Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you a brief glimpse of the eyes of the Antichrist, but not a direct gaze because his demonic power of suggestion could even cause one of My elect to be attracted to his words and his wish for everyone to worship him. This is why after the Warning, I have asked My faithful to remove your TVs and computer monitors from your houses so you do not look at his eyes which could hypnotize you to his evil ways. Avoid this man and call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My nearest refuge once he declares himself. This will be the true beginning of the tribulation of three and one-half years of his evil brief reign. I told you that I would shorten this time for the sake of My elect. Prepare yourself spiritually by Confession, and physically with your backpacks ready for when you will leave your homes for My refuges. There you will be protected by My angels and provided with your basic necessities. Have no fear of this time, and trust in My power and My protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, beware of those who are teaching the New Age religion that gives praise to created things instead of the Creator. There can only be one God in the Blessed Trinity and no other gods before Me. This is My greatest Commandment that you love your God with your whole heart, your whole mind, and your whole soul, and your neighbor as yourself. Anyone who gives praise or glory to any other gods commits blasphemy. So when the Antichrist or any other religious leader praises themselves, or any other god, do not follow them, and only worship Me, even under pain of death. Many elements of New Age teachings are all around you, but if they enter any of My churches, try to force them away. If anyone persists in these teachings, then go to another holy church. The one world people are trying to destroy My Church with their infiltrations and modernism, but do not be fooled and follow My traditions where you find a proper Mass. This is why I will have My angels deliver My consecrated Host on your tongues so you can receive Me in Holy Communion when there is no priest. Give praise and glory to your Lord for I will provide for your needs at My refuges and even My Real Presence will always be among you.”
Jesus said: “My people, prayer intentions and the Gospel today of ask and you shall receive, may be difficult for man to understand. I do answer your prayers, but not always in the way that you desire. I have always asked you to pray for what is best for your soul or the souls of those that you are praying for. I also have asked you to pray in My Name and according to My Will in all of your petitions. Because I do not interfere with your free will or that of others, you need to pray for the grace that those, whom you are praying for, will be predisposed to My love and do the right thing. This is especially true for those away from the Church whom you are praying to return. At times it seems that your prayers are not answered. This could be for several reasons. One is that your intention is not what is best for your soul or another. Another is that it is not proper according to My Will, or your intended soul does not want to change their lifestyle of their own free will. In the case of illnesses the patient may die or continue suffering because it is their time to die, or they are suffering their purgatory time on earth. The other end of prayers of petition is that if your prayer is answered, you should give Me praise and thanksgiving for a good outcome. In the cases of conversions remember that because of a sinner’s sins, they have varying prices of more prayer, fasting, and Masses that are needed to atone for their sins. Continue praying for your intentions because persistence in prayer is needed in some cases.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the war going on in Iraq is not one with conventional weapons, but it is one of sniper and gorilla attacks with bombs killing even civilians. In one car bomb more people are killed than this Blackwater incident. There are no demands of millions of dollars for the atrocities committed by so-called insurgents. This is not a true war and your people have no business occupying Iraq just to hold on to oil lands for the rich. All attempts to leave Iraq are being thwarted by the one world people who want this war to continue so they can make more money. Pray for peace and an end to this war for the rich.”
Jesus said: “My people, October is a month of My Blessed Mother and many are praying her rosary as Fatima celebrates the 90th Anniversary of the miracle of the sun. In 1917 there was a prophesy of the errors of Russia when the communists would take over and flood all over the world. Now you are being scourged with security and the power of the central bankers who want to control every facet of your life with their microchips and their creation of a global empire. Prayer with the rosary is your weapon to fight Satan and the coming Antichrist.”
Jesus said: “My people, the lack of fresh water from rain has been widespread across your country because of a change in your jet streams that bring rain storms. The West has had shortfalls in rain for many years which has caused many fires. Now the South is complaining because they are having to restrict their water usage. Even in parts of the Northeast you are seeing deficits from your normal rainfall. Now your scientists are predicting a slightly colder winter with less moisture because of a cooler Pacific Ocean. It is time to pray for a restoration of your rainfall.”
Jesus said: “My people, many are blaming China for importing lead painted dolls, and some poor or contaminated meat products with ecoli and pet foods with plastic poison. In the ensuing investigation it is hard to track these imports which are little inspected and quickly are mixed with other products when there is no country origin label. The truth is that the merchants want cheap products and they are not caring about the quality of these food imports. It is the safety of your food that should be red flagged when the quality is suspect. Pray that your food processors will change their testing ways so your foods can have a better quality.”
