Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday, July 29, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, throughout My three years of ministry I performed many miracles to heal people both spiritually and physically. This miracle of the multiplication of the bread and fish is a sign of how I would bring My very Body and Blood to all of those who receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. I am truly present in every consecrated Host, and you receive My grace of this Eucharistic sacrament every time that you receive Me. Some of My faithful even come to visit Me and adore Me at Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance. While I am present in My tabernacles, it is even more personal to see your God in My Host displayed at Adoration in the monstrance. You also receive grace when you come to adore Me and praise Me in My tabernacle or exposed in the monstrance. Perpetual Adoration at various churches is a blessing for My faithful, and it should be promoted everywhere. My adorers are special to Me because they are true believers in My Real Presence. Teach your children and friends about the graces and blessings that they can receive by visiting Me in My tabernacle. When you come to visit Me, you are at peace in the quiet of your contemplative prayer. I listen to all of your prayer requests, and to all the things that may be troubling your soul. Whatever you ask of Me in prayer, I will answer in My way and in My time. Rejoice in the sharing of My love because I am always with you.”

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Saturday, July 28, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, everything in your life should be directed toward your final destination in heaven. This life is a test of your faith in Me, and it is very short. Do not get comfortable with this life because it passes you by in a relatively short time. If your desire is to be with Me in heaven, then you need to repent of your sins and pray to Me every day. It is not easy to live a Christian life because you need to give your life over to Me in following My plan. Because the Israelites worshiped Baal and other gods, they were punished by being exiled. America is also worshiping other gods of sports, money, fame, and pleasures. Because you are turning your back on Me, America also will be suffering a coming punishment at the hands of the one world people. I have told you of some possible major disasters, and a possible martial law coming soon. Before these events take place, I will send you My Warning to prepare the people spiritually for the evil that will come with the Antichrist. Americans need to wake up and get their spiritual lives in order because you will be facing a takeover of your country from war and bankruptcy. You will be alerted in the Warning not to take any chip in the body, and not to worship the Antichrist. My faithful will choose between coming to My refuges or suffering martyrdom. From now to the refuge time, you will need to store one year’s supply of food because you may not find it in the stores, or you may need a chip in the body to buy it. You also may find that your dollars will become worthless so you cannot buy the food. Once your life is in danger, I will warn you that it is time to leave for My refuges. Those, who stay in their homes, are risking martyrdom at the detention death camps because Christians and patriots will be the targets to be killed. The Antichrist will bring about his new world order for a brief time, and I will come and defeat him. The evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, this tree represents the Tree of Life that will be prolific in My Era of Peace. Rejoice that this coming Era of Peace will be a reward for all of those who will remain faithful to Me throughout the tribulation. I have invited many prophets and messengers to share My words of preparation with My people so they may be ready to endure the coming tribulation. It is not easy to encourage people to repent of their sins and make preparations for a coming famine and martial law. When you see the banks and stores close, you will be thankful that I warned you to store one year’s supply of food and water. My people need to heed My words of preparation so you will have food for your relatives and friends. Pray that people will discern and prepare so they do not go hungry.”

Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday, July 27, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have just read the Parable of the Sower who was sowing the Word of God and the coming of the Kingdom to various souls. The first souls mentioned are the atheists, who hear the Word of God, but they reject Me for other gods. This is the seed that fell on the pathway. The second souls are the lukewarm, and they are represented in the seed that falls on the rocks, but the Word fails in those souls because they have no roots and the seed withers and dies. The third souls are those, who accept My Word for a time, but as they grow up, the desires and concerns of the world choke off their faith. This is the seed that falls upon thorns and weeds. The fourth souls are the seed that falls upon rich soil and they yield fruit a hundred, sixty, and thirty fold. My faithful have been given a gift of faith, but just like a plant, they need to nourish their faith with the grace of My sacraments. You need the sun to grow plants, and you need My Light when you come to adore Me in My Blessed Sacrament at Adoration. Once you have grown in your faith, now you need to share your faith with others by evangelizing people to the faith. The power of the Holy Spirit will give you what to say, and by saving souls, this will be the fruit that you can bear. Rejoice in the joy of My love, and rejoice in bringing new souls to the faith so they can enjoy My love and peace as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have looked back through history to see how different civilizations dealt with various forms of money. The best sources of money came from non-debt money. At times you have seen Colonial script, greenbacks, and gold and silver coins. These currencies had one thing in common in that they did not require interest to be paid in order to produce the money. When your Congress prints money or coins money, then you do not owe interest to anyone. Your country prospered the most without involving the Federal Reserve Notes. Once you allowed the Federal Reserve, or the central bankers, to control the money, now you are under their control. It is the one world people’s wars and your entitlement overspending that has expanded your National Debt to $16 trillion with $60 trillion or more in promises to provide for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. It is just a matter of time before your dollar will be crashed in preparation for the ‘amero’ which is the currency of the North American Union. These central bankers want to control the amount of money so they can create recessions, depressions, and recoveries. Their next objective is to crash the dollar so they can use America’s bankruptcy to declare martial law. This would make your President a dictator under his Executive Orders. Once the euro and the dollar crash, you will need to come to My refuges of protection because there will be chaos over no money and killing for food. Have some bartering coins of silver and gold, extra food, some cash, camping equipment, and extra fuel ready for when the banks will close. You may need these things before you come to My refuges. Once you are led to My refuges, My angels will protect you and provide for your needs. Have faith and trust in Me to lead you to safe places away from the evil ones.”

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thursday, July 26, 2012: (St. Anne & St. Joachim)
Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate the feast day of My grandparents. You have seen in the Scriptures about the birth of My Blessed Mother and My own birth. The vision is when I read the Scripture of Isaiah in Nazareth that spoke of the coming of the Messiah. After I read the Scripture and I sat down, I told them that on that day this Scripture has been fulfilled in their hearing. Later, I emphasized that I came from My Father and the people wanted to kill Me because they thought I was blaspheming. In the Gospel of today I told the people about My parables of the coming of My Kingdom. Then I said: ‘Many prophets and religious people longed to hear what you are hearing, but did not hear it, and to see My miracles, but they did not see it.’ My people of today have read My words of the Gospels, and you have read about My miracles, but you have faith without seeing Me in the flesh. I told My apostles after My Resurrection that they believed because they could see and touch My glorified Body, but blessed are those who did not see Me, and still they believe in Me. I love you, My children, and I ask you to follow Me through life, and you will have your reward in heaven for your belief in Me.”

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012: (St. James)
Jesus said: “My people, I pray that every soul desires to be with Me in heaven, so each soul can be overwhelmed with My love and peace. It is enough for each sinner to repent of his or her sins, and I will put you in the place that I have prepared for you in heaven. I do ask each of My faithful souls to strive for the higher levels of heaven because this requires a deeper love, and a personal commitment to save souls. Do not have any spiritual pride that you are better than anyone else, because you are all equal in My eyes. Each of you have been given different talents to achieve the mission that I have planned for you. In order to fulfill your mission, you need to give your free will over to Me so you can live in My Divine Will. Just as I came to serve and not to be served, so I call on My disciples to serve people in evangelizing souls. You remember your earlier training that you are placed on this earth to know, love, and serve Me with your whole heart, your whole soul, and your whole mind. Live this life in My love, and you will allow Me to lead you to your place in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, many times I have prayed over people not only to heal their physical problems, but I also desired to heal the people’s souls as well. You have noticed in many of My healings that it was faith in My healing gifts that healed the people. In My own hometown I could not heal more than two people because of their lack of faith in My healing gifts. So when you are asked to pray over someone, try to gather a sense if they believe in God. If someone has any addictions, pray to bind any evil spirits of these addictions to the foot of My cross in My Name, Jesus. Pray the St. Michael prayer for that person as an exorcism prayer. Once their faith is open to Me, then My grace and that of the Holy Spirit can work to heal their physical ailments. When people witness any healing through your prayers and My grace, be sure to give thanks to My intercession and healing. All healing comes from Me and the Holy Spirit, so be sure to give Us the credit without claiming that you did the healing by yourself. I have told you that you will be seeing more healings through My prophets and messengers as you enter the end times. Again, be grateful for every miracle that you see, because these are gifts from God. Also, when you pray over people, be sure to pray for their souls and their bodies as well.”

