Julio 10, 2013 (Ley Marcial, tribulación, la advertencia, plan de Dios)
En la adoración de San Teodoro, yo puedo ver al Señor aguantando la agenda de la gente del un solo gobierno hasta que el pueda traer la advertencia a todos. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, a pesar de que el diablo puede probar a la gente, Yo todavía estoy en control de todo. Yo no permitiré a la gente del un solo gobierno a empezar la ley marcial, hasta que yo traiga la experiencia de mi advertencia a todos los pecadores. La advertencia es una bendición para todo los pecadores para que de esa forma puedan ver sus destinos espirituales. Si ellos no corrigen sus vidas y se arrepienten de sus pecados en confesión, entonces podrían verse de camino al infierno. Estas personas tendrán un corto tiempo después de la advertencia para reformar sus vidas, y preparar sus almas para mi juicio que se avecina. Después que este tiempo sea dado a todos los pecadores, entonces Yo permitiré que los enemigos pasen la ley marcial que podría precipitar la toma de América. Esto es porque Yo autorizo todos estos eventos, que este tiempo de tribulación tiene que pasar según mi plan. Mi advertencia viene pronto, tengan sus almas puras para que puedan enfrentar su juicio en miniatura. Regocíjense, que Yo siempre estoy al mando para que así no los prueben más allá de sus propias fuerzas.”
Julio 10, 2013 (Hambruna Mundial se avecina, 1 año de comida)
En la iglesia de San Juan el Evangelista después de la comunión, yo puedo ver la hambruna mundial que se refleja en las lecturas de Génesis con José. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, la primera lectura (Gen 42:6-17) muestra cómo José lidió con sus hermanos cuando fueron a buscar granos para su familia, por la hambruna que había en Israel. Sus hermanos no reconocieron a José cuando el los encarcelo hasta que se lo trajeran al hermano mas pequeño. En la lectura anterior (Gen 41) José interpretó el sueño del faraón de las siete vacas flacas que devoraron las siete vacas gordas. Habrá siete años de abundancia y después siete años de hambruna. José fue encargado de guardar comida en los siete años de abundancia y también fue encargado a distribuir el grano durante los siete años de hambruna en Egipto. Esta cuenta tiene gran significado para la gente de hoy. Yo les estoy dando a conocer esto por medios de Mis profetas, que una hambruna mundial se avecina y mi gente tiene que prepararse ahora. Yo les he dicho en mis mensajes anteriores que tengan por lo menos un año de comida guardada por persona. Aunque te critiquen, Mi gente necesita prepararse para una hambruna mundial. Tú has visto como la cosecha fue afectada por la sequía y el frío dañó las fresas y las manzanas el año pasado. Este año en el Este haz visto excesiva lluvia que ha causado daño a la cosecha. En el Oeste tu estas viendo más sequías que están afectando a las granjas. Pero no sean como las vírgenes insensatas que no trajeron aceite extra para sus lámparas para la fiesta de la boda. Aquellos que hayan guardado comida, van a comer, pero los que no guardaron van hacer como los hermanos de José que fueron humillados a buscar comida. Yo multiplicare la comida para que sea compartida con mi gente. Ya que sus vidas estarán amenazadas de muerte por las armas del gobierno, por lo tanto ustedes necesitaran llevar la comida a los refugios donde mis ángeles los protegerá.”