Jesus said: “My people, your corporate leaders are excessively paid compared to the average wage earner. Corporations are exporting their manufacturing jobs to gain cheap labor, but are selling their products at the same high prices. All of these profits are going to the rich while American workers are left with low paying jobs and very little benefits. Yet, it is these same corporations who control your laws and lawmakers for their own gain. They also are behind the coming North American Union which will take away your sovereign rights. Wall Street is out of control and they are leading you into wars and ruin for their own profits. This evil lot will be vanquished into hell for stealing their workers jobs and wages.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am thanking your prayer group for all of your rosaries and for being faithful to Me in your Adoration services. It is sad that you are in a small minority of people praying, when many are more attentive to earthly concerns and some even are in the occult. There is a great need for prayer in your world and I can only encourage you to continue in your work for the souls of the world who are not listening to My words. Some are even trying to remove My Name from all public places and things. If there is not enough repentance for sin, you could see terrible consequences from My justice. Strengthen your spiritual lives now so you will be prepared for the coming tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, you will see an evil that you have never seen before in the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. This will be a battle of good and evil that will require My angel protection to save your souls from the evil ones. Do not use physical guns, but your prayers are your weapons. I will perform miracles against these evil ones so you will be safe from their weapons and false teachings. Trust in Me and have no fear because I am more powerful than all of the evil ones put together.”
Jesus said: “My people, the merchants of war weapons are always looking for new ways to kill people in war. Some of your weapons actually used spent uranium and contaminated the war field with radioactivity. Your conventional war was over in weeks in Iraq, but the road bombs and suicide bombs have continued over four years with no end in sight. These new tactics do not require expensive weapons and your weapons’ manufacturers need a new war to make money. The one world people will be preparing for the next war to continue collecting their blood money. The American people need to control these wars, or your economy and your military will fail. Pray for peace and vote to stop these incessant wars of the central bankers. If the profit motive could be eliminated from these wars, there would be less of them.”
Jesus said: “My people, all of the press coverage of your weak and old bridges has given the terrorists another idea for a target to disrupt your main highways. Another lesson is to minimize standing traffic on your bridges during rush hour, especially with large trucks. When you are repairing one side of a bridge at a time, you should not let traffic go over the side being worked on until it is secure. You pay a lot of taxes and tolls for your roads and bridges, so safety on your bridges should be more of a concern to fix old bridges. Much of your infrastructure repair is being postponed because of your war expenditures. Instead of neglecting your bridges, it would be better to stop your useless wars that only give profits to the rich. More security may be needed also to check that your bridges are not being sabotaged.”
Jesus said: “My people, the message to Nineveh was to change their sinful ways, or in forty days they would be destroyed. This threat even inspired the king to declare a time of fasting and prayer, as well as a change in their evil lifestyles to try and hold back My wrath. I accepted their sincerity to repent, fast, and change their evil ways, and therefore I did not carry out the destruction of Nineveh. This same wake up call should go out to all of the nations of today because of the evil that you are committing. I have sent you in America many messages to stop your abortions, your living together, and your homosexual acts. Yet, you refuse to repent, fast, or change your sinful ways. Nineveh was spared My wrath, but America and many other nations are tasting My justice in your natural disasters and wars that you desire. The rosary in the vision is your means to come closer to Me, and balance off some of the evil in the world. I am relying on My faithful to fast and pray for your country, or else you will meet the same trial that Sodom and Gomorrah met. Repent now because now is the acceptable time.”
Jesus said: “My people, when people think of retirement, or a nice vacation, they think of enjoying themselves on an island beach somewhere. No matter where you live, you will always have to bear your cross of everyday living. This means that you still have to struggle to make a living in order to have food and pay your bills. It is a luxury if you can afford such an island paradise, but all of these earthly things are temporary, and they are passing away. Better to plan for the day when you could be in heaven forever instead of an island paradise. Striving for heaven means that you need to keep your soul pure by frequent Confession and your daily prayers. By keeping holy and striving for perfection, your soul will truly be prepared to come to My Wedding Banquet.”