St. Anne said: “My dear children, I am the grandmother of Jesus, and the Blessed Virgin Mary is my daughter. You are grandparents yourselves, and you know what a joy it is to have grandchildren. I brought Mary up with our Jewish traditions, and these were the same teachings that Mary taught Jesus. My husband, St. Joachim, and I knew of the teachings of the coming Messiah. But we did not realize that I would bear the Mother of God. Mary was sinless, and she had no original sin in her Immaculate Conception. As you can see by the many crutches in the main church, I have been an intercessor of prayer and an intercessor of healing miracles. Just as you pray to the Blessed Mother for prayer petitions, so you can call on me also to intercede for your requests that are given to Jesus. I love all of you so much, and I am happy that your group could come to my Shrine to celebrate my novena and my feast day.”

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012: (St. Sharbel)
Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you dearly, and I used this moment of greeting My Blessed Mother and My apostles as a teaching moment. I did not ignore them, but I wanted the people to realize that those, who followed Me, were welcomed also as My brothers and sisters. I seek to have a personal relationship with all of My faithful. When you speak to Me in informal prayer or in formal prayer, you are uniting our two hearts in love. If you truly love Me, you should show it in your actions so you can be a good Christian example to others. Guard your eyes and your actions so that you do not allow the evil one to tempt you into sin. Again, if you love Me, you would not do anything to offend Me in sin. It is by striving for purity and perfection that you can train yourself with My grace to be a worthy disciple. In order to come to heaven, you must cleanse yourself of all human desires and pleasures so you can be totally focused on loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourself. This is how you will be tested at your judgment, so be prepared with the help of My sacraments.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you before about the old tradition of the priest carrying My Blessed Sacrament outside in a procession. Here at this Shrine, the clergy have kept up this tradition because the Real Presence of My Host is worthy of being displayed to the whole world. There are fewer people believing in My Real Presence because most of My priest sons are afraid to teach this truth in the pulpit. Even some of My priests have a hard time believing in My Real Presence, and this is why I have allowed Eucharistic miracles to try and convince My priests that I am truly present in My Host. These miracles usually involve spots of My Blood that come out on My consecrated Hosts. These miracles also have helped many faithful people to believe in My Real Presence. Rejoice in this gift of Myself that I have left with you until the end of this age.”

Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012:
Kateri said: “My son, I am happy that you are here to honor my tomb. You have been here before and in Fonda, N.Y. to honor me. I would gladly honor any of your requests to be a patron of protection for your refuges. You have asked me before to watch over your daughter, Catherine, because she has my namesake. You gave her my statue when she was younger. Now, you are requesting that I help her to see the importance of coming to Sunday Mass and coming to my Jesus in Confession. Tell her that you and I are praying for her soul, and she needs to be a good example for her daughter, Jocelyn. Make sure my statue is blessed and ask her to place it in a special place in her house where it can be seen. The Church is about to honor me with official sainthood for the miracles of my intercession. I have prayed to Jesus for many requests of the people who have prayed to me as an intercessor. Have faith in my Jesus that your prayer requests have been given to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the conjugal act of marriage is protected by this sign of the ‘marriage bed’. All other unions of fornication, adultery, or homosexual unions are forbidden by the Sixth Commandment. The use of birth control devices, artificial insemination, vasectomies, tubal ligations, and masturbation are also mortal sins, and need to be confessed before you can worthily receive Me in Holy Communion. Avoid pornography, immoral thoughts of sexual sins, or any other improper touching of the opposite sex. There are many sexual sins that can cause souls to be lost in hell. Do not let sensual pleasures lead you into serious sin. Pray to treat each others’ bodies with respect, and spouses need to be faithful to each other as long as they are married. Spouses can be a means of leading each other to follow Me to heaven. Love is a beautiful way of uniting a man and a woman, and in marriage I am the third partner uniting them.”