Julio 3, 2013 (Campos de detención y concentración si rehúsas el implante)
En la adoración de San Teodoro, yo puedo ver una prisión de cemento representando un centro de detención, y estaba enalambrado por todos lados. Jesús dice: “mi gente, Yo te he mostrado varios centros de detención y campos de concentración porque hay mas de cien de ellos alrededor de tu país. Tú estás familiarizado con los cuartos de gas que usó Hitler en la segunda Guerra Mundial, pero estos campos de concentración no son como esos de Hitler. Estos campos no son hechos solo para existir, fueron hechos con la completa intención de matar a los americanos que no sigan las órdenes de gobierno global. Ya pronto veras los implantes obligatorios en el cuerpo como parte del plan de salud. La personas que no reciba el implante en el cuerpo, se consideraran malhechores o revolucionarios en contra de la orden de un solo gobierno. Estos malhechores son la gente que las autoridades quieren exterminar en los campos de concentración. Cuando sus vidas se vean en peligro por estos asesinos, Yo les avisare a Mis fieles que es tiempo de irse a los refugios, y Mis ángeles los protegerá. Si ustedes no se van de sus hogares a tiempo, ustedes podrían ver a los hombres vestidos de negro ir de casa en casa para forzar los implantes en el cuerpo. Si eres capturado, y te rehúsas al implante, ellos te mataran en los campos de concentración. Rehúsen recibir los implantes o la marca de la bestia, aunque te amenacen de muerte. Estos implantes pueden controlar tu mente y convertirte en robots para el propósito de los malvados. Estén preparados a irse a mis refugios en cualquier momento, para prevenir ser capturados, y evitar ser llevados a los centros de detención y campos de concentración.”
Julio 2, 2013 (Persecución por las creencias Cristianas, implantes en el cuerpo, refugios)
En la adoración de San Teodoro, yo puedo ver a Jesús salir de la cruz y nosotros fuimos crucificados a la cruz en lugar de El. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, han visto, o han leído como Yo fui perseguido por clamar que era el Hijo de Dios y el Mesías a pesar de que esto es verdad. Así como ellos me persiguieron a Mi, también los malvados los perseguirán a ustedes de igual manera. Vivir una vida Cristiana va en contra de todo lo que la sociedad moderna enseña. Yo les enseño que amen a sus enemigos pero la gente del mundo quiere matar a los enemigos. Yo les pido que compartan su dinero con los más necesitados pero algunos casi no quieren dar ni una limosna de su salario para ayudar a su vecino. Mis fieles están contra la fornicación, el aborto y los matrimonios de un mismo sexo, mientras que el mundo te llama intolerante al estilo de vida de otros. Tu evitas la pornografía y las películas “R”, mientras que los del mundo no ven nada malo con esta inmundicia. Tu vas a misa y crees en Mi Verdadera Presencia, pero los del mundo me ignoran a Mí y mis sacramentos. Porque ustedes viven tan diferentes, y no van a coger un implante en el cuerpo, serán perseguidos hasta un punto que podrían ser mártires. Mis fieles necesitaran venir a mis refugios de protección para evitar ser muertos por los agentes de un solo gobierno. Sus almas también correrán peligro si no se esconden del Anticristo. No tengan miedo de los enemigos porque Mis ángeles pondrán mi capa invisible sobre ustedes para proteger su cuerpo y su alma.”
Julio 1, 2013 (La caída de la bolsa de Valores Reserva Federal)
En el tabernáculo de San Teodoro, yo puedo ver un día muy oscuro y lluvioso que indica otra caída forzada del mercado de valores in America. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, la gente de un solo gobierno y Satanás saben que su tiempo esta corriendo, y ellos necesitan crear una crisis que le dará la excusa para la ley marcial con completo control. Estos malvados están planeando otra caída del mercado para robar el dinero de la gente, después de haberlos entusiasmado con engañados a que invirtieran otra vez en el mercado haciéndoles creer que es una mejor inversión que los certificados del banco. Solo con insinuar que la Reserva Federal iba a retirar sus compras de las notas del tesoro, esto ha causado que los intereses subieran y las personas fueran perjudicadas con la devaluación de sus fondos de bonos. Si la solicitud de dinero es cortada junto con los intereses altos, la Reserva Federal podría causar una caída del mercado. La gente se acuerda como paso la caída del 2008 que causo una gran perdida de trabajos y una mayor recesion. Si esto pasara otra vez, podrías ver un retroceder como en la era de la gran depresión. Si otra guerra mayor se añadiera esto podría causar una depresión mundial. Yo les he advertido de otro plan de la caída del mercado que podría causar motines y ley marcial que podría apoderarse de America. Tengan alguna cantidad de comida, combustible, y alternativas de calefacción para mantenerse calientes si hubiese un corte de electricidad. Cuando sus vidas se vean en peligro, Yo les avisare que es el tiempo de salir para los refugios. No tengan miedo porque Mis ángeles los protegerán.”
