Thursday, July 25, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013: (St. James)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I asked St. James and St. John if they were able to drink from the chalice of pain and death, as they asked to be on My right and left side in heaven. Just as I had to suffer My passion and death for bringing the Kingdom of God to the earth, so My disciples of today will be persecuted as well. All of My apostles, except St. John, had to suffer martyrdom for My Name’s sake. I do not ask all of you to suffer martyrdom for the faith, but you will see an increasing persecution for those who are brave enough to speak out against the sins of your society. Already you can see harassment if you speak out in protest of abortion, euthanasia, living together in fornication, or against homosexual sins. Your society’s morals have decayed so much that only a third of your households are normal families of husband, wife, and children. This threat of persecution is one source of pain, but people also are suffering from health problems or deaths in the family or with friends. In any way that you are suffering, either physically or spiritually, you can offer up your suffering to Me. There is a lot of pain being suffered that is being wasted by not offering it up to Me. Such offering of pain has a redemptive merit, a little as I suffered for your salvation. My people also should try to suffer their pain in silence without much complaining. All of you are living this human condition, and pain and suffering are a part of your life. Some experience more pain than others because they have been given the grace to endure it. When pain is offered up, I can use this suffering to help atone for the sins of the world.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, on July 21, 2013 you celebrated your twentieth anniversary of the beginning of My messages to you. It is also a remembrance of your mother’s death when she died on July 21, 2004. You have been obedient to the mission that I gave you, as you were able to bring My messages to the public under the care of your spiritual directors. You started Journaling My messages that you received after Holy Communion and at Adoration. You were asked to have them published with Queenship Publishing Co., and they have been helping you all of this time over eighteen years. You were also asked to go out speaking to spread My messages. You have seen many good fruits from this mission in helping souls and some healings. Give thanks to Me for guiding you on this mission to share My messages with the people. Even your internet site ( has been a means to spread My messages of love, teachings, and warnings out to all the nations.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen mechanical robots and how they are controlled by their master. Your scientists have now developed computer chips that can be placed in humans, and the chips have a capability of controlling their minds so they will act as robots. This control of your free will by microchips is exactly why I do not want My people to take any chips in the body, even if people threaten to kill you. My people will need to leave for My refuges, once your government enforces mandatory chips in the body.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have many things going on in your country that could threaten the stability of your government. Your news media focuses more on many personal distractions in order to hide the important events going on behind the scenes. The morality of your country is in decline away from Me more because of your sins and your laws that go against My Commandments. Instead of upholding the traditional values that your country was founded on, your Congress and courts are making laws that uphold abortion and homosexual acts as lawful. Those, who protest these sins, can be placed in jail for violating the so-called rights of others. Your nation has become so depraved, that you are seeing more disasters coming upon you as a punishment.”
Jesus said: “My people, your candidates for mayor and other offices have no shame that they have committed sexual scandals, and still they feel that they can run for office. Is this the kind of people that you want to run your government? Many people are committing the same sexual sins, and they see nothing wrong with these scandals. This again is another sign of the lack of morals in your society that these people are allowed to continue running for office.”
Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones, who are creating deadly viruses in the lab, are allowing them into your hospitals without warning the public how many people are dying from unknown viruses. Your doctors are fearful of causing a panic because they do not have any means of healing these sicknesses. It is only by whistle blowers that you are finding out any description of people who are dying. Pray for the victims of these viruses, because you will need to go to My refuges to be healed when many people die from these viruses.”
Jesus said: “My people, I healed many people of various afflictions because they believed that I could truly heal them. It takes faith in My healing power to effect any healing. I also healed the whole person in both body and soul. Not every person that you pray over, will receive a healing, but those, who believe in Me and claim such a healing for themselves, could be healed. Some people are healed instantly, while in other cases healing can occur in stages over time. Some healings will occur in this time, but more healings will occur at My refuges when the people look upon My luminous cross in the sky.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in several recent messages how I am urging lukewarm souls to seek conversion, and I am encouraging My faithful to pray that these souls will be saved from hell. If you block your souls from letting Me in, then it will be very difficult to be saved. If you continue praying for these souls to be predisposed to My love, then there is hope for these souls to change and be saved. Do not give up on the worst of sinners, but keep praying for their conversions.”