Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Wednesday, May 17, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul used the Unknown god altar as a way to preach about Me as the Creator of all things.  But when he spoke about Me when I rose from the dead, the people wanted him to speak about this on another day, because this was hard for them to believe.  Remember when the apostles themselves did not believe I resurrected from the dead at first either.  It was only when the apostles saw Me appear to them in the Upper Room, that they then believed.  All of My faithful believe in faith that I rose from the dead because of the writings of My apostles in the Bible.  I died to bring salvation to all souls who believe in Me, and who repent of their sins.  My believers will also be resurrected on the last day when your body will be reunited with your soul.  This is truly the Good News that I want My faithful to spread all over the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year your farmers grow their crops, and they pray for enough rain for a good season.  I showed you some kind of bug that could be another problem for the farmers.  The farmers spray for insect problems, but this bug will not be killed so easily by the sprays they normally use.  If the farmers’ crops are damaged, it would be hard to get a good price for their harvest.  Pray for your farmers that they can provide enough food for your people.  I love all of you and you will have enough food for your survival.”