Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday, October 28, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, America has been warned in many ways to repent of its sinful lifestyles, or a punishment will fall on your country. Your laws and decisions are allowing abortion, and they need to be changed. Just as individuals are responsible for their sins, so nations are also responsible for the collective sin of their people. America is being tested by many weather events as a punishment for your sins. If Americans do not repent of their sins and change their lifestyles, they will suffer like Israel in the loss of their freedoms. Keep praying for your country and the souls of its people, and you could mitigate any suffering.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions would be places of refuges. This will be a rustic refuge as many refuges may not have electricity. Even if food and bedding places have not been prepared, I will have My angels provide for your food and bedding. They will multiply the buildings so people will have a place to stay. The angels will also multiply the food and water that will be needed. There is a special angel of protection here at this place.”

Jesus said: “My people, churches that have Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament will be refuges during the tribulation. The angels will help expand your church and provide dormitories for the families to live. Any food preparations will be multiplied for the people who come here so they have enough to eat. Your well will become healing water as well as water to drink. Rejoice in this church when you will have perpetual Adoration. I will even multiply your candles and other needs for this church. The leader will need to direct many people in the jobs people will need to do in helping your community. Rejoice in My angel protection throughout the tribulation.”

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this Blessed Sacrament chapel as an expression of My love for My people for every time you receive Me in Holy Communion. The fireplace represents the fire of My love that is forever burning in your heart. Many times in pictures you see a flame burning in My Sacred Heart. This is an eternal flame of love that I send out to permeate all of My creation. The seat against the wall represents My peace and rest that I bestow on all of My faithful when you come into My Real Presence. When you looked upon My Host in the monstrance, you felt a tingling throughout your body when you became one with Me as you will feel all the time in heaven. Receiving Me in Holy Communion is the best taste of heaven that you could receive on earth. Give praise and glory to Me for My gift of Myself to all of you in My Eucharist. Give thanks to Me for being your Creator and Redeemer of your soul from your sins. Keep close to Me in all that you do out of love for Me. I send My angels of protection to guard you from the evil one, and I give you My blessings to guide you on your path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are always being tempted by the evil one, and at times you find yourself in sin. This cleansing water is like the cleansing of sin with Baptism. In the Gospel you saw how I exorcized the legion of demons out of the possessed man. Because the demons drowned the swine, the people asked Me to leave their territory. I have given you messages before about possessed people in this age, but this Gospel reminds you that some people could be possessed by more than one demon. An exorcist priest would be the ideal person to exorcize possessed people. At times such a priest may not be available. My faithful can pray as a group for deliverance of such demons, but you should protect yourselves with your sacramentals, holy water, and blessed salt. Bind any evil spirits to the foot of My cross in My Name, and pray the long form of the St. Michael prayers. Sometimes you need to pray such deliverance over people with addictions to drugs and alcohol. Many addictions are tied to demons which is why these people need deliverance. I warn people to avoid occult meetings and seances, as well as tarot cards, palm readings, hypnotism, Reiki, and any other Eastern transcendental meditation. Avoid evil potions, and all Harry Potter movies and books which lead to witchcraft, spells, and curses. By wearing your sacramentals of scapulars, rosaries, and Benedictine crosses you can protect yourselves from any demon possession. When you feel that you are under attack by demons, then call on Me, and I will send you more angels of protection. Have trust in Me that I am guarding My faithful from harm at all times.”

Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, at times you want to have a quiet word with Me away from the busyness of your worldly things. This is why it is so nice to know which churches are open, so you can visit Me in My real sacramental Presence. When you come before Me, you can pray in discernment of any hard choices in life that you need to resolve. When you are in contemplative prayer with Me, you can think of which areas of your life that you need to improve, so you can be more pleasing to Me in your behavior. You were discussing how I love everyone, even the worst of sinners. It is truly your actions that can displease Me at times. I love people more when they love Me sincerely with their heart, mind, and soul of their own free will. This is why you need to pray for all of your family members, especially those who are far from Me in their actions. It is on your actions that you will be judged, because all souls are lovable as My creations.”

