Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Tuesday, March 28, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, Moses brought the Hebrew people out from Egypt and into the desert by the miracles of the plagues.  By miracles he parted the Red Sea for his people to escape from the Egyptian soldiers.  Then he closed up the sea and the Egyptian soldiers were drowned.  In the desert Moses struck the rock and water came forth for them to drink.  The people were led by a cloud in the day and by a flame at night.  I provided them manna for bread in the morning and quail for meat in the evening.  After a while the people complained about the food.  So I sent poisonous seraph serpents among the people and some died.  When the people repented of their complaints of the food, I had Moses make a bronze serpent and he raised it on a pole.  Those people, who were bitten by the snakes, looked on the bronze serpent and they were healed.  This raising of the bronze serpent on a pole is a precursor of how I was crucified and raised up on a cross, and My Sacrifice of My life is salvation for all of those people who believe in Me.  At My refuges you will also see a luminous cross in the sky.  All of My faithful, who look upon this cross, will be healed of all of their infirmities.  Give praise and thanks to Me for healing your bodies and your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you keep focused on your prayers, daily Mass, and nightly Adoration.  It is your extra penances of not eating between meals and not eating sweets that is hard to maintain over the body’s cravings.  You are learning by your fasting that your will is strong, even in the face of many temptations.  It is true that with strong will power, you are capable of doing many good things for Me.  I thank you for taking on this test that you can control your body’s appetites if you really desire to do so.  Keep your soul strong against sin and do not let your guard down against the evil one.  When you let addictions or food control you, then you are too relaxed to fight temptations.  You are learning that you can control your eating, and fasting makes you stronger spiritually.”