Saturday, September 10, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, when this woman came to the well, I told her that she could ask Me for ‘Living Water’ that I would give her in the Holy Spirit. Every day My faithful need to come to Me with your morning offering, and receive Me in Holy Communion if you come to daily Mass. Just as the woman came every day for water to survive in the body, so you need to call on My graces every day as My daily Bread of Communion for your heavenly food. You are dependent on Me every day for all that you have, even for your very existence. Give praise and thanks to Me for everything that you receive, and not just when you are having problems and difficulties with life. When you are strong in your faith and act on My words, then you will show the good fruit coming from your heart by your charity to your neighbor. Those, who have evil hearts, can only bring forth evil deeds. Work to convert these evil hearts by My grace so they can bring forth good fruit as well. My faithful, who have made a foundation of faith in Me, are strong against the evil one. They have built their faith on the rock of St. Peter in following My Pope and My Church. Those, who have no foundation in faith in Me, are like people who build their houses on sand. When the storms of the evil one’s temptations come, they will fall to sin with no protection. So trust in Me and act on My words, and you will have eternal life in heaven.”

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you this message several times before that My people need to understand the need to put your spiritual life in order by coming to confess your sins in My sacrament of Reconciliation. This scene of rain water flushing down your streets is a sign for the need of people to ask My forgiveness of their sins. These major storms are truly a wake-up call to get your attention to change your lives of sin and your sinful lifestyles. The vision of the cesspool is to emphasize how the stench of your sins is calling for My justice. I keep repeating this message because you see what is happening, but you are too comfortable in your sins to change. You talked of dieting where you may have to change your comfortable eating habits, and suffer for awhile to lose some weight. In your spiritual life it is also a suffering to give up your sinful habits, as living together without marriage. But the result of having a purified soul without any more addictions to sin, is well worth your efforts in controlling your human passions. It is one thing to come to Confession for your sins of lust, but it is even more important to remove yourself from the occasion of sin that causes you to sin. This may be difficult to leave a personal relationship for the body, but it is much more beneficial for your soul. Trust in Me to lead you on the right path to heaven, and focus more on My Will than following your own will.”

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011: (Nativity of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, this tunnel in the vision represents the lineage from Abraham down to St. Joseph in Matthew’s Gospel (1:1-23). Mary also descended from the line of King David. This is why they had to register in Bethlehem because St. Joseph and Mary were both from the house of King David’s line. As you see in the Bible, I had planned the origin of My parents even back to Adam in Luke’s Gospel. This shows you the salvation history that preceded My birth, and how I planned to redeem all of mankind from their sins. This celebration of My Blessed Mother’s birthday follows nine months after the feast of her Immaculate Conception on December 8th. Rejoice in My Blessed Mother’s fiat yes to St. Gabriel’s invitation to be My mother.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, it is a rare event for My priests to honor Me with Benediction. Every place that has Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament is an opportunity of grace for all of My faithful to share. My people need to show your support of these places of Adoration by your attendance and help in taking some hours to pray. This world needs a lot of prayer, and there are not enough people praying in front of My tabernacles.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray for your representatives to make the right decisions and legislation to help your economy get back on its feet. It is true that you have had disagreements on how to fix your problems, but if some compromise does not come soon, your country could sink into another recession.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the expression: ‘The family that prays together, stays together.’ Your family members may pray on their own, but there is more prayer power where two or more pray together. One rosary does not take that long, and you usually pray three rosaries every day. Try to make a point to pray one rosary with your spouse and children after supper. You each have your own plans, but you will find praying together as a family will help preserve many marriages.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know the importance of having an available reservoir of fresh water for your community. Many countries do not have the convenience of running water from your tap. My people also need to see that My Blessed Sacrament is a reservoir of graces which you can visit any time when you visit My tabernacle or receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. I have an abundance of graces that you can request at any time. You can call on Me to send you angels to support you when you are being tested severely. I know your needs, so ask and your prayers will be answered.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how traumatic it is to lose your home when you have to live in a shelter or out of your vans. There are many organizations that you could donate to in order to help your citizens who are facing hard times from your disasters. Your people need to realize that many of your hardships of unemployment, and your latest disasters are in part a punishment for your sins and your lack of praying to Me. With more prayer and trust in Me, your people could accomplish great things. Your spiritual lives are more important than your physical possessions, so take care of your souls the most.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you have pride, and you want to be independent in helping your own household. At times disasters or job losses are beyond what you can accomplish on your own. When you see your neighbor in need to fix his house, be willing to reach out financially and with your labor to fill that need. You may even have to share food with those who have been wiped out financially, or their house is unlivable. The more you help your neighbor, the more graces you will store up in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you share many parties for birthdays in your family and among your relatives. My Blessed Mother loves you all dearly, and she watches out for your protection with her mantle. It would be appropriate to wish her a happy birthday, and thank her for all the intercessions that she provides for you. Imitate her life of love and humility, and heaven will be watching over you in your prayers.”

