Thursday, August 15, 2013: (Assumption of Our Lady into heaven)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you are reading my Magnificat that was in today’s Gospel, and it was the longest quote of my words in the Bible. My most important words were when I accepted my Lord’s call to be His mother when the Archangel Gabriel greeted me. This portrayal of my pregnancy with my Son was expressed in the Book of Revelation when it spoke of a woman dressed in the sun. This describes the miracle of my image on the tilma of Juan Diego in Guadeloupe, Mexico. Your priest today was right to point out that your society puts down the beauty of birth and pregnancy, because it is more concerned with sinful pleasures, than bringing babies into the world. The miracle of Guadeloupe was to discourage the Indians from offering their infants to their gods in killing them. Today, your society is offering up your unborn babies to your gods of convenience and avoiding embarrassment. Conceiving children is a gift of life, and not a child to be killed by abortion. You need to pray for your people to avoid sexual sins, and to stop your abortion mentality. You cannot flaunt the Fifth Commandment by killing your babies. How can your mothers kill their infants in the womb, and not expect some punishment? I will still forgive them if they repent, but they will have to make some reparation.”
Prayer group:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a crucifix is a sign of suffering. This crucifix coming close to you is a sign that suffering could be coming close to My faithful. I have given you messages before how My people will be seeing more persecution as time draws close to the Warning and the tribulation. Some of your Catholic institutions may still have to deal with the current mandate of providing birth control means, even though it is against what My Church teaches on these things. Be prepared to deal with more restrictions from your Health Care Law.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you about a coming division in My Church. Some nuns are bringing New Age teachings into My Church which is a description of the schismatic church. If you see heretical things being taught, and reiki, or other transcendental teaching being promoted, try to stop them. If there is no change, then move on to another faithful church. The devil is trying to divide My Church, but I will not allow My faithful remnant to be destroyed.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a struggle in Egypt that has killed some innocent people in a struggle for power over this country. The military has killed some protesters who support the Moslem Brotherhood. This struggle to find new leadership, could result in another conflict. There already is a continuing struggle in Syria and some killings in Iraq. Many of these hot spots in the Middle East could result in a major war that could involve many sponsors. Pray for peace in the Middle East.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have not seen much talk of the poor countries of the European Union, but they are still being financed by the richer countries. Every time that they run out of money, they keep looking for more loans which are harder to finance. America also is having financial problems in trying to finance its welfare state, and the new Health Care Law. It is unsure how the Congress will be able to finance this Health Care Plan as the costs keep increasing.”
Jesus said: “My people, whenever you see uncertainty and financial weaknesses in countries like China or other countries, then you see weaknesses in those currencies and gold and silver prices will rise. When the consumers max out their credit cards, then your economy could weaken. Pray for the finances of your people, so another recession or crash does not occur. Your economy is weak by your production numbers, so pray that your people can keep their jobs.”
Jesus said: “My people, I rely on My faithful to continue their daily rosaries to make up for the many sins of the world. Without this balance to evil, I would have to bring My punishment against the evil countries who sin the most. I have asked you to pray that your prayers could be doubled because very few pray for sinners. You pray for your families, but there is much need for other souls as well. If you miss your prayers, you could make them up the next day.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have the faithful who come to Sunday Mass, and some are still attending the feast days of obligation that are remembered throughout the year. Today’s feast of the Assumption is an honoring of My Blessed Mother when she was assumed into heaven to avoid any corruption of her body. On My Blessed Mother’s feast day, remember her call for rosaries to be prayed for her intentions of: souls in purgatory, poor sinners, peace in the world, and stoppage of abortion. My Blessed Mother is watching over her children, and you can ask for her help in your petitions.”
Wednesday, August 14, 2013: (St. Maximilian Kolbe)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember your history books in how brutal Hitler was in killing the Jews and the clergy in his gas chambers. You have seen movies of this holocaust, and you have personally visited one of these former death camps in Germany. St. Maximilian Kolbe was martyred in one of these camps, as he died in place of another condemned prisoner. Today, you have another holocaust occurring for the unborn in abortion where over a million lives are lost in America every year. Your country will pay dearly for all of this blood on the hands of your mothers and your doctors. You are approaching another genocide over the people who will refuse to take chips in the body, and over those who do not want to go along with worshiping the Antichrist in the tribulation. Already, the evil one world people are building gas chambers and crematoriums at hundreds of death camps all across your country in every state. This is why I am inspiring people to build refuges so My faithful will have places of protection to hide from the evil ones, who will be worse than Hitler. The evil of Hitler’s gas chambers will be repeated again by a corrupt government that will support the Antichrist. Be prepared to leave your homes for My refuges when I warn you, or you will die in these camps if you do not leave.”
