Sunday, June 25, 2023

Sunday, June 25, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a large earthquake along the San Andreas fault could cause a lot of damage, and it could even trigger an eruption in Yellowstone.  This will happen, but not right away.  Be prepared to come to My refuges, if it causes problems getting food and water.  You have been seeing smaller earthquakes, but as you get ready for the end times, such disasters will get worse.  Pray for My protection from violent storms and earthquakes.  This is a warning to be ready for some serious events both from nature and your leaders.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am warning My faithful to be prepared for any possible food shortage.  All you need for a food shortage, is to have one bad growing season for your farmers.  I am reminding you again to have at least three months of food in storage for each member of your household.  If you see such a shortage, you may have to come to My refuges for protection from those people with guns who will be pillaging for food.  You may also have a food shortage if you need the mark of the beast to buy any food.  Trust in Me and My angels at My refuges if your lives are in danger.  Be ready to leave for My refuges with your backpacks or suitcases.  By always being ready to leave, you will see why I am preparing you for bad times that are coming.”