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in St. Paul’s letter to the Colossians (3:5) he calls on the people to strip away their immorality, lust, evil desire, and envy of worldly things. If they do not change, then they are calling down My justice upon them. Even today, I call on all sinners to put away their anger, wrath, malice, and foul language so they can live a proper Christian life that will witness their love for Me. St. Paul is calling you to remove your old life of sin, and put on a new life of mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, and charity. By showing a good example to those around you, you can inspire good behavior in people as they imitate your good traits. When you do these things for My sake, you will receive your reward in heaven. This cleansing process in the vision reminds you of how you can cleanse your sins from your soul with Confession. When you see so much rain coming down on parts of America, it is as if nature is trying to cleanse your sins and evil lifestyles. Your sins are crimson red, and you need to come to Me for forgiveness, so I can restore grace and love in your hearts and souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been monitoring the National Debt and how it is going over $14 trillion this year compared to $8 trillion before your President took office. The other measurement is how many billions of dollars in damage that you have witnessed in this year’s disasters which are over $42 billion. You are setting records in just about every kind of disaster that could happen. In the Bible it speaks of many natural events occurring that would be a sign of My return in the end times. The one world people and the Antichrist will have a brief reign of 3 ½ years, and then I will come on the clouds at the end of the tribulation. I will be victorious over all the evil ones as they will be cast into hell. Rejoice, that I will be the victor, and I will cleanse the earth of all evil. I will renew the earth and restore it so My faithful can live in My Era of Peace.”

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I have called My twelve apostles to represent the twelve tribes of Israel. I also sent My apostles out to all the nations to teach My Word of faith. All but one of them were martyred for their attempts to spread Christianity. To St. Peter I gave the keys of My Kingdom to establish My Church on him as the rock. St. Peter was the first of many popes to lead My Church, as I told him that the gates of hell would not prevail over My Church. Christianity has been spread all over the world by My dedicated missionaries and priests who had hands laid on them to serve. As you read the four Gospels, you are blessed with My many teachings over the three years of My public ministry. Stay true to My Church leaders who are guiding you in the morals of your day.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am calling many souls in their hearts to set up refuges for the end times, and be persistent in their mission. There are some who did not have enough money or the desire to carry out this mission, and they have abandoned their refuge. If My faithful start a refuge mission, and they are sincere, I will help them in any trials that they may face. Even if the time to be at My refuges comes and certain refuges are not ready or fully built, I will have My angels finish the building and help with the food and water that is needed. I also told you that as more people come to My refuges, My angels will build more shelters to accommodate them with bedding, food and other needs. My faithful have to trust Me that I will protect them at My refuges with My angels’ shield of invisibility. You will have heavenly Manna daily, plenty of water, and deer for your meat. All that you need will be multiplied so the people will have their necessities. Each member of your community will need to work for the survival of all of your people. Pray for My guidance and peace in your soul, so you will act calmly without any fear of the evil ones.”