Jesus said: “My people, this story of Jonah’s fleeing My work is the earthly response to a holy mission. When I ask people personally to do a mission for Me, it may test people to come out of their comfort zone to do something unusual. In these older days prophets of destruction were not looked upon very kindly, and some were even killed. This may have moved Jonah to flight, but I sent a storm to bring him back to Nineveh. Once Jonah did his mission of warning the city, they repented in sackcloth and ashes. I then relented of the punishment of this city, and this displeased Jonah. This sign of the people repenting for their sins is what I was suggesting to the people of My time when they asked for a sign. But the people would not repent, so Jerusalem was destroyed because of their unrepentant sins. Even today in America, I am pleading with your people to repent of your abortions and sexual sins. If you do not repent, you will face the same destruction as Jerusalem when the one world people will take over your country. Many rich and powerful nations have crumbled from within because of their immorality and abuse of their power and wealth. I have told you before that America is walking down the same path as the Roman Empire did. Repent now, America, while you still have time.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad when people cannot find your grave site if there was no gravestone or the records were lost. Even in some cemeteries, because of limited spaces, there are three or more graves at different levels on the same site. Some people go to great lengths to adorn the grave of their loved one. Others are satisfied to plant some flowers and remove any weeds or grass that may have overgrown the gravestone. The most important point is to remember to pray for your relatives so if they are in purgatory, you could help shorten their suffering. Leave instructions to your heirs to have Masses and prayers said for you. These will have more benefit for you than a well taken care of grave site. If taking care of these graves helps people remember these souls, then it serves a good purpose to help them. One day you all will meet with this fate of dying, so keep your soul as pure as possible for this day of your judgment with frequent Confession.”
Jesus said: “My people, at times there are activities going on in your lives that can take your attention away from what is going on around you. You see the violence from drugs in your cities, the violence from wars, and even the violence in killing My babies by abortion. There also are the needs of the poor both in America and in other countries. It is impossible to help everyone, but you need to have compassion for the families who are seeing their loved ones killed. This is why it is important to remember the need to pray for these wars to be halted, so peace can be in these lands. This is why you need to speak out against abortions, and do what you can in charity to help the poor. Do not be so focused on your own daily activities that you forget about these intentions. Love needs to be shown in your prayers and in your actions to help your neighbor. Work hardest to save souls from hell, because all of your other worldly concerns are of less importance.”
Jesus said: “My people, love in your heart for Me and your neighbor is what I desire of all of My faithful because I am love itself. It is the devil and all the evil ones who have greed and lust for blood and wealth. Your earthly distractions of possessions and money are always temptations from My ways, but with My grace you will be strengthened to resist them. Do not be heartless in your relations with others, but think from the heart in how to lovingly respond to all situations. In you society it teaches you to be selfish and independent of others. You are totally dependent on Me for everything in your life, and that is why you need to worship Me and thank Me everyday for My gifts to you. Everything, that you have, has come through Me either directly or indirectly. Instead of focusing your priorities on your own wants and desires, think more how you can love Me and help others in their needs. Make some sacrifices of your time and money out of love for Me by charity to your neighbor. You will see more joy in your heart from giving money away than spending it selfishly on all the latest possessions. Work on putting more love in your heart so you can replace your previous cold hearts. Open your hearts to Me, and I will help you to be more loving.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a large loaf of bread is very much how I would multiply food for you at your homes, and at the refuges. I have mentioned before when the faithful see My miracles, they will have less worry and anxiety how I will provide for your needs of food, water, and shelter at My refuges. I gave the Israelites manna on the ground, and I will provide bread for My people of the tribulation as well. Seeing a vision of such a miracle of bread multiplication, gives you a remembrance of how I multiplied the bread and fish for the four thousand and the five thousand. I will also have My angels give you My Eucharistic Bread as well, if you do not have a priest for a Mass. Rejoice that I will perform these miracles for you, even as I promised that I would do this for you.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is always a time of sorrow when someone passes away, but it is a joy to know the deceased will not have to suffer anymore on this earth. In faith you heard the Gospel proclaim that I am the Light, the Life, and the Way to heaven. With Me there is a new spiritual life when you are raised up from the body. The vision is a spectacular sight in heaven as these blooming flowers before Me give praise and glory to Me. You are also seeing a flow of My Living Water which now brings life to Elverus so she can be prepared to come to heaven. All of her dedicated life to My service has gained her eternal life with My suffering on the cross. She is happy to be with Me and she will be praying for all of her loved ones. Your relatives in heaven are always looking out for their family members. They are even the first ones to greet you when you die along with My saints, angels, and Myself.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of your beautiful churches have been stripped of your crucifixes and statues, and they are left with bare walls. Even My tabernacles have been removed from sight into back rooms. By stripping your churches, you have been stripped of your traditions, a sense of the Sacred, and even the Real Presence in My Hosts is only believed by a minority. There are some priests who are turning this around by adding crucifixes, adding statues, and returning My tabernacle to a prominent visible place in the church. My people need to support these restorations of your traditions by helping your priests and inspiring them to do the proper thing. Statues and My crucifix show you examples of love and suffering which is totally missing in your blank wall churches. When you see My Sacred Heart or My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart, you have something to think about and inspire you. You need to have My tabernacle visible to genuflect to in giving Me praise. If I am not present in the church, then it is just like any other building and not a church. Give praise and glory to your Lord, and honor My saints and angels in your churches.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of Me living and suffering before you is a special meaning for the people to be able to remember how I suffered for your sins. In every Mass you offer the sacrifice of the Mass which is a remembrance of My suffering and death on the cross. Be thankful and help your priest in any way to have a crucifix placed on your altar. You have been praying for this for many weeks and now it will be carried out.”
