Friday, October 26, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, at times you want to have a quiet word with Me away from the busyness of your worldly things. This is why it is so nice to know which churches are open, so you can visit Me in My real sacramental Presence. When you come before Me, you can pray in discernment of any hard choices in life that you need to resolve. When you are in contemplative prayer with Me, you can think of which areas of your life that you need to improve, so you can be more pleasing to Me in your behavior. You were discussing how I love everyone, even the worst of sinners. It is truly your actions that can displease Me at times. I love people more when they love Me sincerely with their heart, mind, and soul of their own free will. This is why you need to pray for all of your family members, especially those who are far from Me in their actions. It is on your actions that you will be judged, because all souls are lovable as My creations.”