Sunday, November 12, 2017
Sunday, November 12, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I instituted the sacrament of Baptism so people could enter into My Church, and so everyone could be cleansed of the original sin of Adam and Eve. You had a flashback of when you took a trip to Israel, and you went to the Jordan River where St. John the Baptist had baptized people. Your vision of St. John the Baptist baptizing Me is one of the few times in Scripture when the Holy Trinity was present. You saw Me in the water, a Dove representing the Holy Spirit in the air, and God the Father said: ‘This is My Beloved Son, listen to Him.’ This is why you recite the Sign of the Cross when you are baptizing someone. It is the gift of Baptism that calls you to convert souls to the faith so they can be saved from hell. Your soul is pure and clean after your Baptism. You renew this pure soul at every Confession, when your sins are cleansed by the absolution of My priest sons. You can be baptized at any age, and all the saints and angels rejoice over one soul who repents, and is converted to faith in Me. Rejoice at receiving any sacrament, because you have My grace shining in your soul. By keeping close to Me in frequent Confession and Holy Communion, you are on a path to My eternal Presence in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you have the priest for Mass, he brings Me to you in My Blessed Sacrament in Holy Communion. I am the center of your life in your prayer communication with Me. You look forward to receiving Me at daily Mass, and I come into your soul and heart for an intimate union to share My love with you. You have read from St. John the apostle in his Gospel in the sixth chapter: ‘Unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has life everlasting, and I will raise him up on the last day.’ (Jn 6:54,55) When you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, this is a unique sacrament when you have My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. Not everyone believes in My Real Presence, so I have allowed Eucharistic miracles for people to see My physical Body and Blood on the Host. At Lanciano, Italy you saw such a miracle where the Host was changed into the myocardial tissue of the heart without any rigor mortis. You saw the wine changed into My Blood that was even analyzed as AB blood type. These miracles were to help non-believers believe that I am truly Present in My Eucharist. Those faithful, who love Me so much, not only seek Me at Mass, but they long to take time to adore Me at Adoration of My Host in the monstrance, or in My tabernacle. My adorers are My special lovers who hold Me close in all of their activities. I love everyone as My created souls, but those people, who show Me such love, are My favorite souls who will have a special place in heaven. Keep close to Me in your prayers and daily Mass,and I will be blessing you in all that you do each day.”