Thursday, August 20, 2020
Thursday, August 20, 2020: (St. Bernard)
Jesus said: “My people, not only are you preparing your souls with Confession, but you need to be ready for more serious weather events, in addition to the fall viruses. In the vision you are just coming into the Light of My Word, and then you will be tested with flooding from your hurricanes. You are entering into the heart of your hurricane season, and America will be tested because of your abortions, sexual sins, and the violence in your cities. You could also see more restrictions that will be forced on you by the authorities and the deep state because of the viruses. Refuse to take any vaccine or chip in the body when it becomes mandatory. When your lives are threatened, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. Fear not, because My angels will make you invisible to the evil ones who want to kill you in the death camps.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, caves are one of the places of refuge that My angels will lead you at the appointed time. I have given you messages about coming to My refuges when you receive My inner locution. When I call you, you can call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a small flame to the nearest refuge. On the way to My refuges your angel will place a shield of invisibility over you so the evil people cannot see you. My angels will also shield you from any demons on the way to My refuge. Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful from all evil.”
Jesus said: “My people, during this time of virus restrictions, your churches are making it difficult in some cases to even attend Sunday Mass. Some churches require you to register and still wear masks and keep social distancing. Because you are only using every other pew, the spaces are limited. It is only after the virus cases are low that your churches were allowed to open. My priests and bishops should be encouraging people to fill the churches as much as possible. Some churches are having more Masses, so every parish member will be able to attend Sunday Mass in person. Pray that all of the faithful will be able to attend Sunday Mass at all of your churches.”
Jesus said: “My people, in days past, processions of My Blessed Sacrament were carried around neighborhoods, especially on the feast day of Corpus Christi. Your neighborhoods need more prayers and blessing with My Eucharist. My faithful need to witness to My Real Presence as a blessing against all the chaos and violence in your streets by the evil anarchists. Pray for peace in your cities to fight against this mob violence. I love all peoples, and I want to share My love even with those people who are causing riots. I am more powerful than these protesters, and you need to stand up for your religious freedom to worship Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, I need My faithful to reach out to save all the souls whom you meet in life. You may be the only witness of My Word that some souls will only see in this life. By converting souls for Me, you can keep some souls from going to hell. Many souls are falling into hell by their own free will because no one has reached out to save them with My Word. Keep praying for poor sinners to help save as many souls as you can from going to hell. Every soul you save, will thank you later for sharing your gift of faith. After the Warning you will need to work at a fever pitch to save souls while you can, because souls will be seeking Confession.”
Jesus said: “My people, your most important mission on earth is to save as many souls as you can while you are alive on the earth. You do not have to be a theologian or a teacher, but just share your faith and My love with those people who are open to My Word. Walk with them in faith and give a good example of a holy life to those around you. My parents need to lead their children to My sacraments, and teach them the faith so they can be saved. Have your children baptized and confirmed, along with Confession and Holy Communion. The parents are responsible for helping their children to have a good spiritual life. Take them to Sunday Mass and monthly Confession. When you come to your judgment, I will ask you how many souls were you able to save. When you love Me, you will share your love and faith with all those people around you.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are in a troubled time where evil is rampant all over the world. Now more than ever you need as many priests as you can find to offer Mass and confess people’s sins. Pray for your priests and bishops to help convert souls and bring people to My sacraments. My faithful need to come to Mass on Sunday despite all of your virus restrictions. Obey My Commandments and keep your soul clean by coming to Me in the priest at Confession. I love all souls, and I need My priest sons and My faithful to bring as many souls to Me as you can.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the coming Warning I will let people know how they need to avoid taking any vaccine and any mark of the beast. Do not let the Antichrist control you by avoiding his eyes where he could cause you to worship him. You will be told not to worship the Antichrist, and you will need to come to a place of refuge to be protected from the evil ones. You will have six weeks of conversion to save souls after My Warning. All sinners will have an opportunity to be saved, but they must love Me by their own free will and seek My forgiveness of their sins. This will be your best time to save yourself and others, before the Antichrist will try and bring souls to hell. Trust in My power over the evil ones, and show Me your love in your prayers and your good deeds.”