Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Tuesday, November 10, 2015: (St. Leo the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, you can think of your life as being on a ship and sailing through the water with all kinds of dangers around you, as sharks and whales. I have given each of you a guardian angel to defend you from all of the spiritual and physical dangers in your life. Most people do not always realize that you are dependent on Me for everything in your life’s needs. You need the oxygen to breathe that I provide in your atmosphere. You need the light of the sun for direction, and the rain to grow your crops. Everything that you have in your talents and possessions, have come from My gifts. Even your very life and spirit exist because of Me. So instead of being proud of your own accomplishments, be thankful to Me every day for all that I do to help provide for your needs. You can thank Me by your prayers and your good deeds in helping your neighbor. You also should be focused on following My Will, by continuing to work hard on the missions that I give you in life. By following My directions, you will receive your reward in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, your society is corrupt because most Americans are not coming to church on Sunday, and I am not the center of their lives. Your laws and court decisions are corrupt as well, because they legalize abortions, same sex marriage, and even euthanasia in some states. If you do not pray and repent of your sins, how can I bless America? My faithful are called to evangelize souls for heaven. You also need to repent of your sins in at least monthly Confession. You should be prepared to defend your faith by opposing abortions, same sex marriage, and euthanasia. When you hear heresies, get your Catechism of the Catholic Church out to show people their errors. Fight such heresies wherever they are, so they do not contaminate the rest of My faithful. As you openly fight these evils, you will be facing criticism, persecution, and possible martyrdom. Do not be afraid because I will give you the grace to endure your fight for your faith in Me.”