Jesus said: “My people, many people are dying from various wars and you are seeing the poor suffering from diseases. Your Iraq War and other wars could be stopped if there were some true compromises made between the various fighting factions. Without prayer and a desire for peace, these wars will continue. The sick and diseased people of the world need donations for medicines and hospitals. It is better for the billions of dollars that you spend on war to be used in helping the poor and the sick of the world.”
Jesus said: “My people, in many foreign lands there have been many discoveries of oil. It is unfortunate that the people of these countries do not directly benefit from the value of their natural resources that the oil companies are trying to extract for cheap prices. Instead of exploiting the oil from foreign lands, these oil companies should be paying these people a fair value for its worth. This is also a problem even in America where oil wealth is not shared with the people or with the owners of these oil properties. Pray for an equitable sharing of wealth when it comes from your natural resources of the country.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before how your army could do more to inactivate these bombs to limit the destruction and killing of your troops. Instead the answer of your military-industrial complex is to build much heavier and more expensive armored trucks to stop this killing. Using overkill expensive bombs and vehicles has been the whole reason for wars in general so the rich could profit from manufacturing these weapons and vehicles. Take money incentives out of these wars and there would not be any profit in war, nor need for wars. Pray that the American people will wake up to this fact of these useless wars and you would have less losses of life and the billions spent on wars.”
Jesus said: “My people, the prices for the farmers’ crops have been artificially low to benefit those industries that process this food. You have accepted foreign, cheap food of questionable quality, and have allowed them to enter your markets so the farmers cannot get a fair price for their crops. The seed, fertilizer, and harvest machines are becoming too expensive for farmers to make a living when prices are held low. This food production is needed for the American people to eat, and the farmers should not be forced out of business by your cut throat rich who try to exploit their produce.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some banks trying to support and bail out some mortgage houses. Many of your foreclosures and mortgage problems are being spread among your banks and investors who gambled in greed to profit from the building boom and low interest rates. If your banks and investors come up short in this crisis, you may see another taxpayer bailout of the rich. Pray for the poor to keep their homes.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have seen many people touched by your missionary efforts in bringing them closer to Me. You have taught them how to use their prayers, holy water, blessed salt, and sacramentals to fight the evil ones causing evil in the world. Give thanks to Me and My angels in assisting your work. Some are building and providing for refuges right now, and it is important to pray for them in their work. Give thanks to Me for giving the discernment to these people to build these refuges so My faithful will have somewhere to go during the tribulation. When you see martial law and mandatory chips in the body, My faithful will also be grateful to these refuge builders for providing a place of safety with My angel protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, these symbols of all the nations in front of a banking institution is all about the central bankers in their plans for financial control of America and other nations. The Federal Reserve’s move to lower interest rates, the unstable loan market, and your huge debts and liabilities have caused a lowering of the value of America’s currency. This has caused a rise in your stock markets and a rise in the prices of the commodities of oil and gold. When 911 occurred, these markets dropped and the rich profited from this collapse because they knew it was coming. Now again another catastrophic event will be caused, and the rich will profit again from another market collapse. These evil ones will use this event to precipitate a national emergency with many deaths, and martial law will be declared. Be aware of these events because this will be the event to go to the refuges when martial law is declared. This takeover of America will be the beginning of a world takeover by the one world people when soon they will put the Antichrist in power. Trust in My love and mercy because My angels will protect My faithful at My refuges. Have no fear of these evil ones because I will provide for your needs, and their reign will be brief before I will cast this evil lot into hell. Trust in My spiritual and physical protection by your belief in My power which is greater than the devil and his demons.”
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I am calling everyone to drop what they are doing in order to follow Me. This means that I want you to put Me first in your life so that in everything you do, you should do it for Me. I am calling everyone to make a daily consecration of everything over to Me. All of you have a particular vocation either to the priesthood, the married life, or the single life. In family life your mission is to care for the physical and spiritual well being of your spouse and your children. You can answer your call to Me in your daily actions at the same time that you are fulfilling your mission in helping your family. When you work to live a holy life, you are fulfilling My call to follow Me. Some want to make excuses not to follow My ways because it is difficult to change their lifestyles, or I may ask you to come out of your comfort zone to help someone in charity. It is these earthly excuses that you make which sometimes prevent you from loving Me and your neighbor more from the heart. If you really love everyone, you would not hesitate to offer your money and time to help someone in need. Your first thought should be to share whatever you have with others without being selfish with your gifts. Whenever I call you to follow Me, be willing to come forward without any reservations or excuses.”
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