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, faith in Me is a gift, and all of you are presented with My Word in the Bible and My sacraments. It is the soul’s choice to seek Me first in Baptism, and continue to follow Me through life’s struggles. There are some who do not have parents to baptize them, so these souls may have to choose Me later in life. At some point in each person’s life, there is a time when each soul needs to make a personal commitment to follow Me. As you see in the vision, the people are climbing the wall of life, and each person is at various stages of progress in his or her faith. Some progress quickly in loving Me, some are slower, and some fall away from their faith. In the Gospel I am showing people that not everyone in your family is going to be a true believer. There is even a possible division in families between those who believe in Me and those who do not. Keep praying for all of your family members to be saved from hell, especially for the lukewarm or those who do not come to church. It is by your persistent prayers that all of your family could be saved.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you a message of destruction for New York City before (6-4-12). Now your weather forecasters are projecting your latest hurricane to strike close to New York City. With enough prayer it is possible to minimize any damage or send it out to sea. It is interesting that this will come into your financial district right before your election. America has been warned to repent earlier this year when Hurricane Isaac struck New Orleans exactly seven years to the day after Hurricane Katrina. I told you that if America does not change its sinful ways, you could see more destruction. America needs to wake up to all the signs that you are being given.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people need to prepare in case this storm strikes near your home in the North where you could see power outages on your power grid. You should have some oil lamps, windup flashlights, extra food and water, and possibly alternative fuels if it is cold. Depending on the severity of the storm, this will determine how quickly power could be restored. Many of these preparations are the same that My faithful will need before you need to leave for My refuges. Pray for the safety of the people to minimize any deaths.” (Note: 10-30-12 there were 8 million homes without power.)

Jesus said: “My people, your new Health Plan, if it is enacted, will cause a problem in determining who gets an operation and who does not. Not only are your health costs going to increase, but there is a problem with not enough doctors to help 33 million new people that will have their insurance with your government. Everyone will not get their needed operation that will be dictated by your 18 member panel that will make these decisions. Other countries that have national health insurance see their people getting secondary health insurance in order to get their operation in a shorter time or to guarantee not being denied. Pray that mandatory chips in the body are not forced on your people as part of this health plan, or you will need to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, the latest budget cuts will fall heavily on your military because it is a large portion of your budget. With many possible wars that could happen in the Middle East, it is hard to reduce weapons that may be needed to protect Israel. Your Congress will need to make some hard choices on what budgets to cut so you can strive for a balanced budget. Pray that your leaders will make the right choices for your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is more important to celebrate All Saints Day than to give more time to Halloween. Giving out candy to the children is one thing, but dressing them up as witches, devils, and like give more honor to evil than good. It is better to dress the children in less offensive costumes. Pray that parents do not give their children the wrong message in any honor of evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your prayer groups, Mass people, and other religious groups have older people, you are losing more of your faithful members to death and health problems. You can remember many of your friends that have died this year. Recently, your daily Mass friend, Bob Carey, just died, and you will be planning for his funeral. Pray for his soul and for his wife and family who are mourning his loss. When you see the current list of friends, you wonder how are you going to replace these souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, I keep stressing how important it is for Americans to stand up for all of your freedoms, including your religious freedom. This Freedom Bell goes back to your founding documents that set up your government as a democratic republic. Today, the central bankers are taking away your financial freedom by using the Federal Reserve to inflate your currency with Treasury Notes printed out of thin air, and by buying your mortgages for nothing in buying the banks bad house loans. If your people do not resist this thievery of your country, then you will soon wake up, and they will have taken over your country. America needs to repent of its sins and take back the people’s authority in your government to print money before you cease to exist as a free people.”

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012: (St. Anthony Claret)
Jesus said: “My people, it is one thing for a single thief to break into your house to steal something. It is another thing when a country allows the thieves of the central bankers to come in and steal or inflate your money until it is worthless. Once the Federal Reserve was given the right to charge interest on your bonds, and to print Treasury Notes without any backing, you have let the fox come into the chicken house. Now you have Quantitative easing with no limit, and the buying of the banks’ bad debts will not help your economy or produce any jobs. Once the banks start to allow more borrowing, you could see a huge increase in inflation. If the banks continue to hold on to their new money, then you could see a worsening economy with more lost jobs. The coming tax increases alone could cause more lost jobs and a recession. The real theft of your country could come with a martial law that would take away your freedoms and force you into the North American Union. If martial law occurs, My faithful will have to leave their homes for the protection of My angels at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard some of the plans of the one world people, but their time line has not been exact, even by their own admission. I am still in control, and I will only allow the evil ones to have their reign when it is according to My time. Before the major events are allowed, I will bring My Warning experience to give every sinner a wake-up call and some time to repent and convert. You have seen one plan to crash the banks in the third week of this month fail as some tried to hack into your banks. At times the one world people put out misinformation to scare the people. Time for My Warning is growing short, and after the Warning events will move fast to bring the Antichrist into power. I am providing My refuges as a safe haven for My believers to be protected during the tribulation. So have some food and fuel ready until you will be forced to leave for My refuges. I will alert people when it is time to come. Trust in My protection as your guardian angels will lead you to the nearest refuge. They will protect you with a shield of invisibility. At the end of this short reign of the Antichrist, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, and My angels will cast the evil ones into hell. I will then renew the earth, and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven. Rejoice when My victory will come over the Antichrist and Satan.”