Monday, September 5, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011: (Labor Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you have just listened to the last day of My creation in today’s reading when I rested on the seventh day after all the work of creation was done. When you look back only about one hundred years, you see how you did not have cars or most of your electronic gadgets, and not even air-conditioners as in the vision. This increase of knowledge and all of man’s inventions is another sign to you that you are living in the end days. You have televisions that could provide the image of the beast, and you have chips in the body for buying and selling. Many of these technologies have come from the dark side to hasten the day of the Antichrist’s declaration. Now that control over people’s minds is possible, and the one world people are ready to give this electronic control over to the Antichrist, it is time for the tribulation to come about. Evil will be allowed a short reign to test humanity, but I will bring about My Warning to prepare souls for the coming trial. Take advantage of this time for preparation and be ready both physically and spiritually for this test of My faithful elect.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you how America will be facing one disaster after another, partly as punishment for your sins. You have suffered from heavy snow storms, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, fires, and now tropical storms. Each of these events have caused power outages, while some people have lost their homes and even their places of employment. In many cases people have lost all of their money, and have had to start over. It is difficult in such a bad economy to get new jobs, rent, or build another home. These are the hardships of many of your citizens, and there is not enough government money available to fix all the roads, bridges, and railroads that have been destroyed by your disasters. The worst part of this story is that these disasters are going to continue without anyone knowing how much money will be required for future repairs. My people need to pray for the sinners of your country, and pray for America in general to change your sinful ways, or these disasters will bring you to your knees.”

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this weekend you are celebrating your Labor Day holiday. As you see people working in the fields in the vision, work helps put bread on the table and pays your bills. The American worker has been suffering hard times when manufacturing jobs are being sent abroad. This is why your country will be returning to farm life and service jobs. Even as you think about physical labor, there is also a spiritual harvest of souls. When I called My apostles to serve Me, and today when you need more priests and evangelists, it is still an appropriate response to ask for more laborers to convert people. (Matt. 9:37,38) ‘The harvest indeed is great, but the laborers are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into His harvest.’ There is always a need for more vocations to the priesthood, so My people should be praying for this intention. Your priests need your support as well both financially and in your prayers. There are also evangelists and prophets who help bring people to conversion. Even miracles of healing have helped bring souls to Me. Rejoice in the blessing of having a job and also in working to save souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, to those parents who have children and grandchildren, you should be thankful that I have invited you to be co-creators in bringing your children into this world. You have brought them physically into the world, but I have placed the soul of life into each of your children. When you see each child, as they are born, you are awed by the miracle of My creation. It is also miraculous how each person is unique with his or her own special talents, specific to each person’s mission. You love your children so much, and you would do anything for them in helping them. Remember that as you are responsible to feed them and educate them, you are also responsible for their souls as well. This means that you need to teach them the faith, and watch over their souls, even after they leave your house. It is important to pass the faith on to your children so they can pass their faith down to their children. You should also look out for the faith of your grandchildren as well. Some times the parents are not always responsible in teaching the faith to their children. This is when the grandchildren could be taught the faith by their grandparents. Saving the souls of your family is most important. So pray for all of your children, grandchildren, and relatives both when they are alive, and even after their deaths.”

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday, September 3, 2011: (St. Gregory the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, everyone has a physical heart that needs to keep beating for their survival, but you also have a spiritual heart to love Me and other people. Many of My faithful have a devotion to My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart. You recognize My loving Heart just as you all have a loving heart to love Me and others. When a man and a woman fall in love, it is this love of the spiritual hearts that unites them. All of you have this capacity to love Me and to love other human beings. You may love animals or secular things, but this is at a lower level of importance. Love in the heart needs to be shared, and that is why a man and a woman crave to have a spouse, not only physically, but also a spiritual connection. The highest level of love is when you crave to be one with your Creator. This love in your heart can only be fulfilled when you are in union with My Sacred Heart. By joining Me in My Eucharist at Mass, conversing with Me through prayer, and adoring Me at Adoration, you are completely satisfied in your craving for My love in your heart.”

Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday, September 2, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I broke the bread with My apostles at the Last Supper. Then My disciples on the road to Emmaus recognized Me when I broke bread with them after My Resurrection. At the Mass you see My consecrated Host broken before you. My Real Presence is with you at Communion and in My tabernacles. When you receive Me at Communion time, you have My joy and grace enter into your heart and soul. You are tested in this life with many trials, but you have My peace and hope of eternal life with you at all times to console you. So do not allow the worldly things to depress you, but keep your eyes always focused on Me so I can help you in your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I warned the people of My day to listen to the words of the Pharisees and Sadducees, but not to follow their actions. They were very prideful in looking for places of honor at banquets, and always being recognized as important. It cannot be this way for My disciples. I call on you to be humble and live simple lives without seeking praise from others for your good works. For all of your accomplishments, give all the glory to Me, and you will be rewarded in heaven. When you seek heaven, you must become like little children in their innocence and complete trust in Me. Even when you are blessed with an answer to your prayers, you should give glory and thanks to Me for listening to your prayers. Keep praying to Me for your daily needs and the needs of others.”

