Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012: (St. Anthony Claret)
Jesus said: “My people, it is one thing for a single thief to break into your house to steal something. It is another thing when a country allows the thieves of the central bankers to come in and steal or inflate your money until it is worthless. Once the Federal Reserve was given the right to charge interest on your bonds, and to print Treasury Notes without any backing, you have let the fox come into the chicken house. Now you have Quantitative easing with no limit, and the buying of the banks’ bad debts will not help your economy or produce any jobs. Once the banks start to allow more borrowing, you could see a huge increase in inflation. If the banks continue to hold on to their new money, then you could see a worsening economy with more lost jobs. The coming tax increases alone could cause more lost jobs and a recession. The real theft of your country could come with a martial law that would take away your freedoms and force you into the North American Union. If martial law occurs, My faithful will have to leave their homes for the protection of My angels at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard some of the plans of the one world people, but their time line has not been exact, even by their own admission. I am still in control, and I will only allow the evil ones to have their reign when it is according to My time. Before the major events are allowed, I will bring My Warning experience to give every sinner a wake-up call and some time to repent and convert. You have seen one plan to crash the banks in the third week of this month fail as some tried to hack into your banks. At times the one world people put out misinformation to scare the people. Time for My Warning is growing short, and after the Warning events will move fast to bring the Antichrist into power. I am providing My refuges as a safe haven for My believers to be protected during the tribulation. So have some food and fuel ready until you will be forced to leave for My refuges. I will alert people when it is time to come. Trust in My protection as your guardian angels will lead you to the nearest refuge. They will protect you with a shield of invisibility. At the end of this short reign of the Antichrist, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, and My angels will cast the evil ones into hell. I will then renew the earth, and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven. Rejoice when My victory will come over the Antichrist and Satan.”