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012: (St. John of Capistrano)
Jesus said: “My people, you come to Mass every day to appreciate My gift to you in the miracle of the trans- substantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. You receive My Real Presence in Holy Communion, and I am with you to help you through all of your trials of the day. Living in the human condition makes you vulnerable to the devil’s temptations, and all of your health problems. Many times sickness can try your patience as you suffer fever, pain, and nausea. Now you are also seeing many cancers from your food and your environment. As you pray for people in sickness or death, you can comfort others by your visits and sharing the grief of those who are mourning the loss of their loved ones. Be thankful for the gift of My sacraments in all of the stages of life from birth to death. By keeping close to Me, especially in frequent Confession, you can keep a pure soul so you are always ready to meet Me at your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, this scene outside at night represents the American voters who are kept in the dark about the real issues facing your country. The latest sequestration of over a trillion dollars in cuts is to help balance the budget, but it really will just help pay for the overspending on your out of control entitlements. The same can be said for any tax increases in 2013. To control entitlement spending would take some cuts in benefits, but neither party will move before the election. The Executive branch is stealing your freedoms with edicts and Executive Orders that are not being questioned by your Congress. At the current rate, America will soon become a part of the North American Union unless there is a change in your government. This election will be a choice for either socialism or a democratic republic on the temporal side. On the spiritual side it is a choice between a moral or an immoral society. If America’s voters do not wake up, they will soon see their freedoms disappear. Pray that your citizens will vote for those who will defend your freedoms.”

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, this symbol of a train rushing by represents when I come to take each soul home in death. You do not know when your life will be taken because it will seem like a thief in the night. So keep your soul pure by frequent Confession so you are always ready for Me at your judgment. There are some people as in the Gospel who accumulate wealth, and they think that they will have a long retirement to enjoy their money. But none of you can promise that you will be alive tomorrow. So take each day as a gift, and live it as your last in order to make the most out of your allotted time. Have your will and finances in order because you do not know how much longer you will live. While you are still here on earth, you could try to do as many good works for your neighbor that you can. At your judgment I will be asking you if you fed the hungry, gave water to the thirsty, clothed the people, or visited the sick, elderly, and the imprisoned. If you have done these things, then I will put you on the path to heaven. If you were selfish and did not do these things, then you may find it more difficult to get into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the seven new saints were already saints in heaven, but My Church recognizes saints usually with three miracles attributed to them after their death. This ceremony yesterday was special for Kateri Tekakwitha and Marianne Cope because they were from New York State. Many people are involved in struggling to have the Church honor someone with sainthood. Documentation of the needed miracles is crucial in that decision. So once these people become saints, it is a testimony to the saint and to the hard work needed for the cause of gaining sainthood. I ask all of My faithful to strive to be saints because only holy people can enter heaven. Every time souls enter heaven, they receive a crown of sainthood. This is why I call people to be perfect so they will not suffer long in purgatory until they are released from purgatory into heaven. A crown of sainthood is awaiting each faithful soul in heaven.”

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, coming to Mass on Sunday to worship Me is expected of all Catholics because it is the Third Commandment of keeping Sunday holy. Those, who refuse to come to Mass on Sunday, are committing a serious sin if they are able and not sick. Some people do not come because they are spiritually lazy, and they are becoming part of the lukewarm. It is hard to keep up the support of your parish if people do not come, and do not make a worthy donation. Of the people who do come, there are some who could contribute more than a token amount. These people have money for their comforts, but only share a little in their envelopes. I ask people to give Me at least one hour a week to come and acknowledge their Lord who gives them all that they have. You come on Sunday not only to worship Me, but to thank Me for what you have. Every time you come to Mass, you receive My Real Presence in Holy Communion for those in the state of grace. The same people, who are missing Mass, are also not coming much if at all to Confession. My sacraments are there to cleanse the sins off of your soul, and to strengthen you to fight the devil’s temptations. Pray hard for your family members to come to Sunday Mass, and give them your good example to encourage them to attend Mass and come to Confession.”