Jesus said: “My people, in some older churches there were trained artisans that created beautiful statues and woodwork that would cost a huge sum of money today. Some older churches were also decorated with gold trim, and expensive stained glass windows. Some of the local parishioners would help paint and build the church itself without charge, because they did it for the love of God. A good share of churches today, are being built for the glory of the architect, and not for My glory. When you build something for Me, it is done out of respect for Me, and reverence to house My Real Presence in the tabernacle. Many of these beautiful old churches are decaying without proper repair, and they are becoming museums which people do not attend for Mass. See your parish church as a place for My people to share My Sunday Eucharist in the Sacrifice of the Mass. Protect your church, and keep it in good repair for as long as you can.”
Tuesday, August 13, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you in the vision the tenderness of a mother taking care of her children. In the Gospel, I gave you a picture of Me as the Good Shepherd who would leave the ninety-nine sheep in the desert, and I would go in search of a lost sheep. Just like a mother, I also have a tender heart for each sinner. I desire to save all souls for heaven, but I do not force people to love Me. I am like the father of the Prodigal Son who was waiting for his son’s return. I reach out to every soul to help each person in both his or her physical and spiritual needs. Each soul is equal in value to Me, because all of you are My creations. I want all the people to respect each other, because you are all Temples of the Holy Spirit. Do not discriminate the homeless, the handicapped, or your enemies, because you need to love all of your neighbors. It is easy to love your family and friends, but it may be more difficult to love those people who you dislike. If you desire to seek perfection in this life, you must struggle to love all souls as I do.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have learned a little about George Mason, and how he was one of three delegates who would not sign the Constitution because it did not have a Bill of Rights for individuals. He saw that I was the One who gave everyone freedom, and that any rule of law should protect individual rights and states’ rights. This bit of history of your founding Fathers, shows America was started with a Democratic Republic which has lasted for many years since 1787. This issue of protecting individual rights is a major concern now because your government is taking away your rights one by one. Once your laws and court decisions go against My Commandments, then your country is going down a road to destruction, under the control of the one world people. You are approaching the time of the Great Tribulation that will usher in the power of the Antichrist. You will be seeing all of your rights disappear, once you are under total control by the evil ones. Your country has been great when I was the center of your lives. Now that you have turned your back on Me, your country will cease to be great. You are fortunate that I am working with refuge owners to provide safe havens for My faithful, where My angels will protect you. A time is coming quickly when I will separate the good people from the bad people. Those, who love Me and their neighbors, and repent of their sins, will have a crown in heaven. Those, who refuse to love Me, and refuse to repent of their sins, are on the road to hell. Be careful to choose your destination with Me by your own free will. Pray for all the wayward souls to change their evil ways over to My ways.”
Monday, August 12, 2013: (St. Jane Chantal)
Jesus said: “My people, during the summer many people like to go on vacation, even if it is not far from their home. People, who work all year, need a break to rest from their labors. You rest every day in your sleep to regain your body’s energy. Even in your spiritual life, you need a rest in your daily prayer time. Sometimes you may also go on a retreat to refresh your soul with some talks by a priest. For those, who take the time at night, you can also come to Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, and let Me talk to your soul in quiet time. It is in the quiet time of Holy Communion or Adoration that I can refresh your souls with My grace and My peace. You have many trials every day, and I am always available to help you and console you. Be thankful that you have a caring Lord, who is always watching out for you. Show your love for Me in your prayers, and follow My Commandments on your way to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the goal of many baseball players, golfers, or hockey players, and that is to win a cup or trophy for being the best player or team. Many people are searching for fame and money in winning their games. This same goal can be found in many other prizes or money goals. Instead of seeking fame and fortune in this life, My faithful should be seeking a crown of sainthood in heaven. This is a spiritual reward that I grant souls that pass a test of being tested by the evil ones’ temptations. I have shown My faithful the way to come to heaven by imitating My life on earth, as I followed the Will of My heavenly Father. All the money and trophies in this world will not help you in getting to heaven. Addictions to greed, money, power, drugs, or lust, can only lead you on a path to hell. Keep your focus on loving Me and your neighbor, and do not let anything or anyone control you on earth. The same people, who search for earthly things, are never satisfied because earthly things do not bring peace into your souls. Instead, your soul is always seeking its spiritual peace with Me because I am the only One to bring peace and rest into your soul. All of your prayers and good deeds are storing up treasures in heaven that will help you in your quest for sainthood. Seek to be with Me always, and I will provide for your needs. When you are allowed into heaven to receive your crown, there will be great rejoicing in heaven that another saint has succeeded in winning its greatest reward of being with Me in heaven.”
