Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Tuesday, September 12, 2023: (Most Holy Name of Mary, Robert West)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read all the names of My twelve apostles, and My Blessed Mother was with us at times.  I taught the people with parables, but I explained the meaning to My apostles.  I also used many miracles to instill faith in them that I am the true Messiah.  After some teaching of My Word, I sent My apostles  out to evangelize and heal the people in My Name.  They prepared towns where I was going to speak.  Even now, I am sending out My faithful to continue sharing My Word to convert souls for the end times.  I will give My evangelists My graces and angels to help protect you on your mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to be watching for any hurricanes that could cause damage from the Atlantic Ocean.  Your hurricane season goes up to November, so you could still see threats to your mainland.  The spiral action of your hurricanes gives you another sign that My Warning time is close.  Be prepared for the Warning experience by coming to monthly Confession.  This Warning experience is a gift of My Divine Mercy, because it will give sinners one last chance to follow Me, instead of the world and the devil.  After the Warning people will see their destination, if they do not change their lives.  This will be an opportunity for everyone to follow Me, if they so choose by their own free will.  Come to the Lord who loves you, and not to the devil who hates you.”