Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Tuesday, January 18, 2022:
Jesus said: “My people, My earthly heritage from St. Joseph and Mary came from the line of King David. This is why I was born in Bethlehem at the house of King David according to the prophesy. It was a miracle that David was able to overcome Goliath because I was with him in battle. My people, I am with all of you to help fight your battles as well. All you need to do, is call on My help, and I will win the day for you, just as I helped King David. You will need My power to overcome the evil ones at My refuges where My angels will protect you from harm. I will also heal you with My luminous cross of any disease, and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. Trust in Me for your protection in your need.”
Jesus said: “My people, your media, pharmaceutical companies, and your controlled doctors are brain washing the people that the Covid shots and boosters are needed to stop the Covid cases. If these shots are so good, then why are the Congress people and the illegal immigrants not forced to take the Covid shots. Now vaccinated people are still getting the Covid disease. So the shots were a big lie. These shots contain graphene oxide that is causing heart problems and blood clots. The more shots people take, the more graphene oxide will ruin their immune systems. This push for vaccines is part of the ‘Great Reset’ to control your people and even reduce the population. People in Europe are seeing this move to control people’s lives with the vaccine passports. This is why you see them protesting in the streets in large numbers. People should not be forced to take a poisonous shot just to keep a job. The Supreme Court has spoken against this, and people need to defend their freedoms against forced shots. It is a lie that shots are necessary, because your natural immunity is better than these poisonous Covid shots. If My people need protection from these mandates and possible prison or killing, then I will call you to the safety of My refuges. Call on Me and My angels to protect you from the evil leaders who want to kill Christians and the unvaccinated who are defying this grab to control everyone’s lives.”