Sunday, July 28, 2019
Sunday, July 28, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you have several spots of conventional wars that could break out at any time, especially with Iran harassing the oil tankers. Pray that any such skirmishes do not break out into more serious conflicts. Later on, you are seeing a war with nuclear weapons. Before such a war, I will call My people to the protection of My refuges. If your initial war starts in the Middle East, you could see a disruption in oil deliveries that could upset some economies and your world finances. Keep praying for peace, but be prepared for a war that America could be drawn into.”
Jesus said: “My people, many people use their television for recreation and news, and when their signal or TV is not working, it becomes an inconvenience for your pleasures. Then when all the lights go out, you need to find a source of light at night as you did last week. It is good to have a wind-up flashlight handy to find your lanterns for light. You have been seeing several power outages from your hot weather and the air conditioners. This blackout is another sign of how vulnerable your electric grid is to various ways of losing power. The most damaging effect would be an EMP attack on your electric grid. This would stop your vehicles, your banks, and it would be hard to get your grid working again. This is why I want My people to have backup electric sources as your solar system and batteries, or at least some sources of light at night. If your power is out for an extended length of time, I will call My people to come to My refuges for lights, food, water, and fuels which My angels could multiply. Fear not the coming tribulation, for your guardian angels will lead you to the nearest refuge. You will be healed of your ills when you look upon My luminous cross. I will protect My faithful from the evil ones, and you will even be protected from My Comet of Chastisement. So do not worry where you will go, because My angel will lead you to a safe place nearby.”