Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Wednesday, June 14, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, your readings today are speaking of the first covenant with Moses that is being fulfilled in My second covenant of My death and Resurrection. The moral code of the Ten Commandments will always need to be followed, because I told you that My words are forever. My second covenant is showing you how much you are all loved by Me, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit. I am offering you eternal life with Me if you eat My Body and drink My Blood worthily in Holy Communion. You receive the Blessed Trinity in every Holy Communion, and you have Our Real Presence within you. You no longer need sacrifices to Us as in the Old Testament, because you have My Sacrifice that atones for all of your sins. You are now focused on following My words of the Gospel, and you will have your eternal reward with Me in heaven. Rejoice that you have an eternal promise with Me for all the people who follow My Word, and keep it in their daily actions of love.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen terrorists killing many people, no matter who they were. Some attacks have been against your police authorities. Today, you are seeing a planned attack against Republican leaders in the House of Representatives, and the gunman showed hate for your President and your Republican Party. Using an assault rifle he shot one of the Republican leaders, some aides, and two policemen. The gunman was shot, and he died later in the hospital. You have seen some very hateful speech against your President by your liberal press and television networks. Some have displayed an image of a beheading of your President. You are even seeing a play mocking an assassination of your President. With all of this hate speech, this is even inspiring deranged people to shoot their political enemies. All of this hate and attempts to kill those in power, has crossed the line of decency and rule of law. You have laws against hate speech, but the left radicals who perform destruction are not being prosecuted in court. The one world people and your left progressives are trying to remove your President, even if they have to use violence and attempts to cause a civil war or martial law. Those people, who are promoting socialism, are using communist tactics to remove their enemies from power. My people need to pray for peace and a stop to all of this hate speech against your President. He needs to be allowed to make his plans without being harassed every day by your left media. I chose your President for this time to turn the tide against Godless atheism, socialism, and communism. It is by My power and grace that America could be made great again. Your country needs to repent of its sins, and change its evil ways.”