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I asked My apostles to set out for a deserted place so we could take a rest. This is a good suggestion both for your physical and spiritual life. You spend time away from work on vacation when you can, but you can also spend time at retreats to help your spiritual life. When you are at retreats, you have time for Confession, and some spiritual reflections in some talks. It gives you a rest from the noise of worldly concerns, and time to think of how you can improve your spiritual life. Even your daily prayer time gives you a little respite so you can talk to your Lord about your love for Me. Just as I retreated into the mountains to pray, My people need to recharge their spiritual batteries so you can go out to convert souls to the faith. Be good examples of Christian living so people can see by your actions that you practice what you preach. Saving souls is your most precious ministry, and My missionaries will receive a heavenly reward.”

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012: (St. Lawrence of Brindisi)
Jesus said: “My people, the people of Israel were given the Ten Commandments by Moses which told them not to worship idols or other gods. Yet, they followed other gods as Baal, and for this they were punished in the Babylonian Exile. They were promised a Redeemer for their sins, but they did not want to recognize Me as the Messiah. Instead, I became the suffering servant of Isaiah, and I died to set men free. Now that I have been offered as an unblemished lamb, you have been freed from the bonds of your sins. Now even the Gentiles and the Jews have the opportunity to be saved. You must come to Me as a repentant sinner in asking Me for the forgiveness of your sins. You also need to allow Me to be the Master of your life in following My Commandments. When you love Me and worship Me, I will put you on the path to heaven. Abide by My ways and imitate My life, and you will be saved.”

Our Lady said: “My dear children, I am happy that all of you were able to attend this Chaplet of Divine Mercy, my rosary, and the Mass where I bring you to my Son, Jesus. As you can see, my Son and I are blessing all of you, and the angels are protecting this Shrine. As I told you at your local Fatima Shrine, all of my shrines and places of holy ground will be my Son’s refuges that are guarded by angels. You know that I am a spiritual refuge of sinners, but at the coming tribulation in my places of apparition and my shrines, I will also provide physical refuges protected by my Son’s angels. Pray and trust in my Son, Jesus, that we will be watching over our children, and we will be protecting you from the Antichrist, the demons, and the evil people.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision represents an expression of yours where ‘the rubber meets the road.’ This situation occurs when people have to go to work in order to pay the bills and put food on the table. Some people have it harder than others when they may have heavy manual labor jobs or jobs that cause a lot of stress with people or the job itself. Some people are locked into low paying jobs, and they are called the working poor. With so many manufacturing jobs being sent overseas, people are fortunate to even have a job. Despite all the troubles of the workplace, it still is important how you react as a loving person in your own situation. It is better to have an uplifting attitude of loving people and helping each other, rather than live with a negative attitude in despair about the hard things of life. It is even better to invite Me into your life every day to help you with My grace in all that you do. At times you start projects, and you fail on your own. Learn to ask My help before you start projects, and it will go better for you with My help. You need to have faith in Me, and trust that I will guide you in helping your family. I know your needs before you ask Me, so come to Me because you are dependent on Me for everything.”

Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday, July 20, 2012: (St. Appolinaris)
Jesus said: “My people, the Mosaic law about not doing any work on the Sabbath could be superceded when you may have to do some work in order to eat for survival. Even today this is abused by some places that force people to work at their job on Sunday. Honoring My day of worship on Sunday should at least take priority to come to church unless someone is truly sick. It is the spirit of the law that should be upheld, even if there are some exceptions. You used to have ‘blue laws’ that did not permit people to normally work on Sunday. Now, your society thinks nothing of working on Sunday, as this is just another sign of how America has stopped thinking about Me in My laws. Another part of this Gospel is how you are quick to criticize other people’s faults without thinking of improving your own faults. Do not make judgments on others because judgments should be left up to Me. Do not be hypocrites by committing the same sins that you are preaching against. Encouraging your children to attend Sunday Mass is good as long as you are trying to help their soul as your intention. I read the intentions of your actions in your heart, so live a Christian life as a good example to others.”