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday, October 20, 2012: (St. Paul of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, there is only one goal in this life, and it means that you either love Me or not. I encourage everyone to come to Me because I am your Creator and your Savior. I love all of you so much that I became a man so I could die as a sacrifice for all of your sins. When you look at the intricacies of My creation, you see how everything fits together in a balance of nature. Man in many ways is upsetting this delicate balance of nature with his fertilizers, pesticides, and GMO (genetically modified) crops. Even the animals are given growth hormones and crossbreeding for various financial reasons. All the plans of man are imperfect, while all of My plans are perfect. You are also seeing more diseases that are man-made for the purpose of reducing the population. Many vaccines and flu shots actually harm your immune system instead of preventing diseases. It is diabolical that companies as Monsanto and the drug companies are making GMO crops and flu shots for the purpose of reducing the population. The GMO crops are causing cancers, allergies, autism, infertility, and many other diseases in the digestive tract. The vaccines also are causing autism and other disorders. The problem with these side effects is that chemicals are changing the very DNA of your crops and animals. These food sources are affecting many human diets which lead to many diseases because your body does not recognize these DNA changes in the food. For the health of My people, I am encouraging you to avoid GMO crops and the meats of animals that are fed these crops and hormones. Also avoid taking any flu shots, and fight the health professions that are forcing their people to take these bad shots. The next stage will be to force you to take chips in the body, or you will lose your jobs as well. Refuse to take chips in the body, even if they threaten your lives. When mandatory chips in the body come, it will be time to come to My refuges. Trust in My words because Monsanto and the drug companies are only making money on these threats to your health.”

Jesus said: “My people, over the years you have seen many people martyred for their faith in Me. It is not easy to be led like a lamb to the slaughter, but it is better to die a martyr’s death than to deny that you believe in Me. The blood on the ground now is from the civilians being killed in Syria by their own government. The blood of My babies killed by abortion is on the hands of the doctors and mothers who aborted their children. I will forgive those, who repent of their sins, but they will have to deal with this guilt the rest of their lives. Keep praying for peace from wars, and for the stoppage of abortion. Your meeting today in downtown Rochester, N.Y. was uniting all Christians who are standing up for their religious freedoms from a government that rules by edicts and not by the vote of the people. It is the misuse of the Federal Register on regulations, the misuse of Executive Orders, and ramming legislation through by the Congress that has enabled your health plan to be forced on your people. Many Congress people did not even read this legislation before it was passed. Your people will have a say this November on whether this law will be carried out.”

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012: (St. Isaac Jogues and companions)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s vision of gas pumps, you are looking at the new normal of high gasoline prices at or above $4 per gallon in America. Your grocery items will also be rising in price due to your shortages of apples, corn, and other crops that suffered from man-made weather manipulations. Your whole economy is being manipulated by the central banker’s Federal Reserve that is pumping more money into circulation with QE3 to cover the expense of your deficits and increasing National Debt. You have not seen hyperinflation yet because the banks are sitting on trillions of dollars that they are not loaning out. Instead, the banks are using this money to cancel their bad loans that were created by Wall Street’s derivative debacle. Eventually, your dollar will crash because there is not enough money or credit in the world to unwind all the bad derivative bets that were made on bad loans. Many banks and investment firms were betting big money just as people gamble in your casinos. When these bets were lost, now these greedy people want the taxpayer to bail out their bad debts. This is why the Federal Reserve is buying $40 billion/month of these worthless loans and bad derivative bets. These one world people want to crash your economic system so they can take over your country. They will use computer viruses or supposed hackers to close your banks as a beginning sign of their attempted takeover. Such a bank holiday could lead to riots and a martial law. Your time to leave for My refuges will come when your lives will be in danger. Be prepared to leave your homes with as much as you can place in your vehicles. Have trust in My protection during the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I tested My apostles on how so many people could be fed. One said it would take two hundred denarii worth of bread to feed the crowd. Another said that there was a boy with two fish and five barley loaves, but what was this for so many people. Then I blessed the food, and I had My apostles distribute the multiplied fish and bread to the people. I was generous with the food, but I did not want to waste any food, so they collected seven baskets of fragments. Even as I multiplied the fish and the bread for the people, I will also have My angels multiply My Communion so everyone will have daily Communion at My refuges. I will bring deer into the refuges so you will have meat at night. I will also multiply your fuels, water, food, and bedding places. Give thanks and praise to Me because I will be protecting My faithful from evil, and I will provide for your needs.”