Tuesday, August 20, 2013: (St. Bernard)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you have the best encouragement that I could give you when I told My apostles: ‘For man, many things seem impossible, but for God, all things are possible.’ I had told them that it would be as hard as putting a camel through the eye of a needle, in order for a rich man to be saved. This needle is not for thread, but it was a four foot by four foot hole to keep camels out of church. The story of Gideon in the first reading, is an example of how I give signs to My leaders so they would have the grace and faith to carry out My mission for them. All of you have life’s moments when you think that you cannot accomplish a needed goal. When you were faced with changing your tire in the dark, you had faith enough to pray for My help through St. Michael the Archangel. The young lady gave you help with her headlights, and she helped you mount the spare tire on your van. An angel helped Gideon to have faith when the angel brought fire down on his offering. You all need to have faith and hope that I will give you what you need to accomplish your mission in life. You have seen already in many ways how I have helped you, and I will continue to help My faithful endure the coming tribulation.”
Note: We had just finished praying the rosary for a man who was having a crisis of faith, when we got a flat tire. It was totally dark in the country. All we had was a little moonlight. After an hour of struggling to put the spare tire on, we saw the need to pray to St. Michael for help. We did not even finish the prayer, when this young girl drove by alone at 10:30 p.m., and she stopped to help us. She was really like an angel.
Jesus said: “My people, you have read many accounts of the radioactive disaster that happened at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan. Because the reactors were ruined by the tsunami, they lost cooling, and there were several hydrogen explosions, and nuclear meltdowns. Even today, seawater is cooling these reactors, and the radioactive water is being dispersed into the Pacific Ocean. Very little has been done to stop this disaster. Now, there is concern over hundreds of spent fuel rods that need to be removed from a pool of water in the fourth reactor. In the vision you could see an explosion with more meltdowns of these spent fuel rods. They have already seen one pool of water leak out, and it will be a dangerous job to remove these fuel rods. If a worse case scenario happens, there would be no means of containing another nuclear meltdown. Pray that this operation is successful, and that the authorities can do something to stop the radioactive contamination of the air and the water.”
Monday, August 19, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, the snake in the vision represents the devil and his demons who are attacking your churches to close them. By attacks on the priests, they have caused some to go astray, which at times causes a priest shortage and closed churches. There are also attacks on Catholic or religious institutions for not providing birth control pills and devices from your government’s mandate. This breaking of the pews by the snake represents all the various attacks on My churches from the demons. You will see more New Age teachings in various churches, which My faithful will need to leave. These are just a few ways in which the devil is trying to destroy My Church both from within and from government sources. Pray for My faithful not to lose their faith like the Israelites who worshiped other gods. I will protect My faithful remnant, and the gates of hell will not prevail over My Church, even if you have to go to underground Masses.”
Jesus said: “My people, those people, who do not learn from history, are the ones to repeat the errors of the past. In the days of the Judges, the Israelites worshiped the Baals and gods of their neighbors, instead of worshiping Me, the One true God. As a consequence, I allowed their enemies to plunder them as a punishment. In America today, you are repeating the same mistakes, only your gods are money, fame, and sports. You also are committing many atrocities by killing millions of unborn babies, some being killed by euthanasia, and you are approving gay marriage. Just as the Israelites were punished by a takeover, so America can expect a takeover with a loss of all of your freedoms.”
Sunday, August 18, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given this message about a coming Warning experience many times, but now it is truly at the door. Just as you heard one witness ask if this is truly going to happen, I am telling you that it is true, and it will happen. This will come in My time, and not when you want it. I know that many sinners are not prepared for the coming evil of the Antichrist of the tribulation time. My Warning experience will be similar to a ‘near death’ experience when you will come to My Light through a tunnel of time outside of your body. I will show all of you a life review of all of your good and bad actions with an emphasis on your unforgiven sins. At the end of your life review, you will have a fair mini-judgment to heaven, hell, or purgatory. This is a picture of where your life is headed, if you do not change your life. You will also have a preview of what your soul’s destination would be like so that you will know the consequences of your actions. You will be warned not to take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in your body, and not to worship the Antichrist. You then will be placed back into your body in time, and you will have six weeks of time for your conversion to change your life. Then you will see events move quickly that will bring the Antichrist into power. You need to prepare yourself spiritually with repentance in Confession to minimize the severity of any punishment. Remove all of your electronic devices from your homes, and be prepared with some camping supplies to leave for My refuges when I warn you that it is time to leave. Before martial law you can call on Me, and I will have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge with a small flame. Your angel will put a veil of invisibility around you to protect you. You will have a cross on your forehead that will allow you to enter any refuge. Have no fear because I am always with you.”
