Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Wednesday, June 14, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I have come to fulfill the Law, but I am emphasizing the love for God and neighbor. Some people live by the letter of the Law, but it is better to live by the spirit of love in the Law. I did not come to condemn people, but I came out of love to save My people from their sins. I am just, but I am also merciful on sinners who can come to Confession to beg for My forgiveness. You need to seek pardon for your sins, and I will forgive you. I have created each one of you, and like a parent, I watch over you and I love you. You all have free will to love Me in return. So I am always seeking My lost sheep. Heaven should be your goal, and I give you My sacraments to give you spiritual strength to stay on the right path to be with Me forever in heaven. Keep close to Me in your daily Mass and your prayers, and you will have your reward in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you are quiet before Me, you can listen for My word in your hearts and souls. I love all of you so much and I want you to love Me as well. Take time when you can to visit Me in My tabernacle. I am here all alone at times, and I treasure the sweet moments with your presence. I also treasure your tears of joy and I store them in heaven for when you will be with Me in heaven. My true faithful are drawn to My Blessed Sacrament both in Holy Communion and when you adore Me in Adoration. Treasure every moment you have before My Blessed Sacrament. Today, you have just a taste of My glory, but when you come to heaven you will enjoy My peace in My beatific vision. Pray for all souls that they could become believers, and they could be saved in My mercy.”