Sunday, August 11, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, your deacon was explaining to you some examples of what was in the Gospel. The one part of the parable talked about where your treasure lies, so lies your heart. This means how you will focus your life mostly around what you feel is the most important beliefs in your life. If your heart is focused on money and possessions, you will seek wealth and comforts all of your life. Some may focus on helping people because they think it is the right thing to do. Then there are good Christians who are focused on doing everything for My sake. I have asked you to love Me and love your neighbor. When you consecrate yourself to Me every day, then you are helping Me in your neighbor when you do good deeds for them. If I am your treasure, then you will seek to please Me in all that you do. Your deacon also touched on a subject that deals with people who have had ‘near death’ experiences, when people have left their bodies. This experience is similar to the coming Warning when everyone on earth will experience their own life review. You saw in the vision how you came through a tunnel that seemed like an umbilical cord that brought you to My Light. Then I showed you your life as a line of events on a time continuum. I brought you closer so you could witness all the things that you did in your life from a child, through your school years, into your marriage to your wife, having and bringing up your children, up to the present time. This is just a small taste of what your Warning experience would be like, except that you will be focused on your unforgiven sins. Most people will have a strong desire for Confession after this experience. You will see a mini-judgment of your life to heaven, hell, or purgatory. You will also experience what it would be like in these places. You will then be brought back into your body, and it will be your free will decision to improve your life to direct yourself to be with Me in heaven. If you do not change your life, then your mini-judgment will become your judgment at your death. My Warning is a part of My Divine Mercy to give all sinners a chance to repent and change their lives. Choose life to be with Me in heaven, or some will choose death and pleasures to be with Satan in hell.”
Saturday, August 10, 2013: (St. Lawrence)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Lawrence suffered a martyr’s death for distributing the Church’s wealth to the poor. He brought out the poor people, who he declared were the treasures of the Church. The authorities were seeking the Church’s money, so they killed St. Lawrence because he did not cooperate. Some of the saints, who were martyred, were seeing visions of heaven, even before they were killed. In the coming tribulation, there may be some faithful who may desire martyrdom, instead of fleeing to My refuges. Those, who are martyred for their faith, would come straight to heaven as a reward for dying for their faith. More people will choose to come to My refuges during this trial. These faithful will be protected and brought into My Era of Peace from the refuges. From the Era of Peace, they will be purified for heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are well aware of who the one world people are. They are the rich and powerful people who run your governments behind the scenes. They like to operate in secret, and many of them actually worship Satan, and they get their working orders from him. Satan hates man, and he uses these one world people to carry out his death culture that supports abortion, euthanasia, wars, vaccines, and viruses that can be used to kill people. The evil people’s intentions are to kill all the people who love God, and those who will not go along with the new world order. This is why they are behind the building of the detention death camps. They want to chip people so the chipped people will become their slaves. Their goal is to reduce the world population down to 500 million from 7 billion. This is why they are developing pandemic viruses that could kill a lot of people. My faithful will be protected at My refuges, but the evil people and demons will be destroyed by My Comet of Chastisement. My faithful need to have patience, as I will bring them into My Era of Peace, after I cleanse the earth of evil and renew the world. Even though the one world people are your enemies, you still need to pray for their souls.”