Saturday, August 17, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, your life on earth seems like a long time when you are young. Once, you become older, you start to realize how short your time is on earth. Since your lifetime is relatively short, you need to make the best use of your time by serving Me, as Joshua encouraged his people. Those people, who have a terminal illness, like cancer, know their time is limited even more. Joshua made a statement of faith that everyone should live by: ‘As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.’ My son, you have your own favorite quote: ‘Seek first the kingdom of heaven, and all that you need will be given to you.’ There are many beautiful Bible verses that people can live by. I know all of your personal needs in this life, and I will help you to survive. By loving Me and loving your neighbor in your actions, this will please Me the most. You can serve Me by your good deeds and your prayer life. When you recognize Me as the center of your life, then following My Commandments is the best way that you can truly believe in Me. Consecrate everything you do for Me each day, and your life will be a joy to follow My Will.”
Jesus said: “My people, I keep showing you these visions of tunnels because this is how you will experience My Warning, that is very close. You are seeing My eye in the vision because I am watching all of your actions, both the good and the bad. A day is coming when you will have to answer for your bad actions. Even now, you can repent of your sins with contrite hearts, especially for Catholics who have access to Confession to a priest. After you receive your absolution, your sins will be forgiven, and grace will be restored to your soul. Make a plan to come to Confession, and do not keep putting it off. With frequent Confession, then your Warning experience will be less severe. Many times you keep falling into sin, but you need to keep seeking My forgiveness. I am always ready to forgive any repentant sinner. It is those, who do not seek My forgiveness, that could fall into greater sin, and be lost. Keep praying for sinners that their hearts could be softened to receive Me as their Savior. You cannot come to heaven, unless you come through Me.”
Friday, August 16, 2013: (St. Stephen of Hungary)
Jesus said: “My people, the people of My time questioned Me if it was legal to divorce their wives. I explained to them that a marriage between a man and a woman was meant to be a life long commitment to each other, as I joined Adam and Eve. They quoted Moses who gave them the authority to divorce their wives. Only in situations where the marriage is not lawful because of a precondition, could there be a divorce. In certain circumstances where one spouse is overly abusive, or an addict to alcohol or drugs, it would be hard to tolerate such a life. This could be considered an impediment in a marriage. Each spouse may have some imperfections, but spouses should work to compromise any differences, so the marriage could be preserved. Some people are too quick to want a divorce without giving the marriage a chance to work. My Church does accept annulments, but they are at times given too freely. It is better to be married in the Church as a sacrament, instead of living together in fornication. My people need to imitate My love in their marriages, and they should not just seek their own way. Marriage is a commitment to give your life as a gift to your spouse with Me in the middle. By focusing more on love between the spouses, you can overlook any petty differences.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are a good number of people who are so taken up with the latest computers, tablets, phones, and other hand-held devices. It is easy to become addicted to playing with these devices, and they consume a lot of your valuable time. My son, you have learned this lesson when you were taken up with writing computer programs. The biggest lesson that you learned, was not to let anything control you and your time. Without any control over how you spend your time, you will not have any time for Me in prayer. Your experience with My peace in Adoration is much more satisfying than working with the newest electrical device. Every device that you craved for, only lasted until the next new device would come out. This craving for things shows you that these things will become obsolete, and in the end, it is your soul’s destination that is more important. I created people as an extension of My love that I wanted to share. Your soul craves to be with Me more than your body desires earthly things that are not important. My faithful can share their love with their family and friends, and you can share your faith experience with those who you can evangelize to love Me. There is a great spiritual satisfaction in bringing souls to know and love Me. I love all of you so much, and I am pleased when you can love Me in return by your own free will.”