Sunday, September 2, 2007
Jesus said: “My people, I have sent My apostles out to convert all nations and to build up My Church. Whenever you build a new church, you are providing a home for My faithful to share My abode in My Real Presence in My tabernacle. In the opposite way every time that you close a church, you have one less opportunity for graces and My sacraments. It is more important to continue to build up My Church by reaching out to convert souls to understanding the faith. I call everyone to keep close to Me and give glory and praise to Me every Sunday at Mass and in daily prayer. I give you all many gifts in this life, especially time and your talents. You can give Me thanks for these gifts at least once on Sunday for an hour. This is My Commandment that you keep Sunday holy by attending Mass and sharing in Holy Communion worthily without mortal sin. Those, who refuse to give Me worship on Sunday, will have to answer for their actions at their judgment. Encourage your friends and relatives to see the need for My love and graces by attending Sunday Mass. Do not turn your back on Me, but love Me and your neighbor.”