Friday, August 9, 2013: (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are honoring Edith Stein or St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross who was martyred in the gas chambers of Hitler. I also showed you St. Maximilian Kolbe who took the place of another prisoner in dying for a married man also in Hitler’s prisons. The wife of Rev. Wurmbrand, Sabina, also forgave a German soldier who killed all of her family members. Hitler was involved with the occult, and there was a deep force of evil in all of his killing of the Jews and many clergy. There are still many evil killings going on in communist countries and Muslim countries. Whether it is a genocide of Jews, Christians, or the unborn, all of these killings are evil and influenced by the devil. I suffered persecution at the hands of the Jewish leaders, and My followers also have been persecuted and martyred as well. My faithful will see an even worse persecution in the coming tribulation. Many thought that after seeing mass executions of the Jews, this would not happen again. Yet, your people are still killing millions of unborn babies every year in your legalized abortions. Even now the one world evil people are building gas chambers and crematoriums at your many detention center death camps. This is in preparation to kill more Christians and those who will not take chips in the body, nor go along with the new world order. The Antichrist will bring an evil upon you that will be worse than any other time. This is why I am having generous people prepare refuges for the protection of My faithful. I will have your guardian angels lead you to My safe havens, where you will be protected and have food and shelter.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have talked with you how your electric grids could be shut down, when the one world people want to take over. There is another EMP (Electromagnetic pulse) weapon that could be deployed over small areas that would destroy your chips in all of your electrical devices, including your cars, computers, and banks. Without being able to use banks for money, or your cars to move about, you would be reduced to barter for food, and bicycles for getting around, or horses if you have them. Many of your refuges will not have electricity, and your cell phones will not work there. This is why you will be living in a rustic setting with all of you working to help each other to survive. You will store food in a root cellar with no refrigerator. You will be farming with non-hybrid seeds, and using deer for your meat. You will be healed of your infirmities by looking on My luminous cross in the sky. Get used to living without computers, and without many of your electrical comforts. You will have perpetual Adoration of My Hosts and daily Communion. Give praise and thanks to Me for protecting you from the evil ones at My refuges.”
Thursday, August 8, 2013: (St. Dominic)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I asked My disciples ‘Who do people say that I am?’ Later, St. Peter answered: ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ I commended him for answering correctly, as he was inspired by My heavenly Father. I then told St. Peter that he was the rock upon whom I will build My Church. No other church or religion was directed by Me to build My Church. I also conferred the sacrament of Penance through My disciples and My future priests in whatever they held bound on earth, would be held bound in heaven. Also, whatever they loosed on earth, would be loosed in heaven. This forming of My Church was to spread My Good News of how I died for all of mankind’s sins, and I brought salvation to all souls who repented and accepted Me. Without repenting of your sins, you cannot be forgiven of your sins, and you cannot enter heaven. I have given all of My people the opportunity to be saved by My death and Resurrection, and I have given all of you free will to accept Me or reject Me. Those, who repent, will be forgiven, and they will be on the right path to heaven. Those, who reject Me and do not repent, are on the path to hell. You need to not only know that I am the Son of God, but it is by your actions of accepting Me and seeking My forgiveness of your sins, that will bring you salvation. Heed My words and follow My Commandments, and you will be saved.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I know your politicians are postponing the implementation of your Health Care Law for supposed political reasons. There are many disagreements with the states and the Congress on funding such a huge enterprise. What people do not realize, is that I have been instrumental as well in putting this off, because I am not allowing it until it is according to My timing. One of the main reasons that this Health Plan has been pushed back, is to force the people to take chips in the body to control their minds. Fear not, My people, for I will warn you when to go to My refuges, when the evil ones can mandate chips in the body.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that your President wants to unilaterally reduce your nuclear weapons to zero. He has been using fake treaties with Russia to reduce the number of these weapons. The Russians do not abide by these treaties, so they are just empty promises on paper. This latest falling out of relations with Russia, means your President will reduce your Defense and your weapons in secret.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in some recent articles how your government is demanding information from food storage companies on how fast in 24 hours that they could deliver large quantities of prepared food as MREs and dried food. This forced rushing of information on food deliveries is a sign to you that your government is preparing for food shortages, and a possible takeover or revolt from the people. Again, My people need to have one year’s supply of food on hand before you leave for My refuges for the same reasons, as a food shortage or buying food with chips in the body.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar in World War II how there were safe houses to hide the Jews and others from the Germans, who wanted to kill them. I have asked some people with smaller interim refuges to be safe havens for housing My faithful on their way to their final refuges. My faithful will be hiding from the evil ones, but My angels will put a shield of invisibility around them. The interim refuges will provide food, water, and bedding that will be multiplied as needed for small groups of people.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are hundreds of detention center death camps all over your country. These buildings are being prepared to exterminate millions of Americans who will not take chips in the body, nor go along with the new world order. These evil ones know that My faithful will not go along with the laws mandating chips in the body, or the mark of the beast. This is why the evil ones have millions of foreign mercenary troops who do not mind killing American outlaws. These troops are the UN men in black who will go door to door to try and force chips in the body on the people. Those people, who are captured that did not escape, will be killed in these death camps as martyrs. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when I warn you, or you could be one of these martyrs.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are right in seeing My angels who are blowing their trumpets to announce the coming of My Warning. I have told you many times that My Warning is close, and it will happen according to My time plan. After the Warning, you are to get rid of all of your TVs and all your computers and devices connected to the internet. The Antichrist will appear on your screens, so do not look at his eyes that could draw you to worship him. He will control the people through the chips in their bodies that will be linked to the internet by the cell towers and the satellites. Get rid of all of your electronic devices, so you are not under the Antichrist’s control. After the Warning, reach out to convert your families, and be ready to bring them to the same refuge.”
