, this is the feast day of My grandparents, and they were in the line of descent from King David, as was St. Joseph. I was known as the Son of David because of My parental heritage. My Blessed Mother was born to her parents later in life, and she was conceived without sin in the Immaculate Conception that the Church honors on December 8th. Because of the Blessed Mother’s miraculous conception, the parents dedicated her to the temple. She was without original sin at the beginning, and she lived her life in My Divine Will, without sin, throughout her life. She was sinless so she would be a pure tabernacle to hold Me in her womb for nine months. You can see that these two saints were part of salvation history in bringing Me as a man, Incarnate, into time for the salvation of the sins of mankind. Give thanks and honor to My Blessed Mother and her parents for helping to bring about your salvation.”
Jesus said: “My people, if you had a devastating earthquake along the New Madrid fault, you could have much damage to your buildings in the cities. This vision of gutted out buildings showed damage like the cities in England after a huge bomb attack. Such extensive damage could affect a large part of the middle of America along the Mississippi River. I have told you that the next large earthquake could occur on the New Madrid fault or the San Andreas fault in California. The location of the vision was more in the South. The HAARP machine has been active in this area before. If the damage is severe enough over a large area, this could be the excuse that the one world people could use to declare national martial law. Such enforcement by the military could cause riots or a revolution. Be prepared to leave your homes for My refuges when martial law is declared.”
Thursday, July 25, 2013: (St. James)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I asked St. James and St. John if they were able to drink from the chalice of pain and death, as they asked to be on My right and left side in heaven. Just as I had to suffer My passion and death for bringing the Kingdom of God to the earth, so My disciples of today will be persecuted as well. All of My apostles, except St. John, had to suffer martyrdom for My Name’s sake. I do not ask all of you to suffer martyrdom for the faith, but you will see an increasing persecution for those who are brave enough to speak out against the sins of your society. Already you can see harassment if you speak out in protest of abortion, euthanasia, living together in fornication, or against homosexual sins. Your society’s morals have decayed so much that only a third of your households are normal families of husband, wife, and children. This threat of persecution is one source of pain, but people also are suffering from health problems or deaths in the family or with friends. In any way that you are suffering, either physically or spiritually, you can offer up your suffering to Me. There is a lot of pain being suffered that is being wasted by not offering it up to Me. Such offering of pain has a redemptive merit, a little as I suffered for your salvation. My people also should try to suffer their pain in silence without much complaining. All of you are living this human condition, and pain and suffering are a part of your life. Some experience more pain than others because they have been given the grace to endure it. When pain is offered up, I can use this suffering to help atone for the sins of the world.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, on July 21, 2013 you celebrated your twentieth anniversary of the beginning of My messages to you. It is also a remembrance of your mother’s death when she died on July 21, 2004. You have been obedient to the mission that I gave you, as you were able to bring My messages to the public under the care of your spiritual directors. You started Journaling My messages that you received after Holy Communion and at Adoration. You were asked to have them published with Queenship Publishing Co., and they have been helping you all of this time over eighteen years. You were also asked to go out speaking to spread My messages. You have seen many good fruits from this mission in helping souls and some healings. Give thanks to Me for guiding you on this mission to share My messages with the people. Even your internet site ( has been a means to spread My messages of love, teachings, and warnings out to all the nations.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen mechanical robots and how they are controlled by their master. Your scientists have now developed computer chips that can be placed in humans, and the chips have a capability of controlling their minds so they will act as robots. This control of your free will by microchips is exactly why I do not want My people to take any chips in the body, even if people threaten to kill you. My people will need to leave for My refuges, once your government enforces mandatory chips in the body.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have many things going on in your country that could threaten the stability of your government. Your news media focuses more on many personal distractions in order to hide the important events going on behind the scenes. The morality of your country is in decline away from Me more because of your sins and your laws that go against My Commandments. Instead of upholding the traditional values that your country was founded on, your Congress and courts are making laws that uphold abortion and homosexual acts as lawful. Those, who protest these sins, can be placed in jail for violating the so-called rights of others. Your nation has become so depraved, that you are seeing more disasters coming upon you as a punishment.”
Jesus said: “My people, your candidates for mayor and other offices have no shame that they have committed sexual scandals, and still they feel that they can run for office. Is this the kind of people that you want to run your government? Many people are committing the same sexual sins, and they see nothing wrong with these scandals. This again is another sign of the lack of morals in your society that these people are allowed to continue running for office.”
Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones, who are creating deadly viruses in the lab, are allowing them into your hospitals without warning the public how many people are dying from unknown viruses. Your doctors are fearful of causing a panic because they do not have any means of healing these sicknesses. It is only by whistle blowers that you are finding out any description of people who are dying. Pray for the victims of these viruses, because you will need to go to My refuges to be healed when many people die from these viruses.”
Jesus said: “My people, I healed many people of various afflictions because they believed that I could truly heal them. It takes faith in My healing power to effect any healing. I also healed the whole person in both body and soul. Not every person that you pray over, will receive a healing, but those, who believe in Me and claim such a healing for themselves, could be healed. Some people are healed instantly, while in other cases healing can occur in stages over time. Some healings will occur in this time, but more healings will occur at My refuges when the people look upon My luminous cross in the sky.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in several recent messages how I am urging lukewarm souls to seek conversion, and I am encouraging My faithful to pray that these souls will be saved from hell. If you block your souls from letting Me in, then it will be very difficult to be saved. If you continue praying for these souls to be predisposed to My love, then there is hope for these souls to change and be saved. Do not give up on the worst of sinners, but keep praying for their conversions.”
Wednesday, July 24, 2013: (St. Sharbel)
Jesus said: “My people, at times some people have worries or anxieties of what they are to eat, what they will wear, or where they will stay. These are the concerns of everyone, but My people need to have faith that I will provide for them. If I could provide manna, quail, and water for My people in the desert of the Exodus for forty years, then I could feed you just as well. In today’s world, you have plenty of support groups to help you with food stamps, welfare, and Social Security. Some who have jobs, have to manage their money within their means. Even if famines should come, I will multiply your food, if necessary. Those, who are able to work, should make an effort to help themselves. Only if you are persecuted or without food, then you will need My immediate help in your food and lodging. I feed the birds and I take care of the other animals, but you are more valuable than they are. Surely, you can trust that I will come to your aid in your daily situations. I will not test you beyond your endurance. You also can trust in your family and friends to help you as well. My people should also be ready to help people in need of food or lodging around you. With My help always available, you should not have any worries about your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several messages about the coming Ison Comet, which will be almost as bright as the moon, and it will be a sign of the Warning. You are seeing in the heavens in the vision how My angels are showing you a banner, and they were blowing their trumpets to announce the coming of My Warning experience. Many people are not prepared for the coming evil of the Antichrist in the tribulation. This is why it is necessary to allow all sinners to view their life review, and see where it is headed. When some see hell or deep purgatory, this could wake up some souls to desire a change in their lives. Keep praying for your friends and relatives so they could keep their hearts and souls open to repentance. Those, who see hell and do not change their ways, could be lost. Many will seek Confession after the Warning, so lead your families to a priest in Confession. I have told you that these things will be happening soon, and now you will actually see it happen. Be prepared to leave for My refuges after the Warning, because the evil ones will be gaining power soon. This Ison Comet will usher in the events that will lead up to the Antichrist declaring himself ruler of the world.”
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