Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Tuesday, September 28, 2021: (St. Wenceslaus)
Jesus said: “My people, the unvaccinated people are under attack, and today you are seeing the workers in the health field being forced to take the poisonous Covid shots, or they would lose their job. This is an attack on your freedoms when you allow these threats against your jobs to force people to take these shots. The people who work at larger work places are allowed to get tested for Covid virus, but soon this option will be taken away for all workers, and they will need to take the shots also. You have seen some demonstrations and protests, but this has not stopped your President or your governor. These shots will kill people in a few years, and they are not really required of those people who have had the Covid virus. You are seeing total control from your evil masters. This will put more people out of work who refuse the shots. You already are having a worker shortage. Your people will either have to revolt, or come to My refuges to avoid this communist control. I will send My Warning when the evil ones try to kill or imprison My faithful. After My Warning, you will be called to My refuges. Be prepared.”
Jesus said: “My people, I told you in a previous message how the evil ones will send people door to door to check on vaccinations first. The authorities may try to enforce mandatory shots once they see who is unvaccinated. They may start with weekly Covid tests, and then they will try to force Covid shots on your people. If retired people do not take the shots, they may threaten to take away your Social Security and your Medicare coverage. If they try to physically force the shots on people, I will make your homes invisible. If there is a threat to your lives, I will bring My Warning and later call you to My refuges. Going beyond threats to your money, would be a cause to call you to My refuges. Have your backpacks ready because you will soon be coming to My refuges. Once the authorities have people vaccinated, they will then come door to door to try and force the mark of the beast on you. Refuse to take a Covid shot and refuse to take the mark of the beast. Fear not because My angels will protect you from these evil people.”