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM thanks all of My faithful for honoring Me on this day. This feast of Mine is not well known, but it is fitting that you have a picture of Me on the altar, and that your Eternal Father prayer group is meeting on this day. Give praise and glory to Me for creating you and all of My creation. I love all of you so much that I sent My only Begotten Son to die for your sins, and I offer you salvation in coming to heaven. You have seen the beauty of heaven, and you can share with the people the beautiful reward that awaits all souls who love Me and follow My ways. This reward in heaven should give all souls hope to endure through all of your earthly trials and temptations.”
Wednesday, August 7, 2013: (St. Cajetan)
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you many times that there would be a division coming in My Church that would separate a schismatic church from My faithful remnant. This schismatic church will be teaching New Age principles that are not of Me. One of the other signs of these evil ones will be their disbelief in My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts. Eventually, when the evil ministers, pictured in the vision, begin to change the words of Consecration, then I will not be present because it will not be a proper Consecration. You saw how the people of the time of Moses grumbled against Me for not trusting in My protection. As a result, that generation died in the desert over forty years as a punishment for their disbelief. Now today, those people, who follow this schismatic church, will also suffer a punishment for not believing in My Real Presence, and for not following the beliefs of My apostles. I am warning My faithful to leave these heretical churches of the New Age, which are worshiping things instead of Me. The demons are being allowed this split in My Church, but My faithful remnant will have to go underground in private Masses. Trust in Me that I will guard My faithful at My refuges because this schismatic church will be in league with the Antichrist. Pray that My followers will understand the evil in their midst, so they will not be deceived by these evil ministers. I will not allow the gates of hell to prevail over My faithful remnant.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you leave for My refuges, you could be traveling at night in your vehicle. One of the needs for your trip would be a windup flashlight so you could see at night, and you would not have to depend on batteries. It may take several days to reach the nearest refuge. You may want to sleep in your vehicle overnight, and you could use your flashlight once the car is turned off. If you need to sleep in your tent in sleeping bags, you also could use a flashlight in the dark. Having a light is symbolic of how I lead you, as I am the Light of the world. I am the Light that disperses the darkness, and I heal your sins that darken your soul. Stay close to My Light in your good deeds, and you will be led on the path to heaven. My faithful souls can lead other souls to follow My Light, so they can be saved as well. Keep praying for the salvation of souls, especially for those souls in your own family.”
Junio 30, 2013 (El trabajo más importante es la Evangelización)
En el Sagrado Nombre después de la Comunión, yo puedo ver como la gente es llamada por el Señor a hacer su misión. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, en la primera lectura tu lees como Eliseo fue llamado a ser seguidor de Elías. Eliseo tuvo que dejar a su familia después que les preparo una comida con un buey que el mato. El no iba a regresar. Similarmente, yo llamo a la gente que me siga a Mi, así como Mis apóstoles dejaron sus familias inmediatamente después de que los llame. Yo quiero enfatizar un punto en el evangelio, que seguirme a Mi y cumplir con tu misión para Mi es primordialmente lo mas importante y que contestes “Si” a Mi. Todos mis Sacerdotes y Monjitas están contestando a Mi llamado ministrándole a mi gente. Y también estoy llamando a los diáconos y profetas que cumplan con su misión. Cuando tú me das tu “Si”, tu te comprometes al servicio de ayudar a Mi gente. Enseñar la Buena Nueva y evangelizar almas es el trabajo más importante que puedes hacer al ser llamado a cumplir. Ver a la gente aceptar la fe y poder ayudar a las almas salvarse del infierno es gratificante. Tú también necesitas orar por los pecadores, especialmente por los miembros de tu propia familia. Tu puedes ver después de los años de servirme a Mi que importante es salvar almas del infierno.”