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I mentioned in previous messages how My miracles helped My apostles to believe in My mission, and later they realized that I was the Messiah or the Christ. In today’s Gospel from St. Luke, you saw St. Peter, St. John, and St. James leave their work as fishermen to follow Me after they witnessed the miraculous catch of many fish. They were acquainted with Me for awhile, but now My apostles have made their full commitment to be My disciples. In Mark’s Gospel I called the same apostles while they were at shore mending their nets. As My disciples saw more and more of My miracles, this strengthened their faith in My mission. Even though My apostles heard My explanations of My parables and witnessed My miracles, they still did not fully understand My mission. When I told them that I must die and be resurrected on the third day, they were in disbelief. It was only after My Resurrection and My gift of the Holy Spirit that they understood My suffering was meant to save all of mankind from their sins. This is why faith is a gift, and it cannot be reasoned by only human knowledge. Only by My help and that of My Father and the Holy Spirit can My people believe that I am the Son of God to show everyone the way to heaven. I taught My apostles to be fishers of men and women, and I also give this same gift of evangelization to all of My faithful. I call all of you to go out to all the nations to bring souls to Me in conversion. Your reward will be great in heaven for following My words.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many billions of dollars have been spent on the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and now in the Middle East. Now America has been brought to its knees with over $39 billion of natural disaster destruction throughout the year. Money is now needed to repair roads and bridges from Hurricane Irene’s damage. There is a cry of who is more deserving of aid from your Treasury. These questions may cause a change in who decides what priorities are more important. Wars are self-inflicted, but disasters need immediate repair without question.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen people in New England suffering from major flooding that has stopped electricity to millions, and roads that were washed out. Many are offering their services to repair roads, bridges, and power lines, but it will take time and money that is scarce for disasters. Even food and water had to be brought in by helicopter in remote areas. Pray for these people and send donations where you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, even when you see storms coming to areas that normally do not have them, people were still putting themselves at risk when they should have evacuated. Your people are now realizing that even category 1 or 2 hurricanes can still cause a lot of rain damage. This experience may help people to evacuate more quickly when others are threatened. The cumulative effect of one disaster after another is stressing your first responders and the money it takes for repairs. Pray not only for the victims of your disasters, but also pray for those who risk their lives to save others.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have some distressed areas where tornadoes and floods have destroyed some schools. In these cases it may take longer to rebuild schools and find room for temporary school rooms. It is in these situations that the local people are pulling together to restore their towns to normal life. Give these areas credit for working to save their towns and their way of life. Some areas may need to call on others to help them. Even other states have been willing to send what help and aid that they can.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see record numbers of tornadoes and deaths from them, you think this is one isolated instance. Then you see earthquakes in unusual places, and hurricanes in unusual places, and now there seems to be a message in these events. Americans are still killing millions of unborn babies in abortion, killing old people with euthanasia, and are now encouraging homosexual marriages. These crimes against My laws are demanding My justice, and nature is even reacting to your increasing sinful behavior. The violence of your crimes is now being mirrored in the violence of these natural disasters. Pray for all of these sinners so My hand of punishment will be lifted from you.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are feeling frustrated with your stagnant economy and continuing high unemployment. Even with continuing time, there is little hope to see any improvement in your economy. Many of your poor decisions are causing the massive deficits in your government. If some needed changes are not made quickly, then truly you could see a crash of your financial system bring an end to America. Pray that your leaders can correct your bad spending habits in order to balance your budget.”

Jesus said: “My people, your problems with evil are only going to get worse before I bring an end to the Antichrist’s reign. This is why I have been preparing you for My refuges where you will be protected from the evil ones. You will be seeing an evil worse than you have ever seen before with much killing directed by Satan and the Antichrist. You are about to see a battle of good and evil that will end with My victory over evil. Trust in My help and protection as you will be enduring your purgatory on earth. For those, who are faithful to Me, they will see their reward in My Era of Peace and in heaven.”